Living Is But One Dimension / Prevent Cancer in Your Home / Tuesday, Jan. 5 We Begin Again

There is so much more
To Life,
Than Life.


    There is more to what exists.

Living is but one
Dimension of existence.
It is a very narrow fragment.
Life is a very thin sliver
Of awareness,
Of who we are,
What we know,
What can be.

The Water Lily,
So fragile, delicate and beautiful,
Floats upon the surface
Of its reality,
Much like you and me,
Never knowing, unaware,
Of what lies beneath,
In the waters of Life,
Majestic, dark and deep.


    This time is your true Treasure.

What lurks below
Is unknown,
And the distance
May be vast,
Much like the way
To what lies above,
To the infinity of stars,
Far beyond what
The Water Lily
filled with Life,
Or we,
May ever know.

And the narrow path forward,
Around and beyond,
Is the horizon,
The limit of what we see,
But not of what is,
Not what can be.

“There are more things
in Heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of
in our philosophy.”

– Hamlet, First Folio (1623),
by William Shakespeare

There is so much more
To what exists,
And whatever will be,
To what our minds can imagine,
Where we truly are,
Where we can go,
What we can see.


Fragile, delicate and beautiful, as are you and me.

My Friends,
The wind beneath
The wings of your longing
Can lift your Spirit
To heights so Heavenly,
Only dreams aspire,
Only Angels see.


There is so much more to Life.

For you are Lovingly made
Of Angelic Dust,
Formed within a Beautiful Dream,
By a God that deeply Loves you,
Knows your every desire,
Every need,
Every longing,
In every moment
To be.

Fragrant Water Lilies

The wings of your longing can lift your Spirit.

My Dear Friends.
Take comfort in this brief moment
Made for you and me.
This time is your true Treasure,
God’s precious Gift beyond belief,
As you may come one day
To see.

“Surely a man goes about
as a shadow!

Surely for nothing
they are in turmoil.”

– Psalm 39:5-6

This time on Earth
Is all we have,
All we need,
To share who we are,
Be all we can be,
To Love so deeply
No one is left in need,
And Life is fulfilled
Beyond what we
Are able to see.


The ground beneath your feet
Bears the weight of your Dignity.
Yes, it carries more than you and me.
For we walk upon this Sacred Soil
With our hopes and dreams,
The Sanctity of our Being,
Our wishes for all Humanity,
The Destiny of our deep desires,
The discovery of our Divinity.

Across the great divide
Of fear and doubt,
Lies this Sacred Land
Found only in dreams.
And as Spirits soar
In our search for
Everlasting Love,
We discover our Home
In the Heart of One
We Adore.


    Welcome Home.

What we endeavor to see
Is far less than what we are.
We are so very much more
Than what we thought,
What we imagined,
What we dreamed
We could ever be.

When your longing for Love
Is carried gently
On the Wings of Prayer.
You will be.

Welcome Home.


There is so much more to what exists.

From our friends at the Underground Health Reporter:
Prevent Cancer in Your Home in 6 Easy Steps

Read more


There are many steps you can take –
in your home, your lifestyle and your body –
to drastically reduce your lifetime cancer risk.

Hey folks,
This is easy!
It is just common sense.

Toxic cleaning products
in your home drastically increase your cancer risk –
especially BREAST cancer risk for the females
who tend to use them most often.

Women have been shown to absorb
as much as FIVE pounds of toxins
through the skin each year.

Do we have your attention

We are destroying our immune system’s
ability to fight germs and infection
by overwhelming our environment
with antibacterial products.

The BEST product to use
for general household cleaning is

simple soap and water.

Hey, it gets even easier.

Choose Organic

We have known how dangerous
pesticides are for decades.
By choosing organically grown vegetables
and organically raised animal products
you limit your amount of exposure.

This is especially important
when it comes to “soft” fruits and vegetables
– such as peaches and tomatoes –
that absorb more insecticides and chemicals
than thicker-skinned varieties.

If you think ORGANIC is more expensive –
try a month in the hospital.
Pay that bill,
then look forward to going home
to slowly and painfully

Come on folks,
wake up!
How simple do you want
me to say it.

I Love You.

And yes,
that is reason enough
to hit you between the eyes
with the truth!

The chemicals used in dry cleaning
have been linked to several forms of cancer.

So before you drop off your clothing,
and that of your loved ones,
at the dry cleaners,
Do I really want to die in this way?

My friends.
It is that simple.

Please read more.
cancerAnd in an update of December 17, 2015:
Cancer is overwhelmingly
a result of environmental factors.
The new study, in the journal Nature,
used four approaches to conclude
only 10-30% of cancers were down
to the way the body naturally functions

  read more

A few minutes of reading,
coupled with a relatively small dose
of common sense,
can prevent a horrible death.
And I do mean

I have lost so very many loved ones,
including my precious Mother, Marie,
friends, neighbors, a deeply loved student,
Aaron Rivera,
fellow teachers I truly admired and loved
and so many others to this horrible
and preventable malady.

The thought of losing
I cannot bear.

And now,
I simply must close.
I cannot see through
the tears.

Marie Anderson

Marie Anderson

Jan. 5 (TUESDAY) First Day of Second Semester
Jan. 18 (MONDAY) Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School
May 21 Dr. A admitted for therapy. You understand.

15-12-23 009

R. J. (Rosie Junior) celebrated his second birthday on Dec. 26. He received many gifts from Ian, Dr. A. and others. But his Love is the greatest gift of all. I am afraid not to Love him. He could devour me in one gulp for dessert. And then, all that would be left is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . burp!

While I am Whispering Amen / Hamlet is on the Horizon / Get in the DARK / Jan. 5 (Tuesday) Second Semester begins


     While I am whispering Amen.

Christmas is about giving,
And receiving
The Love of Christ.
It’s a celebration
Of living,
And of the Gift
Of Life.

My Dear Friends,
God brought us into this world
As a child,
And He wants His child
Back again.


          We are all children of God.

“See what great love
the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called
children of God!
And that is what we are!”
– I John 3:1


He Blesses us
By bringing children
Into our lives.
And in many ways, some unaware,
Childlike are we,
By pretense of our being.
Try as we may
Not to be,
We are all children of God,
Even on Christmas Day.


      We can become a child again.

There is an infinite
Number of days
Between now and forever.
And an infinite
Number of ways
To ever and ever
Say “I Love You”.
Do not count them,
Live them,
And Love the time away,
And say
“I Love You”
Each and every day
In countless ways.


  He wants His child back again.

To turn our time around
And begin again,
To see infinity
In a drop of rain,
And a rainbow
In our tears of joy,
To finally stop the pain,
Become His child again.
And in our very precious lives,
Our childhood will remain.


       It’s a celebration of living.

When we know,
When we finally know,
In our brief
And shining moment,
In the time we have left
To call this Life
A living thing,
My breath can sound
Like something
I would sing,
Long enough to form
A single precious thought
About another
Beautiful, living, breathing thing.

About you.


Never will Love end, it only begins over and over again.

And in my voice,
In its last offering,
Will you hear
Above all and every other
Living thing,
A perpetual lullaby
I sing,
“I Love You”
Over and over again.

For never will Love end,
It only begins
Over and over again.
It is a beautiful song that sings,
The sound of a Human Heart,
Beating in Time
With God,
Who breathes precious Life
Into every living thing
Over and over again,
While I am Whispering Amen,


Students and pets are exhausted after reviewing five Shakespeare plays.

Our wonderful Director
of Shakespeare,
George Rodriguez,
has announced the selection
by our students
of the play they will perform
in the Spring.
And the winner is:


        Tim McDermott

The Anderson Private School and
The University of Texas at Arlington
share a mutual pride in four of our former students
graduating with degrees from U.T.A.
on December 18 from the
College of Liberal Arts.
Alexander Anderson was awarded the Master of Arts degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Samuel Taylor Brown was awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree in English.
Timothy F. McDermott was awarded the Bachelor of Arts degree in History.
and Austin Tyler Gansky was awarded the Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance Concentration).

sam 2

   Sam Brown

Our sincere congratulations go to these wonderful scholars.
We are very proud of you!

Dangers of Exposure to Light at Night

Sleeping while exposed to light at night
causes a dramatic drop in blood melatonin levels,
setting the stage for growth and proliferation
of breast cancer cells.

An interesting study in the
December 1, 2005 issue of Cancer Research
provides new information that
might partly explain why this is.

This study provides evidence
that may partly explain why breast cancer
is five times more common in industrialized nations
compared to less developed countries.
It may also explain why visually challenged people
have lower rates of cancer than people
who have no problems with vision.

So my Dear Friends,
Don’t be in the dark
About this.
Well, actually,
You do need to be
In the dark!

You know what I mean.

Let us prevent
Needless suffering.
There are so many things
You can do.
And to live in deep regret
Need not be one of them.
Spend a few moments
In thoughtful research and study.
And then do
The common sense things.

And thank the Lord,
Our God,
Who gives us precious Life,
And Blesses us
In countless ways.
This is not a common housefly.

Did God Create Everything? / Friday: We Will Be At School


Did God create everything?

Great Truths are simple.
But they are not as simple or as complex
as we make them appear in our mind.
Essentially, they are right or wrong,
they either exist or they do not,
and God created everything
or He, simply,
did not.

We can endeavor
to understand that which
may not be fathomable to the human mind.
But to stroll down the pathway of awareness
is to search for a depth of meaning
and understanding
that is never ending,
and starts
at the beginning.

can be as simple,
and beautiful,
as night and day,
the absence or presence
of something.


Darkness does not really exist.

“In the beginning
God created the Heavens
And the Earth.”
– Genesis I

Let us ask a seemingly simplistic question:
“Does darkness exist?”

No, darkness does not really exist.
The simple truth is,
the dark is the absence of light.
And we can observe and measure light,
but not the dark.
There is nothing in the dark to measure.
A prism can break white light into many colors
and we can observe the wavelengths of each color.
But, the dark you cannot measure.
There is no such thing as a dark meter.
We cannot know how dark a space is.


Light can illuminate and bring life to what is within.

light can shatter the nothingness of darkness
and illuminate and bring life
to what is within.
You can actually measure the amount of light present
by using a light meter.
But there is no dark meter.
Darkness we cannot measure.
It is simply a word
used to describe what happens
when no light is present.

Let us now ask,
“Does cold exist?”

We feel that it simply must exist.
After all, we have felt the cold.

But, in truth, cold does not exist.
According to the laws of physics,
what we think of as cold is in reality
the absence of heat.
Everything, including our human body,
possesses or transmits energy,
and heat makes our body,
and everything else
have or transmit energy.
Absolute zero,
– 460 degrees Fahrenheit,
is the total absence of heat.


     Evil is the absence of God.

At this temperature,
all matter becomes suspended, dormant,
deficient in active properties
and incapable of any reaction.

Cold, my friends, simply does not exist.
We have created the word “cold”
to describe how we feel
if we have little or no heat.

“Come and see the works of God,
He is awesome in His deeds
toward the children of men.”
– Psalm 66.5


Stroll down the pathway of awareness.

Does evil exist?

Yes, evil is all around us.
We see evil every day.
It is man’s inhumanity to man.
It is in the crime and violence
we are witness to throughout the world.
The horrors mankind has been witness to
are nothing but evil.

But, evil, my Friends,
exists unto itself.


Our beautiful and precious Spirit is a Loving Creation of God.

Evil is, quite simply,
the absence of God.
It is like the darkness and the cold.
Evil is a word
that mankind created to describe
the absence of God.

Evil happens when we do not have
God’s love present in our Heart.
It is like the cold that comes
when there is no heat
or the darkness that comes
when there is no light.

The question of evil is in reality,
a deep and pervasive philosophical question.
And yes, it needs to be answered.
For, in Truth, the Truth
can set us free.
It can liberate our minds
and calm our anxiety
and sooth our overburdened Hearts.

My Friends,
we need to know
what real inner freedom feels like.
We need to know that such freedom exists.
We desperately need to know
that our beautiful and precious Spirit
is a Loving Creation of God,
and that He loves us
far beyond our poor capacity
to add or detract
from the fact of our existence.

Love is, and always was,
And, if you think deeply about it,
that is a part of what makes it
so very beautiful.


Prayerful silence can cause you to contemplate answers that you may be running from.

A baby lying in its Mother’s arms
does not comprehend
the pure and unconditional Love
it feels and so willingly accepts.
And neither do you,
in the Arms of God.
Perhaps the thing missing
is our acceptance of this Love.

Jesus gave us a truly insightful perspective
when he said:

Truly I tell you, unless you change
and become like little children,
you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
(Matthew 18:3)


Truth can be as simple, and beautiful, as night and day.

 My Dear Friends,
people can be intimidated by silence.

But Prayerful silence can cause you
to contemplate answers
that you may be running from,
and never be aware
that you are avoiding
Inner Truths.

The human mind
Is fragile.

It is easily susceptible
to distraction
and gets exhausted
readily and rapidly.
our inability to harness
its focus and power
results in many
highways deaths,
divorces, much anger
and the intolerance
that leads to wars.

Our minds are so far

from perfection,
that we cannot conceive of
the Perfect Love
of God.

But at the core of every person
is a longing to know that God loves them.
We want the assurance God loves us.
God put this desire in us,
and God wants you to know
He Loves YOU.


Come and see the works of God.

God’s love for us
is beyond our ability to understand,
but not beyond our ability
to realize, accept and enjoy.

The apostle John wrote in I John 3:1:

“See what great love
the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called
children of God!
And that is what we are!”


Love is, and always was, incomprehensible.


By the Light of Love / Quantum Entanglement / Vitamin B3 / Friday Trip: Texas Civil War Museum

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
“What an Honor,
What a Privilege –

To remember those
Who lived their lives
For Love,

And Peace.”
– Wm. C. Anderson

Dedicated to the memory
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

sunset-santacruz_980x551By the Light
Of Love

In the dark,
In the deepest recesses
Of the night,
There is no light.


Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning, born of the one Light, Eden saw play. – Eleanor Farjeon

By the Light of Love,
The dark of night
That pervades the spaces,
So cavernous and lonely
In the Soul,
Shall be driven out,
And you will be
Blinded by this Light,
No longer able to see
The hate that was you,
And me.

In remembering
Such that always was,
And may very well
Always be,

Let us ask ourselves:

Have we squandered
Our precious existence
Thinking no one
In the Heart
Is home?

Did we lay low
A legacy of Love,
So our human Heart
Could roam?


The Heart cannot depart from the place it never left.

Did we forget
We are all
Precious Gifts
From Above?

Ever gentle in reply,
God answers
Every doubt,
Every Prayer,
Every one,
With Love.


Encounters set to form the biography of being.

Were we never shown
What ever and forever,
In His Abiding Word,
Has always been known?

My Dear Friends,
Travel with me
For a moment,
A very brief
Moment indeed.

In a clearing
Of your memory
Lies a deep and abiding
Longing to go back home,
And take some comfort
From there.

  Love may be all there really is.

But the Heart
Cannot depart
From the place
It never left.
The journey of Life
Is a very Precious Gift.
Travel as you may,
You will discover
One day,
That your home
Is your Heart
And it will
Always be.

We venture far
To discover Love
Can never depart.


Volcanic explosion viewed from space.

It is
A Sacred Space,
The Heart of God
Within the Heart of man,
A timeless place,
Filled with Love,
Overflowing with Grace.

In the end
We begin,
And only begin,
To understand,
As we come to realize
That never will we
Fully understand God
And the beautiful Universe
That is His,
And ours.

“Who does great things, unfathomable,
And wondrous works without number.
Were He to pass by me, I would not see Him”
– Job 9:10-12

The finite span of the human mind
Will never encompass
The Infinite.
But let us journey together,
And enjoy
What little we can come
To understand.

“Then I saw all the work of God,
that a man cannot find out the work
that is done under the sun.
However much man may toil in seeking,
he will not find it out.
Even though a wise man claims to know,
he cannot find it out.

– Ecclesiastes 8:17


Future actions may influence past events!

“Quantum mechanics
is the branch of physics

that describes the rules that govern the universe
on the microscopic scale.
It tries to explain how subatomic particles
can behave as both particles and as waves.
It also offers an explanation about why particles
appear to exist in multiple positions
at the same time.”
read more here

“According to quantum mechanics,
two or more particles can become “entangled”
so that even after they are separated in space,
when an action is performed on one particle,
the other particle responds immediately.


The finite span of the human mind will never encompass the Infinite.

The effect of measurement happens instantly.
(Einstein referring to it as
“spooky action at a distance”)

read more here

One particle of an entangled pair “knows”
what measurement has been performed on the other,
and with what outcome,
even though there is no known means
for such information to be communicated

For the first time,
scientists have entangled particles
after they’ve been measured
and may no longer even exist.

Scientists showed that future actions
may influence past events,
when it comes to the mind-bending world
of quantum physics. read more

“The characteristic trait of quantum mechanics,
. . . enforces its entire departure
from classical lines of thought.”
Erwin Schrödinger


The end
Is the beginning,
And between,
Is the time we
Pretend to journey,
Ever learning
Of the illusions
Of life and living,
That Love may be
All there really is.

“I know that Thou canst do all things,
And that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted.
Therefore I have declared that which
I did not understand.
Things too wonderful for me,
which I did not know.”
– Job 42:1-4, 6

  A long, thoughtful ballad
Can life be,
Reflecting all the beauty
We see.

And our encounters
Set to form
The biography of being,
Either dwelling In the dark
Of night,
Or uplifted by the Truth,
On a Beam of Light,
Cradled in the Arms
Of One
Who can do none other
Than to Love you
As no other.
ef90e239cb03c100cebb0f1e305fcde2“Each of us has the power
to be good or to be evil.
That choice is yours and yours alone.
The tragedy of our world
is not that so many have chosen to be evil,
but that so few have made any choice at all.”
  – Martin Johns

We are at a time in our Human History
In which the veils of reality
Are rapidly being Lifted.
Our exploration requires us
To let go of rigid concepts,
Which our narrowly focused,
Linear minds hold as Real.
Enjoy the ride,
Cherish the view.

The geometry of the Heart
Like the circle of time,
Is without Dimension,
In meanings sublime.

To your precious Heart
Listen easy,

And turn on
The Light.

I know that Love is seeing all the Infinite in One. – Joe Henry

“Be kind,
for everyone you meet
is fighting a harder battle.”
– Plato

Quantum entanglement
could be used to prevent hacking.

A new telecommunication technique, which manipulates the phenomenon in quantum theory known as entanglement, could cleanse the Internet of hacking.

Two computers using quantum information are more secure because the activity of a third party would alter the information content, enabling easy detection by the intended recipient. read more

Vitamin B3 can reduce skin cancer risk by 23%

(from our friends at NaturalNews) Researchers in Australia have found that taking vitamin

On Friday, 12-11-15 we will meet at the Texas Civil War Museum
(817-246-2323) 760 Jim Wright Freeway (Loop 820).

Drop-off will be at the Museum at 10:00 a.m.

Pick up will be at the Museum at 2:30 p.m.

FINANCIAL $8.50 for students & $10.50 adults. This fee funds our docent program, slush fund for confederates reenacting the war and not fully accepting of Robert E. Lee’s surrender, and entrance to the museum. This is a group rate: please pay Dr. A.

ANDERSON SCHOOL STAFF are battle tested & ready to teach.

GIFT SHOP: Yes! They have a GREAT gift shop with items related to the war we have not necessarily lost! Dr. A will tell you what he wants.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. Polish your shoes, the rebels are recruiting this week. This fabulous museum can be enjoyed by the entire family,

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or restaurant at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, go off to war & whip the Yankees (which also requires a uniform, powder and gun) or use the restroom, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

MUSEUM RULES * No loud talking, running, or jumping or one of the Museum staff will get you. (Rumor has it that they are ALL ex-school principals. Notice their threatening gaze searching for any sign of misbehavior!) * Stay with your chaperon at all times. If Dr. A seems jittery, he has had enough! Just calm down, back off and offer him coffee with extra cream.

* Use clipboards for worksheets. Do not lean or write on exhibit display cases or walls.
* No food, drink, candy, or gum is allowed inside. Give these items to Dr. A., he knows what to do with them.
* The museum has video surveillance & alarms so don’t be all that alarmed and please smile. Please return the muskets.
* They reserve the right to refuse service and rough up those who do not wish to follow the rules of conduct. Now, there are exceptions and one of them is Dr. A. He is a good guy and won’t remember the rules, and he already looks roughed up.

Dec. 18
Last Day of Fall Semester classes.
Dec. 21 – Jan. 4 Winter Break Holidays
Jan. 22 Forth Worth Stock Show
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival

  To your precious Heart, listen easy and turn on the Light.


The Cobwebs of Our Illusions / No School Thursday and Friday

In the Gospel,
many Truths,
before hidden in mystery,

are made known.”
– Matthew Henry


The Sun is ever shining, showing us the way.

In searching, ever searching,
Our shadows in the wind
Cross o’er the landscape
Of so much of life,
So much Love,
Ever reaching,
Only to find in the end,

We arrive
Where we begin.
And start all over

               Shafts of sunlit hope.

“There isn’t much that I have learned
Through all my foolish years
Except that life
Keeps runnin’ in cycles”
Rod McKuen

Looking out
The prison doors
Of the past,
Confines us,

What the mirror
Of the mind

Never knowing
While we wish upon
So many stars,
That the cobwebs
Of our illusions,

Keep us locked indoors,
Inside of our fears and tears
Through all the years,
While the Sun
Is ever shining,
Showing us the way
To what life has to give,
Ever more,
And more.

Shafts of sunlit Hope,
Comforting knowledge,
Shining through the pain
Glassed as windows
Of fear and doubt,
Whisper nevermore,

Pearls of Wisdom,
  Like drops of rain,
Fall into our Hearts
To ease the pain.
Hope in a heartbeat,
Tells us life is Love,
And our life
Is not in vain.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding

in the work of the Lord,
knowing that your toil
is not in vain in the Lord.”
– 1 Corinthians 15:58

Now is the moment
we’re living.
There is no song
We cannot sing.
The end of every
Always heralds a new
Our Spirit can
Chart a pathway,
Through the stars
To where
There is no end,
Where we can open any door,
To find the Love of God,
And again.

   The moment we’re living is now.

“If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain:
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.”
– Emily Dickinson


You are the more
Of evermore,
The never
Of never end.
You are
The Everlasting Love
Of God,
A Love
With no beginning
And no end.

“God’s gifts
put man’s best dreams
to shame.”
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The gift of this day
Is open to your Heart.
And tomorrow,
The Precious Gift
Of another day.

Blessing us with beauty, showing us the way.

Will never shy away
As they drink a beam
Of sunlight,
And with their beauty say
They are thankful
For the moment,
And close their blossoms
To Pray.
Silent in their vigil,
Steadfast throughout the day.
Blessing us with beauty,
Showing us
The way.

Our shadows in the wind cross o’er the landscape of so much of life, so much Love.