The Wilderness in the Human Soul / Turmeric Powder – Health Benefits / Friday: At School Today

The Wilderness in the Human Soul

Moments ago,
the falling leaves
were teasing
the air
with ease.

And every tree
embraced the wind,
bowed with Grace
and waved goodbye
to what was now,
and is now then.

The past
past our eyes
filled with surprise,
as with glorious ease
the falling leaves,
in such numbers abound,
suddenly stop
to Worship the ground.

“The wilderness is a natural place to consummate the longings of the Soul.”

“I see trees that are green
and red roses too
I watch them bloom for me and you.
And I think to myself,
Oh, what a wonderful World.
The colors of the rainbow,
so pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces
of the people passing by.
I see friends shaking hands,
saying, “How do you do?”
But they’re really saying,
“I Love you”.
George David Weiss, Bob Thiele

The Temple
of the Lord
in form to be,
lay hidden in every
of every Sacred Tree,
ever flowing,
like the falling leaves.
And now,
to be reborn,
into the Sacred Soil
and Sunlit with Majesty,
bequeathed again
to every Living Thing
born under the Sun,
and gifted
to you and me.

                     Sunlit with Majesty

we are part in them,
now and then,
and they in us.
In every pore and cell,
our Tabernacle One –
with Beauty all about,
and apart.

In dimensions
far asunder
and never to
we feel the thunder
that echoes
in the Human Heart.

The Sacred Music
of the whispering wind,
in songs that seem never
to end,
is throbbing
to the beat
of Human Hearts,
yours and mine,
strings of Harps
waving in the

The hills and the valleys,
beckon us to come and see,
and feel the pulse
of Nature,
a Gift
for you and me.

God’s Temples
are there for all
to see.
Feel the very Breath
of Life,
be a part of all there is
in the Glory
of God’s Beautiful Forests,
with His Trees
tossing their branches,
bowing in Glorious Worship.

The Wilderness in the Human Soul
lies undiscovered.


Turmeric Powder – Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects

What is Turmeric Powder?

Turmeric powder is a bright yellow powder made by dry grinding of mature turmeric rhizomes (underground stems). The use of turmeric for coloring and flavoring food, for cosmetic purposes and for medicinal properties dates back to the ancient Vedic culture of India.

Used in almost all Indian curries, this spice has almost no calories (1 tablespoon = 24 calories) and zero cholesterol. It is rich in dietary fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

The wide range of turmeric health benefits come mainly from its ingredient, curcumin. This widely researched component of turmeric is highly therapeutic and is used in various drugs and pharmaceutics mainly because of its immunity boosting and anti-oxidant properties.

Boosts Immunity: Curcumin has a huge therapeutic value and boosting immunity is one of the most important properties of curcumin.

“5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and stronger than vitamin C, this antioxidant breakthrough may help boost your immunity, maintain normal cholesterol levels, and put the brakes on aging,” says Dr. Joseph Mercola about curcumin in turmeric.

His claims are well substantiated by various studies. For example, Jagetia and Aggarwal at the Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA, reported, “Interestingly, curcumin at low doses can also enhance antibody responses. This suggests that curcumin’s reported beneficial effects in arthritis, allergy, asthma, atherosclerosis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer could be due in part to its ability to modulate the immune system.”

Turmeric for Asthma
Has Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant Properties: Free radical causing oxidative damage to DNA and proteins are associated with a variety of chronic diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases. Curcumin plays an important role in curbing these conditions. Curcumin down-regulates certain inflammatory transcription factors such as kappaB, enzymes such as cyclooxygenase 2 and 5 lipoxygenase, and cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1 (IL-1) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) and hinders the development of these diseases.

Protects Against Certain Liver Diseases: It is evident from various studies conducted in rats, and a Mexican study showed that curcumin prevents acute liver damage by at least two mechanisms: acting as an antioxidant and by inhibiting NF-kappaB activation and thus production of proinflammatory cytokines. Another study published in the Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology journal revealed that curcumin was effective in preventing and reversing cirrhosis, probably by its ability to reduce TGF-beta expression. These data suggest that curcumin could be an effective antifibrotic and fibrinolytic drug in the treatment of chronic hepatic diseases.

Curcumin Helps Prevent Liver Damage
Controls Development of Type 2 Diabetes: In people who have prediabetes, turmeric helps control development of type 2 diabetes. This has been shown in a Thai study published in the journal Diabetes Care where the researchers found that people with prediabetes who took capsules containing curcumin were less likely to go on to develop type 2 diabetes compared with people who didn’t take the curcumin capsules. The reason, says Drew Tortoriello, an endocrinologist and research scientist at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center, is that turmeric lessens insulin resistance and prevents type 2 diabetes. Curcumin, however, is not readily bioavailable; it makes sense to regularly add turmeric powder to the food even for people who are not prediabetic.

Helps Promote Weight Loss: Curcumin aids in weight loss and reduces the incidence of obesity-related diseases. The inflammation associated with obesity is due in part to the presence of immune cells called macrophages in fat tissues throughout the body. These cells produce cytokines that can cause inflammation in organs such as the heart, and islets of the pancreas, while also increase insulin resistance in muscle and liver. Scientists believe that turmeric suppresses the number and activity of these cells, and help reduce some of the adverse consequences of obesity.

Curcumin Aids in weight Loss
Improves Rheumatoid Arthritis: According to a study by Chandran and Goel at Nirmala Medical Center, Kerala, the researchers also found that curcumin treatment was safe and did not relate to any adverse events.

Treats Sprains and Swellings: Treating prains and swellings with a pinch of turmeric powder, lime and salt is an age-old home remedy practiced throughout India.

Home Remedy for Chronic Cough: Turmeric powder is an effective home remedy for chronic cough, cold and throat irritations.

Prevents and Treats Alzheimer’s Disease: Curcumin in turmeric has a potential role in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a study published in the Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive cognitive deterioration together with declining activities of daily living and behavioral changes. Various effects of curcumin, such as decreased beta-amyloid plaques, delayed degradation of neurons, metal-chelation, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant property, improve overall memory in Alzheimer’s patients.

Prevents and Treats Certain Cancers: Researchers from Cancer Biology Research Center, South Dakota, claim that curcumin may be an effective chemopreventive and therapeutic agent for cervical cancer prevention and treatment. They found that curcumin treatment suppresses cervical cancer cell growth by altering the HPV-associated molecular pathways in cervical cancer cells.

Curcumin for Cancer Prevention

What are the Uses of Turmeric Powder?

Apart from therapeutic uses, turmeric is also used as an important condiment, in beauty products and spiritual ceremonies.

  • In India, turmeric is used in almost all curries and gravy dishes. It gives a rich color and a unique flavor to the food.
  • Turmeric is a well-known preservative. Scientists from Gujarat found that adding turmeric to paneer (cottage cheese) extends the shelf life of paneer up to 12 days.
  • Turmeric is a great pesticide. Sprinkle turmeric (powder) water near all the entry points of your house to ward of insects, ants, and termites.
  • Turmeric has an important place in Indian weddings. Turmeric paste is applied to the bride and the groom as part of the haldi ceremony just before the wedding to give them fresh glowing skins and to ward off the evil eye.
  • Turmeric is considered as a symbol of purity, prosperity, and fertility.
  • Turmeric water is poured / offered to the Gods in the temples as a part of Hindu ritual called Abhishekam.
  • The color yellow is considered sacred and auspicious in India. Any fabric dyed in turmeric is considered pure.
  • Women in India use turmeric in skin products such as creams and body scrubs to boost the glow factor.

Turmeric for Skin Care

  • Drinking turmeric tea daily may increase your life span, suggests Dr Andrew Weil. Adding one teaspoon of turmeric powder to 4 cups of boiling water, simmering it for 10 minutes and adding honey to taste can do the trick.
  • Adding turmeric to meat can reduce the levels of cancer causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs) by up to 40 percent, according to researchers from Kansas State University.

What are the Side Effects of Turmeric?

Turmeric is safe and has no side effects when used optimally. People with turmeric sensitivity can have mild stomach upset or diarrhea.

  • Use turmeric with caution if you are pregnant.
  • Turmeric can make gall bladder problems and GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disorder) worse.
  • Turmeric can slow blood clotting and might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery.

           A Gift intended for you and me.

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Mar. 29                                              At School Today

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                            Scarborough Renaissance Festival

May 1                                                 Tuition balance due for 2019-2020

May 20                                               Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2019
The Anderson Private School.

The Heart of What We Seek / China’s Chili Products Contain Cancer-causing Chemical / Friday: At School (Shakespeare Preparation)

The deep plight of our Human condition
results from being so starved
from experiencing unconditional Love,
that we become emotionally and physically and Spiritually

We have all known someone
so completely deprived of Love 
that they gave up
on Life.

Unconditional Love
is at the Heart
of what we seek
throughout our brief lives.

Without such Love,
many studies have shown us
that infants, children and adults
develop severe cognitive and psychological dysfunction
or die.

 We simply MUST
find the pathway to unconditional Love.
Without it,
we will surely wither away.
Like the beautiful and precious plants
that do not receive
the Love of the Sun,
we become starved
and can no longer

is the Light.

Such Love
is essential for our health.
And it is essential for our Spiritual well being.
Love is the goal of Life,
and God’s Beauty is the path
that leads to it.
Such Beauty
lies within
and all around.

               God’s Beauty is the path.

We all carry
the source of unconditional Love
deep within.
But if we fail

to keep feeling
this Love,
for ourselves and for others,
we simply wither away.
For Love without condition,
touches the deepest, most tender corner
of our Human Hearts.
And this Love
leads us to very Heart
of God.

Marianne Williamson “How odd that we spend so much time
treating the darkness,
and so little time seeking the Light.
We only get rid of darkness
by turning on the Light.”
Marianne Williamson, Tears to Triumph: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment

Look for Beauty in our actions,
in what we do in our daily lives.
Enact the Beauty that we Love.
Find a deep sense of meaning,
Beauty beyond belief,
in unconditional Love,
and in Prayer.

of what someone says or thinks or feels or does
or believes,
still Love them,
and Love them unconditionally.
Love other beautiful Creations such as the animals,
and Love your thoughts and dreams.

                 Beauty beyond belief.

unconditional Love
can be found and felt
for ourselves.
The more we are able to Love ourselves,

the more we are able to Love others.
“When you accept yourself,
the whole world accepts

Lao Tzu

My Dear Friends,
unconditional Love
is the most healing force
in the Universe.
And please know
that what we Love,
we find Beautiful.

Unconditional Love
is the only thing in the entire Universe
that can enable and empower you
to experience the true joy
and peace
we so long for.
There are many ways

to find a deep sense of meaning
in the Beauty and the Love
that abounds all around.
One path

is to recognize the Beauty
in everyone,
and in everything.

                    What we Love, we find Beautiful.

The Holy Bible
tells us of the central role
that Love plays in our lives.
The description of God Himself is
that “God is Love”.
(1 John 4:16)
we are called upon
throughout His Precious Holy Word
to become perfected
in the Love of God.

My Friends,
we have Children to Bless,
wrongs to right,
to share and defend,
and Lives to devote
to others.

little time left
to do so.


                Love other beautiful Creations.

China’s Chili Products Contain Cancer-causing Chemical

by VR Sreeraman on General Health News

A trade watchdog in China has detected a cancer-causing industrial dye in chili paste and red chili power products.
 China’s Chili Products Contain Cancer-causing Chemical

Several supermarkets and factories in Hunan province have been punished for selling and producing the products dyed with chemical compound Rhodamine B, a banned food additive.

The Changsha Industrial and Commercial Bureau revoked the license of a company while a dealer was fined tens of thousands of yuan, the Shanghai Daily reported.

The dye was added in order to improve the appearance of the products.

Hunan cuisine is known for being dry-hot, as distinct from the numbing-hot flavors of Sichuan cuisine. However, both provinces have been hit by the dyed pepper scandal.

Rhodamine B was first detected in hotpot seasonings in Chongqing in March 2011.

In Philosophy this week:

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Mar. 22                                              At School – Shakespeare Play Preparation

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                            Scarborough Renaissance Festival

May 1                                                 Tuition balance due for 2019-2020

May 20                                               Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2019
The Anderson Private School.

The Most Beautiful Of All Things / This Week: Spring Break

Only the rarest have the courage
to be the most Beautiful of all things –
who are we?

“What exists is out of reach
and very deep.

Who can fathom it?
Ecclesiastes 7-24

The fact that Human Beings
are a speck of dust on a tiny planet
in a regular galaxy and in a Universe of countless Galaxies,
can lead us to the illusion
of Humans being a small and insignificant Creation.
But our Spirit and our Soul and our Mind
is unlimited by the grandeur
of our God given
insight and imagination.

O, the depth of the riches of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God.

Researchers have now established
something new about Quantum Entanglement,
one of the central principles of quantum physics,
where objects separated by great distance
can instantaneously affect each other’s behavior.

Although it is highly misunderstood,
and shall remain so,
you can meet someone who can physically feel
what you are feeling.
Such is Love.

We love to explore the ways in which all of us are connected
– more literally than we can ever realize.

My Dear Friends,
we are Truly one,
and one with

“Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart.
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping,
Thy presence my Light
Be Thou my Wisdom,
and Thou my true Word
I ever with Thee and Thou with me,
Lord Thou my Great Father, I Thy true son
Thou in me dwelling,
and I with Thee
8th century Irish hymn

We are all subject to the same laws of Nature,
much of which we know virtually nothing about.
But, we are learning more and more.
It now appears to some physicists
that an
expanding fourth dimension
gives rise to non-local phenomena and quantum entanglement,
as the expanding fourth dimension
means that two events separated in the three spatial dimensions
can yet appear to be at the exact same place
in the fourth dimension.

Using 186,282.397 miles per second for the speed of light, we can calculate that the milky way galaxy is roughly 587,784,644,235,761,200 (about 600 quadrillion) miles wide. Astronomers have found that the universe contains at least 2 trillion Galaxies, ten times more than previously thought. Current astronomical technology allows us to study just 10% of these galaxies, and the remaining 90% will be only seen once bigger and better telescopes are developed. It is probable that the number of Galaxies is infinite.                   “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made, I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the Universe displayed. Then sings my Soul, my Savior God, to Thee. How great Thou art, how great Thou art.”                               

The time measured on your watch
– the ticking seconds –
is not the fourth dimension,
but a phenomenon that emerges
because the fourth dimension is expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Because time is an emergent, moving phenomenon
resulting from the fourth dimension expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions,
the diverse phenomena of relativity, quantum mechanics,
and statistical mechanics are accounted for.

A balloon analogy,
(i.e. the direction which is perpendicular to the balloon’s surface
and which allows us to see the balloon’s curvature)
is the equivalent of the FOURTH expanding dimension
in our Universe.

And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom
all that is done under Heaven.
What a heavy burden God has laid
on the sons of men,
to keep them occupied!”

Ecclesiastes 1:13

has a definitive arrow because
the fourth dimension is expanding
relative to the three spatial dimensions.

The expansion distributes locality into nonlocality,
so that even as two photons travel apart from a common origin,
they yet remain entangled
as they share a common locality
exalted by the fourth expanding dimension.

This Moving Dimensions Theory
answers the question of why we cannot travel back in time,
why we cannot find our way back to yesterday.
Time is a phenomena that emerges
because the fourth dimension is expanding relative
to everything else.

Theory is all the more impressive
if it aligns with the greater simplicity of its premise.
The more different kinds of things it relates to,
– quantum mechanics, relativity, time’s arrow, entanglement,
non-locality, the second law of thermodynamics,
– the more extended is its area of applicability.

The Omniscience of God suffers apparent paradoxes due to the limitations of the Human mind.

Entanglement could be ‘recycled’
to increase the efficiency of connections.
As reported in the journal Physical Review Letters,
the result could take us one step closer to
teleportation in the future.

Einstein believed that the quantum description of nature
was accurate with respect to what could be observed.
He thought that entanglement suggested the existence
of hidden “elements of reality”
that quantum math did not account for.

God’s Ways are

“When I applied my mind to know Wisdom and to observe the activity that one does on the Earth
– though his eyes do not see sleep day or night –
I saw every work of God,
and that a man is unable to comprehend
the work that is done under the sun.
Despite his efforts to search it out,
he cannot find its meaning;
even if the wise man claims to know,
he is unable to comprehend.

Ecclesiastes 16-17

My Friends,
there is more to reality than the observable Universe.
There is far, far more

than we can ever comprehend.
There are things fundamental to reality hiding in plain sight.
String theory states there must be at least 10 dimensions of space
plus one dimension for time.
But there are probably more, many more,
and are just as real, if not more real,
than the dimensions we can see.
These dimensions are intertwined so tightly
and too small for us to notice.
some dimensions may be
dimensions within dimensions.

we know of 11 space dimensions.
But how many dimensions exist?
Some physicists say 26 dimensions,
consistent with interpreting the strings
as the degrees of freedom
of the World Lines of the
Many-Worlds Quantum Theory.
That’s the number according to
Bosonic string theory.

To be filled with the fullness of God is dependent upon our comprehension of the “dimensionsof God’s love.
God is not restricted in time and space as man is.
God exists in dimensions greater than our time and space,
His “time” beyond dimensions,
which may explain the seeming “paradox”
of predestination vs. free will.

Spatial descriptions do not apply to Him.
God is pre-existent, Eternal, with no beginning and no end.
(Revelation 22:13).
He is existence,
and without Him
nothing else can exist.

Please reflect on the reality
of God’s Infinite Love
for all Humanity.
His Love
encompasses all dimensions,
God is Love.
(1 John 4:8)

“He has made everything Beautiful in its time.
He has also set Eternity in the Hearts of men,
yet they cannot fathom the work
God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

     He has made everything Beautiful.

One team of scientists
have devised a generalized form of teleportation,
which allows for a wide variety of potential applications
in quantum physics.
may be required to traverse
the unfathomably vast distances
in our Universe.

Once considered impossible,
in 1993 a team of scientists calculated that teleportation
could work in principle
using quantum laws.
Quantum teleportation harnesses the ‘entanglement’ law
to transmit particle-sized bites of information
across potentially vast distances
in an instant.

entanglement has been proven to be a very real feature
of our Universe,
and one that has extraordinary potential
to advance all manner of scientific endeavor.
But now,
we must ask ourselves:
just because we can do something,
should we?


2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Mar. 11 – 15                                       Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                            Scarborough Renaissance Festival

May 1                                                 Tuition balance due for 2019-2020

May 20                                               Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2019
The Anderson Private School.

What is Life all about? / For All Who Need Comfort / Friday: Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

             Every animal has a purpose.

What is Life all about?
Why are we here?
What is our purpose for existence?

Our search for meaning
has resulted in much speculation,
philosophical dialog and theological introspection
throughout all of our
brief history.

We can never know
the purpose for which God
intended when He created us,
without the realization
that the purpose
is far
greater than


                    The purity of Truth.

Humans have very brief and finite Life spans.

Every Living thing fades in and out of existence
at a given time.
And the knowledge
of our circumstance of being,
may or may not ever
be attained.

the enormity of our need,
of our strong desire for Truth,
crashes over us
like a tidal wave,
and we become paralyzed
in thought and confusion
between our fragile Human emotions
and the Soulful Truth.

doubt and unknowing
leaves us vulnerable and separated
from our deeper selves.
We so desperately long
to stand on the purity
of Truth.
Depressive circumstances
may cause us to fall hard
from a state of Grace
and back into the delusion
of the moment.

                 The purpose is far greater.

My Precious Friends,
the Holy Bible

shows that our purpose in Life
is simple.
And it is to know and Love

The fundamental Truth
that the Word of God reveals
is that God is our Creator.
“It is God that has made us,
and not we ourselves.”
Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11

And God
makes everything with a purpose.
Every plant and every animal
has a purpose.
If you are alive,
God has a purpose for you
and for your precious Life.

“. . . for everything, absolutely everything,
above and below, visible and invisible,
everything got started in Him
and finds its purpose in Him.”
Colossians 1:16

                        Every plant has a purpose.

The meaning of our Life
can be derived from contemplation
of our consciousness,
and, most importantly,
our happiness.

Some scientists
have believed that our consciousness,
like space-time, permits our perceptions
to become as real as,
or even more real
than even the material World.
we create
our own reality.

And maybe,
this ability, or disability, of perception
emanates from a number of dimensions
we are not aware of.
Quantum theory,
in attempting to explain such properties of the mind,
puts forth the idea that our free will
is an alternative to

Scientists have now even proposed
the existence of a
Cosmic consciousness.

And so,
around and around
we go.
Unable to explain,
what the Bible tells us so,
about the Existence
of God,
the Cosmic Consciousness.

The Word of God
teaches that everyone knows God,
because God has revealed Himself to all
(Romans 1:19).
In fact,
the Bible tells us that God’s existence
is so obvious that anyone
who suppresses this Truth
is “without excuse”
(Romans 1:20).

Our Cosmic Consciousness,
our Beloved Lord our God,
is the
“Ground of all Being”.

to real World.


Cosmic Consciousness — Quantum Physics’ Missing Link

Does a greater form of consciousness exist? Quantum physics leads to a possibility where cosmic consciousness becomes a reality.

One of the most important questions of the 21st century: Is there such a thing as a higher form of consciousness?

For those who believe to have experienced God directly, the question is spiritual in nature, with a definitive answer. However, for the rest, it is a hypothetical question.

All religious or spiritual tradition teaches of a concealed reality that can be achieved through the transcendence of the five senses. They even give directions for accomplishing this feat, such as Faith, Prayer, meditation, etc.

For those whose belief has eroded, the question seems forgotten if not irrelevant.

Understanding Cosmic Consciousness

On a different note, quantum physics has radically changed the understanding of the Universe. Despite the incredible growth in our understanding, all of this is theoretical and hidden from the human senses.

So, according to our current understanding, the only obstacle in demystifying creations, Spirituality, and science is a missing dimension — at least one we don’t know about. Without this dimension, explaining human existence would be impossible.

People have always associated religion with Spirituality, which isn’t entirely true. One can leave organized religion behind and still remain Spiritual.

The reality that is still hidden from us is the higher consciousness itself. To be able to see it, higher consciousness must become an everyday experience.

Quantum Theory and Cosmology

Let’s take a brief look at Quantum theory. According to the theory, we live in a participatory universe. Even though we consider our everyday reality to be an external reality, it actually is variable based on our perception.

Moreover, the theory explains quantum vacuum, which is essentially an emptiness that exists beyond what we can see (i.e. atoms and molecules).

The theory of cosmology, which is based on Einstein’s general relativity states that the universe started some 12.5 billion years ago. The earliest period of time in the history of our universe is called the Planck era, which is the state where everything is so minuscule that it cannot be further broken down.

Then came the phase of general expansion through which matter, galaxies, planets, and biological life came into this existence that we are familiar with. Since then, everything has been constantly expanding and evolving.

With an understanding of space and time, we are forced to believe that even our brain operates in space and time. So, if the universe really is participatory, our consciousness must also be participating on the quantum level.

This is possible because the ever expanding source of every particle and the newly discovered anti-particle must also be the source of our brain. Since everything comes from the same origin but with different time frames, it is constantly involved in a participatory manner, hence the creations, maintenance, and re-absorption of virtual particles.

This is where the missing link makes sense. Physics need quantum vacuum for a lot of reasons that make theoretical sense.

However, in terms of how we perceive our physical reality, life goes on quite nicely even without the existence of quantum mechanics. So, since we understand that everything that exists depends upon quantum vacuum, our belief that we are exclusive to that rule must be incorrect.

Hence, transcending beyond the five senses — which previously applied only to mystics and sages — is now relevant to literally everyone. These mystics found the answers to so many questions even before the scientific community: cosmic consciousness is the missing link.

Now, at this point, we are faced with the strangeness of quantum physics and its implications on our understanding of the universe.

The thought that even we are a part of this inconceivable reality — where all consciousness becomes one — may sound a bit strange or even misguided, but please keep in mind that our understanding of the world is increasing at an exponential rate and this seems to be confusing us.

If you consider the quantum field theory to be correct, then you subscribe to the belief that spirituality may have been the hidden link all along. And such a belief will, literally, change the way we live our lives,
as Spirituality becomes a huge part of us.


Although, the causations made by Deepak Chopra may not have been proven empirically, the existence of a cosmic consciousness seems today like a possible reality, one that has started to appeal to a wider demographic.

But the concept is still in its infancy and, therefore, needs to be extensively implemented and practiced with before we can experience the latent power held within our spiritual side.

Rest In Peace

by Libera

For all who need comfort,

for all those who mourn.

All those whom we cherished will be reborn

All those whom we Love but see no more

They are not perished, but gone before

And lie in the tender arms of He

Who died for us all to set us free

From hatred and anger and cruel tyranny.

May they rest in peace, and rise in glory

All suffering and sorrow will be no more

They’ll vanish like shadows at Heaven’s Door.

All anguish and grieving will one day be healed

When all of God’s purpose will be revealed.

Though now for a season lost from sight

The innocent slain in the blindness of right

Are now in the warmth of God’s Glorious Light

Where they rest in peace, and rise in Glory.

Lord give me wisdom to comprehend

Why I survive and not my friend

And teach me compassion so I may live,

All my enemies to forgive.

For all who need comfort, for all who mourn

All those whom we cherished will be reborn.

All those whom we Love but see no more

They are not perished, but gone before

And Lord keep them safe in your Embrace

And fill their Souls with your good Grace.

For now they see you face to Face.

Where they rest in peace, and rise in glory.

The Embrace of Enduring Love
    – by Wm. C. Anderson

Among all the precious moments
Blended with the swirling stars,
When was there time,
Time to say goodbye?

Never, never in recorded time
That erases the pulsing sky.
Never, even in the moment
Chosen for us to die.

Never found in every sound
That asks where or why.
Never will there be time,
Time to say goodbye.

Farewell is not a pathway
Nor portal through this day,
One cannot bid goodbye to Love.
No parting stays today.

In the Embrace of Enduring Love
God does not forsake tomorrow.
He paves our solitary path with Love,
That leads me past my sorrow.

To places in my heart.
Forever alive, forever in Love,
Forever felt beyond farewell,
Forever in His Embrace from Above.

In Philosophy this week:

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Feb. 1                                               Tuition Deposit was due for 2019-2020

Mar. 8 (Friday)                                  Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

Mar. 11 – 15                                       Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                            Scarborough Renaissance Festival

May 1                                                 Tuition balance due for 2019-2020

May 20                                               Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

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The Anderson Private School.