William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

Where Your Heart Will Not Dare / Healthy Ways to Stop Headaches / Friday: Half Price Books and Movie – Harriet

When we finally recognize Visual Poetry, we become more aware of the Beauty all around us.

The pace of our Lives today
takes from us
much of the Wonder and Joy and Beauty
of the World all around us.

the am,
called me,
or whatever I be,
resides nowhere
but in the Heart.
so do you.

And all
that we do,
will magnify us,
we bring comfort
and Love
into the Lives
of others.

My Dear Friends,
when we finally recognize
Visual Poetry,
we become more aware of the Beauty
all around us.

To see
where your eyes
cannot stare,
where your Heart
will not dare.

“I Pray that
the eyes of your Heart
may be enlightened,
so that you may know what is
the Hope of His Calling,
and what are the riches of the Glory
of His Inheritance in the Saints.”

Ephesians 1:18

of Morning and Evening Light
are there for those
desire to Commune
with God,
from within His Canvass
of Many Colors.

We thrive
on the rhythm
of our fragile Human Hearts,
never fully knowing
this rhythm,
like the rhythm of the falling rain,
is Poetry
without words.

The intense
Light of the Moon
is surreal,
and thought provoking.
It is
but another
in the countless, Beautiful Blessings
and little recognized Gifts
from God.

             His Canvass of Many Colors.

Child of God
is a Gift,
Visual Poetry,
whose forms are myriad,
mystical and magic –
an intense expression
of the Pure Love
of God.

The Spirit of a Child
is filled with innocence, Joy, Love
and laughter.
Jesus tells us
be like Children.

In Matthew 18:3 He says,
“Assuredly, I say to you,
unless you change and become as little Children,
you will by no means
enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Every child
is the message
that God is not yet discouraged
with man.

Our Holy Bible tells us
how all children are
Gifts from God.
Every Life,
every Child,
is a Reward and Blessing.
Children bring Pride and Love and Joy.
They teach us how to be
patient and Loving
and forgiving.

are the Teachers.
are the students.

Children become the mirrors
of our mind,
and manors,
and our morals.
They reflect
what we think
and do.

 Children ask questions
that a wise person
can never answer.
They are
Children of God!
If you want your children
to turn out well,
twice as much time with them
and half as much money.”

Rabindranath Tagore

Every Child
comes through us,
not from us.
And through their
we glimpse
the entire World
of Creation.

A Child
is not merely
Visual Poetry,
but transformative
in the Love
felt for us,
and all other
Living Creations.
new born Child of God
feels nothing
but Love.


Through their eyes, we glimpse the entire World of Creation.

Adolf Hitler
was beaten into a coma
when he was ten.
For three days his family did not know
if he would live or die.
He was frequently beaten every day
from the age of seven
until his father’s death,
when he was 13 years old.
you want to know
the number one cause
of World War II,
it can be traced back
to the father
of this

you want to know
the cause of so much violence
on our precious Earth,
look no further
than what our fragile Children
have been in sufferance of.

will judge us

by the difference we make
in the everyday lives of Children.”
Nelson Mandela


When our Love meets the visual poetry of God, Beauty will arise.

Healthy Ways to Stop Headaches

Headaches. We all get them, and when we do, all we want to do is get rid of them, as quickly as possible. While there’s no shortage of prescription and over-the-counter meds on the market designed to kill the pain, as most people with a headache will tell you, few if any really work – nor do they get to the root causes. Worse, the more you try to ‘treat’ them with drugs, the more likely you’ll get sucker-punched with rebound headaches, a common side-effect. What else do headache meds do? They make you sick in other places, wreaking havoc on your liver and kidneys as well as your belly, triggering leaky gut, gastrointestinal problems and system-wide inflammation.

So what’s a headache sufferer to do? Here’s what’s going on in your head, plus a few healthy strategies to help you fight off headaches – and win:

Oh, my aching head!

Although it may be labeled as a migraine, tension, sinus or cluster headache, whatever the type, headaches are complicated. Generally, there are multiple causal factors at work and, in my experience, there’s usually a tension component involved, so that should be a factor in treatment. It’s also helpful to be conscious of how lifestyle habits and behaviors can trigger headaches to help you figure out the best strategy to fight back. Among the more common culprits:

1.    Unrelieved stress and tension which also leads to poor quality sleep.
2.    The modern office: where so many are slumped over in poorly designed desk spaces and office chairs for hours each day, with eyes being strained by computer screen glare and florescent lighting.
3.    Not moving enough, or overdoing it at the weight room or spin class, which can cause blood vessels to swell and exertion headaches to follow.
4.    Processed foods and foods containing gluten and sugar lead the headache parade, with chocolate, caffeine, cheese, and alcohol not far behind. Another headache-maker? Not eating enough good fats as well as several other nutritional shortfalls.
5.    Prescription drugs such as antibiotics, allergy meds, blood pressure meds, anti-anxiety meds, diabetes meds, migraine meds, pain killers, sleep aids, you name it – just about any prescription drug can trigger headaches.

Do a little detective work.

If you’re feeling less than well for a prolonged period of time, and are experiencing frequent digestive distress as well as headaches, it’s probably time to try a Cleanse or an elimination diet for a few weeks. I recommend them because some food sensitivities trigger headaches and a Cleanse or an elimination diet removes the common foods that can trigger them, enabling you to figure out the food sources of your troubles (and rebalance your gut).

Bring on the healing hands.

No matter what type of headache you’ve got, to address the almost universal tension component, put your own hands, or someone else’s, to work for you, to massage the head and neck and release the tension. If you’re not sure how to perform a headache self-care massage, try a YouTube tutorial, or book a professional deep-tissue massage session – and don’t forget to release tension in the jaw which is essential. The placing heat packs on neck and shoulders, and CDB oil, can offer additional relief. To relieve pain, try placing an ice pack or cubes at the temples.

Think outside the pill box.

Acupuncture is another safe and highly effective way to relieve the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines. When pressed for time, drop into salons that offer seated chair massage and ask for a 15-30 minute neck and shoulder treatment. If you like a more hands-off approach, book a session or two at a spa with a ‘salt cave’ or infrared sauna to help relieve and prevent headaches. Another option to consider is biofeedback, which can lower blood pressure and help with pain relief.

Please, make it stop…now!

When you feel a headache coming on, instead of heading to the drug store, head to the natural health store to pick up a healthy quick fixer: essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender.  All offer headache-pain-taming effects and can reduce headache-related nausea. You can either inhale the scent, or massage the oils onto the temples and forehead as directed. Many of my on-the-go patients like the roll-ons for their go-anywhere convenience, though bottled oils work equally well.

Push Pain Off Your Plate

Since pain and inflammation tend to go hand in hand, you can side-step a lot of headache pain by laying off inflammatory foods. Topping the list of pain ‘flamers: sugar, gluten, refined flours, processed foods, and sugary beverages. When it comes to alcohol, the occasional glass of (preferably organic) wine at dinner shouldn’t cause instant agony, but the less alcohol you drink, the better – the last thing a headache sufferer needs is a hangover.

Eat a pain-tamer.

For many headache sufferers, a diet lacking in magnesium and/or omega-3 fatty acids may be part of the problem. When you fall short on omega-3s, you short-change your body’s ability to curb inflammation, which can also contribute to headache pain. So add omega-3-rich oily fish like mackerel, sardines or salmon to your diet to cut headaches down to size – and possibly even avoid them altogether. Ditto magnesium-rich leafy greens and sulfur-rich veggies like garlic, onions, scallions and chives, as well as cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower.

Take edible and drinkable pain relief with you.

For those on-the-go, add portable green drink powders to your daily routine. Add water and these green drinks, made from leafy greens and spinach, are great sources of headache-fighting magnesium. At the office, keep a few feverfew tea bags in your desk drawer so you can brew up cups of headache-relieving tea as needed.

Drink your way out of the headache hole.

A lot of us walk this earth dehydrated, and we don’t have a clue. Too much coffee, overheated homes and offices, sweaty workouts, frequent airplane trips, certain meds, alcohol use  –  any and all can leave you significantly under-watered, which reduces the amount of oxygen available to the brain and impacts pain receptors in ways that can make your head hurt. So, as if you needed one more reason, drink up!

Give yourself an edge.

In addition to covering your nutritional and behavioral bases with whole foods, relaxation techniques, quality sleep and gentle movement, I also recommend the following supplements to cover any pain-promoting nutritional shortfalls: magnesium glycinate, fish oil (especially if fish is not your dish), vitamin D and B-Complex.

Keep it moving.

Move more, hurt less. And stretch your upper body as often as possible to keep tension from collecting in your head and neck, ground zero for tension headaches. Doing a few yoga stretches in the morning, and whenever possible throughout  the day, will also keep muscles from bunching up. An end-of-day relaxing yoga class or a few restorative yoga poses just before bed will help keep headaches at bay.

Get your office act together.

To reduce daily eyestrain and some of the common work-day headache triggers, switch to a desk lamp and kill the overhead lights whenever possible. Reduce the brightness on your computer screen and be sure that your screen is always at eye-level (even if you have to work on a laptop). Make sure to take frequent screen breaks, and get up from your chair at least once an hour (and hopefully more!). Be sure that your desk set-up is ergonomically correct — get the boss to spring for a sit-to-stand riser for your monitor and an under-the-desk keyboard tray. All of these desk tweaks will help cut eye, neck and shoulder strain while reducing your weekly headache tally.

Anderson Private School
School Calendar


First Semester
Nov. 8 (Friday)                         Trip to F. W. Auto Show at Conv. Center
Nov.  25-29                               Thanksgiving / Fall Break
To Be Announced                     Texas A. G. T. Conference
Dec. 20                                     Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 6                       Christmas / Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22

Jan. 7 (Thursday)                     Second Semester Begins
Jan. 20 (Monday)                     Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 7 (Friday)                          Trip to Playful Corporation
Feb. 17 (Monday)                     President’s Day Holiday
March 9 – 13                             Spring Break Holidays
April 10 & 13 (Fri. & Mon.)        Good Friday and Easter
April 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester

In Philosophy Class
this week:
presentation, followed by discussion,
of the cleverly crafted
H. G. Wells immortal novel:
The Time Machine.

Is time travel possible?
(Hint: it is being seriously discussed)
Does time really exist?
What will we look like and be like
in the future?
What three books
would you take
into the future?
Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2019
The Anderson Private School.



To Make The Meaning of Life Come True / Significant Scientific Discoveries / Friday: Fossil Mania in Glenrose

To make the meaning of Life
come true,
open your mind
and your precious Heart,
to receive
the Love you
Radiate the Love
you truly feel.
Open your Heart,
to the Loving energy
coming back to you,
in so very many

“He who abides in Love
abides in God,
and God in him.”
– 1 John 4:16

There is Love
all around:
in every Leaf
that falls
from every Tree,
in every Ray of Sunlight
that falls every day,
in every drop of Rain
that falls from skies above,
and in every Prayer
you Pray.

Your place on
is a Sacred Space.

comes from
Living the Truth.
dwells in the center
of your very Human Heart,
in your Love
and Compassion
for Yourself,
and every other
precious Living Being.

far beyond our greatest
in everything
has Created.

            In every Ray of Sunlight.

My Dear Friend,
negative thoughts
are beneath the
of our Sacred Existence.

Physicists have discovered
that the entire Universe
is pure energy,
and nothing is solid.

“Concerning matter,
we have been all wrong.
What we have called matter is energy,
whose vibration has been so lowered
as to be perceptible to the senses.
There is no matter.”

Albert Einstein

Our True Nature is pure energy,
which is consciousness.

As Children of God
we are incarnated into this level of Reality.
But with our very limited senses,
we are in sufferance of physical illusions
and identify with material forms.
We are removed from awareness
of our Original Nature.

To experience our Ultimate Truth,
follow the advice
found in the Holy Word of God,
and look within yourself.

“Once you have gained knowledge
and start to experience the Truth
contained in the cosmic cycles of Time,
you can start to influence and change the Quantum field
with awareness and conscious observation.
You become aware of the Laws of Creation,
aware that you are the Creator of your experience
and you choose your destiny.”

Jay VonSpreck
read more

All that we are is energy,
and that energy has no boundaries.
It is infinite,
it is the invisible force
that permeates all Space
and Time.

“You have little control
over the World around you,
but full control over the World
within you.”
– Matshona Dhliwayo

The Kingdom of God,
the place where God resides,
is Truly within you.
God is within.
Anyone who has ever seriously
knows that when you go deep enough within yourself,
you discover
Infinite Universal Consciousness.

you can become aware of yourself
as an Infinite and Eternal
Spiritual Entity,
a Child of God.
The more your awareness expands,
the more you live with an alertness
that stems from Love.
Throughout History
many, many people
have become aware.

With the Vibrations of Love,
we are resonating with the highest energy of Creation,
that of Universal, Infinite Consciousness.
With feelings of Love,
we align with that energy
and channel it through us
and expand and become that energy.

Everything, all matter, in our Universe vibrates.
Nothing is still.
Vibration rates are “frequencies”.
And Human thought is a very high form of vibration
and is incomprehensible to our Human mind.

the center of your
Sacred Being,
is the uplifting Power
of God.

“The Kingdom of God
is within you.”
Luke 17:21

His Love
resides within
His Love
can become you.

Lead with your Heart
and you will know God.


Anderson Private School
School Calendar


First Semester

Oct. 25 (Friday)                        Trip to Fossil Mania in Glenrose
Nov. 8 (Friday)                         Trip to F. W. Auto Show at Conv. Center
Nov.  25-29                               Thanksgiving / Fall Break
To Be Announced                     Texas A. G. T. Conference
Dec. 20                                     Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 6                       Christmas / Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22

Jan. 7 (Thursday)                     Second Semester Begins
Jan. 20 (Monday)                     Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 7 (Friday)                          Trip to Playful Corporation
Feb. 17 (Monday)                     President’s Day Holiday
March 9 – 13                             Spring Break Holidays
April 10 & 13 (Fri. & Mon.)        Good Friday and Easter
April 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester

Significant Scientific Discoveries

The year 2017 catapulted us into a science-fiction future, from human cell regeneration for growing organs, to banishing genetic disease through breakthrough gene-editing techniques and recycling orbital rockets.  A lot has happened; scientific breakthroughs have made our lives safer, easier and more enjoyable. And the scientific community is only getting started.

Researchers and scientists around the globe have worked tirelessly to bring us this future, so it’s worthwhile to take a step back and applaud their tremendous efforts. The world of tomorrow is being shaped as you read this, so let’s have a look at ten of the biggest stories in science of this year, so far.

Scientists Successfully Edited the First Human Embryo Ever in The U.S.

Image Source: Getty Images

Researchers in Portland, Oregon have achieved a significant breakthrough in gene-editing technology. Taking advantage of the revolutionary gene- editing technique, CRISPR, a gene linked to heart conditions was successfully “deleted” from a human embryo.

Read the full story here.

Scientists Have Finally Created Metallic Hydrogen

For the first time in the wold, scientists created metallic hydrogen by applying almost five million atmospheres of pressure to liquid hydrogen. That’s about five million times the pressure we experience at sea level, and 4,500 times that at the bottom of the ocean. It is the first time a state of hydrogen has existed in a metallic state on Earth. In its metallic state, hydrogen could act as a genuine superconductor and could revolutionize everything from energy storage to rocketry.

Read the full story here.

Scientists Discovered an Alien Planet That’s The Best Candidate for Life As We Know It

Image Source: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle

Scientists at the European Organization for Astronomical Research (ESO) found the best candidate for extraterrestrial life so far. The super-Earth named LHS 1140b was found in the habitable zone of a dim star 40 light-years away from Earth. It receives about half as much sunlight from its star, LHS 1140, as the Earth does from the Sun.

“This is the most exciting exoplanet I’ve seen in the past decade,” author Jason Dittmann of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said in an ESO press release. “We could hardly hope for a better target to perform one of the biggest quests in science — searching for evidence of life beyond Earth.”

Read the full story here.

A World First CRISPR Trial Will Edit Genes Inside the Human Body

Image Source:
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
National Institutes of Health

In one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs, scientists used the gene-editing technology CRISPR (the most accessible gene-editing technique so far) inside the human body for the very first time. A new human trial aimed to remove the human papillomavirus (HPV) by applying a gel that carries the necessary DNA coding to the cervixes of 60 women to disable the tumor growth mechanism.

Read the full story here.

Breakthrough Initiative Will Grow Organs and Regenerate Human Tissue

Image Source: Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Major strides have been made in the field of regenerative medicine. The Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine is currently leading projects to speed up the development of artificially growing human tissue and even organs in a lab to help patients worldwide. These new initiatives may one day repair nerve damage and even grow entire limbs and organs.

Read the full story here.

DeepMind Has Taught an AI to Do Something Quite Remarkable

July 11, 2017: Google’s artificial intelligence subsidiary DeepMind published a paper illustrating the way they are teaching AI computer agents to navigate complex environments. It may look funny to us, but it’s a big step forward for autonomous AI movement.

Read the full story here.

SpaceX’s Historic Launch Proves Recycled Rockets Are the Future of Space Exploration

March 30, 2017: SpaceX made space launch history in March by successfully relaunching and re-landing a used Falcon 9 rocket booster via rocket descent. This is the stuff of old-school scifi. Already having been the cheapest orbital rocket system, this breakthrough brought the affordability down even more — a saving of more than $18 million per launch.

Read the full story here.

This Fluid-Filled Bag Lets Lambs Develop Outside the Womb. Humans Are Next.

Image Source: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Physicians at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia have managed to imitate a woman’s uterus using a synthetic device in order to prevent mortality and disease of prematurely born children younger than 37 weeks.

Read the full story here.

A New Breakthrough in Quantum Computing is Set to Transform Our World

A 51-qubit quantum computer was unveiled to the world at the International Conference on Quantum Technologies in Moscow, paving the way for a number of new possible applications of the technology.

Read the full story here.

Google’s AlphaGo Proves Its Mettle Against a Team of Five

After beating a human in the Computer Go game, Alphabet Inc.’s Google DeepMind computer took on five more of the world’s best human professional Go players and defeated them in earnest.

Read the full story here.

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

Non-profit, educational or personal use
tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2019
The Anderson Private School.

By The Wind Of Our Dreams / Daily Habits That Harm Our Health / Friday: Chandor Gardens

          Carried by the Wind of our Dreams.

Before this day,
we were beyond
carried by the Wind
of our Dreams,
longing to be
where we were not,
never knowing
why everything ends
where it begins.

Our World
can be a different place
than the World we lived in,
just a moment ago.

My Dear Friends,
words can touch the Heart
and change its
pulsating and vibrant
will to beat.

“Living by hidden Virtue
allows you to get the most out of Life.
It means
seeing that it is
YOUR choice
and responsibility
to decide how
you are going to spend it.”


A Peaceful mind
begins with the moment
we find the courage
to let go
of what we can not

It is what it is.
It will always be
what was,
unless we choose
to Live in the
And the past
can be
a very dangerous

If we accept it,
and learn from it,
we can move on.
What does matter,
is what we choose to do
in this precious
Every ending
is the beginning
of something.

 Let us
take the time
to reflect upon the things
that have real meaning in Life.

When we remember
moments that are tender,
our Hearts
will follow.

Don’t wait until Life
is almost over
to realize how priceless
this present moment is.

If it’s to be,
it’s up to

Close an old chapter of Life
and open a new chapter,
with God leading the way
towards a Beautiful Life
HE prepared for you
a long time ago.

Every exit
is an entry
somewhere else.


                        Photography by Wm. C. Anderson

Ask God’s help to let go and move on.

12 Daily Habits That Harm Our Health Little by Little
by brightside.me/inspiration-health
click here to read more

Everyone knows that habits like smoking or eating a lot of junk food can have a negative impact on our health, but there are a lot of lesser-known harmful habits that have become a part of our everyday lives.

We at Bright Side compiled 12 of the most common daily habits that slowly and silently rattle our health.

1. Keeping your wallet in your back pocket

Anyone who carries a wallet knows that the most convenient place to keep it is in the back pocket of your jeans. But, while that may be convenient, it definitely isn’t healthy. Sitting on your wallet even for a brief 15-minute period can cause your spine to shift and your spinal ligaments will start to change.

This will eventually create an asymmetry that can disrupt your spine’s normal alignment. Sitting on your wallet for long periods can cause chronic back pain, sciatica, and functional scoliosis.

2. Bringing electronics into bed with you

Recent studies have shown that using electronic devices before going to bed steals our sleep and reduces our sleep quality. Yet, a poll taken by the National Sleep Foundation shows that an estimated 89% of adults and 75% of children have at least one electronic device in their bedroom.

Not only does regularly using electronic devices before bed hurt the quality of our sleep, but it also causes us to gain weight and provokes daytime fatigue. It also affects our productivity levels, learning capabilities, and stress levels. Isolating yourself from electronic devices for at least an hour before going to bed can greatly improve your sleep quality and preserve your health.

3. Washing your hands with hot water

Various studies have confirmed that hot and cold water are equally effective at killing germs and removing bacteria from our hands. According to these studies, whether it was 38°C or 16°C, water temperature didn’t play a vital role in reducing bacteria. Furthermore, it has been proven that cold water is actually healthier for our hands than hot water.

While it is known that hot water kills bacteria, there is a wrong perception about that. Hot water doesn’t kill bacteria — scalding and nearly boiling water does, which is why medical instruments are boiled in order to be sterilized. Given that washing your hands with boiling water isn’t an option, using cold water is by far the better alternative. Why? Because washing your hands with warm water will soften your skin, making your hands more vulnerable to germs.

4. Drinking from plastic bottles

It would be logical to assume that drinking from plastic bottles is a safe and healthy thing to do. However, not all materials are equally safe and environmentally-friendly. Plastic bottles pose a threat from the chemicals they release when exposed to high temperatures.

For example, if you leave the bottle in your car on a hot day, the superficial layers of the plastic may release a toxic chemical (bisphenol A) which can contaminate the water you are drinking. This chemical can affect your endocrine system and increase your risk of endometriosis and breast cancer.

5. Consuming your food too quickly

Multiple studies have shown that eating fast and chewing your food too quickly can lead to several health problems. Eating fast can lead to putting on weight at an accelerated rate and can even increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.

Fast eaters are also more likely to overeat, since it takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating for your brain to transmit signals of being full. So, you may be full and keep on eating, but you may not know it since your brain doesn’t have enough time to react and recognize that you are full.

6. Brushing your teeth right after eating

Even though some of us tend to brush our teeth right after eating, according to multiple studies, you should wait for at least 30-minutes after you eat before brushing them. Our teeth are protected by enamel, and acids created by different foods can wear away this protective enamel, meaning that our teeth are at their weakest state right after eating.

Thankfully, our bodies have a way of balancing the high acid levels with the help of our saliva, but that takes time. So, brushing your teeth right after eating means you’re attacking your teeth, even if you use a soft toothbrush. It’s best to let the saliva do its job and balance the high acid levels before you brush your teeth. The better alternative would be to rinse your mouth with water or chew sugarless gum while you wait for your teeth to recuperate.

7. Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs

Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs does more damage than good. According to a study, cleaning your ears with cotton swabs pushes the earwax further down into the ear canal. It can also lead to infections, perforated eardrums, impacted earwax, and tinnitus.

It is actually recommended that you leave the earwax alone, and let it fall out naturally. The earwax works like a filter for the ear canal, preventing dust and dirt from entering into it. Cleaning your ears with cotton swabs makes the ears vulnerable to pollution. Still, if you feel the need to clean your ears, cleaning them with a towel will suffice.

8. Using a hand dryer

Hand dryers may be a more environmentally-friendly solution than paper towels, but they certainly aren’t healthier for us. A study showed that hand dryers in public restrooms spread fecal germs onto your hands. The mechanism that hand dryers use by blowing air is usually prone to transferring bacteria in the air of the restroom.

The results of this study indicate that many types of bacteria, including spores and pathogens, can be transferred onto your hands. The best thing to do would be to avoid using hand dryers and dry your hands the good old-fashioned way, by using a paper towel.

9. Drinking too much juice

It’s a well-known fact that orange juice is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, and various antioxidants. Actually, drinking juice is considered a healthy habit. However, drinking too much of it can be harmful to our health, since it can cause tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

The reason why drinking too much juice is harmful to us is because it contains high levels of fructose. It doesn’t matter what type of juice you’re drinking, because even the highest quality juices still contain a significant dose of sugar.

10. Consuming too much salt

While salt may make our food taste better by adding a much-needed flavor boost, it isn’t good for our health. The amount of salt you consume has a direct effect on your health, and it has been associated with conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and stomach cancer.

While salt is vital for our health, it makes our bodies retain water, and the extra water raises our blood pressure. Ultimately, high blood pressure may strain your heart, arteries, and kidneys.

11. Sleeping too much

Sleep is a time when the body recuperates and repairs itself. You would be wrong to assume that more sleep equals more rest and better health. Studies have proven that oversleeping brings with it a number of health hazards.

The right amount of sleep varies from one person to another, but the general benchmark of good sleep is somewhere between 7-9 hours. Consider this to be the optimal sleeping pattern. Too much sleep on a regular basis has been linked to higher rates of mortality, depression, heart disease, obesity, and impaired brain functioning.

12. Sitting down all day

When people work, study, and socialize, they often do these activities in a seated position. And sitting too much brings with it a number of health problems that we shouldn’t ignore. Sitting doesn’t involve an immense energy expenditure, meaning that you don’t burn many calories while you’re in a seated position.

Translated into health outcomes, this means that sitting too much is connected to health problems like premature mortality, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. If your job involves sitting for the better part of the day, try taking a break from sitting every 30 minutes, stand while talking on the phone, or go for a few short walks to minimize the negative effects of sitting too much.


We Are Vibrant, Vexating, Visual Vortices / 10 Things Our Children Need From Us As Their Parents / Friday: Montgomery Street Antique Mall

We can
elevate our thoughts
to touch
the Divine,
and dream the night
into day.

And Love
is the reason

My Dear Friends,
we are
vexating, visual vortices,
spiraling energy
flowing ever upward and out,
and the longivity of our Being
is amplified
by the intensity we bring
to places
of Joy
in our Hearts.

Our Essence can become
crystalline in Dimension,
when tuned into
the multitude of realities
made possible
by the existence,
and the essence,
of Love.

We exist
as a dynamic and complex
interplay of existence,
finely tuned
to a multitude of realities
by our Creator.

Our Human Heart
is a gathering place
of pure energy,
beating to the rhythm
of His Universe.

We are
to God’s ears.
is a Song,
and Beautiful beyond

There is
a great drama being played out
on the Sacred Earth
during this epic time
of challenges
and very dynamic change.

We Children of God
are infused
with the Light of His Spirit.
And it affects everything and everyone
around us.
And as our awareness grows and expands,
we awaken,
and Bless
anyone and everyone.

As your Radiance grows,
you draw more and more people
into the Sphere of awareness.
And you come to Bless
with the transforming energy
of Love.

On the pathway of existence,
Love, and only Love,
our Being
and becomes a wondrous
Universal experience
we call
And as we harmonize
we radiate the Life-giving elixir
of Love.
The Beautiful Gifts
of Life
and Love,
are the same.
cannot exist
without the other.


10 Things Our Children Need From Us As Their Parents

Anderson Private School
School Calendar


First Semester

Oct. 11 (Friday)                        Trip to Montgomery Street Antique Mall
Oct. 14 (Monday)                     Columbus Day Holiday
Oct. 25 (Friday)                        Trip to Fossil Mania in Glenrose
Nov. 8 (Friday)                         Trip to F. W. Auto Show at Conv. Center
Nov.  25-29                               Thanksgiving / Fall Break
To Be Announced                     Texas A. G. T. Conference
Dec. 20                                     Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 6                       Christmas / Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22

Jan. 7 (Thursday)                     Second Semester Begins
Jan. 20 (Monday)                     Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 7 (Friday)                          Trip to Playful Corporation
Feb. 17 (Monday)                     President’s Day Holiday
March 9 – 13                             Spring Break Holidays
April 10 & 13 (Fri. & Mon.)        Good Friday and Easter
April 24 (Friday)                        Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester