Through Loving Eyes / “It Is Well with My Soul” / Friday Trip: Chandor Gardens

Through Loving Eyes,
through and through,
completely and throughout,
real Love,
passes completely through
the Heart of you.

Such Love
becomes an affirmation
that the Child you are,
and will always be,
will be Loved,
from moment to moment,
through Eternity.

You may think
there is no

real story to tell,
only the simplicity
of the rhythm and the rhyme
of being alive,
in Love

with Life,
and Living.
  But in the Gift
of conclusion:
“Love is through and through,
real or what you may imagine
is real,
Yesterday, Today,
and Tomorrow,

We were like children posing,
Playing at games, acting out names
Guessing the parts we played.”
Johnny Mercer

Life is Memory
in the making.
Everything we say and do
becoming strong, swift currents
in the River of Living,
movement of the moments
said or done.
But Life devoid of motion and magic
and memories,
leaves something less than
an emptiness far beyond
the void of space,
without measure,
and meaning

“I hold it true, whate’er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
‘Tis better to have Loved and lost
Than never to have Loved at all.’

Alfred Lord Tennyson
In Memoriam 1850

may be Blessed,
or cursed
or kissed.
You may be nothing
to anyone,
never missed.
But to God,
you are a Child
of Everlasting Love,
and YOU are

And nothing compares
in the whole wide Universe
to such Infinite Love,
as the Love
He feels
for His Child.

are more
than Everything.
You are
His Universe
in but one beat
of a precious Heart
that lives,
and lives,
and lives.

Pass on the Love
that gives,
and gives,
and gives.

                You are His Universe.

My Dear Friend,
when your precious Heart
beats for another,
you cannot give more
than it gives.
you cannot live
more of Life,
than you live.

wants no more
than you should live
for Love.

The Love of God
is like the rain
that falls.
His Love also comes
from the Heavens above,
and it falls
on you.

Dr. Wm. C. Anderson 1981

He invites you
to channel the depths
of His powerful and tender Heart
into the Heart
that beats within
There is
no greater Gift from God
than His Love.
And His Love


Dr. Richard L. Strauss

“We all need to know that
somebody Loves us.
The good news from God’s Word
is that somebody does.
To know Him is to find release
from the crippling effects of feeling unloved.
God is Love
(1 John 4:8,16).

Love is one of the warmest words
in the English language,
and that God is Love
is one of the most sublime, uplifting, and reassuring
known to Mankind.
It is the essence of His Being.
is the way He is.”

Richard L. Strauss, Th.D.

  You can do no more than Live for Love.

In Philosophy this week:
What are the hidden TRUTHS
contributing to one of the largest
health epidemics in history?
Why is conventional wisdom
of “exercise and eat”
not holding true?
This generation is the first
to live shorter lives than
their parents.

Today we view the
outstanding film presentation:
Fed Up!

“It Is Well with My Soul”
from Hope & Humor
by James Watkins
read more

Life can be so unpredictable
joys and sorrows,
beautiful blessings and distressing difficulties,
can come unexpectedly.
Our life’s dreams and plans
can change in an instant.
We all know this to be true.
So how can we find peace amid
such turbulence?

Horatio Spafford

Horatio Spafford knew something
about life’s unexpected challenges.
He was a successful attorney and real estate investor
who lost a fortune in the great Chicago fire of 1871.

In 1871, Horatio, a devout Christian, and his wife, Anna,
were living comfortably with their four young daughters
in Lake View, Chicago.
In that year the great fire broke out which devastated the entire city.
For the next two years Horatio and Anna devoted their time to welfare work among the refugees of the fire.

By November 1873 the Spaffords decided
to join friends in Europe
but just before their departure Horatio was detained on business.
Anna and their four daughters were set off without him,
but en route tragedy struck.
The steamship they were traveling
on the Ville du Havre,
sank after colliding with another ship in mid-ocean.

Of the hundreds on board,
Anna was one of only 27 who were rescued
having been kept afloat by a piece of debris.
Her daughters did not survive.
Overcome with despair at the loss of her children,
Anna felt strongly that she had been saved
for a purpose.

Upon arriving in England,
Anna sent a telegram to her husband that began:
“Saved alone.
What shall I do?”

Horatio immediately set sail for England.
At one point during his voyage, the Captain of the ship,
aware of the tragedy that had struck the family,
summoned Horatio to tell him that they were now passing
over the spot where the shipwreck had occurred.
As Horatio thought about his daughters,
words of comfort and hope filled his heart and mind.
He wrote them down, and they have since become
a well-beloved hymn:
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll –
Whatever my lot,
thou hast taught me to know It is well,

it is well with my Soul.”

        Peace Like A River

But the tragedy surrounding the hymn
didn’t end there.
Horatio and Anna returned to Chicago,
and gave birth to Horatio II who would die at four years old
of scarlet fever in 1876.
Two years later, the couple gave birth to Bertha, who would would write that her parents not only suffered the pain of losing their fortune
and five children,
but it was compounded by a crisis of faith.
Were the children’s deaths a punishment from God?
Did He no longer Love them?
Horatio felt himself in danger of losing his faith.

In 1881, Anna gave birth to a sixth daughter,
appropriately named “Grace.”
Shortly after, the family of four moved to Jerusalem,
with Horatio explaining,
“Jerusalem is where my Lord lived, suffered, and conquered,
and I wish to learn how to live, suffer,
and especially to conquer.”

The family would remain in Jerusalem
and set up a children’s home.
And like his children, he too would die tragically.
Some reports claim he began to suffer delusions
that he was the second Messiah,
while his family insists it was the malaria fever
that caused the mental confusion
and death.

Anna and Horatio Spafford
led a small American contingent in 1881
to Jerusalem to form a Christian Utopian Society
known as the American Colony.
read more
They were later joined by Swedish Christians,
engaged in philanthropic work among the people of Jerusalem regardless of religious affiliation,
thereby gaining the trust of the local
Muslim, Jewish and Christian communities.
During and immediately after World War I
the American Colony played a critical role
in supporting these communities
through the great suffering and deprivations
of the eastern front by
running soup kitchens, hospitals, orphanages
and other charitable ventures.

Spafford died on October 16, 1888, of malaria
and was buried in Jerusalem.

But the tragedy surrounding the hymn
didn’t end there, either.
The tune was written by Philip P. Bliss,
which he entitled “Ville du Havre,”
the name of the ship that took the lives
of Spafford’s four daughters.
The hymn was first sung by Bliss himself
before a large gathering of ministers
hosted by Moody on November 24, 1876.

Just one month later, on December 29, 1876,
Bliss and wife were traveling to Chicago by train.
As the train passed over a trestle near Ashtabula, Ohio,
the bridge collapsed and the passenger coaches
plunged 75 feet into the icy river.
Philip was able to escape through a window,
but his wife was pinned in the wreckage.
As he went back to free his wife,
a fire broke out through the wooden cars
and both were burned beyond recognition.

Nine tragic deaths surround the hymn,
and yet those affected by them, could say,
“It is well with my Soul.”

Perhaps we cannot always say
that everything is well in all aspects of our lives.
There will always be storms to face,
and sometimes there will be tragedies.
But with Faith in a Loving God
and with trust in His Divine help,
we can confidently say,
“It is well,
it is well with my Soul.”
read more

“When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet,
though trials should come,

Let this Be
lest assurance control,

That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own Blood for my Soul.

My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

And Lord,
haste the day when my Faith shall be sight,

The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
and the Lord shall descend,

Even so, it is well with my Soul.”

– lyrics by Horatio Spafford
music by by Philip P. Bliss
listen to song here

Friday Trip:
Chandor Gardens
in Weatherford

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

The Illusion of the Finery of Time / Questions That Will Free Your Mind / Friday Trip: Fossilmania

As we dance
in the Hourglass
of our mirror,
in our own
there is much
we perceive,
and much more

deep within memories
and Dreams,
you may think,
you have found
Tomorrow comes,
dressed in the illusion
of the finery of

“You call yourself
a Wild Thing, a Free Spirit.
And your terrified
someone’s gonna stick you
in a cage.
Well, baby,
your already in that cage.
You built it yourself.
No matter where you run,
you just end up
running into
from Breakfast at Tiffanys

you want to know:
have you been alive,
or just living?
Were you
or giving?
Were you
or grave digging?

Did you only find a place
to be,
or were you becoming
what God wanted
you to be?
Were you
or forgiving?

      The illusion of the finery of Time.

Were you creating
Loving thoughts
in the Heart
of another,
or waves
that lap upon the distant shores
of islands
that never
really existed.

Without reflection, no one will dance with you.

In your search
for meaning,
were the tears
for you,
or someone else
in need?

“When you wish upon a Star,
Makes no difference who you are.
Anything your Heart desires
Will come to you.

If your Heart is in your Dream,
No request
is too extreme.”
– Ned Washington

Did you find a place to be?

We cannot live
to end of day,
with no hope
of Tomorrow.

Without deep reflection,
no one
will dance with you
until the end
of your


“The best remedy for those who are
afraid, lonely or unhappy
is to go outside,
somewhere where they can be quiet,
alone with the Heavens, Nature and God.
Because only then does one feel
that all is as it should be,
and that God wishes to see people happy,
amidst the simple beauty
of Nature.”
– Anne Frank

Questions That Will Free Your Mind

These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes
asking the right question
is the answer.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
Which is worse, failing or never trying?
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?
Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Why are you, you?
Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
What are you most grateful for?
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
Has your greatest fear ever come true?
Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now?
What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
If not now, then when?
If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that?
Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

In Philosophy this week:

Were the tears for you, or someone else in need?

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allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

What Secretly Possesses You / Within a Lifetime or Two / Friday Trip: Monnig Meteorite Gallery

“Time creates its own illusions,
shattering the hourglass,
that by pretense of its being,
feigns to measure
that which does not exist.”
Wm. C. Anderson

 The Beauty in Nature secretly possesses you.

can only walk with us,
while we are
on our way
as we exhaust
our precious existence

and long to stay,
when we come to understand
God truly listens
as we Pray,
and night
is followed
by Glorious Day.

                        God listens as we Pray.

is full of Wonder.
The Beauty in Nature
secretly possesses you
and points us to
His Truth
one cannot deny,
is found in every leaf
of every Tree,
and in ever cell
of you and me.
And Truth
is never
a lie.

turns Time
into Sunsets and Seasons
and Moonbeams and Flowers,
what we mistakenly
call months and days and hours.
He bakes our Hearts
muffin warm,
as we bask
in the Sunshine
of His Loving Desire,
and let the Light
of His Love
come in.

                          Colors beyond compare.

the curtain opens
on the Portrait
of a new day.
Colors beyond compare,
are found
should you look,
you will find
the Loving Arms of God
and the Warmth
of His Smile,
both of which
are yours,

Every Child reflects
the Promise
of precious parents,
whose Lives
Light a pathway
and echo sounds
drawn from the wells
from whence we

Fly on the Wings of your Heart.

My Precious Friends,
to fly
on the Wings
of your Heart,
unfetter your
Come Home
to a place
you have never been.

in your laughter.
the clutter
of your thoughts.
and unleash
the fire in your

your children
with every word
you say,
with every Prayer
you Pray,
each and every

Let there be
no more tears,
save of

Our children
are the sons
and the daughters
of us all.

From this
and every moment,
Life truly has begun,
and your song
is unsung.
May it be
as Beautiful
as you are.


                       As Beautiful as you are.

“Cold hearted orb that rules the night
removes the colors from our sight,
red is grey and yellow white.
But we
decide which is right

and which is an Illusion?”
–  Justin Hayward


Of all species that have existed on Earth,
99.9 percent are now extinct.
is very fragile indeed.
The impact of atmospheric warming
is most potent in its modification of ocean chemistry
and of circulating currents;
warming inevitably leads to
non-mixing anoxic dead seas.

We are in the middle,
not the beginning,
of an anthropogenic global warming,
caused by agriculture and deforestation,
which began some 10,000 years ago
but which is now accelerating exponentially;
though the earliest wave of anthropogenic warming
has been stabilizing and beneficial
to human development,
it appears to have the potential
for catastrophic effects
within a lifetime or two.
read more

“It is an interesting Biological fact
that all of us have in our veins
the exact same percentage of salt
in our blood that exists in the ocean,
and, therefore, we have salt in our blood,
in our sweat, in our tears.
We are tied to the Ocean.”
John F. Kennedy


“Outside of a dog,
a book is a man’s best friend,
inside of a dog,
it’s too dark to read.”
– Grocho Marx

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

God’s Love is Painted in the Sky / Five Positive Effects of Kindness / Friday Trip: F. W. ZOO

            God’s Love is painted in the Sky.

is what you contemplate,
when Pray you speak
and peer through Heaven’s Gate,
to find the Soul
filled with Love,
and your Spirit
set free
of all hate.

“You will seek me and find me
when you seek me
with all your Heart.”

– Jeremiah 29:13

When Home
we should have been
and tomorrow
is too late,
arrives just in time,
to be all
and celebrate.

is but a brief moment
in space,
only one
singular, very tiny speck
in Time,
but a mere trace.
But YOU,
by the Grace
of One Infinitely
in Love,
will find Time
never reaching an

     His Love sets in the evening of your Heart.

God’s Love
is painted in the Sky,
and in the teardrops of joy
in your eyes,
in the Greatest Story
ever told,
and in the arms
of those
you wanted to hold,
who will never
let you go.

God keeps
the Promise of Morning,
as the Glow of His Love
sets in the evening of your

There is nothing
more Beautiful
than when
His Work is done,
and celebration
is in the setting Sun.
To behold such Beauty
and bask in the Glory
when day is done,
is exactly
where you belong.

He signs
each Work of Art
that is our day.
His Signature in the Sky
is Beauty only equaled
by you or I.

Remember this day,
the Gift God gave to you,
and Pray.
And always know,
there is no longing
for the past,
when you live
in someone’s Heart

Who we are
and all we know,
we can choose to give away,
so that we may
forever live
in the Heart of another,
and begin our journey

through Eternity
to find a dream

come true.

Let you Heart
govern your head,
and bid farewell
to all the things
you do not

“Morning glory and midnight sun.
Time we’ve learned to sail above.
Time won’t change
the meaning of one Love

Ageless and ever,

– Barbra Streisand, Paul H. Williams

Many a graveyard
is filled
with thoughts
steeped in deep
But nary a one
passed on.


Immortality is born
  of the vision and the fire
and the memory of you
inside the Heart
of someone
you deeply Love.

“Would you believe me,
if I told you
my yesterday
is your tomorrow.”
Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb

I make my own journey
through Eternity.

I keep the memory inside

To fulfill your destiny,
find the child within
and never, ever
say goodbye.


Five Positive Effects of Kindness
by David Hamilton, Ph.D.
read more

1. Kindness makes us happier. Dr. Hamilton found that when we do something kind for someone else, we not only feel good, we tap into something deep and profound inside of us that says, “This is who I am.” Biochemically, levels of the brain’s natural versions of morphine, which we know as endogenous opioids, are increased. They cause elevated levels of dopamine in the brain and so we get a natural high, often referred to as “Helper’s High.”

2. Kindness gives us healthier Hearts. Acts of kindness are often accompanied by emotional warmth, which produces the hormone oxytocin in the brain and throughout the body. It plays a significant role in cardiovascular health, causing the release of nitric oxide, which dilates (expands) the blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure.

3. Kindness slows aging. Two culprits that speed the aging process are free radicals and Inflammation – both of which can result from making unhealthy lifestyle choices. Remarkable research shows that oxytocin reduces levels of free radicals and inflammation and slows aging at the root level. Also free radicals and inflammation play a major role in heart disease, so this is another reason kindness is good for the Heart.

There have also been references in scientific journals regarding the strong link between compassion and the activity of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, as well as regulating heart rate, also controls inflammation levels in the body.

4. Kindness improves relationships. Kindness reduces the emotional distance between people causing us to feel more “bonded.” It’s something that is so strong in us that it affects us at the genetic level. We are wired for kindness. The stronger the emotional bonds within groups, the greater the chances of survival, and so ‘kindness genes’ were etched into the human genome. When we are kind to each other, we feel a connection and new relationships are forged, or existing ones are strengthened.

5. Kindness is contagious. When we’re kind, we inspire others to be kind. Studies show that it actually creates a ripple effect that spreads outward to our friends and beyond – to “3 degrees of separation.” Just as a pebble creates waves when it is dropped into a pond, so acts of kindness ripple outward touching others’ lives and inspiring kindness everywhere the wave goes.

An Amazing Story of Kindness
When A.J. Star met former University of Alabama quarterback A J McCarron, his life changed forever – from despair to belonging and purpose. Through one act of kindness by McCarron, a disabled young man’s life was forever changed.  We are indeed “our brother’s keeper.”  It may take us out of our way a bit or cost us a little time and effort,
but this is what Life is all about – Loving others.

Cherie Calbom, M.S., C.N., is the author of 24 books, including The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Allergies and Asthma, The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue, The Juice Lady’s Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies and Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life. She has devoted her life to teaching people how to care for their bodies so they might complete their destiny. For more information, visit her at

For the original article, visit

In Philosophy this week:

The Living Matrix
A thought is an actual physical energy.
Our thoughts create our body moment by moment.
Belief is the body’s strongest medicine.
The field is the invisible energy force around us.
Matter is ultimately determined by the field.
The HEART is the Emperor.
The placebo effect
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

“The Biology of Belief”
by Bruce Lipton

“The Field
is the governing agency
of the particle.”
– Albert Einstein


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allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Life is a Celebration / You are One With the Universal Mind / Electric Cars / Friday Trip: Modern Art Museum

         In the face of EACH creature                                I see my Creator.

Our acts
of Human kindness
bring God’s presence
into our World.

In our search
for Truth,
Ultimate Truth,
we may one day discover
that the Love
felt deeply within
our Human Heart
the very
presence of God.

is a description of God,
God is Love.
This is what He is,
and what
He will always be.

Whoever does not Love
does not know God,
because God is Love.”
1 John 4:8

                                I am alive.

To proclaim
that I am alive
in every moment,
to absolutely know
that God is with you
each and every

In that existential
you will know
you are not
And this knowledge
can Enrich your Life
and Ennoble

The shadow
of who you are
can never

  reflect a lighter shade of pale,
if you choose
to Live,
giving all
you can give.

Stand up
for the Miracle you are.
Live in the Faith
God has in You.
And follow the Dream
that lies ahead,
the Dream
God has for

awaits me and you.

  But the Vision and the Fire
of Life
is a Dream
yet unfulfilled.

                  Enrich your Life and Ennoble death.

a free person
has the strength
to benefit
only a strong person
has the freedom
to free

These attributes
emanate from
profound intellectual rigor,
suppleness of mind
and audacious
to loudly proclaim:
“I shall not
Live my Life
in vain.”

                             You are not alone.

Our History
offers glimpses of great
Heroism and Dignity,
which illuminate
the Human condition.
These moments
are precious in Time.
must be shared.

Do not be
are what your child
truly possesses.
you will be what,
in memory,

Open wide
the Heart.
The great Love
contained within
can only cast
a mere shadow,
if inside
you are burdened,
“I am only

YOU are every generation,
this day
and yesterday,
and all
there is to be,
from the beginning
of our Creation,
to the end.
You are
you know
or will ever meet.
are the greatest Gift
your child
will inherit,
or ever, ever see.

are the overarching
Miracle of Creation,
the all encompassing
of Universal physical law,
reflect of the ALL powerful
Creative Force
that brought you
into Being.

has truly Blessed you,
far, far beyond Belief.

        You are the overarching Miracle of Creation

My Friends,
we find Compassion
in the Knowledge
of God’s Eternal Embrace.
And we find Refuge
in the Shelter of God’s
Loving Grace.

This Love,
the Love of God
that dwells within,
is the Divine birthright
of ever generation
that ever was,
and remains.

are the instruments
of God
used to bring Life
into Being.
And our mission
is to parent with
in perfecting
the Beautiful Work
of His Creation.

is a celebration,
a revolution,
a Divine Revelation.


“Life in ALL its
is Sacred;
in the face
of EACH creature
I see my
– Rabi Lawrence Kushner

            Life, in ALL its forms, is Sacred.

They say that when a man is born
– the sky is falling Soul
and breaks into two parts.
One part goes to the women
and one for men.
The meaning of Life
is to find the other half.
Catches of his own soul.”

Anna Aisha

                  YOU are what your child possesses.

You are One With the Universal Mind

By Tania Kotsos
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There is a single, intelligent Consciousness
that pervades the entire Universe
– the Universal Mind.
It is all knowing, all powerful, all creative and always present.
As it is present everywhere at the same time,
it follows that it must also be present in you
– that it is you.
Your mind is part of the one Universal Mind.
This is not simply a philosophical ideal
passed down to us through the ages.
It is an exact scientific truth.
Know it, believe it, apply it
and you will see your life transform
in miraculous ways.

Albert Einstein told us that “everything is energy”;
that “a human being is a part of the whole
called by us [the] Universe”.
His words echoed the most ancient of Spiritual and philosophical teachings and still underpin today’s
cutting-edge scientific discoveries.

The Universal Mind goes by many names.
In the scientific world we know of the Unified Field,
in spiritual philosophy we refer to The All or Universal Consciousness and in religion we call upon God,
who Himself goes by many names.
The name is relevant only in so far
as it resonates with you.

Whichever way you cut it,
you come to this one unavoidable conclusion:
there is but One Consciousness
of which your consciousness must be a part
and “a part”,
as Charles Haanel said,
“must be the same in kind and quality as the whole,
the only difference being one of degree”.

The nature of the Universal Mind
is Omniscience (all knowing),
Omnipotence (all powerful),
Omnificence (all creative)
and Omnipresence (always present).

that this too is
your nature.

This week in Philosophy:
What Dreams May Come:
a story of LOVE and devotion
that transcends the bonds
of Time.

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Dyson, the engineering company best known for its vacuum cleaners and fans, plans to spend £2bn developing a “radical” electric car.

The battery-powered vehicle is due to be launched in 2020.

Dyson says 400 staff have been working on the secret project for the past two years at its headquarters in Malmesbury, Wiltshire.

However, the car does not yet exist, with no prototype built, and a factory site is yet to be chosen.

Sir James declined to give further details of the project. “Competition for new technology in the automotive industry is fierce and we must do everything we can to keep the specifics of our vehicle confidential,” he told staff in an email.

Important points that are undecided or secret include the firm’s expected annual production total, the cost of the car, or its range or top speed.

Sir James said about £1bn would be spent on developing the car, with another £1bn on making the battery.
Analysis: Richard Westcott, BBC transport correspondent

It was a slightly unusual launch, but then, Sir James Dyson likes to be different.

In a small room above his swanky London shop he told us about his vision for a clean car.

First up, we were treated to an old clip of Blue Peter, from the 90s, where Anthea Turner interviewed him about his new device to clean soot from the exhaust of diesel vehicles… it was the cyclone from his vacuum cleaner, put to a different use.

“That is how long I have wanted to do this,” he told us.

In fact he first hatched the idea in the late 1980s.

Since then, he has developed motors and batteries and now he is able to bring all that expertise together in a new, electric car.

He promised that it will be radical and different, because, as he put it, what is the point of making it like any other car?

And he promised that it will not be cheap.

I did ask how much it would be to put down a deposit… he told me he would have to think about it.

Further development work will take place at a former RAF base at Hullavington in Wiltshire, where staff will move to in February.

Sir James also said that his firm’s car would look “radical and different”, but will not be aimed at the mass market.

The motor is designed and ready to go, he said, but the firm is still designing the car.

Dyson’s decision means it is joining the rush within the global car industry to develop and make electric cars.

Some manufacturers such as Nissan, Tesla, Renault, BMW and Hyundai already manufacture them.

Others such as VW, Volvo, Mercedes, Honda and Jaguar Land Rover have announced plans to sell electric or hybrid versions of their existing petrol and diesel engine ranges.

VW, for instance, plans to spend 20bn euros (£17.5bn) by 2030 to develop its battery powered vehicles.

Sir James said he had been interested since 1990 in developing filtration technology to stop vehicle diesel emissions polluting the environment.

But as the motor industry had shown no interest in adopting this idea, he would instead join the fast-growing trend to make electric vehicles.
Analysis: Theo Leggett, BBC business correspondent

The electric car market is growing rapidly, but it is also about to become a lot more crowded.

Within the next few years, many new models are due to come on to the market, including Jaguar’s Ipace, Porsche’s Mission E, Volkswagen’s I.D. family and Mercedes’ EQ range. Tesla also has big plans for its recently launched Model 3.

They will be joining established models such as the Nissan Leaf, the BMW i3, the Renault Zoe and the Tesla Model S.

Dyson clearly sees an opportunity here. As new designs become available, and prices come down, more consumers will be willing to try electric vehicles.

Policymakers, concerned about air pollution, want them to do just that.

The big question is whether Dyson can muscle in on territory that the major manufacturers are already trying to make their own. And let’s not forget Google’s designs on the electric/self-driving market.

Tesla was able to build a new car brand from scratch, but only by producing a design which effectively moved the goalposts and changed people’s expectations of what an electric car could provide.

If Dyson wants to play with the big boys, it may have to pull off a similar trick.

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