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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

Our Existence Permeates the Known

The Melody
of our brief Lives
harbors a deep
and flows through
like a Beautiful Song
lilting through the

There is a
a purity of form
in our Human Lives
as we sing our songs
of Being.
and sublime poetry
are we,
Children of God.
to elevate the Soul
and reveal
that we are
Divine Art.

My Dear Friends,
you are not bound
to the Earth.
can propel
your Mind and your Heart
through Prayer.

Our Existence
permeates the
by the Will
of God.

Do not fear
to ask God
for anything.
He longs
to fulfill the Dreams
of His Beloved

He Delights
in our Faith
to ask for
the Amazing,
for the Impossible.

Through Prayer,
you forge a connection
with and within yourself
and the Natural World
you inhabit
to the Natural
and Nurturing
Will of God.

                       Ask for the Amazing.

you close both
the other eye
will see.

we see
through the eyes
of others,
is ourselves.

Where we are,
is who
we are

Let the Beauty around you, become you.

the mirror
of your Child’s
and smile.
Let the Beauty
around you,
become you.
There is
more Beautiful,
than you,
reflected in eyes
of your


     Where we are is who we are with.

Keep smiling
My Friend.
Your Child hears
every word
you do not speak.

has been waiting
a Lifetime
for you.
The clinging shadows
cast by the Light
of today,
is the Mystery
of the past.
And a past
that lasts,
is the future.

True Genius
is to be
a Child

“Many creative geniuses
tend to return
to the conceptual World of Childhood
as catalysts for either their work or their ideas.
Our ability to learn new things
is a characteristic we lose over time.”
Alison Gopnik

My Dear Friends,
dance happily in the rain,
jump in the puddles,
sing Soulfully,
cry with tears of Joy,
laugh heartily
and Truly Live to relish
every bit
of this precious moment
we call

It is far better
to be ignorant
than know too much.

An intelligent person
can still be ignorant about many things.
No matter how smart we are,
all of us are ignorant about the vast majority
of the information out there.

Count your

Socrates advised us:
to distinguish what you know
from what you don’t know,
and thus see that you are not wise,
is the only Wisdom man can have.
Socratic ignorance
is also “Socratic Wisdom.

“The trouble with the world
is not that people know too little,
but that they know so many things
that ain’t so.”

Henry David Thoreau

“We live on an island
surrounded by a sea of

Mark Twain
Through the untainted Eyes
of a Child
we may truly
be alive

                   A Child again.

Oh To Be A Child Again.
Oh to dance with glee
Oh to have no worries
And live a life carefree.
To see fun in the shadows
A rainbow in the rain
A light amongst the darkness
And not to feel the pain.

To live with total innocence
And not know how to lie
To love with all your being
Until your time to die.
To smile at every person
Whether rich or poor.
To play out in the open
And not to close the door.
To speak without the fear
Of saying something wrong.
To sing without the worry
Of not knowing the song.
To live life to the fullest
To give each day its best
No worry of the future
Or failing in life’s test.
See wonder in the smallest Being,
Beauty in a Tree.
Oh to be a Child again
And live a Life carefree.

                 We may truly be alive.

In the Presence
of our Lord’s Grace,
Love becomes
Infinite Time,
in dimensionless Space.
It cannot be defined,
only viewed as Breathtaking Art,
found only in a place
we call
the Human Heart.

is not you
who can be strong.
It is
conveyed by
there’s Truth
in your Beautiful eyes,
in the smile
on your face.
It speaks of
God’s Love,
buried deep within,
the Beauty
of Inner Grace.

You say it best
knowing your children
need you,
and hearing them call,
the Love in your eyes speaks,
and you need say
nothing at all.

a Mother or Father
and a precious Child
lies an Infinity
of Worlds,
and of words
never said.


Be a Child Once Again

Artist: John Cadelina

Album: Follow the Light

Now I see my reflection
In the eyes of the Child
understanding the Wisdom as I
Mirror to Beauty of my old man.

Let me hear your voice once again
calling my name like a friend.
Wanna feel the warmth of your hand
as we walked down the line.
Dad I miss you.

I wanna be Young again.

Let me hear your voice once again
calling my name like a friend.
Wanna feel the warmth of your hand
as we walked down the line
dad I miss you
and I wanna embrace by you
and be a Child once again.


Believing In Each Other / The Healing Power of Music / Friday: Christmas Party at School

the greatest of Blessings
is the Gift
of what we
And the Gift
of Believing
in each other
can become truly

What lay before us
in our Friendships,
and in our Trust,
can surpass all

knowing you,
is seeing

“We Believe each other
into Being.”
Jennifer Michael Hecht

the Horizon
of Life and Living,
is all the
we will ever need.

“Greater Love has no one than this,
than to lay down one’s Life for his friends.”
John 15:13

My Dear Friends,
with every breath
you take,
you save the Life
of another,
another moment,
another new dawn,
another Beautiful Day,
and YOU.

To take this
in your hands
and warmly embrace
will give you
the Gift
of JOY.

Being focused
on what you are doing,
will make you
the Happiest person
you can be.
is found
by Living in the

              Happening right NOW !

tells us
that people spend
nearly half of the Time
thinking about something
other than
what they are doing.
They think ahead,
or of the past,
or they dream
during the day.
allow the fragile
and very Human mind
to wander.

My Friends,
things that are
not happening right NOW,
are the least engaging,
and can be destructive
to our Happiness.

“A Human Mind
is a wandering mind.
And a wandering mind
is an unhappy mind.
The ability to think about
what is NOT happening,
is a cognitive achievement
that comes at an
emotional COST.”
from Journal Science

There is more
than Life
in THIS moment,
more than Love,
more than
the Blessings from

moment in Time
is a Belief
in Tomorrow.
It is
to end all
and the WONDER
of it all,
not Tomorrow.

              Cast into the vast Unknown.

The Children
of yesterday
grant pardon
for all that
has been done.
are now grown
or gone.

“I believe that we are here for each other,
not against each other.
Everything comes from an understanding
that you are a gift in my life.”
John Denver

The distance between
the shores of your departure
in days gone by,
and the Horizon
of your Dreams,
is Infinite.

and you alone,
shape this moment
into everything
that will be.

The Rays of the
are cast into
the vast Unknown
never to return.
Much like
the Hope in our
when Love shines
in its Infinite

are all around.
Our need
is to become aware of them.

It is so easy
to lose focus
on what we are doing
and start living in the
or the imagined past
of Tomorrow.
But this is detrimental
to our Joy
in the moment.

is a Beautiful

The perfume
of Creation
is spilled all over
our Sacred Planet.
To open the doors
of opportunity and possibility
in every area of Life,
just open your
open your ears,
and open your Heart
There is a
to unlock
the Beautiful and Bountiful
Mysteries of this Life
It is
a profound and intense
that YOU are
in this Sacred moment of

The greatest Life
that you can Live,
lies in bringing up the
you are,
and in letting God
do the rest.

The intense Love and Joy
your can feel
is as Beautiful and precious
as anything to be found
in nature.






Dancing in the Shadows of the Illusions of Life and Living / Prenatal Fluoride Exposure Associated with Lower IQ / Friday: Museum of Science and History

are in
but a fleeting moment,
in the shadows
of the illusions
of Life,
and Living.

Each precious moment,
like us,
disappears in

 “Whereas ye know not
what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your Life?
It is
even a vapor,
that appeareth for a little time,
and then vanisheth away.”
James 4:14

of yesterdays
make up Mankind’s
Joy and sorrow,
but not necessarily

The Light
of the Sun
flows through the
Skies above,
like Love
flows through our

         Like Love flows through our Hearts.

It Lights
the Dawn
like the Beautiful Song
of the early morning

The Beautiful World
all around
is so profound,
as we come to see
there is nothing
but Beauty,
when the Love
of God
is near.

“Every Word of God is pure.
He is a shield unto them
that put their trust in Him.”
Proverbs 30:5

My Dear Friend,
is knowing that
are the center
of God’s Universe,
and that He
dwells within
His Loving Child –

The embodiment of
is you,
Child of God.
Truth is in
and it is
Eternally there.

Your strength,
your comfort,
your Happiness,
can only be found
deep within
yourself –
deep within,
where resides
the Love of

for Eternal Happiness
in the unconditional realization
of yourself,
enfolded within
the Loving Arms
of our Heavenly Father.

                          In the Heart of every Child.

Nestled in the Heart
of every Child
is the center
of the Universe –
a place of Worship
and tranquility,
in the Cathedral
of the Human Heart.

you look for God,
you will find Him there.
as you peer inside
your Sacred Heart,
and you will never
want to leave.

To know
that God Loves
is all you need
to know.

The most important
and Sacred Treasure
is Wisdom
that comes from

is central
to our Spiritual lives.

If the illusions of Life
become too much,
close your tired eyes
and Pray.
Engage you Faith
openly and enthusiastically.

will embrace you
until the fear inside

The Cathedral
of your precious and very fragile
is a Spiritual Gem,
a place of Beauty par excellence,
a Sacred Space to Worship
and reflect upon
Spiritual values,
the values
that are REAL.

At the very Heart of Worship,
is Worship with the Heart
gives you the strength to carry on,
truly Living in the moment,
and forgiving
the past

My Dear Friends,
the World is far below
where we belong.
All we have
is the
to let Love
lift us up
where clear winds blow
through the cobwebs
of the mind
We have Wings
we can fly,
so high
we can see

there are mountains
to overcome.
We can climb
every step
of the way,
or fly
and let Love Lift us
where we belong.

There is a part of Life
that gives us
the Hope we need.
Hope to Light the Dawn
and cherish the day.
Hope and inspiration
can work wonders
in our brief Lives.

is worth Living
when it has been

when someone holds you
by the hand
and helps you
see the World
for the illusion
it really

There is only
revolutionary war
that can truly be
All others
as it wars
against itself.

To win
to engage in the perpetual struggle
of the mind,
with all the LOVE
deeply embedded
in your Human Heart.

do not let
your precious Heart cry.
will always Love you.

keep Love

The whispers
of the leaves
rustling through the
is all we need to know
about the presence
of God’s Love.
as the withered leaves
collect at your feet,
and the wind
begins to
with the Sun
they fell
in Love.

“The Heavens declare
the Glory of God;

and the firmament
sheweth His Handywork.”
Psalms 19-1

can a lonely Soul
appreciate Life.

The Human Heart
can be a Lonely Hunter,
crying through the night
with tears that reverberate
through time.

But Hope remains.
For you
are NOT


Health News

Researchers Find Evidence Fluoride May Affect IQ

by George Citroner
on August 19, 2019
click here for more

A new study draws attention to potential issues with fluoride consumption.

A new study looks at fluoride exposure in utero and the potential link to IQ.

The 70-year-old public health effortTrusted Source that saw water fluoridation become common in the United States is applauded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source as one of the great achievements for public health in the 20th century.

Currently, almost 75 percentTrusted Source of the population use fluoridated water from their local water systems.

“Fluoride is a mineral that readily binds to bones and teeth. It’s typically used in dentistry to promote remineralization of dentinTrusted Source in the outer enamel of teeth,” explained Pamela Den Besten, DDS, MS, professor of orofacial sciences at University of California, San Francisco.

We now take for granted that the addition of fluoride to public drinking water not only prevents tooth decay, but is also basically harmless.

But now early research has brought up the possibility that fluoride could affect IQ levels in children exposed to the chemical in utero.

Prenatal fluoride exposure associated with lower IQ

Researchers studied 512 children in Canada to find that those who were exposed to higher levels of fluoride before birth had significantly lower IQ scores between ages 3 and 4.

The study was published today in JAMA Pediatrics.Trusted Source

For the study, about 2,000 pregnant women from 10 cities across Canada were recruited from the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) program.

The findings suggest that fluoride ingestion during pregnancy, within the normal range of water fluoridation standards, may affect children in utero.

The study concluded that fluoride ingestion during pregnancy should be reduced while additional research is conducted.

“To our knowledge, this study is the first to estimate fluoride exposure in a large birth cohort receiving optimally fluoridated water,” the study authors wrote.

Fluoride safety has long been debated

Information on consumption of tap water and other water-based beverages, like tea and coffee, was obtained from a self-report questionnaire completed by mothers during the first and third trimesters.

“Since the 1950s when water fluoridation began, its safety has been debated. We realized that there were major questions about the safety of fluoride, especially for pregnant women and young children. Decisions about safety need to be based on evidence,” study author Rivka Green, MA, a doctoral student in clinical developmental neuropsychology at York University, told Healthline.

The study found the association of prenatal fluoride exposure with children’s lower IQ scores held up even after accounting for factors like the mother’s education, socioeconomic status, location, and exposure to other toxic metals.

“Short of dosing women, we did everything we could to adjust for the factors that are typically controlled for in these types of studies. We studied an extensive list of other characteristics, like socioeconomic status and city, as well as other exposures, like lead, arsenic, and secondhand smoke, and our results remained,” Green said.

Previous research led by York University researchers had already found that fluoride levels were twice as high for pregnant Canadian women living in cities where public drinking water is fluoridated compared to those in cities where the drinking water isn’t.

“We found that fluoride in drinking water was the major source of exposure for pregnant women living in Canada. Women living in fluoridated communities have two times the amount of fluoride in their urine as women living in non-fluoridated communities,” Christine Till, PhD, an associate professor of psychology in York’s faculty of health and lead author of the study, said in a statement.

Findings agree with previous research

This study adds to what we know from recent research that also found an association between prenatal exposure to fluoride and reduced intelligence.

“Some previous studies showed that higher levels of fluoride were associated with lower IQ scores in children, including another prospective cohort study published in 2017 by the ELEMENT group, which found similar results to ours,” Green said.

“However, our study was the first to look at prenatal exposure in a sample receiving optimally fluoridated water,” she emphasized.

Other potential fluoride issues

According to Besten, who wasn’t involved with the new study, aside from the findings of these studies, consuming more than optimal amounts of fluoride can stain and weaken teeth.

But consuming that much fluoride is unlikely to occur just from drinking tap water.

“The most obvious effect of fluoride is the formation of fluorosed enamel. Fluorosis occurs when excess fluoride is present when the tooth is forming, and this excess fluoride results in hypomineralization [softening and discoloration of tooth enamel], which gives a whiter appearance to fluorosed, as compared to normal, enamel,” Besten said.

She cautions that early research in animal studies have found a potential neurotoxic issue for high levels of fluoride.

They “show that neurotoxicity of fluoride is related to the dose, timing of exposure, and sex of the individual,” Besten said. “More recent epidemiological researchTrusted Source show associations between fluoride and neurotoxicity in humans,” she added.

Decades of use to stop tooth decay

In an emailed statement to Healthline, Dr. Aparna Bole, FAAP, chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Council on Environmental Health, points out that community water fluoridation has helped decrease tooth decay for decades, and that this is one study that pointed toward correlation, not causation.

“In most communities, tap water is a healthy and environmentally preferable choice,” Bole told Healthline. “This study is thought provoking, but the fact that results were different for boys and girls make them somewhat difficult to interpret, and fluoride intake in children was not examined.”

Bole points out that the AAP supports community water fluoridation.

“We support the public health sector’s continual evaluation of optimal community water fluoridation, and continue to recommend that children drink optimally fluoridated water,” Bole said.

“In addition, children should use age-appropriate amounts of fluoride toothpaste with adult supervision, and have fluoride varnish applied to their teeth according to the US Preventive Task Force guidelines.”

The bottom line

Recent research finds that prenatal exposure to “optimal” levels of fluoride in drinking water is strongly associated with reduced IQ when those children are between 3 and 4 years old.

This study adds to previous research that also found intelligence negatively affected in this population.

The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health maintains that children should still drink optimally fluoridated water, use age-appropriate amounts of fluoride toothpaste, and have fluoride varnish applied to their teeth.

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Written by George Citroner on August 19, 2019

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Searching For ALL Our Tomorrows in Yesterday / 12 Truths About Living In an Illusion / Friday: Bureau of Printing and Engraving

be not ignorant of this one thing,
that one day is with the Lord
as a thousand years,
and a thousand years
as one day.”
 2 Peter 3:8

We all wonder
about Life
in many ways,
as so many days
wander past us
ever searching
for all our Tomorrows,
in Yesterday.

And when we look
right through us,
we see
the World turning
And we ask –
is this moment
separate and apart
from any other?

Near the end,
are we closer
to the beginning?

can only be understood
but it must be lived
Soren Kierkegaard

and yesterday
define a line
we call Time.
But in reality,
Time, to us, simply compares
two bodies
floating in space,
in which
neither today or yesterday
truly exists.
Physicists agree
that Time is one of the most difficult properties
of our Universe to understand.
It is difficult
to understand that
which does not
George Harrison “It’s being here now that’s important.
There’s no past and there’s no future.
Time is a very misleading thing.
All there is ever,
is the now.
We can gain experience from the past,
but we can’t relive it;
and we can hope for the future,
but we don’t know if there is one.”

George Harrison

.We rarely think
about the fundamental nature of Time.
But it is a Human concept,
based on the Earth orbiting around the Sun,
and has no True Universal value.

There is no one simple definition
of Time.
We think it would be easy to understand,
but a real comprehension of Time
has proved to be elusive.
It is a nonspatial continuum
that is measured in terms of events
which succeed one another.
of these events
as the past through the present to the future.

    Our Tree of Life has many branches.

We picture Time
flowing like a River,
and we directly experience the flow of that River.
The present we think is objective,
and that everyone shares
in the present moment.
And we assume the present moment
divides everyone’s past from the future.
But the future does not really exist.
is an illusion
and is independent of the presence
of physical objects.

Albert Einstein “Time is
an illusion.”

Albert Einstein

Time is indefinite
– merely the continued progress
of existence
and events WE label
past, present, and future,
which can be regarded
as a

as the illusion of Time
rewrites every line
of our brief story,
between the lines
we find
so much of what
we truly are,
and what we
may become
in this moment,
we call

And if
we feel
we need more Time,
would it be a waste of
there is doubt,
will there be
more time
for doubt?
Not if our Dreams
the pulse of our
My Friend,
there is no Time,
and no such thing as Time,
or the need
Keep dreaming.
hold on to Life,
as we venture on
and journey
through the dark
of Night.
For in the end
there will be
if there is


“Ring the bells that can still ring
forget your perfect offering,
there is a Crack in everything,
that’s how the Light gets in.”
Leonard Cohen
is a sequence
of moves
in and out
of the shadows
of our thoughts,
not of Time.
We create the
with our new
They evolve
moment by moment
into our new
And this new
like ALL Life,
is Miraculous.
And it is
Give a mirror
to a young Child
who has never seen
a mirror before.
He may see
a reflection
of the Sky
and ask,
as a Child is
wont to do:
“Are you
giving me the
To which you
may reply:
and I have given
the me
in I.”
are True.
is a mirror,
your inner
do not see
the World
as it is.
You see it
as YOU
What you hold
in your mind,
comes to
What you hold
in you Heart
is Life.
Embrace both
your Heart and your mind,
for the powerful and Beautiful
things that they are.
But don’t try to make one do the job of the other.
Let your Heart decide
and your mind
guide you.
“The way
we experience the
World around us
is a direct reflection
of the World
within us.”
Ritu Ghatourey
are playing a
called Life,
in which we
are unaware
of the rules.

“Make your Heart
like a Lake,
with calm, still surface,

and great depths of kindness.”
Lao Tzu
A child
needs to be taught
how to calmly reflect upon
and our Beautiful place
in it.
can Truly Bless a Child
with an atmosphere of calm and reflection
and with soothing musical experiences.
In this day of unrest on every level of Life,
this Blessing,
of calm and patient reflection,
will be appreciated more than words
can ever express.
it may save
the Life
of your precious Child.
We cannot see
our reflection
in running water.
It is only
a still water
in which we can see
in the calm
of the moment,
can we truly reflect upon
the moment.
.“The Sun is only shining like it always does.
But I never noticed it in the Sky before.
I will write it on the walls of the World
So that the Sun won’t fade away
the words I say
to you –
I Love you.”

Mike Batt

Our Tree of Life
has many branches
and complex Truths about
our Nature.
Its nourishment from our Mother Earth
empowers us,
and forms a connection
to all that came
Branches reach out
to accept the nourishment of the Sun.
And the Leaves capture that nourishment
and savor and cherish it,
transforming it into
are like Beautiful Leaves
on the Tree
of Life.
And our brief and Precious Existence
connects us
to the Sanctity of our Spirit,
as we journey toward
growth and understanding.

Tree of Life
has many branches that reach high into the Sky
and roots that dig deep
into our Mother Earth.
And these join
into the endless circle
of our Being.

“Time stops
when Love recognizes
that it is eternity.
Douglas G. Rivela


My Dear Friend,
is what Time truly is.

Have you never noticed
that Time stops
when you are in
is Love.
He is
Eternal Love.
“Whoever does not

does not know God,
God is

1 John 4:8

While in your Mother’s Womb,
she Dreamed about

And like the Dream
of you,
many Dreams come true.
But when she looked
into your eyes,
she realized,
Dreams too.

of our Tomorrows
are here
to dissolve into
Yesterday –
a precious Gift
to manifest into
Light and Wonder.
“We sit,
look back at the time.

The starry sky displays the slides
of our togetherness.
We are in the realm of

where the law of space-time fails.
And I gently whisper,
we are beyond.”
Hrisha Paul

We can explore
by exploring the limits
of our known
a vast array of more than
two Trillion Galaxies,
expanding at the outer edges
faster than the speed
of Light.

What lies beyond
is Spiritual.
It is the realization
of God’s Infinite

“May God bless and keep you always
May your wishes all come true
May you always do for others
And let others do for you
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be Righteous
May you grow up to be True
May you always know the Truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
And may you stay forever young.

Forever young, forever young
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy
May your feet always be swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your Heart always be Joyful
May your song always be sung
And may you stay forever

Forever young,
forever young.”

Bob Dylan, Jim Cregan, Kevin Savigar, Rod Stewart

God is Love!
And Love is


12 Truths About Living In an Illusion
by Vernon Layne

read more

Here are twelve common truths that you’re living in an illusion:

1. You see the present through your past. Your past plays an important role in your life.  It’s there to teach you what you could have done differently or what you need to continue doing. THAT’S ALL.  It’s not there for wallowing in or condemnation. We fall short of His Glory so it’s important you learn to give yourself a break. Let go of your past and not become its prisoner then it will be easier for you to put things in its proper perspective.

2. You believe you can control things that are uncontrollable.  Stop trying to control people and situations. One of life’s most important lessons is learning to give up the illusion of control. You may wonder how you suppose to give that up, but the fact is you were never in control. The moment you think you’re in control is the moment you’re out of control.

3. You only see the bad in yourself and others. If you ask someone to list things about themselves most will list liabilities. People have a hard time seeing the good within themselves.  Not finding the good in you makes it impossible to see the good in others.

That’s why it’s important to take a complete self-assessment and list your access along with your liabilities and accept what you find. When you do this everyone wins. You win because you begin to grow and others win because they are encouraged to grow from watching you.

man living an illusion

4. You believe everything you feel and think. Imagine being judged inaccurately by two people who don’t know you. Believing everything you feel and think is just like listening to two people gossip. Your feelings aren’t facts. Don’t believe everything you think and feel because they can influence you to make unwise decisions. Learn to make decisions from facts and not feeling.

5. You search for fulfillment through things. The only person you can’t run away from is yourself. There’s nothing wrong with trying to get things in life but don’t lose yourself in the process by not understanding why you’re doing it. When the chase for things becomes more important than your family and your health, then it’s a destructive rush that’s causing harm. Most of the time you’re trying to fill a void or block a feeling when you’re searching for fulfillment in things.

6. Your self-worth comes from social media. All your life you wanted to belong and fit in, so you spend a lot of time on social media– yet never quite measuring up. The more likes you get the better you feel. The reality you need to hear and afraid to admit is when you’re not getting those likes you think you should be getting, you feel down almost depressed. Depending on social media to feel relevant is an illusion many people believe.

7. You think your happiness is your mate’s responsibility. It’s not fair to your mate when you expect them to be responsible for your happiness. They’re there to add to your happiness. It’s your responsibility to see that you’re happy. It’s not healthy and it doesn’t work when one partner isn’t responsible for his own feeling, thoughts and actions.  A healthy relationship is when a couple can grow in unity while at the same time growing as individuals, so take ownership of your own happiness.

8. You’re convinced everything supposed to go your way.  Self-centeredness is at the core of self-deception. It can create an illusion that you’re right and the world is wrong base on a feeling or an idea. You began to see yourself as a victim. Understand that everyone experiences life challenges and that you’re not the only one. To see things clearly bring your attitude in line with reality.

9.  You think you don’t need help. Most people, myself included, believed at some point in their life that they could do it all bystart living a new life themselves. This kind of thinking doesn’t work very well. The only guarantee you will get is being frustrated and exhausted.

We are here to help and support one another. Your life will be enhanced when you’re able to see people as a gift from God. Take the time and get to know the gifts God have given you by learning to trust others, reaching out to others, and admitting your need for others.

10. You believe you can’t change. It’s important to examine this false belief because it may not be yours. You could have picked it up from your parents. I know this may sound a little harsh but some parents tell their children self-defeating things. Not all illusions come from you. Some are created by others.

11. You think your success is because of the work you’ve done. Don’t become a legend in your own mind. As you begin to experience success in life it’s important to give credit where credit is due. Selfishly claiming what belongs to God is the quickness way to lose it all. Pride usually comes before the fall so give the Glory to God.

12. You feel you’re alone. I call this the ultimate illusion. The next time you’re by yourself look around you. Feel the air. Go outside and watch the squirrels chase each other. Look up and see the clouds move gracefully. God’s presence is all around you. You are never alone.

Foolish dreamers live in a world of illusion;
wise realist plant their feet
on the ground.
(Proverbs 14:18.)