The Inner Peace of Tranquility / A Saner Way

Life is unpredictable.
It is typically filled with
little Joy
and much sorrow.

Our dreams can simply
And then
we ask ourselves,
how can we find
the inner peace
of tranquility,
living with such

My Dear Friends,
you can find
that there is a place
in you,
where you are quiet and calm
and nothing can disturb you.
But it is difficult
to find the way there.

is available.
Please allow me
to share
some truly valuable resources.

of the most valuable
I have discovered
is from

The following is from

Do you want to achieve the calmness and serenity
that comes with inner peace?
Anyone can!
All you need to do is let go
of the stresses and strains
of daily life
and make time to just
Finding inner peace is a process
– so take it
one day at a time.

Quiet your mind.
Sit quietly to free and empty your mind of thought.
Rest frequently.
Find a comfortable spot to unwind, relax
or take a nap.
Being well-rested
is crucial to your mental and emotional well-being.

Keep everything simple.
Inner peace is easier to achieve
when you simplify your life
and your to-do list.
Try not to do everything at once.
You can do anything you want,
but you don’t have to do everything
at once.

Take your time.
Achieving inner peace is a process;
take the time to experience and enjoy
your own personal journey.
Don’t be discouraged if the process takes a while;
there is Beauty in the process
of becoming.

if you are recovering from emotional trauma,
allow yourself the TIME
to experience the process of recovery.
You can achieve inner peace
and live a purposeful, self-directed life
when you take the time to recover

can be difficult to achieve.
It can take
a great deal of
But you can
ENJOY traveling down
the path to inner peace.
it will require YOU
to learn much more
than you know.

There is Beauty in the process of becoming.

Know Thyself.
this thought, commonly attributed to Socrates,
stems from a more ancient source
and lies at the root of all
Know Thyself was written on
the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Legend tells that the seven sages of ancient Greece,
philosophers, statesmen and law-givers,
who laid the foundation for western culture,
gathered in Delphi to inscribe “know thyself”
at the entry to its sacred oracle.
The adage subsequently became a touch-stone
for western philosophers,
and extended its reach
as the influence of Greek philosophy expanded.
This site gathers its most profound expressions
and elaborates on their meaning.

The path to inner peace.

Self-knowledge is all-encompassing.
What is learned on one scale of experience
can be applied to all scales.
It is the highest form of knowledge,
surpassing all other knowledge.

Self-knowledge is also timeless,
which means that what is gained in one era,
benefits all subsequent generations.
On this website we have gathered
many expressions of ancient wisdom
that have been articulated by eminent men and women
from all ages, traditions and cultures.

Our compilation reveals the Universal nature
of man’s quest for self-knowledge,
and further shows that no age of mankind
was necessarily any closer or farther
from this quest than any other.

Although we may be technologically more sophisticated
than our ancestors,
the age we inhabit is in the same relationship
as previous eras to this quest.
Therefore, the primary aim of this site
is to benefit from the ancient wisdom
of our ancestors and apply it to our own period.

If you’d like to explore the quest for self-knowledge more deeply, subscribe to our mailing list.
We will send you email updates
on a contemporary attempt at building
an online community that applies
ancient wisdom in modern times.

Or simply read on to learn more
about the Universal challenge of

When asked what was the most difficult thing,
Thales replied, “To know thyself.”
When asked what was easiest,
he replied, “To give advice.”

Since Solon (one of the seven sages)
received his education in Egypt,
the principle of Know Thyself
might well predate the Greeks.
At the same time, the Hindus in the east
developed their system of philosophy
before the Greek civilization,
and knowledge of the Self
took a prominent position in their writings.
(Read more about the history of Know Thyself)

Wherever and whenever the adage originated,
Know Thyself was universally adopted and placed
at the foundation of knowledge,
the corner stone on which the temples of philosophy
should be erected.

“The essence of knowledge is self-knowledge,”
claimed the Greek philosopher Plato.
Centuries before him, the Hindu Upanishads confirmed,
“Enquiry into the truth of the Self is knowledge.”

Leagues away and centuries later,
the Persian poet Rumi wondered,
“Who am I in the midst of all this thought traffic?”
and the American poet Walt Whitman celebrated his Self,
“a simple, separate person.”

Know Thyself through time

This two-word imperative traveled from antiquity
and throughout history to the present day.
Like a golden thread in a multicolored fabric,
Know Thyself wove its course through races and cultures, through religious and secular traditions, spanning spiritual and scientific teachings and appearing in art and literature.

Indeed, the ancient adage was declared
in almost every medium on every continent and in every era.

Know thyself has often been a corner stone

“Can one know oneself”
wondered the French poetess George Sand.
Is one ever somebody?
“When will I ever see that Am that I Am?”
lamented the poet Rumi.

Scores of poets and philosophers
dedicated their lives to inquiring about the Self,
seeking its elusive mysteries, digging deep to unearth
that hidden stone without which all construction would be futile.
Some attained remarkable results,
attested to by the legacy of their works.
Others never found an end to their quest.
“I have an inner self of which I was ignorant,”
confesses the Bohemian – Austrian poet Rilke in his diary,
while the ninety-year-old art-historian Bernard Berenson
tells a different story:

who is the real I,
where does he hide from ME?

I know who he is not,
but how and what and if at all HE is,
I have never discovered
although for more than seventy years
I have been looking for him.

It is the sincerity of such remarks as Berenson’s
that touch the reader and direct his attention inwards,
asking himself the very questions
these authors posed in their times.

Know Thyself – the essence of knowledge

If the essence of knowledge is self-knowledge,
then this site is an elementary door
to all those in pursuit of this wisdom.
Within these pages and posts are compilations of sayings on
Know Thyself,
the fruition of many hours of research by several individuals.
The quotations compiled are at the reader’s disposal.

Profound sayings on Know Thyself invite

They profess that Truth stands the test of time,
bypassing the ages and connecting us with the authors
who expressed them.
They spark our curiosity to learn more about the men and women who struggled before us, who strove in their times to find a firm foundation of truth,
as we do today.

They prove timelessly relevant and open doors into further inquiry of our true nature.
They confirm that, despite the passage of millennia, man’s struggles have essentially remained the same: man is, and always has been, a being in search of truth and identity.

Moreover, expressions of self-knowledge call us to action.
“‘Know Thyself was written over the portal of the antique world,”
said the Irish writer Oscar Wilde
more than two thousand years after the seven sages inscribed it on the forecourt of their oracle.
“Over the portal of the new world,
Be Thyself’
shall be written.”

Socrates on Know Thyself

The only true wisdom
is in knowing you know

“Wisdom begins with wonder,” said Socrates.
Through dialogue, he led his audience to passionate inquiry
of existence and identity.

His speech maintained a humble tone, claiming,
to the surprise of his listeners,
that he knew nothing.
In his mind,
one could not know anything without knowing one’s self.

Thus, the Seven Sages of Greece,
who had inscribed know thyself in the forecourt
of the Delphic oracle a few generations before Socrates,
had challenged all subsequent philosophers to attain self-knowledge before knowing anything else.
Socrates embraced this ancient challenge humbly:

I am not yet able, as the Delphic inscription has it, to know myself; so it seems to me ridiculous, when I do not yet know that, to investigate irrelevant things.

Care first about the greatest perfection of the Soul.

“What I want to discover at present,”
said Socrates,
“is the art which devotes its attention
to precision, exactness, and the fullest

His philosophical inquiry was, therefore,
dedicated to truth,
foremost the truth about himself.
By publicly admitting his self-ignorance,
he made his audience aware of their own.

My Dear Friends,
there will be storms to face,
and sometimes tragedies.
But with Faith in our Loving God
and with trust in His Divine help,
we can confidently say,
“It will be well with my Soul.”


A Saner Way

If we were to search throughout the history of human existence, in every nook and cranny on Planet Earth, we would not find one perfectly sane mind. Some form and degree of madness (in both senses of the word) is and has always been a pandemic disease among our species, from which no one has been immune, or has ever been known to fully recover.

And yet, despite the monumental ramifications of this astounding fact, it is rarely noted by even the most serious thinkers. It seems that we are unwilling to experience the inevitable humbling that must come with admitting, even to ourselves, that as a species, we human beings too often think, feel and behave as though we were not in our right minds.

Until we lift the veil of denial that blinds us to this premise, we will continue to go about our lives in utter confusion as to why we do the crazy things we do. But when we admit to ourselves, and one another, that the reason we behave as though we are mad is because we are, our confusion disappears.

We understand why we choose, of our own free will, to sacrifice clean air, water and food essential for our survival for petty pleasures that are too embarrassing to list and are sure to be the death of us; why we hide from one another behind a lifetime of disguises and lies; why we settle our disputes by fighting people we do not know, under orders from others we do not know, in defense of what we do not know is so; and why the demons of depression, obsession, repression, anxiety, guilt, apathy, hate and jealousy haunt our days and nights.

The many symptoms of our shared illness are easily seen on any street corner, in homes, schools, work places, courtrooms or anywhere else human behavior is on display.

But the most serious is our seeming obsession with some form of violence. What greater proof that the state of our minds is off-kilter than the fact that we commit, condone and applaud gruesome acts of violence, on a daily basis… from slaughterhouses and laboratories to war zones? What else, but mental illness, would explain why Spiritual beings, capable of reason and compassion, choose cruelty and violence instead?

Evolving beyond our lust for violence is the essential first step toward our desperately-needed cure. Only by rising above our willingness to terrorize, be terrorized by or watch anyone else terrify or be terrified by anyone else, will we, for the first time in our history, feel safe enough to lift the veil that hides our saner selves. When we do, we will discover that although we are surely mad, we are not only mad.

Each of us is empowered with a reasonable mind and a compassionate heart… the golden pillars that frame the pathway to a saner way of living.

When we embark on that pathway, we come face to face with veganism, which is non-violence in action. The concept, as simple as it is profound, is that the violent, unbelievably cruel custom of enslaving, torturing and killing our fellow earthlings must and will end when we stop supporting it, and we will do so when we see the innocent victims for who they really are… mysterious beings like us, who feel pain and Love life as we do, and have done us no harm.

When we open our minds to reason and compassion, we will see with saner eyes, that their precious bodies are not ours to bend and break to our will for the sake of our pleasure, comfort, convenience or any other excuse our unreasonable, apathetic thinking can conjure up.

Without veganism, we will remain trapped in our madness.

With it, we will be the sanest we have ever been.

 Beings like us, who feel pain and Love life as we do.

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.
All Rights Reserved

The Brief Interlace With Destiny / Love-Filled Ways to Live

What is this
this brief interlace
with destiny?
What is this day,
this short stay
in the bright morning Light,
waiting for shades of dark,
the gray,
the softer forms,
drifting clouds
to shadow our evening

The isolation
of our Humanity
from Nature
is a principle factor
in the disastrous denial
of our inalienable right
to Happiness.

“On another impoverished evening
so strangely bleak,
the moon weeps
for more burning her Soul must retain.
And she clings like a stem
to the tree of Life
that frozen eyes grasp coiled branches,
weighing down on howls
of Raven’s play.”
Nette Onclaud

Our Joy,
My Dear Friend,
is a Gift to God.
Just as
seeing your Child
is a Gift
to you.

We are only
truly alive
while we are
At all other times
we are but
To be unaware
of this,
is to dwell
in a devastating state
of denial.

Let us
celebrate our

We can unleash
restorative and recuperative
that lie dormant
within our Sacred Lives
and the Lives of
our cherished

We can do so
quite simply.

The abolition of our
to ignorance
requires a revolution
in thought.

Take the hand
of your precious Child
and walk out
of your place
of abode.

The wellspring
of our true
adventurous Spirit
lies in knowing
we can believe
in our own
and that it is sparked
by our Mother,

“Time and space in deadlock
Time unlike the progression of a clock
Time dependent on interpretation
A linear cessation.
Space dependent on mass
Triangulation through impasse
Portals of acquisition
An inner self expedition
From a place in time
No origin or termination of the prime.

To an interval in space
Where cosmos and time interlace
Affirmation of existential quantification
Often lost with one’s interpretation.
Particles floating upon a solar wind
From and to Infinity without an end,
Matter casting shadows in time’s void,
A whirlpool generating ripples
outwardly deployed.”

Deborah Kelley

We are often
by the contrast between
what we think
to be real
and the sorrow-ridden
of so many others.
But we fail
to acknowledge
the reality of their
of their
Human Being.

How they experience
the World,
our World,
your World and mine,
requires a direct
with the senility of

We must
come to know
that we are one,
the same,
not only dependent
upon one another,
the same.

  Walk out of your place.

The pain
of our existence
is not always
laid out for others
to see.

At the edge
of Life,
we seek a Spiritual
where the ground
of our existence
is shaking the Pillars
of our Foundations.

The Story of Life
is often written
with a pencil
that was never
and often,
never penned at all.

in the service of
each other
are we truly
do we get
the point.

Reality kills,
but it also
Not only
in recognizing,
but in the Heart
of the recognizer.

A Palace,
a real Palace,
does not exist
as abstract art
thrown upon the canvass
of the ground.
It is built
from many splendored
thoughts and deeds.
It is constructed
by the Heart.
It does not
deteriorate with time,
fall to the ground
and turn into
A real Palace
is built
by the Human Heart.
It is Home to many,
and lasts

has learned the lore,
folk and more,
the dare, the scare,
and worse,
to better beware.
are carved into Life
from Rivers
of deep regret.

But we are
Creation Entire,
the seeds of Thoughts
planted by
slow moving
many splendored
Dimensions of
in form of Beings.

So when the Night
is no longer yours
when tomorrow
begins with the Sun
rising in your
you feel
you can now
Love many others,
hold on,
a total
eclipse of the Heart
by the Light
of God’s Love,
will envelope you.

In Prayer
you will find,
you are found,
and no longer
in need
of anything,
but His Love.

is beside us,
inside of us,
to be.

is what you are,
what you long
to be.

Close your
that you may see.
truly Loves you.

that you are,
and will always
bask in the
and let it


Love-Filled Ways to Live From Your Heart

Living from the heart is incredibly relaxing. You stop using your mind to analyze, plan, organize, and figure everything out. What a relief! As you let go of all of that mind activity, you are able to relax into presence, where there is no trouble and no resistance.

When you live from the heart, you begin to touch into the universal experience of love. Love is the source of everything – the fabric which makes up our very existence.

Sure, there are many waves in the ocean, but they all are made up of the same thing. Play with letting go of your individual self and live from the eternal ocean of love.

  1. Ask, “What would love do?” In any situation, look for the response that is peaceful and free of stress. Put aside your fears and conditioned habits, and let love guide you.
  2. Let love pervade every conversation. Can you not take your relationships for granted and be more openly loving? Even when things get tense, drop away from your emotional reaction and melt back into love.
  3. Treat yourself like gold. When it comes to love, you are included, too. Tune into what you need and let yourself have it. Live as stress-free a life as possible.
  4. Be here now. Spinning stories in your mind about things that have happened in the past and what might happen in the future take you away from what is here right now. When you are stuck in your mind, it is impossible to be fully in touch with the love that is here. Let your attention explore this very moment. Open your senses, open your heart, and live from there.
  5. Become aware of the oneness of love. Consider this: what is looking out of your eyes is the same as what is looking out of everyone else’s eyes. When you meet an “other,” you are actually meeting the essence of yourself. When you understand this, love is impossible to deny. Check it out with the next person you speak to.
  6. Don’t obsessively plan. In fact, only plan when absolutely necessary. Planning is in the mind, and when you realize how little planning you actually need, there is space to recognize that you are alive right now. And in that aliveness, let your heart glow.
  7. Make hard choices. When you live from the heart, you begin to be very honest with yourself. You may realize that certain situations or people aren’t working for you. Likewise, you will see your own tendencies that don’t serve. Sometimes, the most loving response you can make is a kind but firm, “No.”
  8. Honor your personality quirks. A funny thing happens when you live from the heart. As conditioning falls away, your natural gifts and inclinations have space to be expressed. Let your creativity flow in whatever way it wants to. Go where you are guided, learn what you want to learn, enjoy yourself in all your activities.
  9. Bring boundless acceptance to your moment-to-moment experience. Be a kind host to all the emotions and reactions that visit you. The more you resist, the more trouble you will have. Say, “Hello” and let it be.
  10. Get to know the unconditioned, totally free you. When you relax away from all your conditioned habits, you will discover formless space that is clear, open, and inherently loving. Begin to become familiar with this space, as it is the essence of you. Listen, let it guide you. Live here.

In any moment you have a choice – the head or the heart, inauthenticity or truth, distraction or love. Play around with living more in your heart. Don’t be shy. Let love in, and life’s greatest treasures will be revealed.

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.:
William’s Weblog at

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.
All Rights Reserved

 Bask in the Sun and let it be.

Our Story of No Greater Gift / Be a Honey and Save the Honey Bees / Monday and Tuesday: Julius Caesar Production at School

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky.
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead.
Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.”
– John McCrae May 1915

The Story of Mankind,
OUR story,
may end
unlike it began.

  “This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.”
– T. S. Eliot
The Hollow Men

My Dear Friends,
the precious Gift
of Freedom,
is given to us,
each and every one,
by those who sacrificed
their Freedom,
their deep longing to Live,
all the Love that Life
could bring,
the Beauty
of every Spring,

And now,
thanks to them,
this day begins

The pathway forward.

The past
permeates through
and me,
as we cruise
into this Life
with many Sails

The Brave
do not lie quietly
in their Sacred Graves.
They are
in YOU.
With every shout
of Joy,
with every Blessed moment
to remember,
they quietly celebrate
the Life
you live,
that they give
to you.

        Time is not a natural feature of our Universe.

So breathe deeply
and say a quiet
a Prayer of Thanksgiving,
for the most precious Gift
you will ever receive,
the Gift of Freedom
and Life.

“Greater Love
hath no man than this,
that a man lay down his life
for his friends.”
John 15:13

The Oceans
of their deep and abiding
break upon every

in the Forest
of our ideals and ideas,
where our Heart glows,
we live
in this day
and in yesterday.

Their Sacred Sacrifice,
a still Living, breathing thing,
is the Freedom
that can be found,
to be more profound,
than any other
thing on Earth

And now,
let us take time
for reflection.

in this day
all is ending,
without Tomorrow,
the past never happened.
The sacrifices
never made.
Without Tomorrow,
there is no Today.
And without this day,
Tomorrow shall never

We are
that we are,
and what will be,
or never be.

The Love of your Child is the way.

Our precious children
are the Seeds that spring to Life
in the Sacred soil
of Freedom,
purchased at the price
of so much sorrow,
suffering and death.

The Love
of your Child
is the way
to remember and Honor
all those who suffered and died
in war.

Let us Honor
their sacrifice
and make the darkness bright.
Let us bear the Truth
and the Light.
They are calling
in the night,
like a Candle very bright,
to give our Children
for Love

Jean-Paul Sartre

If existence
precedes essence,
then our essence
our further existence.
  But the essence of a thing
is far more fundamental,
more immutable than its

The pathway forward
is beneath
our feet.
Let us
search for it
with our minds,
and follow it
with our Hearts.

What leads us
to Tomorrow
is the Light
of Today.
And that Light,
the Light of Love,
must be seen
by everyone.

As we
open our eyes
and peer into
the Hearts of others,
we see
more clearly.

                         There must be no more War.

The specter of
resonates throughout
But the History
of all Mankind
is one tragedy
by another.
The chapters
are marked
war after war.

But Today,
there must be
no more,
no more

Down the mountain side
we will fall,
into a valley hushed
and white with snow.
No one will be here,
in the bright Light
of the Sun to tell
of our journey upward,
with sweeter songs
that accompanied us.
For what was unknown
became real,
and what then was real
became, with us,
a potential existence
that stilled every voice
that sang every song.

“But of the tree of the

of good and EVIL,
thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof,
thou shalt surely

– Genesis 2:17

without the deep and abiding
reflection of Love,
cannot exist,
cannot prevail.


The deep and abiding reflection of Love.

becomes known
because you exist.
But you are here
because of the
that also existed.

Time is not
a natural feature
of our Universe.
It is a concept
invented by us,
we, so Human in being.

There may be no past behind us,
or physical future waiting
in the wings.

does not defend
the right to cry.
But cry we will
late into our night.
For the reality
of Being
resides within each
And so it was,
and always has

Cherish the mind
that has a


                   YOU may not give a Hoot. But I do!

“Little Fly,
Thy summer’s play
My thoughtless hand
Has brushed away.
Am I not like thee?
Or art not thou A man like Me?
For I dance and drink and sing,
Till some blind hand
Shall brush my wing.”
William Blake

How mowing your lawn less
could help save the B
read more

By Chaffin Mitchell, AccuWeather staff writer

If you forget to mow your grass for a couple of weeks, it turns out you might be doing a favor for the environment.

New research by the USDA Forest Service and partners funded by the National Science Foundation found that mowing the lawn less frequently can significantly improve pollinator habitat.

Susannah Lerman, a research ecologist with the USDA Forest Service’s Northern Research Station, and her collaborators studied whether different lawn mowing frequencies (one, two or three weeks) influenced bee abundance and diversity in herbicide-free suburban yards in Springfield, Massachusetts.

“Mowing lawns less frequently provides an additional opportunity for householders to support bee conservation,” Lerman said.

Green spaces in urban residential yards could provide suitable habitats for pollinators.

“Mowing less frequently is practical, economical and a time-saving alternative to lawn replacement or even planting pollinator gardens,” Lerman said.

Frequent mowing inhibits the growth of “weedy” species which include dandelions and clover.

Since widespread population declines of bees and other pollinators from habitat loss are a growing concern, spontaneous flowers such as dandelions and clover could provide pollen and nectar sources throughout the growing season.

The team experimentally tested whether different lawn mowing frequencies of one, two or three weeks influenced bee abundance and diversity in 16 suburban western Massachusetts yards by increasing lawn floral resources.

“Lawn-dominated yards, when mowed less frequently and not treated with chemicals, can support surprisingly high numbers of bees and species diversity,” Lerman said.

At the Anderson School, we allow the front 2 acres of our property to blossom into beautiful Wild Flowers each Spring and Summer. This is to assist our resident Honey Bees to survive and thrive. We keep a hive for them at the back of the property – and Thank You Carter and Dad, Travis, for the new Honey Bee Hive! It is beautiful. The word buzzing around is: They Love It!!  Our Honey Bees always Beehave and truly Beelong. We Love them very much and cherish what they do for us.

My Dear Friends, please reserve some space at your home for these very precious Gifts from God. Be a Honey and help a Honey Bee.

May 14 & 15                      Shakespeare Theatrical Production at School
May 22- 25                        Adventure Trip
May 25                              Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.:
William’s Weblog at

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.
All Rights Reserved

              Habitats for pollinators.

The Illusions of Life / Everybody Hurts / Friday: At School to Rehearse our Shakespeare Production

“Intellectuals solve problems;
prevent them.”

– Albert Einstein (1879-1955),
Physicist and Nobel Laureate


There are
any number of problems
that seemingly require
a number
of solutions.

many problems require
no solution.
were never problems
to begin with.

“There is always an easy solution
to every Human problem
– neat, plausible, and

– H.L. Mencken (1880 – 1956),
American Journalist, Essayist, and Editor

things we consider problems
are simply NOT.
They are
In fact,
they are added to
what we perceive as
They become real
to us.

Our perception
of the World around us
is always literal.
We see
what we want
to see.

“As we learn to recognize
our perceptual errors,
we also learn to look past them
or “forgive.”
At the same time we are forgiving ourselves,
looking past our distorted self-concepts
to the Self That God created in us
and as us.”
– from “A Course in Miracles”
click here for more

the illusions of Life
They add new
dimensions and depth
to our perception of
Life can become
not so boring,
also ultimately

The Holy Word of God leads us directly to the answers.

Let us never deny
each other
the real reality
of our

The good
we fail to do,
far exceeds
the wrong
we do.
Far in excess,
we can prevent
what wrongs we may do
by sharing
the limitless Love
in our Hearts

The illusions of Life are fascinating.

The Truth
always stranger
than fiction.
And that fact
has much to do
with the Nature
of Reality.

With all the
complex and fascinating things
that fill our lives,
the MOST mysterious
are the things
we are not privileged
to be aware of.
And being unaware,
does not mean
something does not

may not believe
in God.
But that does not mean
that God
does not believe
in YOU.

“Oh, everything matters
If anything matters at all.
Everything matters
No matter how big,
no matter how small.

Oh, God believes in you.
God believes in you.”
Pierce Pettis

What is to be lived for
is not the illusion
of Life,
but the
Reality of Love.

“Great Miracles
were always proceeded
by Prayer.”

“If a problem has no solution,
it may not be a problem,
but a fact –
not to be solved,
but to be coped with
over time.”
– Shimon Peres
9th President of the State of Israel
Israel’s warrior for Peace was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1994

My Friends,
we become aware
of the Infinite power
and potential
of our own God given,
dynamic ability
to alter the very Nature
of what is real,
perhaps we can,
one day,
realize that there is
an Ultimate Reality.

And that
Genuine Reality
permeates beyond and
everything we assume
is real.

It may be difficult
to realize,
but there is
an Ultimate Reality,
a real Universal Consciousness.
the Holy Word of God
leads us directly
to the answers
we seek.

The Ultimate Reality,
the only Reality,
is Love.

“Love is the only reality
and it is not a mere sentiment.
It is the ultimate truth
that lies at the Heart
of Creation.”
– Rabindranath Tagore
Poet, Playwright, and Essayist
Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913

My Friends,
if you long for
the Truth,
if you want
the answers
to Life’s great, perplexing,
mysterious equations and questions,
the answer is

is the answer.

And Love,
my Treasured Friends,
is the question,
the question
we need never ask



 “The day science begins to study
non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries
of its existence.”

Nikola Tesla

When your day is long
And the night, the night is yours alone,
When you’re sure you’ve had enough
Of this life,
well hang on.

Don’t let yourself go,
‘Cause everybody cries.
And everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong.
Now it’s time to sing along.
When your day is night alone (hold on, hold on).
If you feel like letting go (hold on).
If you think you’ve had too much
Of this life,
well hang on.

Cause everybody hurts
Take comfort in your friends
Everybody hurts
Don’t throw your hand,
oh no.

Don’t throw your hand.
If you feel like you’re alone
No, no, no, you are not alone.

If you’re on your own in this Life,
The days and nights are long.
When you think you’ve had too much
of this Life to hang on.

everybody hurts

Everybody cries.
Everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes.
So hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on,
hold on.

Everybody hurts.”
William T. Berry, John M. Stipe, Peter L. Buck, Michael E. Mills
click here to play song

“Superfluous wealth
can buy superfluities

Money is not required
to buy one necessity
of the Soul.”

– Henry David Thoreau

In Philosophy Class the week:

May 14 & 15                      Shakespeare Theatrical Production at School
May 22- 25                        Adventure Trip
May 25                              Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.:
William’s Weblog at

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

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All Rights Reserved

   Fascinating things that fill our lives.