Meeting General George Patton / MANY Other Wars to Fight / Friday: Museum of Science and History

 Honoring truly great leaders:
General George S. Patton Jr.
and his son
General George Patton IV

George S. Patton was perhaps
the finest general
to ever lead men into battle.
He was a true American Hero.
And was the only Allied General
feared by the Nazis
in World War II.

George Smith Patton, born in 1885,
was educated at the American Military Academy.

As a child he had difficulty learning to read and write,
but overcame this.
Later in his adult life he became an avid reader.

He was Home schooled,
like our precious children,
until the age of eleven.

Then he was enrolled in Stephen Clark’s School for Boys,
a private school in Pasadena.
  He was a highly intelligent child
and widely read classical military history.

Following graduation he became
an aide-de-camp to General Pershing
in his valiant campaign against Pancho Villa.

And George S. Patton was linked
with daring exploits as this
throughout his military career.

A highly intelligent child .

Following his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in 1934
in Hawaii, he foresaw the possibility
of a Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
with a remarkable degree of foresight
and sent a note about it,
four years before the attack occurred.

Following the end of World War II,
on December 9, 1945, General George S. Patton
was severely injured in a traffic accident.
He and his chief of staff were on a day trip
to hunt pheasants

in the country outside Mannheim.
Patton was sitting in the back seat of his 1938 Cadillac.
And at 11:45 a. m., near Neckarstadt,
a truck made a left turn in front of the Cadillac.
Patton’s car hit the front of the truck at a low speed.

Patton’s dog Willie mourns his master.             (This photo moved me to tears.)

Patton was buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery
in Hamm, Luxembourg along with others in the Third Army.
His request was to be buried with his men.

On March 19, 1947,
his body was moved from the original grave site
to its current prominent location
at the head of his former troops.

My Dear Friends,
I was privileged and Honored
to recently visit the Luxembourg American Cemetery
and the place where General Patton
was laid to rest,
along with over five thousand
of his valiant soldiers
who gave their last full measure of Devotion
to you and me.

By the way,
the American Battle Monuments Commission
maintains 24 permanent American burial grounds
on foreign soil.
Presently there are 124,909 U.S. war dead
interred at these cemeteries.
The total number of Americans
who died for our freedom
in all wars,
is approximately
– 620,000 in the Civil War
and 644,000 in all other conflicts.

Monument in honor of General George Patton Jr.

Our freedom
is the most expensive
thing on this planet.
When you see a Veteran,
thank him or her,
and do what you can
for that wonderful person.

It is difficult
for me to convey the emotion
that I felt
upon visiting the graves
of so very, very many
who lost their lives
combating evil
and tyranny.
I am in tears
as I try to express
my admiration, gratitude and Love
for these truly
Brave and Beautiful People.

Military leaders like General Patton
are very few and very far between.
Please take note of the fact that
we have had military leaders at the precise time
when we needed them for conflicts,
when this country
was truly in need
in order for our country
to survive.

We have been truly Blessed
to have such great leaders
in our desperate times.
I Believe
that his precious Life
was a Gift
to our Nation
from Almighty God.

General George Patton was a man
equal to none.

“I Love this Man
and I think he was terribly under used and maligned.
We need Men like him today.
Gen. Patton was one of the best military minds ever.
May he be resting in the sweetest of
Peace and Grace.”
Pam pamellita

I was especially moved
to visit his grave
and the George Patton Museum
after having met his son,
General George Patton IV
at Fort Hood in 1977.

As fate would have it,
I was invited by the Husband
of my wonderful school secretary
to see Fort Hood.
At the time,
I served as the Principal
of LaVega Primary School.
Claudia Mitchell
mentioned to her Husband,
and member of the Army Reserve,
George Mitchell,
that I wanted to see Fort Hood.
And to my amazement,
she spoke with George
and arranged for me to accompany him
on his next trip.

The rest of the story
is like a Dream come true.

George Patton IV

Shortly after we arrived,
I noticed high in the sky
a very small helicopter
circling above us.
George and I
were visiting and looking at the landscape,
when this tiny copter suddenly
landed a few yards away.

I was startled
when a tall man
ducked down to get out
and came quickly
toward us.

He extended his hand
toward me
and introduced himself as
General George Patton!
I shook his hand
in shock and disbelief.

It was the son
of the very famous General Patton
of World War II.

He stated that he heard
I was here.
(obviously, Mr. Mitchell
shared information about me
before we arrived)
And he wanted to meet me.
Then he said
“I have been looking
for someone like you,
to be on my personal staff.”

I then looked around
to see who he was speaking to.
I found only
George Mitchell and me.

Then he asked,
“How old are you?”

I said I am twenty seven.
The General paused,
looked me up and down,
and stated that I was one year older
than officer’s candidate school would accept.

He shook my hand again
and said that it was nice
to meet me,
and then said thank you
to George,
crawled back into his tiny craft
and disappeared.

I looked at George Mitchell
and asked
“What the Hell?”

George Mitchell just chuckled
and we both slowly
walked away,
I, in disbelief.


As it turns out,
this General Patton
was the tenth in a family line of U.S. military men
in American History.

George Patton IV
served in Korea from 1953,
commanding “A” Company of the 140th Tank Battalion,
40th Infantry Division.
He received his first Silver Star
and the Purple Heart in Korea.

Returning to the United States in 1954,
He was assigned to West Point
but later was sent to teach at the
United States Naval Academy.

He served three tours of duty in Vietnam,
and then took command
of the 2nd Medium Tank Battalion, 81st Armored Regiment
of the 1st Armored Division at Fort Hood Texas.

During Patton’s final tour
he was awarded two Distinguished Service Crosses.
And, while in Vietnam, he frequently used helicopters as a mobile command post and was shot down three times and awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross.

After Vietnam,
he was promoted to Brigadier General
before becoming the commanding officer
of the U.S. 2nd Armored Division,
a unit his Father had commanded
in North Africa during World War II,
making this the first time in U.S. Army history
that a father and a son
had both commanded the same division.

          Visiting the wounded.

Like his Father,
Patton IV was a devout Episcopalian
and a believer in reincarnation.
He remembered visiting the site
of a Napoleonic battle in Regensburg, Germany,
where he was gripped by the feeling
that he had once been in combat there.
After his installation he went
to the post Chapel to meditate.
“While there,” he confessed,
“I not only felt the presence of God,
I also felt the presence of my Father.”

Brigadier General Patton
was Deputy Post Commander at Fort Knox during 1972.
He was known by the troops as a
GI General,”
often appearing in the Dining Hall during meal times.
And often he would be behind the serving line.

At Fort Hood
Maj. Gen. George Smith Patton was again in charge
of the Second Armored Division.

To the division it seemed as though the two men
were one and the same,
that George Patton IV was an eerie reincarnation
of his Father, Old Blood and Guts.

Interestingly, he was also stationed near Stuttgart,
where Manfred Rommel, son of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel,
was Mayor of the city.
The sons of the two former adversaries entered into a friendship,
which continued until his death in 2004.
The men shared the same birthday, December 24.

He died from a form of Parkinson’s disease
at the age of 80 in 2004.

General Patton’s young grandson, who still is living,
makes interviews on the History Channel
and the Military Channel,
recalling his family heritage.

I, too,
have a Family Heritage
I am very proud of.
My Uncle,
Eugene R. Retz,
fought in the Battle of Bulge.
He was captured by German forces
and spent over a year
as a prisoner of war.
He suffered from the experience
his entire Life
from coming close to death
by starvation.
“I recall when Gene was released from prisoner of war.
I believe it was close to Christmas time
and I was a young boy of about 8 years old.
I had just received an electric American Flyer train for Christmas.
On several occasions, Gene would come over to my home
and he and I would play (to my Joy) with the electric train.
At that time, I knew him only
as gentle and seemingly frail.”
Frank (Pinky) Swihel, Jr.
July 24, 2008 | Surprise, AZ

Dear Friends,
we have many other
to fight.
And in these struggles,
courage and leadership
is needed:

The use of alcohol
results in the death
of two and one half million people each year
and causes serious illness and injury
to many millions more.
Most deaths caused by alcohol results from
injuries, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and liver cirrhosis.

From our friends at
Drinking alcohol in moderation is more harmful
than previously thought,
according to a new study that concludes
there is no “safe” level
of alcohol consumption.

The comprehensive study,
which analyzed information from millions of people
in nearly 200 countries, found that alcohol
is tied to nearly 3 million deaths globally each year.

What’s more, any protective health effects of alcohol
were offset by the drink’s risk,
including strong links between alcohol consumption
and the risk of cancer
and injuries such as those resulting from car accidents.
[7 Ways Alcohol Affects Your Health]

“The widely held view of the health benefits of alcohol
needs revising,”
the researchers wrote in their paper,
published online Aug. 23 in the journal The Lancet.
“Our results show that
the safest level of drinking is NONE.”
read more

People can be drawn to the sedative effects of alcohol
as a kind of medication,
helping to distract from persistent feelings of sadness.

While alcohol may temporarily relieve
some of the symptoms of depression,
it ultimately serves to worsen depression
on a long-term basis.

is a

My Dear Friends,
allow your Love
to blossom into courage
and share your disdain
for this bacterial excrement
(Yes, that is exactly what it is).
Your children
need to know,
and they must know from
the truth.

Stop consuming this
(yes, it literally is),
especially in their presence.
By drinking in their presence
your are unknowingly giving
your stamp of approval.

The opinion
of a child’s Mother and Father
is more meaningful
to that child,
than any other information
they shall ever, ever

              A river of NO return.

On yet another battleground,
and there are MANY:

According to the
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention,
over 44,000 people try to commit suicide
each year in the United States.
In 2015, suicide was the second leading cause of death
in people 15 to 34 years of age
and third leading cause of death
in children aged 10 to 14,
according to the CDC.

Suicide has surpassed war
as the military’s leading cause of death.
War was the leading cause of death in the military
nearly every year between 2004 and 2011
until suicides became the top means dying.
More U.S. soldiers killed themselves
(468) than died in combat.

Improving diagnosis
of mental health conditions can help.
Most people who commit suicide
have seen a doctor within the last year,
but many do not get diagnosed with the mental illness
that will ultimately kill them.
Click here for 5 Myths About Suicide, Debunked

can never be won
in silence.

Please find the courage
to openly discuss the warning signs
and prevention.
Our very, very, fragile
and very HUMAN
brothers and sisters,
and sons and daughters,
need to hear YOU
voice your Love,
your concern,
and your compassion.

have allowed our society to evolve
into an unbelievably complex and stressful

Please take three giant steps backward
in time – toward those moments
when JOY was the order of the day.
Reflect upon those precious times
when you, and those around you,
were truly happy.

do, or do not do,
what took place,
or did not take place,
in order to make you

      Joy is inside.

Joy does not simply happen to us.
Joy is inside
and not dependent on outside things.
In other words,
it’s a mindset.

Be Childlike.

Love every moment
for its sheer greatness.
Start paying attention to the details,
to the intricacies of life.
Life will amaze you.

Start Loving yourself
for who you are.
And who are
You do not know.
No one knows.
God knows.

Go to your Father
in Heaven Above
and ASK
for help.

He will not
fail you.

the precious moments
when you felt
truly alive,
filled with

      ASK for help.

.Visit places
and friends and family members
associated with Happy moments.
Listen to those Songs that inspired you
and made your Heart jump for Joy.
Get in touch with old friends
who were genuine towards you.

If you truly
want to be Joyful,
put your mind
of your body.
Help another living person.
Put your mind to work
on THEIR problems and difficulties.
STOP thinking about

The greatest feeling of JOY
your will ever come to know,
is when you help another
truly in need.

It is important to realize
that the mind can think of only
one thing
at a time.
And this,
My Friend,
is a GIFT.
If we put our mind to work
thinking of helping
someone other than
our self,
we simply cannot
focus upon our
worries, fears and problems.
the inability to multi-task
(which is an illusion),
is truly a
read more

put this knowledge
to work.

                 Truly a Gift.

Take the time
to do the things
that truly
matter in Life.

You will not be as successful,
or driven
or egotistical,
or well dressed,
or deluded by the illusions of
wealth and money.

will be


For Friday:
The Museum of Science and History

For Philosophy Class
this week:

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar
First Semester

Nov. 2                                                  Museum of Science & History

Nov. 19 – 23                                        Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 7                                                  Texas Civil War Museum (Do wars …………………………………………………….ever really end?)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                   Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                   Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Jan. 25 (Friday)                                  Fort Worth Stock Show

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 8 (Friday)                                   Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                 Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                             Scarborough Renaissance Festival ………….                                               Student Day

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.
Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018
The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved

                           Life requires reflection.

A Prelude to Infinity / Remembering Margarete Pross / Friday: Fossil Mania

“Sparks electric only strike
on Souls electrical alike.
The flash of intellect expires,
unless it meet
congenial fires.”
Hannah Moor

precious Earth made Child.
We were given feet of clay,
and Wings.

Our Lives
a prelude to
our roots
in the Heavens,
Profound Revelations
guide us
to the Source of all

        Profound Revelations guide us.

And when,
My Dear Friend,
does this Life

Not when your
Heart of clay
ceases to beat.
It stops
when Hearts fail
to comprehend
the Love and Compassion
that dwells

We all possess
a longing
for the unknown.

the Immensity and Beauty
of the Universe
is Our Home,
and it is
little known.

“Among all the realities of the invisible world,
mediated to us by the disclosures and promises of God,
and to which our Faith responds,
there is none that more strongly calls into action
this faculty for grasping the unseen
than the Divine pronouncement through the Gospel,
that, though sinners,
we are Righteous in the judgment of God.
That is not only the invisible,
it seems the impossible;
it is the paradox of all paradoxes;
it requires a unique energy of Believing;
it is the supreme victory of Faith
over the apparent reality of things;
it credits God with calling the things that are not
as though they were;
it penetrates more deeply into the Deity of God
than any other act
of Faith.”
Geerhardus Vos,
Grace and Glory: Sermons Preached
in the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary

     Our Home is little known.

Buried deep
within our will to be,
is a Promise,
a Sacred Promise of God Almighty,
to Forgive
and to heal,
and always be.

We weavers
of Dreams,
and other things,
the unexplainable feeling of longing
for a time and place,
we do not know.

And this,
My Precious Friend,
can be a sign
of recognizing
the identity of the Soul.
To envision a picture of a certain place,
unknown in time and space,
may trigger the Soul
to feel a great longing,
a feeling like
we have been there

who knows?
The waves of Oceans deep
land upon every
like the Love
of God
that seeks a way
into every

George Matheson

“I give thee back the Life I owe,
That in thine ocean depths its flow
May richer, fuller be.
O Light that foll’west all my way,
I yield my flick’ring torch to thee;
My Heart restores its borrowed ray,
That in thy sunshine’s blaze its day
May brighter, fairer be.

O Joy that seekest me through pain,
I cannot close my Heart to thee;
I trace the Rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be.”
George Matheson

Oh Lord,
grant that our Lives
the borrowed Day,
the Sacred Gift
Celestial Love,
the precious Life
from Above.


Remembering Margarete Pross

Once upon a time,
a couple of college friends and I invited
our dear friend and teacher, Mrs. Margarete Pross,
to join us for an evening of music
with John Gary at Hardin-Simmons University.
What a magical evening it was.
And later, she cried at the thought that her students
would care enough to
include her in our plans.
Those tears still flow though our Hearts,
down though time, and into the lives we
live today.
She shared the tragedy of her Life –
of how her husband, holder of both a law
degree and a Ph.D. and Chair of the Department
of Speech at a nearby University, died suddenly.
She felt that without his presence at the school,
she was unfairly dismissed
from her teaching position at this University.
Now it was evident that she was fending for herself,
in a very real struggle to merely
Mrs. Pross was teaching Speech,
along with the Joy of Living,
at a small junior college in, of all places,
Ranger, Texas,
when our group came to pick her up for
the John Gary concert
at her home.
As she wiped away tears from eyes
that were always
filled with such compassion for her students,
I looked around at the very humble
surroundings she lived in.
I was mortified at the so-called apartment
she merely existed in.
And I thought privately, how can such circumstance toss
such a Beautiful Human Being
into this.
The place made her three students want only to quickly leave.
It was at this time that we decided to assist her in finding
decent living accommodations.
We succeeded in finding a nice
garage apartment for her,
and we included her in our lives,
as much as we could.
We finally departed that evening for Abilene
to truly enjoy
a night of music with John Gary in concert,
a great steak dinner,
and as many one liners and jokes as she could endure.
What we created was a great friendship
that lasted many years.
And it began with that evening.
Such is the way with the quiet lives we live.
So many teachers,
so many tears, so many lonely evenings,
when it looks as though
no one cares.
All of her students felt, deep in our hearts,
this Lady cared deeply for us,
and she made us care
a great deal more than we thought we could.
We learned from her that
much of what we do,
in small ways for others,
really matters.
It creates Joy,
keeps us alive,
and makes our brief Lives
worth living.
And in sharing a little of your time and yourself,
you discover
that your life is richer.
You find that Life is more than just living
you discover that
Love is everywhere
and in everyone
and, to your surprise,
in YOU.
And that you have plenty
to share –
your Cup runneth over,
with Love.
in this moment,
before your Life ceases
to stir the endless sea of Time,
while tears of remembrance can still flow over you,
tell the teacher that held you in her Heart
how much it mattered
that someone cared,
when it seemed, perhaps,
that no one else
Take her by the hand,
waltz her out the door,
and share a moment of gratitude
for all the Love that still abides
with you.
is like a string of pearls,
consisting of brief moments
of Joy.

And few of them!


W. Somerset Maugham “The secret to Life
is meaningless,
unless you discover it

W. Somerset Maugham,
Of Human Bondage

This week in Philosophy Class:
we will enjoy viewing the Anderson School Production
of Julius Caesar
performed by our students
last Spring in our great outdoor theater.
Our appreciation goes to
Nick Meagher
Director George X Rodriguez.
Thank You
for your support.
2018-19 Anderson School Calendar
First Semester

Oct. 26                                                Fossil Mania in Glenrose

Nov. 2                                                  Museum of Science & History

Nov. 19 – 23                                        Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 7                                                  Texas Civil War Museum

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                   Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                   Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Jan. 25 (Friday)                                  Fort Worth Stock Show

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 8 (Friday)                                   Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                 Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                             Scarborough Renaissance Festival ………….                                               Student Day

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip (no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.
Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018
The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved

“Dr. A,
Thank you
for your most inspiring words from the Heart.

The message today spoke directly to me.
The entire newsletter is a complete gift to anyone
who is Blessed enough to read it.
Only Love is real.
And only Love is important.
I have heard a resounding melody
and like the sweetest of lullabies sings to me.
Trust in the unknown
and then you will know everything.”
Laura Jaye Greer

Thank You
Laura Jaye,
as always, for the kind words.
They are deeply

We Are Alive Forever / The Power of Pure Consciousness / Obesity May Double Risk Of Cancer / Friday: T. B. A.

We hear of
And there are

My Dear Friend,
Miracles abound
with the simplicity
of knowing,
that everything
is a Miracle.

We are never fully
that every Life
is a Miracle,
every day
is a Miracle,
and every moment
is truly Miraculous.

William Wordsworth
wrote in a poem that begins,
“The World is too much with us;
late and soon,
getting and spending,
we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature
that is ours.”

It is very hard
to reflect upon what is going on,
because demands for our time
and our energy
don’t diminish.

The beauty of God’s creation is everywhere.

And so,
we are seldom
in the moment.

Slowing down
is essential
requires the recognition
that it is important
to do so.

Finding a tranquil location,
perched along the banks of a soothing River
makes it easy to slow your pace
and discover the art
of relaxation.
Since the Beauty of God’s creation
is everywhere,
it isn’t necessary to travel
many miles
to behold it.

The wonders of our Father
in Heaven
abound all around us,
surround us,
are us.
And these marvels
reveal much about our
His Beauty
is reflected
in His

it is reflected
in YOU.

To sense our consciousness,
just slow down
and take notice of the marvels
unfolding all around us.
To live in
focus your conscious thoughts,
your good intentions
and physical energy.

Get rid of the
negative emotion.
Our reality
is that everyone
is playing the game
of Life
at their own pace.

Escape to another Century,
with your intention of understanding
a totally other time
and place.
Slow your pace
and sustain your reading attention.
It is important that mom AND dad
model the slow reading
of truly great literature
for their children.
click here
for our recommended
reading list.

Our shadows are cast by the same Light.

My Dear Friends,
the brevity
of our Being
dictates many things.
our brevity is
Our constituent essence
exists lividly buried,
and forever alive,
within our DNA
and that of our inheritors,
our children,
and our children’s
more importantly,
we are alive forever
in the Spirit.

“For you have been born again,
but not to a Life that will quickly end.
Your new Life will last forever
because it comes from
the Eternal, Living Word
of God.”

1 Peter 1:23

The essence
of our Being
is truly designed,
Biologically and Spiritually,
to be alive

As every Flower
it soon fades away.
And Flowers teach us:
we each
have the capacity
to blossom,
and express
the Beauty of Love
to the whole World.

“Our Spiritual roots
are where our Life gets its nourishment.
It is our infinite source of the Love,
happiness, and serenity that we all deeply desire.
Through Spirituality we gain
an outlook that best benefits
our Life.
Randi G. Fine
(read more)

Our shadows
are cast
by the same Light.
our options
for Life and Living,
lie in many
Beautiful dimensions.


                               Flowers teach us.

The Power of Pure Consciousness
by Steve Taylor
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Experiencing ‘consciousness-in-itself’ can have a massively therapeutic effect. It brings a sense of being firmly rooted in ourselves, of being truly who we are. We also have a sense of being truly where we are, realizing that before we were only half-present, and everything we see around us seems intensely real and alive, as if our perceptions have become much more acute. But above all, we experience a profound sense of inner peace and natural happiness. As the Hindu and Buddhist traditions have always held, the nature of consciousness-in-itself (which means the consciousness inside us and the consciousness which pervades the whole universe) is bliss. Getting into contact with the pure consciousness inside us enables us, therefore, to experience this bliss. Indeed, it could be said that it’s only when we do this that we can experience true happiness.

Click here
to enjoy the beauty of this Earth
with Amour Divin by Michel Pépé.

Obesity May Double Risk Of Colorectal Cancer
click here to read more

Women who are overweight or obese have up to twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer before age 50. The study published in the journal JAMA Oncology, said that it was it is of utmost importance for women to maintain a healthy weight, beginning in early adulthood for prevention of early-onset colorectal cancer.

Compared with women with the lowest body mass index (BMIs), 18.5-22.9 kilograms per square meter, women with the highest BMIs, greater than 30, had almost twice the risk of early-onset of colorectal cancer, Xinhua news agency reported.

“We hypothesised that the obesity epidemic may partially contribute to this national and global concern in early-onset colorectal cancer rates, but we were surprised by the strength of the link and the contribution of obesity and weight change since early adulthood,” said Yin Cao, Assistant Professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University.

For the study, published in the journal JAMA Oncology, the team included data from 85,256 women aged 25 to 44.It must be understood that this is an association study, which does not establish that increasing weight is a cause of early-onset colorectal cancer. More studies are needed to uncover the causal relationship between the two and identify young people at high risk of colorectal cancer at younger ages.

The American Cancer Society recently lowered the recommended age at which most people should undergo a first screening colonoscopy. The new guidelines recommend screening beginning at age 45, down from the previous recommendation of age 50.

Obesity is a condition characterized by excessive body weight. Your diet can play a significant role in managing obesity. Here are some foods that are known for their fat burning abilities.

1. Tomato: Tomatoes encourage the production of the amino acid called Carnitine, which is an organic molecule that plays an important role in the regulation of fatty acid and energy metabolism. Tomatoes also have a compound known as 9-oxo-ODA that helps reduce lipids in blood, which further helps in preventing weight gain and belly fat.

2. Green Tea: Catechins are one of the antioxidants present in green tea which are believed to boost metabolism, further promoting weight loss.

3. Celery: Containing barely 16 calories per 100 grams (as per USDA), celery is ranked high among negative calorie foods. Packed with fiber, celery is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.

4. Broccoli: Plant-based foods are high in fiber and great calorie burners. Containing barely 34 calories per 100 grams. Broccoli is ranked high amongst superfoods. It is packed with fibers and antioxidants and studies have shown that they may also have certain anti-cancer properties.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

.“Our mind is like a cloudy sky:
in essence clear and pure,
but overcast by clouds of delusions.
Just as the thickest clouds can disperse,
so, too, even the heaviest delusions
can be removed from our mind.”
Kelsang Gyatso

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar
First Semester
September 4 – December 21   2018

Sept. 4 (Tuesday)                              First Day of First Semester

Oct. 8 (Monday)                                 Columbus Day Holiday

Nov. 19 – 23                                       Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                 Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                 Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                  Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)             Good Friday & Easter Holidays

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip (no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

                                          For Philosophy this week:

  Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.
Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018
The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved

Hold Eternity in Your Hands / First Cancer ‘Living Drug’ / Friday: Monnig Meteorite Gallery

We often see
by the blind
of Light,
as day
appears in our dreams
at  Night.

another language
a vision
of our being.

From the Braille
battered into the walls
of victory or defeat,
became the History
of our race,
and less,
much less.
we discover
on our Horizon,
the Eternity of Night.
For without
Love emitting Light,
will exist.

…………… Such is the pathway.

It’s a long, long way
from here to there,
from War
to Peace.
And we
never get near.

never find the way
through the mists of doubt,
to the Light
of Day.

We never found
along the way.

it does exist.
is the only thing
that truly exists.

                       …….  It does exist.

A Child
caressed by the Human Hands
of a Mother’s Love,
is received of
from Above.
Such is
the pathway
to hold
in Your Hands.

is created from Love.
That is the only essence;
that is the only substance;
that is the only fiber there is.
So everything that takes form
comes from Love.”

read more

Like tears
we shed in the falling rain,
our reality
perfectly merges
with everything
that surrounds us,
confounds us,
astounds us,
is us.

My Dear Friends,
do not exist
apart from anything.
There is no
and you.

that which we call Life is impossible
without and inseparable from
what we regard as

Just as one can mold thousands
of practically identical grains of sand on a beach
into castles, mermaids or whatever one can imagine,
the innumerable atoms that make up everything on the Planet continually congregate and disassemble themselves,
creating a ceaselessly shifting kaleidoscope of matter.

Ferris Jabr is a contributing writer for
Scientific American.
“Why does the eye
see a thing more clearly in 
than the imagination
when awake?” 

– Leonardo da Vinci
Why is defining Life so difficult?
Why have scientists and philosophers
for centuries
to find a specific physical property or set of properties
that clearly separates the Living from the inanimate?
Because such a property
does not exist.
“That Love
is all there is,
is all we know of Love;
it is enough.”
Emily Dickinson
Life is an invented concept.
On a fundamental level,
everything that exists is an arrangement of atoms
that fall onto a very large spectrum of complexity,
from a single hydrogen atom
to something as complex as the Human brain.
In trying to define Life,
we draw a line at an arbitrary level of
and loudly proclaim that everything above that level
is alive and everything below it is not.
But this division only exists in our
very limited and Human mind.
There is no threshold of complexity
at which a collection of atoms
suddenly becomes alive,
no real distinction between the living
and that we call inanimate.
We fail to define Life
because there is never anything
to define.
“If I have the gift of prophecy
and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have a Faith that can move mountains,
but do not have
I am nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13:2

The only thing that truly exists.

In ancient philosophy,
the Greek philosopher

thought that nothing really exists at all
that if anything does exist,
then nothing can be known about it,
and that there is really no way this can be passed on
for others
to understand.
Gorgias was simply giving a philosophica:
proof to the fact that all material things
that exists in the World
are perceptions of the mind,
figments of imagination.
Quantum physics tells us that reality
is far beyond human perception and intuition.
In other words,
our rational mind and common sense
are not capable of understanding
the true nature of reality.

My Dear Friends,
the highest part of yourself
is a much higher Being,
where the best qualities, gifts, and capacities
of the Soul are found.

Your Humanity connects with the Divine.
Your Superior Being
does exist and is there
to seek the answers to your questions,
attend to your desires,
address your concerns.

We are connected to the Divine.
He is within us.
We are His Children.

what manner of Love
the Father hath bestowed upon us,
that we should be called
the sons of God.”
1 John 3:1
Go to your Father
in Prayer.
Let your Heart
speak with your Superior Being.
You will have

If your desires
are Beautiful,
your Blessings
will be the same.

“All of life
is a near-death experience.”

Alan Harris

Today’s idea holds the key
to what your real thoughts are.
They are nothing that you think you think,
just as nothing that you think you see
is related to vision in any way.

There is no relationship between what is real
and what you think is real.
Nothing that you think are your real thoughts
resemble your real thoughts in any respect.
Nothing that you think you see
bears any resemblance
to what vision will show you.

Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas
with which we have cluttered up our minds
are the thoughts that we thought with God
in the beginning.
They are there in our minds now,
completely unchanged.
They will always be in our minds,
exactly as they always were.
Everything we thought since then
will change,
but the Foundation on which it rests
is wholly changeless.

Yes, LOVE does exist.

Let us
go to our graves
without those we Love
peering into the vast space
of our unfathomable

The pathway
to inner Peace,
and World Peace,
lies through
the Human Heart.

Let us start
thinking –
with our


and how many deaths will it take
’til he knows,
that too many people
have died?
Bob Dylan

First cancer ‘living drug’ gets go-ahead

The US has approved the first treatment to redesign a patient’s own immune system so it attacks cancer.

The regulator – the US Food and Drug Administration – said its decision was a “historic” moment and medicine was now “entering a new frontier”.

The company Novartis is charging $475,000 (£367,000) for the “living drug” therapy, which leaves 83% of people free of a type of blood cancer.

Doctors in the UK said the announcement was an exciting step forward.

The living drug is tailor-made to each patient, unlike conventional therapies such as surgery or chemotherapy.

It is called CAR-T and is made by extracting white blood cells from the patient’s blood.

The cells are then genetically reprogrammed to seek out and kill cancer.

The cancer-killers are then put back inside the patient and once they find their target they multiply.

‘Enormously exciting

Dr Scott Gottlieb, from the FDA, said: “We’re entering a new frontier in medical innovation with the ability to reprogram a patient’s own cells to attack a deadly cancer.

“New technologies such as gene and cell therapies hold out the potential to transform medicine and create an inflection point in our ability to treat and even cure many intractable illnesses.”

The therapy, which will be marketed as Kymriah, works against acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Most patients respond to normal therapy and Kymriah has been approved for when those treatments fail.

Dr Stephan Grupp, who treated the first child with CAR-T at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said the new approach was “enormously exciting”.

“We’ve never seen anything like this before,” he added.

That first patient had been near to death, but has now been cancer-free for more than five years.

Out of 63 patients treated with CAR-T therapy, 83% were in complete remission within three months and long-term data is still being collected.

However, the therapy is not without risks.

It can cause potentially life-threatening cytokine release syndrome from the rapid proliferation of the CAR-T cells in the body. This can be controlled with drugs.

New era

But the potential of CAR-T technology goes beyond one type of cancer.

Dr David Maloney, medical director of cellular immunotherapy at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, said the FDA’s decision was a “milestone”.

He added: “We believe this is just the first of what will soon be many new immunotherapy-based treatments for a variety of cancers.

CAR-T technology has shown most promise against different blood-based cancers.

However, it has struggled against “solid tumours” such as lung cancer or melanoma.

Dr Prakash Satwani, a paediatric oncologist at Columbia University Medical, said: “The results haven’t been that great when you compare it with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, but I’m sure the technology will get better in the near future.”

Boosting the immune system is already a cornerstone of modern cancer treatment.

A range of drugs that “take the brakes off” the immune system to allow it to attack cancer more freely have already been adopted around the world.

CAR-T technology, which goes a step further and redesigns the immune system, is at a much earlier stage.

Prof Peter Johnson, the chief clinician at the charity Cancer Research UK, said: “The first genetically modified cell therapy to be approved by the FDA is an exciting step forward.

“We still have a lot to learn about how to use it safely and who might benefit from it, so it is important to recognize this is just a first step.”

Follow James on Twitter.

For our class in Philosophy
this week:

For Friday, October 12:


2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

First Semester

September 4 – December 21   2018

Sept. 4 (Tuesday)                              First Day of First Semester

Oct. 8 (Monday)                                 Columbus Day Holiday

Nov. 19 – 23                                       Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                 Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                 Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                  Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)             Good Friday & Easter Holidays

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip (no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

  Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.
Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018
The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved