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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

The Last Choice / Brain Supplements for a Mental Edge / School Calendar 2020-21

Silhouette of Tree Near Body of Water during Golden Hour

you go outside

and close your eyes
and listen,

really listen to every sound,
your Soul will feel
and you will cry.

You precious Heart
will slow down,
and tears
will be found,
as they stream down.

The path to knowing,
what needs to be known,
leads through the Natural World

and beyond.

The Abyss
that lies between
what we know,
or think we know,
and what is truly possible in this Life,
can only be crossed
by a leap of

Girl, Red Hair, Freckles, Portrait

Our Trust in God,
is the Last Choice

we must make,
before we arrive
at the endless possibilities
of Love, 
and of Truth.

The Holy Spirit
can take form
in the sounds
of your precious Heart
the beautiful birds
in unbelievably Beautiful skies,

in the leaves dancing for Joy
in the gentle wind.

Brown Hummingbird Selective Focus Photography The sounds
only found
in Nature,
are like standing
with your arms outstretched,
looking up and into the Face of God,
while His Love
is showering down upon you,
like warm rain,
refreshing and soothing,
cleansing and Healing.

Freedom, Girl, Dress, Hands Up, Blonde

So moved
can you become,
by resolute, strong Faith
in the Love of God
you find
all around,
that the veil between Earth and Paradise
can be parted,
and you realize how small you are,
and how very deeply
you are Loved.

My Dear Parents,
for the Children of the future
the road is not going to be easy.
They will need
our thoughtful guidance,
and our Prayer.

We pitiful and often pitiless Humans,
have created a World
highly destructive to ourselves.
Simple answers
are seemingly
no longer available.

Lady in Beach Silhouette during Daytime Photography

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his World
serious harm.”
Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy

The clash
between the values we have cherished,
and a mindless Tomorrow,
is becoming the core
of our future.
Our focus upon,
and surrender to
is blurring our vision
of Tomorrow.
The line between sanity and insanity
may not be clearly viewed
one day,
how that line
easily blurs
for our fragile
and precious

a microchip implant that fits IN the skull
has been developed.
It is a device the size of a coin
that is inserted into the skull
with a series of metallic filaments
that are inserted into the brain.

The dangers of these implants
are well known and widely documented.
such technology needs to come with
a stern warning to all Humanity
about the potential dangers
to something called our FREEDOM,
and our safety
and our Society.

This technology
may be the ultimate danger
to Humankind.

From gloria.tv comes this warning:

“Here is another problem: we received a really CAPITAL information: RFID CHIP IMPLANTS ARE CANCEROUS! This was discovered through several academic studies lead on laboratory animals. These animals (rats, mice and dogs) had developed malignant tumors at the very location of the implant and around the chip itself, and most of these animals died from those tumors! The American organization CASPIAN has published a 52 pages report on these academic studies with lab animals. This report proves that the cancerous property of RFID chip implants is a fact and a reality. The report can be read and downloaded at www.antichips.com/cancer/albrecht-microc….
Given the content of that report, CASPIAN called for a complete abandon of RFID chip implants for humans and for the suppression of the mandatory chipping of animals and pets! We even know the reason why those implants are cancerous: radiofrequency waves, that are used in ANY RFID DEVICE, break DNA strands within the cells, allowing a mutation of the cells and the development of tumors.”

.click here to read more
Symmetrical Photography of Clouds Covered Blue SkyDear Friends,
pour out your Heart

to God,
and ask Him
to lift your Spirit.

All of us,
with the help of our Lord,
can feel as if
all the things weighing us down
have been lifted,
and our Soul
is now free,
free to truly Love Life
and spread our Joy
all around.

To reflect
upon the passion,
the struggle,
and the relentless hardships
of Life and Living,

is the pursuit
of Wisdom.

Illustration of Moon Showing during Sunset

is that which aspires to bring
to our Lives.
And Beauty,
in all its forms,
is a masterpiece for Humanity,
and a Glorification
from Above.

fulfills our very Human need.
 And Love
  we don’t really pay attention to much anymore.
we need the Beauty of Love
in Life
that touches our Soul,
and makes Life
worth Living.

Person Holding a Sticky Note

we can feel overwhelmed by the complexity
and the Miraculous Nature
of Human Beings.

I have been witness
to precious Lives
that became the saddest
piece of Music ever written.

But no matter how far apart
we are from each other,
in any form
or matter,
we can Love
one another.

is the only possible way
to GOD.
And Hate,
is the path
to Hell.

Waterfalls during Sunset

All of us
yearn for the splendor,
and the Beauty,
that dwells deep within
buried deep
in our Hearts.
we can accept

that we are capable
of Mystical and Spiritual Beauty
in our Dreams,
in our thoughts,
in what we do,

and in our Prayers.

 The duality,
that is the Human condition
we need to recognize.
The Future
is filled with Promise
 or failure,
Peace or agony,
just Life
or a Beautiful Existence.

Silhouette of Man Raising Hands Against a Red Sunset Light Under Green Clouds

Life is just too short.
Be Happy,
and be at Peace with

Forged in every breast
is a Soul
beyond the ribs of death.

“One short sleep past,
we wake eternally”.

The most melifluous and transending Music,
found only in Nature,
that I have ever heard,
will get you closer
to God.

This trying Time
can make us better
not bitter,
and more Loving.

Every moment is a Gift.
Get into the moment,
and do all you can
listen to it.


Photo Of Mountain Under Cloudy Sky

We must enjoy Life,
from every point of view.
Life can become
pure art.
The Music of Nature
opens the eyes to new promises
and all the Wonders of Life.
Close Photography of Red and Pink Rose
“We were a family.
How’d it break up and come apart,
so that now we’re turned against each other?
Each standing in the other’s light.
How’d we lose that good that was given us?
Let it slip away. Scattered it, careless.
What’s keeping us from reaching out,
touching the Glory?”
James Jones

Houses Near Body of Water

“Let’s invite one another in.
Maybe then we can begin to fear less,
to make fewer wrong assumptions,
to let go of the biases and stereotypes that unnecessarily divide us. Maybe we can better embrace the ways we are the same.
It’s not about being perfect.
It’s not about where you get yourself in the end.
There’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard,
in owning your unique story,
in using your authentic voice.
And there’s Grace in being willing to know and hear others.
This, for me,
is how we become.”

– James Jones

Brown and Green Grass Field during Sunset

Top 15 Brain Supplements for a Mental Edge

Edited and medically reviewed by Patrick Alban, DC |
Written by Deane Alban
➤ Balanced information, research-based

Learn about the top brain supplements that can improve memory, mood, and productivity and protect against mental decline, depression, anxiety, and dementia.

Table of Contents

1. Citicoline: Potent Brain Protector
2. Curcumin: Nutritional “Gold” for Your Brain
3. Acetyl-l-Carnitine: For More Mental Energy
4. Bacopa: For Balanced Brain Chemistry
5. American Ginseng: Best-in-Class Brain Booster
6. Alpha-GPC: Top Memory Enhancer
7. Lion’s Mane: A “Smart” Mushroom
8. Magnesium L-Threonate: Patented Brain Mineral
9. Tryptophan: Proven Mood Booster
10. Vinpocetine: A Natural “Smart Drug”
11. Huperzine A: Powerful Memory Remedy
12. Ginkgo: Timeless Brain Tonic
13. DHA: Critical Brain Cell Building Block
14. Phosphatidylserine: Versatile Brain Enhancer
15. L-Theanine: Meditation in a Cup or Capsule

bottles of supplement pills

Research has shown that taking the right supplements can help your brain health and fitness.

But picking the right one(s) for you can be a challenge.

There are literally hundreds of individual supplement ingredients to choose from — vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and phytonutrients — and thousands of combinations of ingredients.

So how do you choose?

Finding the best supplement largely depends on the results you are looking for.

Are you looking to increase your attention and concentration?

Is your biggest concern reversing memory loss or preventing age-related mental decline?

Or are you feeling stressed out, depressed, or anxious?
How To Get the Most From This Guide

In this guide, you’ll find the overall best brain supplements — those proven to be safe and effective, and those that cover a wide variety of needs.

We’ll examine the unique properties of each, and include recommended dosages and side effects or interactions, so that you can make an informed decision.

Keep in mind that almost all of these supplements have multiple brain health benefits, not just the one shown in the section header.

So read the whole section for each supplement.

To get more in-depth information, read the related articles within each section.

Also, when you look to buy, you will find a lot of choices.

We urge you to read our guide on how to choose a good supplement.
1. Citicoline: Potent Brain Protector

Citicoline is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of your body.

It’s less widely known that many other brain supplements that made this list, yet it’s one of the best brain boosters available.

Citicoline helps build healthy brain cell membranes.

It improves blood flow to the brain and also brain plasticity, your brain’s ability to change throughout your lifetime.

It increases brain energy by firing up your mitochondria, the powerhouse of each cell.

Citicoline reduces the harmful effects of free radical damage and inflammation, two major causes of brain aging.

It raises levels of two important neurotransmitters, acetylcholine and dopamine.

Acetylcholine is the primary brain chemical involved with memory and learning.

Low acetylcholine is implicated in serious neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, and multiple sclerosis.

Dopamine is linked to motivation, productivity, mood, and your “pleasure-reward” system.

Citicoline supplements can significantly improve memory, concentration, focus, and attention.

Doctors throughout Europe prescribe citicoline for serious neurological disorders such as age-related memory loss, stroke, brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s.

Citicoline is sometimes sold as a single-ingredient supplement, but is often included in nootropic brain supplement formulas.

One study comparing citicoline to several popular nootropics concluded that it improved memory and cognition as well as the study drug piracetam.

Consider citicoline if you take any medications that are anticholinergic, those that work by blocking the action of acetylcholine.

A surprising number of drugs, both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC), fall into this category.

A good rule of thumb is that any medication whose name starts with “anti” is likely to lower your acetylcholine level.

This includes antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antispasmodics, and antihypertensives.
Citicoline Dosage

A typical dose of citicoline is 250 to 1,000 mg, twice a day, for a total intake of 500 to 2,000 mg.

A daily dose of 1,000 to 2,000 mg is recommended to support thinking skills.

Citicoline: An Impressive Brain Protector and Enhancer

When looking for a citicoline supplement, you are likely to come across CDP-choline (cytidine 5′-diphosphocholine).

This is simply another name for citicoline; these are two names for the same compound.

You may also see the brand name Cognizin.

This is a highly bioavailable form of citicoline that’s got research to back up its claims as a cognitive enhancer.
Citicoline Side Effects and Warnings

Side effects of citicoline include insomnia, headache, diarrhea, low or high blood pressure, nausea, blurred vision, and chest pains

Do not mix citicoline with levodopa, a medication used to treat Parkinson’s disease, without talking to your doctor.

Citicoline can amplify this drug’s effectiveness which may require a change in its dosage.
2. Curcumin: Nutritional “Gold” for Your Brain

Curcumin is the main bioactive compound in the Indian spice turmeric (Curcuma longa).

It’s responsible for turmeric’s brilliant gold color and most of its health benefits.
curcumin supplements and turmeric powder
Curcumin powder and capsules.

Curcumin protects your brain in an impressive number of ways.

It increases levels of dopamine and serotonin,
the “happiness brain chemical.”

In fact, curcumin is as effective for depression as the popular antidepressant Prozac.

It increases blood flow to the brain as effectively as physical exercise.

Curcumin reduces the compulsiveness and associated memory loss of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

Impressively, curcumin was found to improve both memory and attention in healthy seniors within an hour after taking a single dose!

These study participants additionally showed significant improvements in working memory, energy, mood, and stress after taking curcumin for one month.

Curcumin’s potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce brain inflammation and break up brain plaques associated with Alzheimer’s.

Seniors in India who consume turmeric as a regular part of their diet have some of the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s in the world.
Curcumin and Turmeric Dosages

You can get your curcumin from either curcumin or turmeric supplements.

A typical turmeric dosage is 500 mg, one to three times per day.

The recommended daily dose of curcumin is 80 mg to 500 mg, provided that the supplement manufacturer has taken steps to enhance bioavailability.
The Impressive Brain Benefits of Curcumin Supplements

Curcumin supplements are poorly absorbed, but there are measures that overcome this problem.

The addition of piperine, a compound found in black pepper, is one of the most common ways to enhance bioavailability.

Its addition can increase curcumin absorption by a remarkable 2,000%.
Curcumin and Turmeric Side Effects and Warnings

Turmeric consumed as a spice in food is very safe.

Turmeric supplements can cause nausea and diarrhea, especially in high doses.

Both turmeric and curcumin supplements have quite a number of possible side effects, interactions, and warnings.

These supplements can interact with medicines like aspirin, NSAID painkillers, statins, diabetes drugs, blood pressure medicines, and blood thinners.

They may also interact with natural supplements with blood-thinning properties such as ginkgo, ginseng, and garlic.

The piperine often added to turmeric and curcumin supplements can also increase the side effects of a number of drugs.

However, you can increase the bioavailability of curcumin and turmeric supplements by taking them with phosphatidylserine instead.

If you take any medications, check for possible interactions between them and turmeric or curcumin with a reputable online interaction checker.


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Dr. Pat | Be Brain Fit
 Acetyl-l-Carnitine: For More Mental Energy

Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR) is an amino acid that increases both mental and physical energy.

It acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting your brain from free radical damage.

ALCAR is a precursor of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter of memory and learning.

It also increases the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, both of which play a role in depression.

In fact, acetyl-l-carnitine is a fast-acting antidepressant that usually brings some relief within a week.

It improves mental clarity, focus, mood, processing speed, and memory and has strong anti-aging effects on the brain.

It can be a helpful adjunct for chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.

One study found that acetyl-l-carnitine stabilizes the proteins which produce the neurofibrillary tangles found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.

It increases the insulin sensitivity of brain cells to help them utilize blood glucose, the brain’s main fuel source.

There’s evidence that it may prevent brain damage from excessive alcohol intake.


The generally recommended dose range is from 630 to 2,500 mg per day to up to 4,000 mg for treating Alzheimer’s patients.

20 Memory Supplements That Really Work

When buying a brain supplement, look for acetyl-l-carnitine rather than l-carnitine.

ALCAR is a form of l-carnitine that more readily crosses into the brain to better support cognitive function.
Acetyl-l-Carnitine Side Effects and Warnings

Acetyl-l-carnitine is generally considered safe but there are a few side effects, mainly digestive upset, restlessness, or a fishy body odor.

If you take a blood thinner such as coumadin, avoid taking ALCAR as it can increase the drug’s blood-thinning effects.

There’s some concern that acetyl-l-carnitine interferes with thyroid hormone, so discuss this with your doctor if you have low thyroid function. 

Bacopa: For Balanced Brain Chemistry

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal remedy.

Its use as a nerve and brain tonic for improving memory, learning, and concentration dates back at least 3,000 years.
bacopa monnieri
Bacopa monnieri flowers.

According to legend, it was used by ancient scholars to help them memorize lengthy hymns and scriptures.

It increases cerebral blood flow, delivering more oxygen, nutrients, and glucose to the brain.

When tested against two very different kinds of cognitive enhancers — the ancient herbal remedy ginseng and the popular smart drug Modafinil — bacopa came out on top.

Bacopa is among the handful of herbs considered adaptogenic.

Adaptogens have the ability to lower stress and increase energy without being either sedating or stimulating.

In this way, adaptogens act like a thermostat that keeps you in an emotional comfort zone.

Bacopa works, in part, by balancing the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and GABA, while reducing the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

It’s this ability to restore balance that makes bacopa an excellent choice if you are looking for a natural cognitive-enhancing supplement that also alleviates stress, anxiety, or depression.
Bacopa Dosage

So far, about a dozen bioactive compounds have been found in bacopa, the most important being bacopaside A and bacopaside B.

Look for a supplement with a standardized content of 55% bacopasides.
Read more —
Bacopa Benefits: 12 Reasons It’s Good for Your Brain

A typical dose is 300 mg of bacopa per day.

One brand of bacopa that has studies to support its use as a cognitive enhancer is KeenMind.
Bacopa Side Effects and Warnings

Bacopa is considered very safe, safe enough to give to children. (51)

Side effects of bacopa are rare, but the most common ones are dry mouth and digestive upset.

These can largely be avoided by taking it along with meals. (52)

Traditionally, bacopa is administered as a food that is cooked with ghee (clarified butter).

Bacopa should not be combined with antihistamines, antidepressants, glaucoma medications, drugs taken for Alzheimer’s, or thyroid hormones.

American Ginseng: Best-in-Class Brain Booster

Ginseng may be a classical Asian herb, but American ginseng is now considered the best in the world.

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) belongs to the same genus as Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), but is a unique species.
ginseng root in a bowl
Ginseng root.

In an ironic twist, the Chinese now prefer American ginseng for its superior quality and ability to upgrade brain function.

American ginseng is mostly cultivated in Wisconsin and Canada, where growing conditions are ideal for encouraging a higher concentration of ginseng’s active ingredients, ginsenosides.

Cereboost is a patent-pending extract derived from American ginseng with clinical studies to support its effectiveness as a cognitive enhancer.

Study participants given a mental aptitude test after ingesting Cereboost performed significantly better.

It worked quickly to improve memory, mental clarity, and sharpness within just a few hours after taking a single dose. (57)

Cereboost is neuroprotective and increases acetylcholine levels. (58)

American ginseng is a better choice than Asian ginseng if you tend towards anxiety since it is less stimulating.

Like bacopa, American ginseng acts as an adaptogen, promoting physical strength and mental energy while dialing down the damaging effects of stress.

It also reduces postprandial hypoglycemia, a common underlying cause of anxiety.

American Ginseng Dosage

Standard doses have not been established, but a typical dose of American ginseng is 100 to 200 mg daily. (61)

Brain supplements that contain Cereboost usually contain 200 mg of American ginseng.

8 Ways Ginseng Works for Memory and Brain Health

American ginseng supplements are available as capsules, tablets, powders, and liquid extracts.

You can also buy tea bags, loose bulk tea, and dried roots that are used to make tea or are added to cooked foods.
American Ginseng Side Effects and Interactions

American ginseng can cause some side effects such as diarrhea, itching, insomnia, headache, and nervousness.

Since its ginsenosides can act like estrogen, do not take American ginseng if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a hormone-sensitive cancer.

Discuss taking American ginseng with your doctor if you take an MAOI antidepressant, diabetic medication, or immune suppressant since it can affect the effectiveness of these drugs.
man unable to focus on work


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REVIEW: Why I recommend Focus@Will to boost focus and productivity.

Dr. Pat | Be Brain Fit
Alpha-GPC: Top Memory Enhancer

Alpha-GPC (alpha-glycerophosphocholine) is a synthetic form of choline.

Choline is an essential nutrient for brain development, healthy brain cells, and neurotransmitter formation.

It is a precursor of acetylcholine, the brain chemical of learning and memory.

Unfortunately, choline supplements do not effectively enter the brain.

However, the alpha-GPC form quickly and efficiently moves choline into the brain where it’s used to form brain cell membranes and stimulate the growth of new brain cells.

Alpha-GPC also increases levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), the neurotransmitter associated with relaxation.

Signs of low GABA include being easily overstimulated, overwhelmed, and stressed out.

Alpha-GPC studies show that it consistently improves memory and attention span in people of all ages, while warding off age-related mental decline.

Alpha-GPC is sold as a memory supplement throughout much of the world.

In Europe, it is used as a prescription medication for Alzheimer’s, helping to increase acetylcholine levels.

Alzheimer’s patients’ have low levels of acetylcholine along with fewer acetycholine receptors.

It can also help the brain recover after a stroke, injury, or transient ischemic attack.
Alpha-GPC Dosage

A typical dose of alpha-GPC is 300 to 600 mg, but the ideal standard dose is yet to be determined.

In almost all studies on mental decline, participants were given 400 mg, three times a day.

Balancing Neurotransmitters to Take Control of Your Life
Alpha-GPC Side Effects and Warnings

Alpha-GPC is generally considered safe, but possible side effects include headache, insomnia, dizziness, mental confusion, heartburn, and skin rash.

Alpha-GPC supplements are derived from either soy or eggs, two of the most common food allergens, so be mindful if you have a known food allergy.

The only known drug interaction is with scopolamine, a drug often used for motion sickness and nausea following surgery.
 Lion’s Mane: A “Smart” Mushroom

Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus), also known as yamabushitake, is an edible mushroom native to parts of Asia, North America, and Europe.

It’s been used medicinally and as a culinary delicacy for thousands of years.
lion’s mane mushroom growing on a log
Lion’s mane mushroom.

Now it’s sold as a brain supplement.

It’s been said that lion’s mane can impart
“nerves of steel and the memory of a lion.”

World-renowned fungi expert Paul Stamets calls it the
“first smart mushroom.”

Lion’s mane is a popular nootropic — a substance that improves mental functions such as memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration — while simultaneously making your brain healthier.

It excels at improving cognitive function and treating neurological disorders.

Lion’s mane contains two unique groups of compounds, hericenones and erinacines, that stimulate the formation of nerve growth factor (NGF).

NGF is a protein that is crucial to the growth and maintenance of certain types of neurons.

Lion’s mane can also be helpful for anxiety, depression, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
Lion’s Mane Dosage

Optimal dosages have not yet been established, but a typical dose of lion’s mane extract is 1,000 mg taken three times a day.

In one study, seniors with mild cognitive impairment, which can be a precursor to dementia, experienced significant cognitive improvement taking 3,000 mg of lion’s mane powder daily.

How Lion’s Mane Mushroom Benefits Your Brain

Lion’s mane is available in capsules, powder, liquid tincture, or tea.

You may even find it fresh in Asian or gourmet food stores.
Lion’s Mane Side Effects and Interactions

Lion’s mane is extremely safe.

The only known side effect is itchy skin which is believed to be caused by the increase in nerve growth factor.


 Magnesium L-Threonate: Patented Brain Mineral

Magnesium is an essential dietary mineral that is required for over 600 metabolic functions.

Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is the second most common nutritional deficiency in developed countries.

Signs of magnesium deficiency include brain fog, lack of focus, inability to handle stress, insomnia, caffeine addiction, and generally feeling tired but wired.

Magnesium supplementation has proven beneficial for numerous mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

There are many forms of magnesium to choose from, but only magnesium l-threonate readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Its unique ability to permeate brain cell membranes and elevate magnesium concentrations in the brain makes it an excellent choice for improving memory, attention, depression, and anxiety.

Look for supplements that contain Magtein, a patented brand of magnesium l-threonate that’s a proven cognitive enhancer.
Magnesium Dosage

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is generally 420 mg for men and 320 mg for women, but that can vary slightly depending on age.

The manfacturer of Magtein suggests taking 1,000 mg twice a day for optimal cognitive benefits.

Magnesium L-Threonate: Breakthrough Brain Supplement

This dose isn’t as high as it sounds, since only a fraction of Magtein is elemental magnesium, the amount of pure magnesium available in a supplement.

According to the Original Formula Magtein label, 2,000 mg of magnesium l-threonate yields just 144 mg of elemental magnesium.
Magnesium Side Effects and Interactions

Magnesium can cause digestive upset and loose stools, particularly if you take too much or take inexpensive forms of magnesium such as magnesium oxide or magnesium sulfate.

You should not take these anyway since they are the least bioavailable forms of magnesium.

Magnesium sulfate, the kind found in Epsom salts, can cause dramatic diarrhea and disrupt your electrolyte balance, leading to a potentially serious condition known as hypermagnesemia.

There are currently 32 official FDA reports of magnesium sulfate triggering brain fog, short-term memory loss, amnesia, blackouts, and other kinds of mental distress.

The only reported side effects of magnesium l-threonate are headaches and drowsiness the first week or so.

Discuss taking magnesium with your doctor if you take antibiotics, high blood pressure medications, osteoporosis medications, or muscle relaxants.

Magnesium can affect the effectiveness of these drugs.
woman under stress


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Dr. Pat | Be Brain Fit
Tryptophan: Proven Mood Booster

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that’s a precursor to serotonin.

Serotonin plays a large role in mood, sleep, learning, and appetite control.

A low serotonin level is widely believed to be a major cause of depression.

The most popular antidepressant medications like Prozac and Zoloft are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), thought to work by making more serotonin available in the brain.

You can increase serotonin levels naturally by providing more of its building blocks in the form of tryptophan.

By increasing serotonin levels, tryptophan can improve the quality of life for those with a wide variety of brain-related and mental health issues.

Studies have found tryptophan to be as effective for depression as antidepressant drugs.

Tryptophan has been found useful for reducing general anxiety, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and seasonal affective disorder.

Low levels of tryptophan are associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Children with ADHD have 50% lower than average blood levels of tryptophan.

Low tryptophan has also been linked to memory loss and other measures of cognitive impairment.

Tryptophan Dosage

There is no official recommended dosage for tryptophan and suggested doses vary widely.

As little as 250 mg has been found to improve the quality of sleep.

Use Tryptophan to Boost Serotonin for Better Mental Health

On the other hand, up to 12 grams per day has been suggested for depression.

Most supplement manufacturers suggest a daily dose of
1,000 to 1,500 mg.

We suggest starting with 500 mg a day, then working up to a higher dose.
Tryptophan Side Effects and Interactions

The most common tryptophan side effects are digestive upset, loss of appetite, headache, and drowsiness.

Tryptophan should not be taken with SSRI antidepressants.

When taken together, they can cause a potentially serious condition known as serotonin syndrome.

Tryptophan should also not be taken with drugs with a sedating effect such as Ambien, Ativan, Valium, and Ultram.
Vinpocetine: A Natural “Smart Drug”

Vinpocetine is a relatively new brain booster that blurs the line between brain supplement and smart drug.

It’s based on vincamine, a chemical found in periwinkle (Vinca minor).
periwinkle flowers
Periwinkle, source of vincamine.

This flowering vine has been used since medieval times to treat headaches, memory loss, and vertigo.

Vinpocetine supplements are usually taken to improve memory, overcome brain fog, increase mental clarity, protect the brain against aging, and promote overall mental well-being.

It rapidly enters the brain to increase blood flow, decrease brain inflammation, protect against free radical damage, and balance neurotransmitter levels.

Its ability to protect the brain from degeneration makes it a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Vinpocetine can help to prevent the short-term memory loss that often accompanies benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drugs.

It improves the brain’s ability to use glucose, its main source of energy, after a stroke.

In some parts of the world, vinpocetine is available by prescription only.

Here in the US, it’s available as a brain supplement, at least for now.

The FDA has initiated proceedings to take vinpocetine off the shelves, not because there have been any safety issues, but because they believe it should be classified as a drug and not a supplement.

While studies show that vinpocetine looks like a promising treatment for mental decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s, there’s not a lot of research yet to back up claims that it makes cognitively healthy adults smarter.
Vinpocetine Dosage

Most clinical studies on vinpocetine have used a dose of 10 mg, three times daily.

A good place to start is to take 5 mg with each meal.

Cognitive Enhancers Compared:
Brain Supplements, Smart Drugs & Nootropics

Then you can work up to as high as 20 mg with each meal for maximum neuroprotective benefits.

Avoid taking vinpocetine on an empty stomach since it’s absorbed up to 100% better with food.
Vinpocetine Side Effects and Warnings

Vinpocetine is generally considered safe with few side effects.

Potential side effects include digestive upset, insomnia, headache, dizziness, nervousness, skin rash, and flushing.

However, it’s advised that you avoid vinpocetine if you take a blood thinner like warfarin (Coumadin) or any over-the-counter medications that can interfere with clotting such as ibuprofen or naproxen.
Huperzine A: Powerful Memory Remedy

Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata) is a small plant native to parts of Asia that’s a traditional Chinese treatment for improving memory and circulation and reducing inflammation.

The main active compound in Chinese club moss is an alkaloid called huperzine A.
chinese club moss
Chinese club moss, source of huperzine A.

Huperzine A works mainly by raising acetylcholine levels, a neurotransmitter involved with learning, memory, sleep cycle regulation, and other brain functions.

Huperzine A works by the same mechanism as the popular Alzheimer’s drug Aricept.

They both work by inhibiting an enzyme (acetylcholinesterase) that deactivates acetylcholine.
Read more —
How Acetylcholine Deficiency Impacts Memory

Huperzine A shows promise for delaying symptoms of Alzheimer’s, especially in the early stages.

It protects the patient’s brain against free radical damage and environmental toxins while promoting new brain cell generation.

Huperzine A is so powerful that it’s been given the status of an approved drug for treating vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s in China.
Huperzine A Dosage

The general recommended dosage is 50 to 200 mcg twice daily and can be taken on an empty stomach.
Huperzine A Side Effects and Warnings

Although huperzine A is a naturally occurring compound, it’s not without side effects.

Reported side effects are significant and include insomnia, anxiety, nausea, diarrhea, blurred vision, slurred speech, restlessness, anorexia, muscle twitching, cramps, incontinence, high blood pressure, and slowed heart rate.

Huperzine A does not mix well with antihistamines, antidepressants, the Alzheimer’s drug Aricept, or the motion sickness drug scopolamine. 

Ginkgo: Timeless Brain Tonic

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) is one of the most widely used natural remedies in the world.

It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine.
ginkgo leaves and pills and mortar and pestle
Ginkgo leaves and supplement tablets.

Ginkgo increases circulation to the brain, balances brain chemistry, and protects the brain from free radical damage.

It’s considered so effective that it’s sometimes prescribed as a medication in Europe.

But not all of ginkgo’s reported benefits have held up to the latest scientific scrutiny.

Unexpectedly, two major studies concluded that ginkgo does not improve memory or other cognitive functions in healthy adults.

But this does not make ginkgo useless as a brain supplement.

And, of course, you may decide that its long history of use outweighs the latest scientific findings.

Ginkgo has been proven beneficial for treating stress and anxiety by lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

It reliably improves short-term memory in seniors.
Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba for Memory & More

Ginkgo reduces ADHD symptoms in children and teens, but not as effectively as the ADHD drug Ritalin.

It can increase the turnover of both serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters linked to depression.

And lastly, for those diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, ginkgo shows promise for improving memory and day-to-day quality of life.
Ginkgo Dosage

A typical ginkgo dose is 40 to 120 mg, three times a day.

Start with a low dose and take with meals to avoid gastrointestinal distress.
Ginkgo Side Effects and Warnings

Known ginkgo side effects include digestive upset, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, and restlessness.

Ginkgo should not be taken with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants such as Prozac or Zoloft, since together they can cause serotonin syndrome.

Ginkgo reacts badly with a slew of medications.

Drugs.com lists over 250 of them.

If you take any medications, talk to your doctor or pharmacist, or visit Drugs.com to check for Ginkgo biloba drug interactions before taking this supplement.
DHA: Critical Brain Cell Building Block

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an omega-3 essential fatty acid that is not optional if you are seeking optimal brain performance.

Omega-3 deficiency is widespread, linked to dozens of diseases, and contributes to 96,000 preventable deaths per year.
fish oil capsules
Capsules of fish oil, a source of DHA.

Omega-3 fats are so important to health that more than 36,000 studies have been published on their health benefits!

And of all the omega-3s, DHA is the most important one for your brain.

Omega-3 fats are harder to get from diet alone since few people regularly eat the main dietary sources — wild-caught, cold water, oily fish like salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines.

DHA is a major building block of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain where higher level functions occur.

It also plays an important role in brain cell communication.

Low DHA levels have been linked to depression, ADHD, serious psychiatric disorders, and a measurable decrease in brain volume.

Memory loss, depression, mood swings, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and attention deficit disorder have all been found to improve with DHA supplementation.

Seniors with high levels of DHA have a significantly reduced risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.
DHA and Fish Oil Dosages

DHA is sometimes sold as a single-ingredient supplement, but most commonly it is included as a major component in fish oil or krill oil supplements.

Experts generally recommend 500 to 1000 mg of total omega-3s per day to maintain health and avoid deficiency, but therapeutic doses up to 3 grams are generally considered safe.

DHA Supplements: Why They’re Critical for Your Brain

A US National Institutes of Health workshop that included omega-3 experts from around the world determined that 220 mg of DHA is the minimum dose that should be taken for optimal health.

But it’s safe and often beneficial to take more — up to 1,000 mg per day.
DHA and Fish Oil Side Effects and Warnings

DHA is considered generally safe.

It may increase blood sugar in diabetics and lower blood pressure in those with hypertension which can alter your need for medication.

Fish oil can increase the risk of bleeding when taken with aspirin or blood thinners, but DHA alone does not seem to affect blood clotting.
Phosphatidylserine: Versatile Brain Enhancer

Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid naturally found in high concentrations in the brain.

It is also a popular brain supplement for boosting memory, cognition, concentration, and learning.

Phosphatidylserine is a major component of human brain cell membranes.

By supporting brain cell membrane integrity, PS helps to keep toxins, pathogens, and other unwanted invaders out of your brain.

It normalizes the level of the stress hormone cortisol to reduce the effects of stress.

Phosphatidylserine is safe and effective for brains of all ages.

It can significantly improve attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children.

It is the primary ingredient in Vayarin, a medical food prescribed for children with ADHD.

It is a favorite memory supplement used by students to perform better on their exams.

Phosphatidylserine is protective against mental decline, can improve mood, and can help with depression, especially in seniors.

Numerous studies conclude that phosphatidylserine may be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Notably, phosphatidylserine is the only brain supplement that’s received a qualified stamp of approval from the FDA for age-related cognitive decline and dementia in seniors.
Phosphatidylserine Dosage

The general recommended dose of phosphatidylserine is 100 mg, three times a day.

But doses of twice that, 600 mg per day, are considered safe.

6 Ways Phosphatidylserine Benefits Memory, Stress & Cognitive Decline

Phosphatidylserine is one of the few brain supplements with dosages determined for children.

A typical dose for children and young teens is 200 mg per day.
Phosphatidylserine Side Effects and Warnings

The most common side effects experienced with phosphatidylserine supplements are digestive upset and insomnia, particularly with high dosages.

Phosphatidylserine should be avoided if you take blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs.

It can decrease the effectiveness of antihistamines and antidepressants.

Do not take phosphatidylserine with drugs prescribed for Alzheimer’s, such as Aricept, Exelon, and Razadyne, without talking to your doctor.

Phosphatidylserine can alter these drugs’ effectiveness and magnify their side effects.

Phosphatidylserine supplements are almost always derived from soy.

If soy is a food you avoid, look for one extracted from sunflower oil instead.
15. L-Theanine: Meditation in a Cup or Capsule

L-theanine is an amino acid found in black and green teas (Camellia sinensis) that offers a truly unique set of brain benefits.

One of the ways it works is by altering your brainwave patterns.
pot of green tea
Green tea, a source of l-theanine.

L-theanine induces a desirable state of relaxed attentiveness similar to that achieved during meditation.

It sharpens focus, reduces stress, and imparts a sense of overall well-being.

L-theanine raises levels of several key neurotransmitters — serotonin, dopamine, and GABA — to promote recall, learning, motivation, and positive mood.

It makes you more resilient to stress and helps prevent anxiety.

It won’t make you drowsy, but can improve your quality of sleep.

L-theanine works synergistically with caffeine.

The combination of caffeine and l-theanine can help you perform mentally demanding tasks better than with caffeine alone.

And since l-theanine is relaxing, it won’t leave you edgy.

This unique caffeine-enhancing property makes l-theanine a popular supplement for those seeking optimal mental performance.

Some college students and biohackers use this caffeine-theanine combination in place of smart drugs.

L-theanine improves memory and cognition in seniors, even those diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.

It is neuroprotective against stroke, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.
L-Theanine Dosage

The general recommended dosage for l-theanine is 200 to 400 mg per day.

Some people experience noticeable benefits with as little as 50 mg and almost everyone experiences some degree of relaxation with a 400 mg dose.

A mix of l-theanine and caffeine is a popular nootropic “stack” for boosting mood, focus, concentration, and alertness.

One popular name brand of l-theanine is Suntheanine.

This is a patented brand of pure theanine often used in studies when a standardized formula is required.
L-Theanine Side Effects and Interactions

L-theanine supplements are considered very safe.

The few reported adverse reactions include headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal distress.

If you take high blood pressure medication, use l-theanine cautiously, since it can decrease your blood pressure and change your need for medication.

All essential vitamins and minerals play a vital role in brain function.

Some act as natural antidepressants or combat the effects of stress, while some are essential co-factors in neurotransmitter formation.

Many are antioxidants that protect the brain from the damaging effects of free radicals, inflammation, neurotoxins, and aging.

So before you start taking the brain supplements we’ve discussed here, make sure you’ve got your basic nutritional needs met.

It’s generally thought that vitamin deficiencies are a thing of the past, but that’s not true.

Up to 40% of Americans are deficient in vitamin B12,
77% in vitamin D, and 75% in the mineral magnesium.

Deficiencies in any of these can have a profound impact on your brain.

The Harvard School of Public Health advises all adults to take a multivitamin supplement as insurance to fill any nutritional gaps.

We think this is sound advice.

Pound for pound, your brain requires more nutrients than any other organ.

But processed food, factory farming practices, and the nutrient-draining stresses of modern life are just some of the factors that have created a perfect storm of sub-optimal nutrition.

Many studies confirm that taking just a multivitamin can improve memory and overall brain function while increasing longevity and reducing the risk of degenerative brain disease.

There are many reasons to take a brain supplement: to improve mood, memory, and concentration as well as to protect the brain against aging or to prevent or halt cognitive decline.

But there are endless substances and combinations to choose from.

Stick with supplements that are proven to work.

Recommended: Upgrading brain health is key to making your brain work better.

Mind Lab Pro is the brain supplement we recommend because, by boosting your brain health, it can help you:

Improve your mental clarity and focus.
Boost your memory and your ability to learn.
Increase your capacity to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions.

Scenic View of Rainforest

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

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the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

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Anderson Private School.


The Lighter Side of Life / We Are ALL a Modern Work of Art / Sept. 1 We Begin Again

Dedicated to my Wonderful Friend
Rev. Donald Graves
Tucson Center for Spiritual Living

Don and I grew up together
and had so very many
wonderful adventures in
Boy Scout Troop 17.
a Truly Wonderful

Thank You
for the Beautiful memories.
You are deeply admired
and Loved.


“You are the Beloved.
Be sure to treat yourself that way.”
– Rev. Donald Graves

I was recently joking around
with one of our very young students,
something I am wont to do,
(do frequently)
“Well, you know,
because I”m lazy, fat and ugly.”
At which point he looked intently into my eyes
and quietly said,
“Your not fat.”

I laughed so hard
I lost two pounds.

My Dear Friends,
we need to laugh
at the confusion that prevails
in Life
and in living.
It is hilarious!

“Eventually all things fall into place. 
Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment,
and know everything happens for a reason.” 

Albert Schweitzer

The illogical, superficial,
and unbelievable things we do,
collectively and as individuals
of unbelievable perfunctory indifference
toward the nature of our reality,
can be truly funny.

So why not enjoy it?

“Do not take Life too seriously.
You will never get out of it alive.”
Elbert Hubbard

According to Alison Bonds Shapiro,
one kind of humor is based on Love
celebrating the general Joy and goofiness
that comes with being Human.
This is laughing with someone.
read more

.Patrick Allmond tells us
that Children laugh on average 200 times a day
and adults only 26 times a day.
And he states, “How many times a day
do you experience the rich joy of laughter?
If we want to be happier, healthier, and more productive
we seriously need to make time to laugh.”
click here to read more

“Unless you change
and become like little children,
you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
(Matthew 18:3)

sun light passing through green leafed tree

                       Where is the average person?

If we can laugh at our mistakes,
and I do mean,
out loud,
we can, in a more positive manner,
effectively take some credit for them,
(here is where you take a bow)
and allow for them to become acceptable
lessons learned on this all too difficult
path of Life.

And you get three guesses
as to who made it so difficult,
and the first two
don’t count!

We are so perfectly and Beautifully
that the result is:
there is simply no one
we can call normal
or average.
(Thank God!)

is a setting
on a washing machine.”
author obviously not normal and unknown

silhouette photography of person

I counsel with others,
especially children,
to make at least one mistake
on purpose,

This creates a highly controlled
learning opportunity.
It admits to our Humanity.
It opens the window
of our awareness.

Children, of all ages,
view it as time for a
great practical joke.

It causes one to
pause to reflect upon
what is really going on.
And ultimately
we learn over the years,
not to take Life so seriously.
Supercilious serious attitudes
lead to stress, strokes,
and striking out.

The lighter side of Life
is also a great adventure
and a broad avenue of opportunity
that may lead to
being on Comedy Central,
finding a new friend,
falling deeply in Love,
or stumbling up to the Altar
and muttering, “I did”
instead of, “I do”.

boat on body of water near rock mountains

Creating us
proves to some of us
that God
has a sense of humor.

Perhaps the best indication
is that He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27),
and people are able to perceive
and express humor.

When you think of someone
who has a great sense of humor,
you will usually find this person laughs a lot.
Laughter and a good sense of humor go hand in hand.
And our ability to laugh
comes from God.
It is a great

Abraham Lincoln
used to quip that God had to have a sense of humor
to make us all as we are.

Our God has an absolutely delightful
sense of humor.

“He who sits in the Heavens laughs;
He holds them in derision.”
(Psalm 2:4).

My Dear Friends,
we almost always act like
we are going to survive
this very brief existence.
And the Truth is:
we are precariously
and very briefly perched
upon this Beautiful planet.


              It opens the window of our awareness.

Live in the moment.

One of my very favorite expressions is:

“Now remember,
We are just a nice normal family”.

You know,
I am always wondering,
where is this normal family?
Where is the average person?

Is Also a Dryer Setting.

We go through Life thinking
I am too short,
Too tall,
Too fat? Too whatever?
Ever get stuck
in a comparison cycle,
pursuing the

Yes we have!

My Friends,
I have news for you:
A NORMAL child
simply does not exist.
That is an illusion.
If not,
please introduce to me to one.
One will be sufficient!
(Now, don’t drag your child up here!
He or she will embarrass you
in a highly abnormal manner.)

“Only ONE person in 6,500
could be credited with achieving true
averageness in every measurable respect.
That person having molded himself into
the nicest, dullest and most proper
freak of normalcy”
for miles around.”

Guy Murchie

Our exceptionality is but one
of one of the things
that make us,
and our lives,
so very interesting
and very, very Beautiful.

We are all a
Modern work of art,
you know,
museum quality
and something
no one understands.


But can you imagine how dull,
how terminally boring
would Life be
surrounded by a plethora
of normal, average Human beings.
What would we ever talk about?

My Dear Friends,
stop worrying, wondering, and doubting.
Have Faith
that things will work out.
And if they don’t,
well, my fellow Humanoid,
You now have something to talk about,
something to laugh at
and something to think about.

“No one knows enough
to be a pessimist.”
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


                                 We all live for Love.

“A hundred years from now
it will not matter
what my bank account was,

the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove,
but the world may be different
because I was important
in the Life of a child.”
Forest E. Witcraft

The past,
if left undenied,
can become a thief.
Don’t let the past steal Today.
Today is your property,
your beautiful Gift from God.

You’ve got to Love this life.
If not,
you are probably
going to hate it.

And how do you Love it?

it’s actually quite simple:
quit thinking so much about it.
And stop thinking about yourself.
Think about someone else!
That’s called Love.
And when you Love others,
they Love you back.
And Life, my friend,
is good to Live

We all live
for Love.

And if you think deeply about it,
Love is the only thing
worth living for.

it is that simple.

go to bed
in a really dark bedroom.
Your body needs to produce
to fight cancer!
read more

And tomorrow,
wake up and do more good
than you ever thought possible
for someone else.
And tomorrow night,
you will sleep well,
and wake up the next day
deeply Loved
by someone else,

“We know
that for those who Love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called
according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28

turn out all the lights,
It needs to totally dark
when you are asleep
to prevent cancer.

Sleeping while exposed to light at night
causes a dramatic drop
in blood melatonin levels,
setting the stage
for growth and proliferation
of breast cancer cells
and other cancer cells.

I Love You.



                                    Anderson Private School
                                            School Calendar

Sept. 1                         First Day of Semester
Other days to be scheduled.
Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

How Far Do We Travel? / Eight Things Kids Need To Thrive / Friday: Montgomery Street Antique Mall 

with Love
and Admiration
to my wonderful Friend,
and the best Friend
to everyone he met:

Bob Puryear

Thank You

I know of no one
I admire more
than this Beautiful Soul.

You are truly admired.

You Life
is the Language
of God’s Love.

appreciates the Beautiful Life and Love
you have dedicated
to the precious Children
of this Earth.

We Love You.

Throughout our Journeys
of Life
and Love,
we wonder
as we wander,
how far
do we travel
to change the Life
we have lived?

May our errors
be quivered
like arrows?


With thoughts and deeds,
and words we weave
of nothing
but Love.

My Dear Friends,
our heavy heartaches
and pain,
may now be
blended into
precious cargo.

Our moments of
can be molded and shaped
into what it already is,
and what
it was always
meant to be.

of an Almighty God,
were created by Love,
to Love.

“Whoever does not Love
does not know God,
God is Love.”
1 John 4:8

There is nothing
to fear,
when your Heart
is near,
to Loving thoughts
and deeds
and dreams.
The Human Heart
is a vast and deep
of wants and desires
and dreams of needs.
your Heart truly wants
is the Love
that is

It is,
as it was to be,
in Love
with Life.

you are hoping
wounds heal,
but they do not,
it is because
you are at war
with Love.

And that
is a war
that will never
be won.

The web we weave
of traveled threads
can rend apart.
Hope is Home
to the Heart
set free,
by Love.

look to Love
as you voyage
and dream.
Give your Love
and Love will be
as it was meant
to be,
and fly you

When Hearts speak
louder than words,
Life drifts into
the Dreams we Love,
and Life
becomes our

.Once upon a Time
we closed
our tired eyes,
and met
our very best friends,
the ones
who opened the door
and let you in,
into their Hearts
and into their Lives.
The ones,
like Mom and Dad,
who kissed you
when you were very young,
on top of your head,
who said without words
spoken or read,
that Love
Is what we are,
why we are alive,
and the only thing
that should
ever be

                  Keep your eyes on the Sky above.

Under God’s Heavens above
we journey so very far
on the roads of Life.

Keep your eyes
on the Sky above.
Let Love rise,
like the Morning Sun,
and never
let Love depart.

“As I journey through the land, singing as I go,
Pointing Souls to Calvary – to the crimson flow,
Many arrows pierce my Soul from without, within;
But my Lord leads me on,
through Him I must win.

Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His Face,
There to sing forever of His Saving Grace;
On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice,
Cares all past, home at last,
ever to rejoice.

When in service for my Lord
dark may be the night,

But I’ll cling more close to Him,
He will give me Light;

Satan’s snares may vex my Soul,
turn my thoughts aside;

But my Lord goes ahead,
leads whate’er betide.”

                – Rufus H. Cornelius
               Oh, I Want to See Him

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his World
serious harm.”
Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy

There are many stories.
are never read.
Others never written,
and can never be read.

A precious few are created
as your Children
are tucked in bed,
as you kiss them
on the top
of their head.

And their stories are written
in dreams they have,
where they lay
their little head.


            Hearts speak louder than words.

My Dear Friends,
the Nobility
of the Spirit
resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your Heart,
with all your Soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
in reflections
all around.
And what we mirror,
tells a story
not our own.
But it is there,
it is to be,
and it remains
for all to see,

And what appears
speaks so loudly,
no one can hear
what voices say,
for this language
is beyond the horizon
of who we are,
what we see,
what we can even imagine
shall ever be.


           Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the Language
of God’s Love
for you
and for me.

And it lives
in the
Dreams we Love,
in reflections all around,
in the mirror
of our Lives,
in a story
that becomes
our own.

Open your Heart
and open your fragile mind.
Accept the Love of God.
Let your Life be
A Love Story.

Let it be.

Let it be.

              In reflections all around.

Children’s Hospital Colorado:

The eight things kids need to thrive
click here to read more

In an era of aggressive marketing toward kids and parents alike, many parents wonder what kids actually need. Turns out, there’s a pretty clear answer.

“Years of research in child development have identified eight essential requirements for kids to become happy, successful adults,” says Harley Rotbart, MD, a nationally-renowned parenting expert and vice chair emeritus of Pediatrics at Children’s Colorado. “And none of them involve high-tech gadgets, video games or fancy clothes.”

The eight things kids need to thrive

  1. Security

    Kids must feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm.

  2. Stability

    Stability comes from family and community. Ideally, a family remains together in a stable household, but when that’s not possible, it’s important to disrupt the child’s life as little as possible. Kids and families should be a part of larger units to give them a sense of belonging, tradition and cultural continuity.

  3. Consistency

    No “good cop, bad cop.” Parents should synchronize their parenting and make sure important values stay consistent.

  4. Emotional support

    Parents’ words and actions should encourage kids’ trust, respect, self-esteem and, ultimately, independence.

  5. Love

    Saying and showing you love your kids can overcome almost any parenting “mistakes” you might make. Even when your kids have disobeyed, angered, frustrated and rebelled against you, show them you love them and that you’ll always love them.

  6. Education

    Make sure your kids get the best possible education for their future. This includes school, of course, but it also includes the invaluable life lessons you provide during the time you spend together.

  7. Positive role models

    Parents are their kids’ first and most important role models. Instill your values and teach children empathy by being the kind of person you want them to become.

  8. Structure

    Rules, boundaries, and limits: Without them, kids are forced to be adults before they are ready, and they lose respect for you and other adults.

The “miracle solution”: kids need time

Perhaps the most important factor of all is time. Without enough time to spend with kids and be a parent, “You miss out on the wonderful privileges of parenting,” Dr. Rotbart says. “And kids miss out on some of their needs.”

The converse is also true.

“Time is the miracle solution for most dilemmas of parenthood,” says Dr. Rotbart. “Taken in minutes or hours, the time you spend with your kids gives you the opportunity to provide your kids all their essential needs — and much more.”

Learn Dr. Rotbart’s advice for creating quality time with your kids.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.

The Fingerprints of God / Food Sources of Insanity / Friday: Museum of the Americas

Dedicated with my Love, tears and Prayers
to the treasured memory of Elizabeth Ann “Betty” Gaul
December 13, 1926 – January 28, 2016,
pictured below with her precious daughter
Judy Weis.

My Love for you is Eternal,
My tears ever flowing,
And my Prayers are of

Thank you Lord,
for such a beautiful
and Loving
She has been a treasured Blessing
in my Life
and so very many others.


Betty became a Light in the Heart of everyone, a beautiful Flower in the Garden of God’s Grace.

“We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and to know the place
for the first time.”

– T.S. Eliot


   You are given beautiful gifts from God.

We think
We pick Flowers,
The Flowers we gather
For someone we Love.

But no.
As real as our strange world
May appear to be,
We model the world we experience
In our mind.
OrbisonIllusionWhich has led some to think
That existence, as we know it,
May be an illusion,
And our reality
Isn’t really real.

This results from scientific investigations
Telling us
That everything we know
Is merely a construction
In our minds,
What we humans perceive
As reality in the world
Around us,
May be no more than
An illusion of thought.

It has far reaching

But these implications
Are far more reaching
Than we are capable
Of ever understanding.

Ontology is the philosophical study
Of the nature of being,
Becoming, existence, or reality.
It was called “first philosophy” by Aristotle
in Book IV of his Metaphysics.

My Precious Friends,
As we explore
The nature of being,
Let us choose JOY today,
By not leaning only upon
Our own understanding,
But by having childlike trust
In our Loving Creator’s omniscience.

Allow Him to direct your path,
Which will lead to ultimate joy,
And make your journey,
Even when laden with sorrow,

“As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;
as poor, yet making many rich;
as having nothing,
and yet possessing all things.”

(2 Corinthians 6:10).

We are, after all,
Of God.


Existence, as we know it, may be an illusion.

“One could sum up mind
as a universal aspect of Life and energy,
an aspect with a relationship to the body
mystically similar to the wave’s
relationship to the particle.
And according to modern religious sources,
mind also has a resonance relation
to brain cells,
which vibrate in response to
Spiritual Energy
under laws far beyond
the scope of science.”
– Guy Murchie

Let us explore,
In a philosophical perspective,
One very beautiful aspect
Of our Life.

My Friends,
The Flowers of the field
Pick us,
As surely
As someone,
Yet unknown,
Will choose you
To Love.

flowers 2

         Such sweet awareness.

“I am not my memories.
I am my dreams.”
– Terry Hostetler

Just as we take meaning
The symbols of communication,
And not from them,
We impose our reality
Upon what we think
Is in the world around us.

Everything we know, imagine,
Perceive as color, sensation, sound,
Our very thoughts and feelings,
Make a first appearance
In our mind.


The Flowers of the field pick us.

And the Flowers
Residing in the fertile
Soil of a lonely
A longing Heart,
Select one of us,
Who falls in Love
With their beauty,
Delights in their delicate aroma,
Absorbs all the colors
That take your breath

flowers 3

We look far beyond the beauty.

Flowers seemingly move
From a place on
This Earth.

And with your outstretched arms
And Lovingly Guided Hands,
They follow the pathway
Back to the Love
That breathed Life
Into their fragile being,
To the home
That first was their own,
To a place
In your mind,
To the Heart of their Creator,
The Heart of God,
Who resides within

“The most potent form of energy
is thought.

Thought-waves are cosmic waves
that penetrate all time and space.”
– Camillo Loken


Love breathed Life into their fragile being.

And we gaze
Far beyond their beauty,
Through the Flowers
Of our brief moment in time,
And back again.

We give them to someone,
Who also abides in our Heart.

The Flowers of our field
Pick the one
We come to

For they are planted
In the fertile soil
That is the mind
Of a hungry Soul,
By the Loving Hand
Of God.
william_shakespeare_quote_2And as we
Give away
A beautiful bouquet
Of such sweet awareness,
We are unaware
That Flowers
Growing in another person’s dream,
By the Grace of God,
Become real.


     Flowers seemingly move.

They are,
My Friends,
Always there,
Blowing in the wind
Of a longing
And lonely mind.

For we are searching,
Ever searching,
To find the courage
To move them
From the field
Of possibilities,
From never,
To Love

becomes a “wave” of potentials,
expressing itself in the form
of multiple possibilities”


Flowers by the Grace of God, become real.

Planted in the fertile fields
Of our longing to be,
With so much Beauty,
That was
From our awareness
Are like
God’s Divine Plan
Waiting in your Heart and mind
To be revealed.

“We do not see things
as they are.

We see them
as we are.”

– The Talmud


Move them from the field of possibilities, from never, to Love Forever.

The Majesty
Of God’s Love
Throughout His Universe,
Is beautifully displayed.

His Fingerprints
Are on every petal
Of every Flower,
In every field
Of every dream.

And my Soul sings
To think
They were planted
Just for you,
And me.

“There the flowers will be blooming
And the grass will be green
And the skies will be clear and serene,
Where the sun ever beams
In this valley of dreams
And no cloud will be seen.
There will be peace

in the valley
For me some day.”
– Thomas A. Dorsey

My Dear Friends,
If what is real
Is within,
And we now know
That to be,
Then our mind and our Heart
Are the only domains,
And nothing,
No, nothing else
As you will come
To see.


His Fingerprints are on every petal.

“There are no gloomy skies
When seen through the eyes
Of those who are blessed with love.”
– Mack Discant

What we receive
Is what we bring,
And in every moment
Of Prayerful quiet,
God is listening.

“Once I have known
the mind of God,

the rest are all

– Albert Einstein

The time will come
When what we know
Is what we
Have always known:
A clear, clarion call
To see the past,
Through our forgiveness,
Never existed
At all.

Is no pathway
To transcend
Only today
Births tomorrow.

What is past
Is not the road
Down which we travel
To a summer place,
Where people share
Hopes and dreams,
Where Love births
The courage
To care
For the morrow.

“Come, Lord, and tarry not; bonar
Bring the long looked for day;
O why these years of waiting here,
These ages of decay?”
– Horatius Bonar
Hymns of Faith and Hope

The palette of our Resplendent Spirit,
Through fervent Prayer,
Will beautifully blossom
Transcendent colors aware,
As heights we ascend,
And return our fragile being
To the soaring breadth
And sumptuous depths
Of such Splendor
As has no beginning,
And no end.

flowers 2

They were planted just for you and me.

“As the sun,
ere he has risen,
sometimes paints his image
in the firmament,
e’en so the shadows
of events
precede the events,
and in today
already walks tomorrow.”
– William Shakespeare

Always resides
In your precious Heart,
In your Life
And in the fertile fields
Of the beautiful flowers
Found in your Dreams.

May God Bless you
And keep you
In His Dreams.



Bella at the Spa. Yes, Mia’s truly American dog!

To get the latest updates on Technology read
The Kurzweil A I Newsletter
click below:


Americans are eating themselves INSANE.
Causes of mental insanity identified in factory foods
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
A leading consumer health advocate and health freedom activist.

Sources of mental insanity are now identified in factory foods. Mankind is concentrating brain-damaging heavy metals through foods, soils, contaminated water supplies and industrial pollution. People who are buying and consuming factory processed foods are eating themselves into insanity.

The real reason society is so incredibly insane at every level is rooted in the consumption of toxic heavy metals through food, water and other environmental sources. It’s exacerbated by the poisonous heavy metals being fed to factory farmed chickens (and other animals) whose poop is harvested and spread on soils that are used to grow foods for humans.

My Dear Friends, please select ORGANIC foods. Our food chain is now polluted. Yes, you are crazy to buy anything else. Or you may become so.

                                                    read more here

On Friday, February 5, 2016 our destination is: The Museum of the Americas, 216 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, (Telephone: 817-341-8668/817-599-0490) and the fabulous Whistle Hill Restaurant (next door). We will depart from the school at approximately 9:00 a.m. to arrive & begin our visit at 10:00 a.m.


Dr. A in an earlier life. Note the familiar gaze ever searching for any sign of misbehavior!

Our dear friend and Museum Director, Dr. Harold Lawrence, will provide a docent guided tour. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence have just returned from spending three weeks in Peru.

Following a morning of great stories, questions and answers, and Dr. Harold Lawrence’s cultural and philosophical perspectives, we will have time for a self-guided tour and shopping at the museum store and then enjoy lunch at the Whistle Hill Café (next door). Then we will return to school to work on our Shakespeare production, Hamlet, with Director George X Rodriguez while Dr. A works on a Ham Omelet. They are both dramatic events. Now pass the Ketchup so Dr. A can catch up.

museumThe Museum of the Americas is a jewel of Weatherford, where we can find the colorful and diverse heritage of native peoples of the Americas through a fabulous collection of 19th & 20th century artifacts, crafts and folk art. The rich cultural traditions of the people and tribes of north, central and South America are reflected in the intricate and distinctive designs of the objects they make for daily use for religious ceremonies and for trade.

FINANCIAL: Museum/Speaker Fee (Donation to the Museum) $5.00 Please pay Dr. A.
Lunch: Please provide funds for lunch today.
Gift Shop: Yes! There have wonderful gifts.

Note: Uniform pants, a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun/adventure trips.

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or the Restaurant at any time or for any reason, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.


This is Brix, Mia’s other child dog. He will keep an eye on you. Just pick a color!

Drop-off will be at The Anderson School at 8:30 a.m. OR  you may meet us at the Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick-up will be at the Anderson School at 3:15 p.m. Please let me know if you are meeting us at the Museum.

Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

modernClick below to view “This Month at the Modern” Art Museum

museum of the a

Into the Dreams We Love / Prevent Food Poisoning / Friday: Main Event

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his world
serious harm.”
– Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy


                “Lend me an ear.”                   – William Shakespeare and Mama Bear

There are many stories.
But some
Are never read.
Others never written,
And can never be read.

A precious few are created
As your children
Are tucked in bed,
As you kiss them
On the top
Of their head.

And their stories are written
In dreams they have,
Where they lay
Their little head.


   What we mirror tells a story.

When Hearts speak
Louder than words,
Life drifts into
The dreams we Love,
When we close
Our tired eyes
And meet
Our very best friends,
The ones
Who opened the door
And let you in,
Into their Hearts
And into their lives.
The ones
Like Mom and Dad,
Who kissed you
On top of your head,
Who said without words
Spoken or read,
That Love
Is what we are,
Why we are alive,
And the only thing
That should
Ever be


Hearts speak louder than words.

And all that Love
Enters the fiber
Of their Being,
As they become
A person
Who lives for tomorrow
And Loves today.
Who tells a Love story
Written with a smile,
That sounds like a song,
A story they share
In waking dreams,
Over and over again.

bears 2

Love enters the fiber of your Being.

My Dear Friends,
The Nobility
Of the Spirit
Resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
– Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
In reflections
All around.
What we mirror
Tells a story
Not our own,
But it is there.
It is to be.
And it remains
For all to see,

And what appears
Speaks so loudly,
No one can hear
What voices say,
For this language
Is beyond the horizon
Of who we are,
What we see,
What we can even imagine
Shall ever be.


Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the language
Of God’s Love
For you
And for me.

And it lives
In the
Dreams we Love,
In reflections all around,
In the mirror
Of our lives,
In a story
That becomes
Our own.

Accept the Love of God.
Let your life be
A Love Story.
Let it be.
Let it be.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.

is now available to help
prevent food poisoning.

For your information:
is now available.

Over 200 diseases can be spread
through the food we eat.
In the U.S., there are over 200,000 cases
of food borne illness every day.*
Over 100 volatile organic compounds
are emitted by decomposing beef, poultry, and fish.
Bacteria that causes food borne illness
can make you sick
before food looks, smells or tastes bad.




By popular demand we will visit Main Event, 4801 City Lake Blvd. East (817-292-5555) at 10:45 a.m. on FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 2016. Pick-up will be at 2:30 p.m.

At 10:45 a.m. we will spend a few minutes getting our bowling shoes on and getting ready for one hour of bowling (starting at 11:00 a.m.) Our youth group special also includes lunch (2 slices of pizza and a medium soft drink), 1 hour of bowling, one hour of Video Games and $10.00 video game card & tax. Laser tag is NOT available at this time. Please pay $18.00 to Dr. A. Exact change is a Blessing.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts and polished shoes are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun trips. Students without shirts tucked in, polished shoes, and belts on will not be allowed to participate.

Pick-up will be at the Main Event at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive late, we will have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school. Please Do NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Please let us know if you will be late.


What we mirror tells a story.

                            Does Canola Oil Cause Cancer?

Not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil. Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists.”

A superior alternative to canola oil – and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking – is, and has always been, OLIVE OIL. Like canola oil, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol – without the toxic effects of canola. Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying. read more

Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

Students are NOT to leave MAIN EVENT at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. Anderson. Students are required to let Dr. Anderson know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving. DO NOT just disappear. Dr. A will faint and act up in order to get attention. Mrs. A will not be impressed.

Please ask your child if this has been done.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n



The space above left intentionally blank
– much like your future,
if you do not get a good education.

The Heart No One Knew / Friday: Fort Worth Stock Show / Zoo Spring Break Camp

“If you can feel your pain
then you are alive,
if you can feel the pain of others,
then you are

–  Priyanshu Joshi


Love can never return to the hand you never extend.

More than success,
Far, far more than victory
In Love and Life,
Is our belief
In ourselves,
To say
What is in our Hearts,
To do
What we know
To do,
And Love
Without condition
Everything and everyone
Around us.

For God’s Love
Is in every living thing.
And they love Life

“The bird, the weed and burrowing worm
are more than they seem
for, in truth,
they outline the invisible, crystalline
texture of the living planet.
Their bodies in space-time
are literally part
of the geometry of the Earth,
the track each one makes
throughout its life
defines a kind of
invisible fiber of Creation.”
– Guy Murchie


       God’s Love is in every living thing.

My Precious Friends,
Love can never return
To the voice
Never heard,
To the song
Never sung,
To the hand
You never extend,
To the Heart
No one knew
Was beating for them.


             They love Life too.

Every Human Heart
Is whispering
The name of someone
It Loves.

We see far, far beyond
What our eyes behold,
Envisioning reflections
That mirror
The longings
Of a lost
And lonely Soul.

“All the oceans in the world,
can never hold the tears cried.”
– unknown

There is a greater Good,
A cause unknown
To the feeble mind of mankind,
A Voice from Above,
From another Heart
That will never leave us
All alone.


    Love comes in many dimensions.

And where, oh where
Is Love?

Love is always
Coming home,
Always searching,
For the way back
To the Heart
That was its

“I don’t want the heavens
or the shooting stars.
I don’t want gemstones or gold.
I want a steady hand, a kind soul.
I want to fall asleep and wake,
knowing my heart is safe.
I want to love,
and be loved.”

– Shana Abe


   Love is always coming home.

Dear Friends,
The greatest adventure
Of the Human Spirit
Is discovering the way
To the Love
That gave it Life,
To the Heart
That never left it all alone,
The Heart
Never really seen,
Never truly known.

And the pathway back,
Will lead you
Through a valley unknown,
Past shadows of doubt,
And clouds of despair.
It needs to be shown.

“So we have come to know
and to believe
the love that God has for us.
God is love,
and whoever abides in love
abides in God,
and God abides in him.”
– 1 John 4:16


The Heart that never left it all alone.

Comes in many dimensions.
And True Love
Can be unrequited,
Never understood,
Never accepted
By the beloved,
Who may not be aware
Of such deep
And abiding
Or consciously reject it,
Never knowing,
Never beholding
The Sacred, deeply fulfilling
Glow of being
In the Flower of Life,
Never feeling
The Warmth of truly
Unconditional Love.
Never understanding
That this Love
A reason for being.

Such Love
As God
Feels for you.

Anne Frank

 No one
has ever become poor

by giving.
– Anne Frank

                              Enough with the toxic chemicals!

From our friends at NaturalNews.com:

Every time you shower and shampoo with a toxic commercial product, you are opening the pores of your scalp with hot water, then driving those toxic chemicals into your skin by scrubbing your scalp.

This is why it’s so important that your shampoo and shower soap be exceptionally clean and free from toxic, synthetic chemicals that we all know promote cancer, dementia, kidney disease and liver disorders.

Most commercial shampoos are made in chemical factories, using cheap, toxic ingredients that ultimately harm your hair, your skin and your health. Popular brands almost never use quality ingredients because it’s simply too expensive for them to do so.

Natural and organic ingredients derived from plants are far more expensive than cheap, factory-made chemicals. Because we are all bathed in synthetic chemicals every day, it is important to reduce your chemical load as much as possible. The new Health Ranger’s Shampoo delivers nourishing, plant-based ingredients that help you feel calm and comfortable, knowing that you’re doing much more than just washing your hair – you’re also keeping your body clean of unnecessary synthetic chemicals.

This shampoo feels fantastic and has a silky texture and viscosity. It’s made with the finest organic coconut, olive and sunflower oil so it’s great to use as often as needed because it contains no harsh chemicals. It can even be used as a full body wash on adults and children.

Click on this link to get some from the Natural News Store today.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 we will enjoy, weather permitting, the Fort Worth Stock Show at the Will Rogers Center (817- 877-2400) in the cultural district.

Drop off is at 10:00 a.m. & Pick up at 2:30 p.m. at the McDonald’s located on the corner of Montgomery Street and Camp Bowie Boulevard. It is a convenient place to gather, enjoy a cup of coffee and/or breakfast. After gathering, we will walk to the west entrance of the stock show. Please be on time.

Note: Uniform pants with a belt, & red monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / GUARDIANS / FRIENDS are always invited to participate on Friday trips. Comfortable shoes are highly recommended.

Tickets for admission to the Stock Show grounds can be purchased upon arrival. General admission tickets permit access to all livestock events, educational programs, commercial exhibits and the carnival/midway.
Adults: $10.00 / Children 6 – 16: $5.00 / Children 5 & Under: free / Please pay at the gate.

Dress for the Weather

Please DO NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Parking: $ 10.00 per vehicle daily, CASH ONLY

“More creatures live on a normal man
than all the men living on Earth.”

– Guy Murchie

Jan. 29  Main Event
Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School
Please see William’s Weblog at andersonschool.net for trip details (posted each Wed. at 6:00 p.m.) My gratitude again to Bill Kincaid for the beautiful Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you.

“If we’re constantly trying
to do the right things
and spend much of our time helping others,
then we’re having a conversation
with God
and we don’t even realize it.”
― Ron Baratono


Fort Worth Zoo Spring Break Camp

Spring Break Camp is for first through sixth grade students. Activities include crafts, games, animal presentations and a daily trip into the Zoo. Campers must pack a lunch each day and snacks will be provided.

Dates: March 14 to 18, 2016
Times: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Before- and after-care available
Ages: Students in grades first through sixth
Theme: Birds of a Feather
Fees: $225; Zoo members receive a 10 percent discount

Registration opens Feb. 5.

For more information, contact the Education Department:

Fort Worth Zoo
1989 Colonial Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76110
phone: 817-759-7200
fax: 817-759-7201
email: education@fortworthzoo.org


Yes, Love comes in many dimensions.

“There’s a love that’s Divine
And it’s yours and it’s mine
like the sun.
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
to the One, to the One”
– Rod Stewart

Beyond What We Will Ever Comprehend / How to Keep Your Children Safe / Websites for the Gifted / Friday Trip: Tour of F. W. Stockyards

“I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying,
I love you.”
What a Wonderful World


Far beyond what we will ever comprehend.

lets us rejoice
in the very few moments
we share together.
It alone truly makes us
happier human beings.

It is the one thing
that genuinely makes us
Everything else
creates the illusion
of joy.

And that illusion
does not last long,
does it?


Everything else creates the illusion of joy.

“If you can’t handle me
at my worst,

then you sure don’t
deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe

Love can inflame the entire world
confined within a heart filled soul.
It alone is the vibrant force
that breathes the will to be,
into our fragile, faintly beating


It is the one thing that genuinely makes us happy.

Love is
what we live for,
what we require,
what we dream of,
what we earn,
what we want
after all we have done
is over.


Love may cease to grow and wither on the Vine of Life.

Left to the devices
of mere mortals,
we fragile human beings,
filled to the brim with
acute innate limitations,
may find Love
devolve into the irrational.

evolves over time,
for nothing stays the same.

Inured to its own
fragrance of being,
Love may cease to grow,
and wither on the Vine of Life.
And the fruit of Love
blended with disbelief,
can easily evolve
into madness,
mayhem, misery.


We are the Loving Creations of a Loving Creator.

Its reason for being –
seemingly perplex,
a puzzlement, paradox,
beheld by our narrow, limited senses,
and viewed from one dimension over
from what we think it is,
like the sides of bell
from which the self-same song will ring,
like the poles of our home on Earth,
different sides
of the very same thing.

“A paradoxical truth we may conclude
is that sense in general is not only
life’s bridge to the world
but also its inexorable cloud
that veils and distorts reality.”
– Guy Murchie


    Love inflames the entire world.

The precious Love of
one person for another
can forfeit comprehension,
and with its own Mystified vision,
belie our poor power
to know,

The way to transcendence
of such Flowering Folly
lies in the evolution
of our acceptance
of the Spiritual Being,
of the Greater Love
that dwells within.


He gave us His Life. And more than Life, His Love.

American author, poet, and philosopher
Henry David Thoreau
became aware of forces
beyond his senses.
They whispered to him
of the abstract nature
of our world.

“I perceive that I am
dealt with by superior powers.
This is a pleasure, a joy,
an existence which I have not
procured myself.
I speak as a witness on the stand,
and tell what I have perceived.”
– Thoreau

We are the Loving Creations
of a Loving Creator.
And His Love
is also far beyond
what we will ever comprehend.


        Love is what we live for.

“Surely there is Mystery in this Universe
Not only somewhere and somewhen
but everywhere everywhen
And far beyond the scope of man’s feeble
Capacity to comprehend.
For man, puny, mortal and finite,
As he is in the nether phase,
Is permitted to visualize neither an end to space
Nor space without end;
Nor can he even grasp a start or a finish of time,
Nor any sort of beginning that has no beginning
Nor any end that has no end.”
– Guy Murchie


Ever will you be there for them, over and over again.

Such Love as God feels for us
shall never find an end,
for the end of that
which cannot end,
does not exist.
Even when the possibility
of human understanding exceeds its reach,
and reason feigns to align with description.
For there can never be
a way to transcend
the depth of God’s Love
for you and me,
or the Love
that abides in our
precious and fragile Hearts
for each other.


There are two pillars of happiness.

Love is God
in Name,
in His Design,
in His Desire
for your Life.
It is the essence of
“I am
that I am”.
(Exodus 3:14)

And your admission that
“You are
that you are”
is also
a statement of
God’s Love.

For you are


The vibrant force that breathes the will to be.

When God breathed breath
into Adam,
He gave us His Life.
And more than Life,
His Love.
Now it is
your Life,
your Love,
and your Sacred Time
be in Love
with Life.

“When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there, singing out my name.”
Who I Was Born To Be

And how much
does love
contribute to happiness?

Harvard University’s Grant Study
spent 75 years
trying to answer that
seemingly simplistic
but vexing question.

Psychiatrist George Vaillant,
conducted a study for years
to determine how much love,
or the lack of love,
contributes to our happiness.


In the morning light it scattered the Night and made the Day worth living.

His conclusion:
“Seventy-five years
and twenty million dollar$ later,
in an expensive (and priceless) realization,
the Grant Study came to a simple conclusion:

is Love

Isn’t it funny
how we keep searching
for the Great Truths,
that can so easily
be found in the
Word of God.

“It was only a sunny smile,
and little it cost
in the giving,
but in the morning light
it scattered the Night
and made the Day
worth living.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald


To lift them up when they fall.

Vaillant stated:
“There are two pillars of happiness:
“One is Love.

The other
is finding a way
of coping with life
that does not
push Love away.”

sun rise

To find Love is a simple thing.

Yes, my Friends,
research proves what we have suspected:
Love is the key to a
happy life.

You can be financially successful,
possess many, many things,
be in good physical health,
make astounding accomplishments,
but without a Loving relationship
to help you in life,
and celebrate life’s brief moments,
you simply will not find the happiness
you seek,
the happiness
you deserve.

“We are all happy,
IF but we knew it.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Without Love,
without discovering
the Infinite Love
that dwells within,
my dear Friends,
you shall surely
never have lived.


To light a path and open your precious Heart.

“The happiness you have
is in direct proportion
to the Love
you give.”
– Oprah Winfrey

To find Love
is a simple thing.
Close your eyes,
ask your Father
in the Heavens Above,
whose Heart is filled
with Love for you,
who dwells within,
to show you the way,
to light a path
and open your precious Heart
to be,
“I am”.


     And witness from afar . . .

He will not deny
His Child.


Ask your Father in the Heavens above.

And like your children
one day,
if you truly Love them,
you will set them


Open your precious Heart.

And witness
from afar,
and watch them
as they grow
farther away.


If you truly Love them, you will set them free.

And as they find
they still need you
and ask you,
as a Father, Mother, friend
to help them once again,
to lift them up when they fall,
to share your Love
one more time,
Ever will you be there
for them,
over and over again.
For the Love you feel within
grows until you think
it is the end,
when Love is really
being born

For God’s Love,
like yours,
never dies.
Love is reborn
over and over again.


Light a path and open your precious Heart.

                                   How to Keep Your Children Safe
click here for more
1. Teach your children that snakes, spiders and bees are not necessarily dangerous, but should be respected from a distance. In reality, animals such as cats and dogs are much more likely to harm your child, so respect for all animals must be taught.

2. Keep your children within sight while in public places.

3. Choose a babysitter carefully. Have a criminal background check conducted. Contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for information.

4. Explain and show your children how to Dial 911 in case of an emergency. This could save YOUR life.

5. Instruct your child to stay with a group.

6.Teach your children safety rules on play equipment, such as climbing on monkey bars and swimming pools. Although it can be fun for them, it can also be dangerous.

7. Teaching your children about right and wrong will also help to keep them safe, especially in their teen years.Teach them the complexities of the real world, though – few things are black & white.

           Recommended Websites for Parents of the Gifted & Talented:
Davidson Institute
Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
National Association for Gifted Children
PG Retreat

SENG (supporting the emotional needs of the gifted)
TAGFAM Project: Families of Talented and Gifted

For Friday Jan. 15, 2016

We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Fort Worth Stockyards Station, 130 E. Exchange Avenue in Fort Worth, –Telephone: 817-625-9715.

The history of the old west comes alive when we our Mule Alley, The Cowtown Coliseum and the historic Livestock Exchange Building. On the Cattlemen’s Catwalk we will see the original pens and a panoramic view of the area. Quanah Parker and Bill Picket are characters whose stories will come to life.

The cost for the walking tour is $4.50 each for students and $6.50 each for adults. Please pay Dr. Anderson, this is a group rate.

At approximately 11:30 a.m. we enjoy lunch at a nearby eatery and then return to school.

PICK UP will be at the Anderson School at 3:00 p.m.

Jan. 15 Tour of Fort Worth Stockyards
Jan. 18 (MONDAY) Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

My sincere gratitude to brother Bill Kincaid for the wonderful Parenting in the Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you!


Ask your Father in the Heavens above to show you the way.

How Do We Live, Not Merely Exist? / Vitamin D Prevents Cancer / In Philosophy: Waking Life / Friday Trip: Half Price Books and Movies

“The proper function of man
is to live,
not to exist.”
– Jack London


We are precariously and very briefly perched upon this beautiful planet.

How Do We Live,
Not Merely Exist?


And how do you do that?
And who am I?
Perhaps we will
never know.

But this much we are aware of:
we grew up trying to be
the person you wanted,
you expected,
you demanded,
you approved of,
you were proud of,
you were disappointed in.
And you now have,
Whatever that is.

That’s me,
And that’s you!


Have Faith that things will work out.

And today,
from our experience
we have finally come to realize
that one of the single greatest gifts
we can pass on,
bestow upon tomorrow’s child,
is to simply,
“let it be”.

“And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light
that shines on me.

Shine on until tomorrow,
let it be,
let it be.
– The Beatles

My Dear Friends,
we need to laugh
at the confusion that prevails,
it is hilarious!

The illogical, superficial,
and arrogant attitudes
toward what we do,
collectively and as individuals
of unbelievable perfunctory indifference
toward the nature of our reality,
can be really funny.
So why not enjoy it?

“Do not take life too seriously.
You will never get out of it alive.”
– Elbert Hubbard


   Where is the average person?

If we can laugh at our mistakes,
and I do mean, “out loud“,
we can, in a more positive manner,
actually take some credit for them,
(here is where you take a bow)
and allow for them to become acceptable
lessons learned on this all too difficult
path of life.

And you get three guesses
as to who made it difficult,
and the first two
don’t count!

We are so perfectly and beautifully
that the result is:
there is simply no one
we can call normal
or average.
(Thank God!)

is a setting
on a washing machine.”
– author obviously not normal and unknown


  Stop thinking about yourself.

I counsel with others,
especially children,
to make at least one mistake
on purpose,

This creates a highly controlled
learning opportunity.
It admits to our humanity.
It opens the window
of our awareness.

Children, of all ages,
view it as time for a
great practical joke.
(Mrs. A became the master of this.
Which is another reason
I Love her!)

When she speaks to me,
I always pause to reflect upon
what is really going on.
We have learned over the years
not to take life so seriously.
Super serious attitudes
lead to stress, strokes,
and striking out.

The lighter side of Life
Is also a great adventure
and a broad avenue of opportunity
that may lead to
being on Comedy Central,
finding a new friend,
falling deeply in Love,
or stumbling up to the Altar
and saying, “I did”
instead of, “I do”.


A broad avenue of opportunity.

Creating us,
proves to me,
that God
has a sense of humor.

We almost always act like
we are going to survive
this very brief existence.
And the truth is:
we are precariously
and very briefly perched
upon this beautiful planet.


It opens the window of our awareness.

Live in the moment.

One of my very favorite expressions is:

“Now remember,
We are just a nice normal family”.

You know,
I am always wondering,
where is this normal family?
Where is the average person?

Is Also a Dryer Setting.

We go through life thinking
I am too short,
Too tall,
Too fat? Too whatever?
Ever get stuck
in a comparison cycle,
pursuing the

Yes you have!

My Friends,
I have news for you:
A NORMAL child
simply does not exist.
That is an illusion.
If not,
Please introduce to me to one.
One will be sufficient!
(Now, don’t drag your child up here!
He or she will embarrass you
in a highly abnormal manner.)

“Only ONE person in 6,500
could be credited with achieving true
averageness in every measurable respect.
That person having molded himself into
the nicest, dullest and most proper
“freak of normalcy” for miles around.”
– Guy Murchie

Our exceptionality is but one
of one of the things
that make us,
and our lives,
so very interesting
and very, very beautiful.

We are all a
modern work of art,
You know,
museum quality
and something
no one understands.


                      Who am I?

But can you imagine how dull,
how terminally boring
would life be
surrounded by a plethora
of normal, average human beings.
What would we ever talk about?


         Today is your property.

My Dear Friends,
stop worrying, wondering, and doubting.
Have Faith
that things will work out.
And if they don’t,
well, my fellow humanoid,
You now have something to talk about,
something to laugh at
and something to think about.
And hey,
you did not worry about it!


“No one knows enough
to be a pessimist.”
– Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


              We all live for Love.

“A hundred years from now
it will not matter
what my bank account was,

the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove,
but the world may be different
because I was important
in the life of a child.”
– Forest E. Witcraft

The past,
if left undenied,
can become a thief.
Don’t let the past steal today.
Today is your property,
your beautiful gift from God.

You’ve got to love this life.
If not,
you are probably
going to hate it.

And how do you Love it?

it’s actually quite simple:
quit thinking so much about it.
And stop thinking about yourself.
Think about someone else!
That’s called Love.
And when you Love others,
they Love you back.
And Life, my friend,
is good to live

We all live
for Love.

And if you think deeply about it,
Love is the only thing
worth living for.

it is that simple.

go to bed
in a really dark bedroom.
Your body needs to produce
to fight cancer!
read more

And tomorrow,
wake up and do more good
than you ever thought possible
for someone else.
And tomorrow night,
you will sleep well,
And wake up the next day
deeply Loved
by someone else,

“We know
that for those who love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called
according to his purpose.”
– Romans 8:28

turn out all the lights,
It needs to totally dark
when you are asleep
to prevent cancer.

Sleeping while exposed to light at night
causes a dramatic drop
in blood melatonin levels,
setting the stage
for growth and proliferation
of breast cancer cells
and other cancer cells.

I Love You.

be happy

“Don’t hang around
and let your problems surround you.

There are movie shows downtown.
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close.

And you may find somebody kind
to help and understand you

Someone who is just like you
and needs a gentle hand to

Guide them along.

So maybe I’ll see you there
We can forget all our troubles,
forget all our cares.”
– Petula Clark


Do more good than you ever thought possible for someone else.

In Our Philosophy Class on Thursday
will view and discuss
Waking Life

Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. He observes and later participates in philosophical discussions of issues such as reality, free will, the relationship of the subject with others, and the meaning of life.

Along the way the film touches on other topics including existentialism, situationist politics, post humanity, the theory of André Bazin, and lucid dreaming itself. Waking Life, is a reference to the philosopher George Santayana’s maxim: Sanity is a madness put to good uses; waking life is a dream controlled.

Director Richard Linklater has created a masterpiece of philosophy and film with Waking Life. The film is beautifully done. The cinematography is wonderful with a stellar soundtrack and well-placed philosophical discussion that runs throughout the film.

Linklater possesses a substantial understanding of philosophy.  The philosophical ideas explored in this film are well thought out. The presentation of these ideas and the eccentric personalities of those presenting them makes for a very thought provoking experience.

The movie presents a plethora of philosophical ideas from many different view points. The vivid imagery of the scenes combined with the deeply philosophical content makes this an extraordinary film. The beautiful animation combined with the philosophical input makes Waking Life one of the most interesting films you’re likely to ever see.
click here to view film

—    —   —
Ohio high school senior Ryan Chester
became the inaugural winner of a new
college scholarship on Sunday night,
winning $250,000 for his 7-minute film
that uses simple props and hand-drawn graphics
to explain Einstein’s special theory of relativity.

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge
asked young people between ages 13 and 18
to create short videos that communicated
a big idea in science.
More than 2,000 students
from dozens of countries applied.


   Ryan Chester

click here to read more and view film

From our friends at the
Underground Health Reporter
read more

Did You Know…

… that there’s a nutrient that could eliminate 50% of all deaths from cancer and prevent other diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives every year?

That nutrient is … Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” which is now recognized by traditional and natural doctors alike as one of the most powerful, inexpensive ways to prevent disease.

Vitamin D is found in small amounts in some foods, such as milk, eggs, fish, and fortified orange juice – but the most important, natural source of vitamin D comes from exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D influences over 2,000 of the 30,000 genes in the body, which explains why it has been found to inhibit the onset and spread of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis, to name a few.

Next to smoking, not getting enough vitamin D is the No. 2 risk factor of cancer!  Every year, 30% – or two million people worldwide (200,000 in the U.S. alone) – could be spared of dying from cancer if they would just take the proper amounts of vitamin D.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, an Osteopathic physician and New York Times bestselling author, “Groundbreaking studies proved that 600,000 cases of cancer could be prevented every year just by increasing your levels of vitamin D. And without question, the best way to obtain your vitamin D is by UVB sunlight falling on unexposed skin in doses that do not cause sunburn. Beyond cancer, increasing levels of vitamin D could prevent diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives throughout the world each year.”

Dr. Michael Holick, one of the world’s most respected authorities on Vitamin D and author of The UV Advantage explains that “Vitamin D is made in the skin, gets into the bloodstream, and then goes into the liver and kidneys where it is activated into a hormone called 125-dihydroxy (calcitriol). It is this activated vitamin D that has biological, disease-prevention effects, such as preventing prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and colon cancer.”

The proper amount of vitamin D in the body helps to:

  1. stop mutated cells from forming and spreading;
  2. cause diseased cells to commit “cell suicide” – i.e., cause them to literally self-destruct;
  3. causes the differentiation of cells (Cancer cells are often undifferentiated, and this causes them to reproduce faster);
  4. reduce the probability that dormant tumors will regenerate into cancerous cells by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels in those areas.

Absorption is the key. Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., Director of the Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, and an expert on the effects of the environment and diet on chronic disease, recommends that adults get 2,000 to 4,000 IU’s of vitamin D every day from the sun or from vitamin D supplements to prevent cancerous or dysfunctional cellular activity. However, most people get less than 300 IU’s a day.

While it’s true that excessive amounts of unprotected UVA rays can increase your risk of melanoma skin cancer, there is an overwhelming body of evidence that shows that moderate sun exposure combats cancer and other disease without risk.

It is virtually impossible to overdose on vitamin D. In fact, there’s never been a reported case of vitamin D toxicity – so go outside and enjoy your daily dose of sunshine! If you’re unable to get sufficient sun exposure, taking a high quality vitamin D supplement is recommended by many health practitioners. Natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), or human vitamin D, is the type most often prescribed for therapeutic reasons because it is far superior to vitamin D2, which is synthetic.

Danica Collins, Managing Editor
Underground Health Reporter

From businessinsider.com
by Emmett Knowlton
writing for Business Insider’s sports page

What does Tom Brady eat

to stay in peak football shape at 38?


Emmett Knowlton graduated from Amherst College in 2015.

80 percent is vegetables. The freshest vegetables.
If it’s not organic, he doesn’t use it.
And whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, millet, beans.
The other 20 percent – lean meats:
grass-fed organic steak,
duck every now and then,
and chicken. As for fish,
mostly wild salmon.

No white sugar.
No white flour.
No coffee. No caffeine.
No fungus.
No dairy.

For Friday Jan. 8, 2016big

We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at Half-Price Books, located at 475 Sherry Lane, north of Ridgmar Mall –Telephone: 817-732-4111.

At approximately 11:00 a.m. we will meet at the Ridgmar Mall 2300 Green Oaks Road, Fort Worth, TX 76116 – TELEPHONE: 817-566-0025 to enjoy (burp!) lunch at the food court and then walk to the Rave Theater to enjoy the new movie: Concussion. Younger children may view another movie with the permission of Mrs. A.

PICK UP will be at the Rave Theater at 2:30 p.m.

“Love is giving,
it has nothing to do
with what you receive.”
– Wayne Dyer

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for thematic material including some disturbing images, and language.
Starring: Will Smith, Alec Baldwin, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Arliss Howard, Paul Reiser, Luke Wilson, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (that’s easy for you say), David Morse, and Albert Brooks.

1 hours & 22 minutes in length and starting at 1:05 p.m.

Students with hot popcorn have permission to sit close to Dr. A. and Diana (the munchkins).

Forensic pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu (Will Smith) discovers chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a disease that causes brain trauma for football players.

If you arrive late, we shall have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school.

Students are NOT to leave the bookstore, food court or theater without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. A.

Please provide funds for a book (as low as one or two dollars – see Mrs. A), lunch, snacks and ticket priced at $5.00 to $8.40. (I was provided 2 prices by different people!)

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required.

PARENTS / FRIENDS / SIBLINGS / NEIGHBORS, are invited to participate on our trips.

Jan. 18 (MONDAY) Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

Please see William’s Weblog at andersonschool.net for trip details (posted each Wed. at 6:00 p.m.)


The story of your life will be read by someone’s heart / Words To Avoid / Civil War Museum / Shakespeare

“There is something otherworldly
about our existence here
– something more than matter,
more than the body and mind –
something fundamentally and profoundly abstract.

it is not at all obvious,
indeed scarcely noticed by the great majority of us
as we go about our daily lives.”
Guy Murchie,
The Seven Mysteries of Life


There is a reality that science cannot define.

I have discovered over the years that there are forces at work no one can imagine, and never comprehend. I found such an indescribable power in Love. I found it in the Love expressed through the life of my Mother. Her love abides with me every day. It is the single, most formidable and pervasive force I have ever encountered.

And now I understand that such Love is a universal constant, a Spirit that fills the darkness of the Heavens and the spaces in life. It lives within each of us and is in every living thing.

Marie Anderson

Marie Anderson

It is the reality that science cannot define and yet, is that which everyone seems, instinctively to need. The poets and songwriters know what the realm of physics will never comprehend, that, as Joe Henry so beautifully intones,

“Love is seeing all the universe in one,
in the brotherhood of creatures.
It lives within each part and is the whole.”

My, how my Mother loved her little boy! She taught me in life, and teaches me in death, that love is all that is left. And all that love you keep with you. Each morning I awake from a beautiful journey, as she touches me with the flower of her love in my hand. And, as she takes my hand, I remember her in beautiful dreams that never end. It is a vision of her goodness and it sustains me as I grow old.

My friends, your Love will be the only thing that will remain. Everything else will dissolve, just disappear. In the end, the Love felt by others is all that shall remain. Nothing, no, nothing else will matter. The story of your life will be read by someone’s heart. And that story can go on and on and on. Just as the Love of God is Infinite, your Love can remain.

The reflection of our being is on the other side of this existence. What you do today will be mirrored in other hearts tomorrow. In a very real way, the story of your life begins the day you leave. And only you are the author of this story.

Every day is a page. And every sentence can begin with a smile and end with a warm embrace. Your trace in time is written indelibly.

Let it be a Love story.

Now this is a comfy spot!

Now this is a comfy spot!

Decoding the restaurant menu:
Words to avoid for healthful eating
By Ronda Elsenbrook

Ronda is a registered dietitian at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic. With the Houston chapter of the American Diabetes Association they have partnered together to BEAT Diabetes. Click here to read article.


This is his favorite car, which provides a nice place for a nap.

What we eat at restaurants can cause health issues. Too many carbohydrates, too much fat and too much salt can lead to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol issues.

Restaurant menus are designed to entice your sense of taste, not tell you whether the foods they’re advertising are healthy.

The worst chain restaurant dishes are:

Fried foods
Calories in restaurant foods
Healthier fast food options

Carter explains his science experiment.

Carter explains his science project.

Restaurant Code Words: Crunchy, tempura, battered, crispy, breaded, crusted, golden, sizzling

If you’re making a healthy choice, you’re probably not purposely choosing a fried food item. Look for words like crunchy, battered, crispy, breaded, crusted, golden, tempura; some of these options are a double-whammy on your caloric intake because the item is fried with an additional carb-based coating.

Fried foods may taste great, but tend to be high in fat and calories – and deep frying robs food of nutrients. A grilled, baked or roasted 4-ounce chicken breast (the size of a deck of cards) will run you about 170 calories, whereas the deep fried selection can pack a whopping 370 calories.

I like this one!

        I like this one!

To make matters worse, many restaurants (usually of the fast food variety) use partially hydrogenated oil because it can be reheated and reused over and over again. Partially hydrogenated oil contains trans fats (the worst of the fats) which raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers your HDL (good cholesterol), leading to a higher incidence of heart disease.

High-sugar foods

We enjoyed our time at the bookstore.

We enjoyed our time at the bookstore.

Restaurant Code Words: Teriyaki, BBQ, glazed, sticky, honey-dipped

Powdered doughnuts may be self-explanatory on a menu, but options labeled as Teriyaki, BBQ, glazed, sticky or honey-dipped could also be high in added sugars. It is wise to ask if sauces of any kind are made with sugar, including salad dressings and vinaigrettes.

This was everyone's favorite sign.

This was everyone’s favorite sign.

Watch out also for meals that are high in carbohydrates. Carbs turn into sugar when they are broken down by your digestive system. The usual suspects are items like pasta, potatoes and rice, but even menu items like “healthy” couscous, quinoa and faro are high in carbs and should be eaten with the same moderation as traditional offerings.

How much sugar is in that drink?

High-calorie foods

Dining at McKinley's is always fun.

Dining at McKinley’s is always fun.

Restaurant Code Words: Loaded, stuffed, creamy, cheesy, gooey, smothered, melted, rich, velvety

It’s funny how adjectives describing foods can elicit Pavlov’s law in even the most rigorous health fanatic. That’s the point. Foods described as loaded, stuffed, creamy, cheesy, gooey, smothered, melted, rich and velvety are triggering a “feeling” that you get when you eat that particular menu item. Don’t fall into the trap!

These “comfort foods” may take you back in time to a simpler place where a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich on brioche could right all of the wrongs in the world, but the one wrong it won’t right is the number of calories packed into one bite.

The new car show was exciting.

The new car show was exciting.

Something described as “loaded” or “stuffed” is going to also be loaded or stuffed with calories — and no one wants to feel like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Eating out costs you 200 calories

Healthier options

Restaurant Code Words: roasted, baked, braised, broiled, poached, rubbed, seared, grilled, steamed, sautéed, spiced, seasoned

Chefs at local restaurants everywhere are catching on that Americans are looking for healthier options when dining out. Restaurants that specialize in foods that are “made-to-order” or that focus on locally sourced foods will likely have more options.

The cars were carefully inspected.

The cars were thoroughly inspected.

Words like roasted, poached, baked or grilled are your best options – just don’t order the grilled 26-ounce rib eye steak. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the menu, and if nutritional information is available, read through and choose the meal that will balance your health with your desire for something tasty.

Shakespeare Review (at school in the afternoon)

Mrs. A and Rylee looked at many new cars.

Mrs. A and Rylee looked at many new cars.

On Friday, 11-14-14 we will meet at the Texas Civil War Museum
(817-246-2323) 760 Jim Wright Freeway (Loop 820).

Drop-off will be at the Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick up will be at the SCHOOL at 3:15 p.m.

FINANCIAL $8.50 for students & $10.50 adults. This fee funds our docent program, slush fund for confederates reenacting the war and not fully accepting of Robert E. Lee’s surrender, and entrance to the museum This is a group rate. Please pay Dr. Anderson.

 Emergency Tele: 682-777-1908

The BMW i3 was Dr. A's favorite.

The BMW i3 was Dr. A’s favorite.

LUNCH: We will dine at a nearby restaurant. Please provide funds.
GIFT SHOP: Yes! They have a GREAT gift shop with items related to the war we have not necessarily lost!

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. Polish your shoes, the rebels are recruiting this week. This fabulous museum can be enjoyed by the entire family,

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or restaurant at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, go off to war & whip the Yankees (which also requires a uniform, powder and gun) or use the restroom, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

Sticker Shock.

         Sticker Shock.

MUSEUM RULES * No loud talking, running, or jumping or one of the Anderson school staff will get you. Stay with your chaperone at all times. If Dr. A seems jittery, he has had enough! Just offer him coffee with extra cream.

* Use clipboards for worksheets. Do not lean or write on exhibit display cases or walls or, you guessed it, Dr. A.
* No food, drink, candy, or gum is allowed inside. Give these items to Dr. A., he knows what to do with them (gulp).
* The museum has video surveillance & alarms so don’t be alarmed and please smile.
* They reserve the right to refuse service and rough up those who do not wish to follow the rules of conduct. Now, there are exceptions and one of them is Dr. A. He is a good guy and won’t remember the rules, and he already looks roughed up.


We will return to school following lunch to REVIEW  SHAKESPEARE PLAYS and prepare to vote to select one for performance in the Spring. We will spend the afternoon getting introduced to William Shakespeare and his plays, that we have not previously performed on stage. Our Director, George Rodriguez, will conduct the lesson. Pickup will be at the school at 3:15 p.m.

Nov. 24-28
(Mon.–Fri.) Thanksgiving / Fall Break (Yes, we give thanks for the break)
Dec. 3-5 (Wed.-Fri.) Texas A.G.T. Conference (NO school)
Dec. 12 Visit to a really “Green” off the grid house
Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
Jan. 23 Fort Worth Stock Show (It was called the FAT stock show. But, Dr. A lost a few pounds.)
April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition play is “Twelfth Night”)
May 21 Last Day of School (visit Dr. A in the cardiac ward as he recovers from the school year)