The Silence Between Our Thoughts / Best Supplements to Fight Cancer / Atex Trash Service / Friday: Civil War Museum / Important Dates

In the silence
between our thoughts,
we share
the Unity of Life.

And in the Union
of our Spirits,
the place where we
is where we

“We shall not
cease from exploration.
And the end of all
our exploring
will be to
arrive where we started
and know the place
for the first time.”
– T. S. Eliot

The Voice
of the Hidden
is like
the crest of a Wave
before it crashes
upon the shores
of our awareness.

Not known,
it was never looked for,
not heard
in the silence
between two halves
of the whole.

                  The silence between our thoughts.

“It is in
the Silence between our thoughts
that we access our highest creativity,
our deepest intuitions
and our most profound
Mark Bunn

Within ourselves
we carry the Essence
of all
that has been,
all that exists,
all that is
Humanity’s Birthright,
and ALL the Hope
that persists.

We share
ONE Life,
one Cosmic Intelligence,
one first breath,
one dying wish –
that we truly
that we exhausted
our very brief Existence.

“Life is a great big canvas,
and you should throw
all the paint on it you can.
Danny Kaye

                Everything in Nature.

may be unwilling,
or unable,
to envision the Unity
of Life.
But we truly are ONE
with every Human Being,
every Creature that crawls
upon the Sacred Earth,
everything in Nature,
every day,
in many, many

The atoms
which compose our Being
are interchanging
with every other
Living Thing.

“Your physical body
walks in the World of Matter,
but a subtler aspect of you,
woven within and throughout
your physical body,

moves and interacts on a level
of pure energy.”

            We share.

We share the
Light of Life
transformed of the
We share the Hopes
and Dreams
of everyone.

“Science shows us
that everything is made up of energy.
It´s the building block of all matter.
The same energy that composes your body
is the same one that composes
the bricks of the house you live in, your car, your phone,
animals, trees and so forth.
It´s all the same.
It´s constantly “flowing”
and changing FORM
all the time.
This is the
Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy.”

We share
the spoils of Peace,
violently torn from wars
seemingly never done,
and share the Music of Life
from songs
never sung.

“Science cannot
solve the Ultimate Mystery of Nature.
And that is because,
in the last analysis, we ourselves are…
part of the mystery
that we are trying to solve”.
Max Planck

from the chaos
inextricably woven into
the Fabric
of what seems to be,
or may not be,
we are truly

        The Fabric of what seems to be.

Long lost,
we have found
all Truths
have a Time and Place,
all Prayers
come into
God’s Grace.

“We may not
impossibly be
ONE mask of many
worn by the
Great Face behind.”
Thomas Hardy 

the purpose of our Life,
of all Life,
is to make
the unconscious,
And if these are
one and the same,
one may seem to lead to
the other
and back again,
where it started,
or in another dimension,
be its Brother.

In our Communion
with God,
we may discover
our immersion in the
Universal Love
of ALL.

My Dear Friends,
God is Love.
And His Love
in you.

In the end,
we may arrive
where we started,
as God’s Eternal Love
crashes upon the shores
of OUR awareness,
and we come know our place
in His Heart,
for the first


in the unconscious
seeks outward manifestation,
and the personality too
desires to evolve out
of its unconscious conditions
and to experience itself
as a Whole.”
C. G. Jung

12 of the best supplements
to fight cancer

Certain bioactive compounds, found in foods, are known to have strong epigenetic (cancer correcting) benefits. Supplements concentrate those benefits.

Dr. Young S. Kim of the National Cancer Institute studied Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) which lie at the heart of cancers. She showed in her 2012 research that a poor diet could help CSCs re-grow into a full tumor again after chemotherapy had reduced it by even 70 per cent.

However, she also showed that certain bio-active compounds could prevent this re-growth. She talked of suforaphanes, curcumin, pipeline, vitamins A and E, genistein, theanine, choline, EGCG from green tea and others and she went on to add that you could obtain from quality supplements. Who are we to argue?

Although European and American research has shown a ´small but significant´ prevention factor (of about 7 per cent), we are not going to recommend you take a multivitamin and mineral if you already have the disease. Why? because the vitamins are usually synthetic and deficient, and the minerals include iron, which is known to HELP cancer cells thrive.

We think there are much stronger compounds to take:

The number 1 supplement. Long chain omega 3 is essential for cellular health, control of local inflammation, longevity and much, much more. Research shows supplementation, because it is daily and dose-controlled, actually provides more benefit than eating oily fish. Fish oils reduce the risk of cachexia, and can reduce polyps, the precursors to colorectal cancer.

Helps displace heavy metals from the body. Anti-oxidant mineral recognized more and more as essential in the fight against cancer; for example, German research shows it lowers prostate cancer risk.

Powerful immune system booster. But take a natural form that ideally combines all 4 tocopherols and all 4 tocotrienols. You simply cannot eat the daily quantities shown to be effective in scientific studies.

Rather than take vitamin A, go for superfood chlorella. People simply do not eat enough ´greens´, and chlorella is a ´super-green´. Wonderful source of both natural cis- and trans-beta-carotene, minerals and vitamin B-12, especially important if you employ a meat-free diet. This is how to get your vitamin A; your body will make what it wants from beta-carotene.

If you cannot get a couple of hours in the sunshine every day, you should consider supplementation of 5000IUs, as recommended by Harvard medical School. This vitamin is actually a hormone and has been shown to activate the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer and even correct cancer cells in research studies.

Research shows antioxidant, anti-ageing, anti-cancer benefits levels in tissues decline as you age. Essential to your mitochondria, U.S. research clearly shows you can recapture the levels of your youth by supplementation. Max 50 mgs a day. Above is wasted.

Shown in the American VITAL study to be the top anti-oxidant commonly available. It is an OPC, and Pine Bark Extract (another OPC but not in the research study) may be even better.

Equal with vitamin D and fish oils. Research shows a variety of health benefits; an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, this spice (Turmeric) seems to play a strong role in a number of anti-cancer pathways, and in other illnesses too. Prof. Aggarwal of MD Anderson claims he does not know a cancer it does not have a positive effect against. Take with olive oil and black pepper (pipeline) for maximum absorption.

B Vitamins are essential for correct cellular division and replication apart from playing a role in the nervous system and many of the senses. A  pre-cursor to diseases like Alzheimer´s and cancer has been shown to be the build up of Homocystein levels in the body. B Vitamins can keep this under control. Normally your gut bacteria MAKE your B vitamins (if you feed them fibrous foods). But after antibiotics and chemo, your gut bacteria will not be functioning properly.

Seems to play a prevention role in everything from dementia to strokes to cancer. It is now known to act as a pro drug with the CYP1B1 gene in cancer cells. The gene turns it in to picetannol which kills the cancer cell. Research is coming thick and fast on this natural compound found in organic red grape skins.

Again, new research abounds on the abilities of this compound to block the ´velcro patches´ on the outside of cancer cells, reducing their abilities to stick to each other and to new tissues. This reduces metastases.

I3C can convert aggressive oestradiol into a safer sister, and even modify oestrogen receptor sites on cells (much like Tamoxifen) and prevent dangerous oestrogens binding there. But it also works against non-oestrogenic cancers via the pathway. Research shows clear benefits in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

It is important that you look for a source of naturally-sourced supplements. Many cheaper products are synthetic and limited in their content. Some research studies have indicated such synthetic products have dubious abilities. If you have already decided to supplement, you may want to see what supplements are available on (in the UK) who supply all natural products.

Readers of this article also read:

12 Foods to fight cancer – Click Here

20 Herbs to fight cancer – Click Here

10 effective ways to boost your immune system – Click Here

allow me to highly recommend:
Atex Trash Service

Family Owned and Operated community service has an outstanding reputation. They truly take care of the community that we live in. They are locally owned and offer very dependable service. I can personally attest to that. There is no contract, no hidden fees (you know, for a dumpster, etc.)

Nobody works harder for their customers and for our Community!
I cannot recommend anyone more highly than this hard working, beautiful family. I am truly proud to call them my friends and neighbors. And so will you!

Thank you!
Tim Green and family for all you do.
You are sincerely appreciated.

Atex Trash Service
can be reached at 817-344-8464.
Please give them a call.

Let’s support our family owned,
family operated businesses.

Hey Folks,

Feb. 1                                    Tuition Deposits Due  for 2018-19
Feb. 2 (Friday)                     
Trip T. B. A.
Feb. 19 (Monday)                 President’s Day Holiday
March 9                                
Butterflies in the Garden Exhibit

March 12 – 19                       Spring Break Holiday
April 13 & 16 (Fri. & Mon.)  Good Friday and Easter Holidays
May 1                                    Tuition Balance Due for 2018-19   
May 22- 25                            Adventure Trip
May 25                                  Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.: William’s Weblog at

On Friday we will meet at the Texas Civil War Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick up will be at the Anderson School at 3:15 p.m.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Website Design by Alexander Anderson
© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School. All Rights Reserved

Our Human Heart Is Very Fragile / What Humanity? / Lowest Radiation Cell Phones / Magnesium: The cure to all disease?

“So we fix our eyes
not on what is seen,
but on what is unseen,
since what is seen is temporary,
but what is unseen is
2 Corinthians 4:18

                            He Lights up the dark.

when He says,
at all.

saying a thing,
Lights up the
Inflames the Heart
with but a

Often speaking so
we cannot hear
for our Blessings
are in a crowd,
and with so many there,
they are
deafeningly loud.

                              He says nothing at all.

The air we
the Heart
that beats within,
the time
we have to spend,
and all the Love
that greets
each passing moment,
cannot abrogate
or rescind.

“I’ve lost Loved ones in my Life
who never knew
how much I Loved them.

I live with the regret

that my true feelings for them
never were revealed.”
– Garth Brooks & Kent Blazy

never comes.
It is already
and everywhere.
The future
is but today,
left undone.

“The dividing line between
past, present, and future
is an Illusion“.
Albert Einstein
read more

My Dear Friends,
it’s warmer
in the Heart
next door.

If you want
to keep your Life,
give it away.

The Cathedral
of the Heart
we cannot comprehend.
you can look for it
in your
Sacred Belief.

“I hope you never
lose your sense of Wonder.

You get your fill to eat,
but always keep that hunger.

May you never take one single breath
for granted.

God forbid Love ever leave you

I hope you still feel small
when you stand beside the Ocean.

Whenever one door closes,
I hope one more opens.

Promise me that you’ll
give Faith
a fighting chance.

And when you get the choice
to sit it out or dance,

I hope you dance.”

click here to play

Tia M. Sillers, Mark D. Sanders

you live in fear,
fate furrows
a fatal brow.

“Fear is a hollow darkness
in the future,
that reaches back through time
to rob our Joy now
by belittling the Sovereign Goodness
of God.”
Jonathan Parnell (13 Reasons Not to be Afraid)
pastor of Cities Church Minneapolis–St. Paul

 Man cannot harm us
beyond God’s Gracious Will
for us.
Psalm 118:6; Psalm 56:11

Fear not.
God Loves


“I believe there are Angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere Up Above.
They come to you and me
in our darkest hours

to show us how to live,
to teach us how to give,

To guide us
with the Light of Love.

When Life held troubled times
and had me down on my knees,

there’s always been someone there
to come along and comfort me.

A kind word from a stranger, to lend a helping hand,
A phone call from a friend,
just to say
I understand.

And ain’t it kind of funny
at the dark end of the road,

that someone lights the way
with just a single
of Hope
– Don Goodman, Becky Hobbs
click here to play

                   The Light of Love.

 Human Heart Is Very Fragile
– by Aftab Alam


It’s the Angelic clad.
Slowly we are removing it,
to be glad.
In the green forest I’ve seen the white,
Darkening days
and nights so bright.

What Peace?

‘Tis for Love and Charity,
Resides within, away from the vanity
That kills poverty and builds Humanity.
Come; adore Peace
to cure its infirmity?

Peace is neither sulky nor bulky,
but agile.
Human Heart that we have
is very

                           Very fragile.

Magnesium: The cure to all disease?

read more

Some consumers take products for which there is no medical indication at all – it’s intended as “primary prevention” of a medical condition they believe they can avoid through supplement use. Afraid of macular degeneration? Take lutein. Or worried about Alzheimer’s? Grab some ginkgo biloba. No matter your anxiety, there’s a supplement marketed for you.

One supplement with enduring popularity is magnesium.  It cures cancer. And depression. Throw away your inhalers, because it cures asthma too. Read enough online, and you’ll conclude that magnesium is quite possibly the prevention and the cure to all disease.

Does magnesium have medicinal effects when consumed?

In medical and pharmacy practice, it has several demonstrated uses – the most well known are probably as an antacid or laxative. Good old milk of magnesia (MOM) works because magnesium is partially absorbed – enough stays in the bowel, drawing water into the colon and softening and dislodging anything below.  Injectable magnesium, sold as a prescription drug,  allows large doses to be given quickly, and is used for the treatment of preeclampsia (pregnancy-induced hypertension) and eclampsia (the resulting seizures) – it’s well tolerated and better than other drugs.  Magnesium also seems to be effective for treating some forms of arrhythmia, as well as asthma exacerbations. Some types of migrane and cluster headaches also seem to respond to magnesium supplements.

Magnesium really is everywhere in the body – it’s the 4th most abundant mineral. It’s involved in hundreds of different biochemical reactions and enzyme systems, supporting processes like protein synthesis, cell growth, and energy production. It has roles in nerve function, muscle control, and blood pressure. Even blood sugar regulation depends on magnesium.

Boosting magnesium intake through dietary changes.

Helpfully, foods rich in magnesium are already recommended in diets associated with positive health outcomes: Green vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds are all good sources of magnesium.

click here to read more

Brain cancer incidence, cellphone use, and trends data

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
by Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D.

Hardell and Carlberg (2015) reported that brain tumor rates have been increasing in Sweden based upon the Swedish National Inpatient Registry data.  Hardell and Carlberg (2017) reported that brain tumors of unknown type increased from 2007-2015, especially in the age group 20-39 years of age. According to the authors, “This may be explained by higher risk for brain tumor in subjects with first use of a wireless phone before the age of 20 years taking a reasonable latency period.”

click here to read more

                      Lowest Radiation Cell Phones
                                 according to CNET

You can only be WARNED. The next step is YOURS.

Cellphone Types SAR Level
1 VeryKool RS90 0.18
2 Samsung Galaxy Note 0.19
3 ZTE Nubia 5 0.19
4 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 0.23
5 Samsung Galaxy Mega 0.28
6 Kyocera Dura XT 0.32
7 Pantech Discover 0.33
8 Samsung Galaxy Beam 0.35
9 Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere II 0.36
10 Pantech Swift 0.37
11 Jitterbug Plus 0.39
12 Samsung Galaxy Appeal 0.40
13 LG Exalt 0.42
14 HTC One V 0.43
15 Nokia Lumia 1320 0.46
16 LG Optimus Vu 0.46
17 Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G 0.47
18 Samsung Rugby 3 0.47
19 HTC One Max 0.50
20 LG G2 0.51

Source: CNET, “Cell Phones with the Lowest Radiation Levels, June 9, 2014

click here to read more

“You have
100% control over
your thoughts, words and actions,
and 0% control
over everything else.”
Sara Y. Rigler

Jan. 26 (Friday)                    Trip: Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 1                                    Tuition Deposits Due  for 2018-19    
Feb. 19 (Monday)                 President’s Day Holiday
March 12 – 19                       Spring Break Holiday
April 13 & 16 (Fri. & Mon.)  Good Friday and Easter Holidays
May 1                                    Tuition Balance Due for 2018-19   
May 22- 25                            Adventure Trip
May 25                                  Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.: William’s Weblog at

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

A Beautiful and Mysterious Enigma / Wizard’s Gambit by Bill Kincaid / Mistakes are the Way We Learn / Important Dates

“The best and most beautiful
things in the World
cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be
felt with the Heart.”
Helen Keller

Life is
a Beautiful and Mysterious
And never
more Mysterious or Beautiful
than when we are
in Love.

is a heightened state
of awareness,
a NATURAL state of

enhances our awareness
of the powerful,
guiding forces
in the Universe.
These forces
brought us into
this World,
and they can
sustain us,
or destroy us.

“There’s always some reason
To feel not good enough.
And it’s hard at the end of the day.
I need some distraction,
Oh beautiful release.
Memory seeps from my veins.
Let me be empty,
Oh, and weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight.”
Sarah McLachlan

                       It moves through YOU.

is so Mysterious
that it transcends
as we know it.
Love allows us
to enter dimensions
It challenges our

“We’re heading for something,
Somewhere I’ve never been,
Sometimes I am frightened,
But I’m ready to learn
Of the power of Love.”
– Barry & Holly Tashian, Pamela Hayes

is so powerful
that it moves through
the whole Universe.
it moves through
much like
waves of gravity
that also
bring things together.
“Maybe I didn’t love you
Quite as often as I could have.
Little things
I should have said and done.

I just never took the time.
You were always on my mind.”
– Johnny Christopher, Mark James, Wayne Thompson

               Beautiful and Mysterious

awakens us
to the Reality of God,
and the greater Reality
of ourselves.

We envision
our innermost Nature
in the Heart
of someone we

the Human Heart
can show us
the true value
of Life.

the Heart
can light the way
to happiness
and Beauty.
The Human Heart
is the hinge
upon which the World,
YOUR World,

The very Fabric
of the Universe,
and your Life,
is changed
through simple acts of

To set Fire
to your Heart,
one moment
of your Life,
to uplifting the Spirit,
lightening the burden,
instilling Joy
into the Life
of someone else.

In that
one moment of time,
you can feel
In just one moment
you can be,
than you thought
you could ever be.
When the Heart
for someone else
in need,
your Spirit
is set free.

The Marriage
of the Spirit
and the intellect
takes place
upon the Altar
of the Human Heart.

Each person
is a Book.
if we learn
to read that Book,
we can read

you’re sitting at home,
a little bored, absentmindedly fluttering
from one thought to the next,
not expecting much.
And then Life happens.

             Everything else is an Illusion.

you begin
the journey
of self discovery
by reading your Book.
The Holy Bible
is your Book.
It is
the Book of

True Knowledge
of the Mysterious workings
of the material World around us
can only be discovered
Spiritual Experience.

In the context
of the larger and greater
Spiritual Reality,
the physical World
is very small

the mental and the material
can be transcended
Spiritual Dimensions.

                And then Life happens.

The pathway forward
with but the first page
of God’s Holy Word,
The Bible.

In the beginning . . . .
“So God created man
in His Own Image,
in the Image of God
created He him;
male and female created He

 And God Blessed them.”
Genesis 1: 27-28

you have started
upon a Beautiful Journey.
take the next step.
Open the Book
of Life.

These forces brought us into this World, and they can sustain us.        (I wonder who that is?)

of Spiritual Reality,
the Immanence of the
encompassed and manifested
in our material world,
in our everyday Life,
is the only Hope
for happiness,
for good,
for Love,
for Truth.

Everything else,
is an illusion.

The window of opportunity
to be truly happy
is very narrow.
will we be children again,
until we are
very old.

My Dear Friends,
we are
Spiritual Beings
a Human experience.

The unknown darkness
bearing in on us,
but the Light of
to be extinguished.

And that Love
may be found
in the Holy Word
of God,
in the silence
of a Prayerful mind,
in the LOVE
you give
to someone.


 “There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a Miracle.
The other is as though
everything is a Miracle.”
Albert Einstein

A new book by Bill Kincaid
Wizard’s Gambit
is in need of your vote
to increase the chances of getting
a publishing contract.

This is Bill’s first
science fiction/fantasy book.

The central figure is
Max Strider,
the sole survivor
of a mission to explore
a distant planet
classified as EVE (Earth Virtual Equivalent).
But there are differences:
like Fire-breathing Dragons & Wizards
who shoot lightning bolts and
work powerful magic.

Will Max’s knowledge of
science and technology
prevail against the dangers
he will fact?

Please click the link below
to read an excerpt
and nominate the book.
And then send the link
to your friends.
Each additional nomination
increases the chances of getting
a publishing contract.

Bill is a Dear Friend
and a wonderful author.
He is also
our school attorney
my former debate partner
when we were students at
Hardin-Simmons University.

please click the link below
to read and nominate:
Wizard’s Gambit
by Bill Kincaid

are the way we fallible and fragile
and very HUMAN beings

They are the natural
order of things.
They are essential to
and LOVE.

I encourage you to make at least ONE
mistake on purpose each day.
Discuss it at length with your young one.
See if he or she can guess which mistake
you made that day
on purpose.
Record your child’s response
and expect him or her to be on Comedy Central
This will be
an entertaining and enlightening

A mistake
is the greatest teacher
on Earth.

Our mistakes give Life
new direction,
and a wonderful and Loving opportunity
for Forgiveness,
should we have the courage
to ask.


Feb. 1                                    Tuition Deposits Due  for 2018-19        Jan. 19 (Friday)                    Trip: (please see handout)
Jan. 26 (Friday)                    Trip: Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 19 (Monday)                 President’s Day Holiday
March 12 – 19                       Spring Break Holiday
April 13 & 16 (Fri. & Mon.)  Good Friday and Easter Holidays
May 1                                    Tuition Balance Due for 2018-19   
May 22- 25                            Adventure Trip
May 25                                  Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.: William’s Weblog at

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

     The material can be transcended.


The Deeper Meanings of Life / 10 Love-Filled Ways to Live From Your Heart / Important Dates

Our brief moment in space
  can come to be
such a lonely place.

in the melodious refrain

of our lives,
as we kiss each day
we may never fully realize
just how much
we simply cannot

For God Is Glorified
by you and me
becoming alive
in a Heart
that belongs to someone
other than

There is a Sacredness to all Life.

Deep down inside,
we may never know why
the deeper meanings
of Life
pass us by.

My Dear Friends,
if we stumble and fall,

after giving Life
it all,
to fail is a right,
we defend.
And if in falling,
we lift
but one precious Soul
above the place
where eyes meet eyes,
Life was worth
the living,
and Love
worth giving.

is part
of the very Fabric
of Life.
And the celebration
of Life
is in the

The sound of Music,
the Song of our Lives,
joins in celebration,
and was long ago
found to be
one of the World’s first medicines
used to cure illness,
attending the Spirit
as it was

How much we simply cannot see.

To catch someone
whenever they fall,
pours Sacred Water
on the Soil of Being,
with every teardrop
that falls.

the end

of the World,
  can be the beginning
of it all.

“There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only
the Infinite passion
of Life.”
Federico Fellini

 There is a
Sacredness to all

The deeper meanings of Life pass us by.

It is so amazing
how the Words of the Lord
can speak right to the Heart,
how they can
Light up the dark.

God’s Words are proven
to be true and full of Wisdom.

“Every Word of God is pure:
He is a shield unto them
that put their trust in Him.”
Prov. 30:5

In Love
and Eternally mine,
the Love of God

finds that we live
in each other’s Heart,
we are One,
we are the same.

Our Heavenly Father
and His Child
that you are,

dwell in ONE World.
holds us within
His Sacred Heart,
as He lives
in yours
and mine.

Love is what you are.

the ebb and flow

of emotions
we may seemingly become
oceans away.

But ever you can feel
  the Love of today,
and ever hear
what it has to say.
For no true Love
  was ever a lie,
and neither
did it die.

Get Love
into your world
and let it hold you
For God is
and Love is
what you are.


“I name it silence.
Some people say self, or love, or fullness.
It is actually life itself.”

10 Love-Filled Ways to Live From Your Heart
read more

Living from the heart is incredibly relaxing. You stop using your mind to analyze, plan, organize, and figure everything out. What a relief! As you let go of all of that mind activity, you are able to relax into presence, where there is no trouble and no resistance.

When you live from the Heart, you begin to touch into the universal experience of love. Love is the source of everything – the fabric which makes up our very existence.

Sure, there are many waves in the ocean, but they all are made up of the same thing. Play with letting go of your individual self and live from the eternal ocean of love.

  1. Ask, “What would love do?” In any situation, look for the response that is peaceful and free of stress. Put aside your fears and conditioned habits, and let love guide you.
  2. Let love pervade every conversation. Can you not take your relationships for granted and be more openly loving? Even when things get tense, drop away from your emotional reaction and melt back into love.
  3. Treat yourself like gold. When it comes to love, you are included, too. Tune into what you need and let yourself have it. Live as stress-free a life as possible.
  4. Be here now. Spinning stories in your mind about things that have happened in the past and what might happen in the future take you away from what is here right now. When you are stuck in your mind, it is impossible to be fully in touch with the love that is here. Let your attention explore this very moment. Open your senses, open your heart, and live from there.
  5. Become aware of the oneness of love. Consider this: what if looking out of your eyes is the same as what is looking out of everyone else’s eyes. When you meet an “other,” you are actually meeting the essence of yourself. When you understand this, love is impossible to deny. Check it out with the next person you speak to.
  6. Don’t obsessively plan. In fact, only plan when absolutely necessary. Planning is in the mind, and when you realize how little planning you actually need, there is space to recognize that you are alive right now. And in that aliveness, let your Heart glow.
  7. Make hard choices. When you live from the heart, you begin to be very honest with yourself. You may realize that certain situations or people aren’t working for you. Likewise, you will see your own tendencies that don’t serve. Sometimes, the most loving response you can make is a kind but firm, “No.”
  8. Honor your personality quirks. A funny thing happens when you live from the Heart. As conditioning falls away, your natural gifts and inclinations have space to be expressed. Let your creativity flow in whatever way it wants to. Go where you are guided, learn what you want to learn, enjoy yourself in all your activities.
  9. Bring boundless acceptance to your moment-to-moment experience. Be a kind host to all the emotions and reactions that visit you. The more you resist, the more trouble you will have. Say, “Hello” and let it be.
  10. Get to know the unconditioned, totally free you. When you relax away from all your conditioned habits, you will discover formless space that is clear, open, and inherently loving. Begin to become familiar with this space, as it is the essence of you. Listen, let it guide you. Live here.

In any moment you have a choice – the head or the Heart, inauthenticity or truth, distraction or love. Play around with living more in your Heart. Don’t be shy. Let love in, and life’s greatest treasures will be revealed.

                                               IMPORTANT DATES

Jan. 12 (Friday)                    Trip: (please see handout)
Jan. 15 (NEXT Monday      Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday
Feb. 19 (Monday)                 President’s Day Holiday
March 12 – 19                       Spring Break Holiday
April 13 & 16 (Fri. & Mon.)  Good Friday and Easter Holidays
May 22- 25                            Adventure Trip
May 25                                  Last Day of Semester

Important dates are posted each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.: William’s Weblog at


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       Love is what you are.