Lost in Peaceful Dreams / Best Things You Can Do For Your Child / Atex Trash Service / 2018-19 School Calendar

“To see clearly
is poetry, prophecy, and religion
all in one.”
– John Ruskin

Lost in Peaceful Dreams

late at night,
while we lay there
in the dark,
we are lost
in peaceful Dreams.

The night
turns on the Light
of the Heart,
to reveal
what we truly feel.
And in that Sacred moment,
we see
something priceless,
as true Love
is revealed.

Letting go
of the World we think
we know,
can easily show
God’s Promise
lives within.
our journey
is very short.
The pathway to
His Truth,
always points to
the Human Heart.

 Let the Heart simply be.

When our time on Earth is through,
when the Portrait
and the curtain are drawn,
what is left
of Life and living?

On the portrait
of this day,
the Light pours in
to set our Spirit
to let our thoughts
let the Heart

As dawns the day,
God loves you so,
to let Life
begin again.

When night is overcome,
we rise
to find the Sun.
But where we are
could easily become
a moment
found only
in a Dream?

            We rise to find the Sun.

Is there a way
can find His Dream,
and bring you
Home again?
If you know
where you
by His Love,
what your Heart
will show Him
the way.

How often
we have wished,
of those we have
Loved and Lost:
“If only
I could be
where you are.”

click to read “Flowers Watered with Tears”

you are.
They are alive,
in your Hopes
and in your Prayers,
and in your Memories,
and in your Dreams,
and in
God’s Abundant and Eternal

the Wings of your Love,
takes flight.
For in your Heart,
our Sovereign Lord

Beneath the Wings of your Love.

Don’t let your
reside in the graveyard
of rusty resolve.

The mind
is an Ocean,
searching for meaning
from Above –
an Ocean
filled with the wrecks
of many ships
headed to many shores
of Love.

the Compass
of the Heart
was never used,
never found.

               The mind is an Ocean.

your feet
were made to
to make you stronger,
to live
far longer

is all yours.
The mold of life
in your hands,
to make or break.
The future
is yours to take.

Of Life and living
measure of the
Stop thinking
and start Dreaming.
The passion,
and the Promise,
are quickly

The greatest adventure
Life will ever offer
lies ahead,
in Tomorrow,
in what is yet
to be said,
or Dreamed of,
or from His Precious Word,
to be read.

do not need to be
to be bold.
There is little time,
regardless of age,
for you to say
what is alive
in your Heart.


          Let Life begin again.

“The Beauty of God
transfigures the one
who contemplates it
and transforms him
into this very same Beauty.”
(2 Cor 3:18)

The 10 Best Things You Can Do For Your Child
By Charlotte Latvala
read more

What can you do to make sure your child has an advantage in life? Get season tickets to the symphony, travel through Europe together, provide French lessons by age 5?

Surprise: Some of the most beneficial things you can do are the easiest and least expensive:

  1. Spin the globe. Let’s face it: We Americans don’t know geography as well as we should. And hand in hand with knowing which countries are in Africa is understanding that the cultures there are different from our own  — and different from one another too.

To raise a child who appreciates this, get her a globe or world-map puzzle and discuss other countries and places. You might need to do a little research yourself, but you needn’t have all the answers. Show your child how to look up this kind of information online or at the library. Challenge each other to come up with a new place to learn about every week.

Sue of Grand Rapids, Michigan, had a more immediate reason to teach her son, Nic, about U.S. geography. “My husband travels for work, and because Nic and I have spent a lot of time with our states puzzle, I know Nic has a good sense of where his dad is when he says he’s going to California or Minnesota.”

2. Put him on the family payroll. Even a preschooler can learn good financial habits that’ll serve him well as he grows up. You can start to teach him today by setting up an allowance  — but don’t tie it to chores or grades. “Think of giving your child an allowance as sharing the family’s resources,” says psychotherapist Eileen Gallo, Ph.D., co-author, with husband Jon Gallo, of Silver Spoon Kids: How Successful Parents Raise Responsible Children. Having a little money of his own will help your child learn to make good decisions early and figure out that saving money  – and postponing gratification in general  – can be worth it.

Another great reason to start talking about money now, even though your child’s still too little to really get the dollars and cents of it: Even young kids are able to be empathetic and understand giving. So involve your child in whatever charity or volunteer work you do, and he’ll come to realize that money is not just for buying what he wants but for helping other people too.

  1. Bring up the big stuff. Whether you’re religious or not, talking to your children about issues larger than your own family  – from the vastness of the universe to God  – can help them keep their own lives in perspective for years to come. Denise of St. Louis feels that taking her 7-year-old daughter, Phoebe, to Sunday school lays a moral foundation for Phoebe’s life. “I also think that teaching her about Spirituality answers some of her questions about the world,” she says. “The other day, Phoebe said, ‘God is a good artist, because the World is a beautiful place.'”

Not sure where to start? Ask your child what she thinks about God or point out something amazing or mysterious that happens in nature.

4. Laugh at his jokes. Maybe you can’t listen to your child chatter about Bob the Builder all day long, but even the busiest parent can take 30 seconds to hear the latest knock-knock joke. Your undivided attention means the world to your kid  – and we all love it when someone thinks we’re funny.

5. Release your inner pop star. You can’t carry a tune. So what? Your singing voice doesn’t have to sound like Norah Jones’s to communicate with, calm, and encourage creativity in your child. Not remembering the words to kids’ songs isn’t an excuse either. Teresa of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, started singing to her daughter, Olivia, when she was a baby. “I would just make up songs or use silly words to old rock-and-roll tunes. My voice always soothed her when she was cranky,” she says.

Charlotte Latvala is a mom of three, ages 8 months to 9 years.

Responsibility and Togetherness

  1. Assign a chore. It may be a pain to make your 4-year-old hang up her jacket or stash her boots, but it does matter. “Kids get a sense of responsibility and accomplishment by completing chores and being part of a team,” says Norbert Herschkowitz, M.D., a pediatrician, neuroscientist, and coauthor of A Good Start in Life: Understanding Your Child’s Brain and Behavior.

Children are capable of more than we give them credit for. A 3- or 4-year-old can pour cereal for a family breakfast; a 5-year-old can help you fold clean socks and towels.

  1. Write a will. Drawing one up usually costs a few hundred dollars, but it’s quick  – and essential for your children’s well-being. “If you don’t have a will, the state will end up writing one for you to determine who gets your property and who become the guardians of your children,” says estate-planning expert Jon Gallo. While that doesn’t mean your kids will end up living with strangers, they may not be raised by the people you would have chosen.

Also, ask your lawyer to help you create an “ethical will,” to guide the guardians you select in making educational and other decisions about your kids. “My advice for parents of young children is to write a family mission statement,” says Gallo. “Really think about your values, what’s important to you  – and then put it in writing.”

  1. Read together for 15 minutes. (Our school requires 60 minutes) Sharing a story is important not just because of the brain-boosting power of books  – reading also guarantees a snuggly-good time. “We like to cuddle in bed as a family when we read; for us, it’s as much about being together as it is about the particular book we pick,” says Jeanne, a mom of two in Philadelphia.

Even 15 minutes a day is enough for kids to feel that close connection with you and develop a love of books, says Sharon Darling, president of the Louisville, Kentucky—based National Center for Family Literacy. Carry books in the car, encourage your child’s interests (so what if he only wants to read about dinosaurs), and consider reading together a reward.

  1. Hit the playground. Get out there and have fun with your kids! Playing outdoors is a great way for toddlers and preschoolers to improve their large motor skills. Exercise also affects the brain: Recent studies show that kids who are physically active do better in school and have higher self-esteem than those who aren’t. And, of course, the more exercise your child gets, the less likely she is to become obese.

So take your baby out to the park in the stroller; that way, she gets used to being on the move right from the start. An older child can focus on having a good time doing some of her favorite activities. “Don’t push her to be competitive,” says Robyn Housemann, Ph.D., a public health expert. “Some kids who don’t like team sports end up loving to dance, bike, or study karate.” And get in the act yourself: Look for opportunities just to play together as a family. You’re never too old for the swings.

  1. Get ’em to bed by 8:00. “Things run so much more smoothly when they go to bed early,” says Carrie of Edgeworth, Pennsylvania, who puts her sons, Ben, 5, and Will, 2, to bed at 8:00 every night. “The next day, they’re not cranky and they get along better.” Early bedtimes are a bonus for her too. “Evening is a peaceful time when I can read, catch up on e-mail, and do scrapbooking  – things I don’t have time to do when the kids are around.”

According to the National Sleep Foundation, 60 percent of children feel tired during the day. “For better or worse, the sleep habits kids learn now will follow them through adulthood,” says Karen Waldron, Ph.D., author of Unleashing Kids’ Potential. “One problem is that kids’ bedtimes are driven by adult schedules.” The result: tired children who forfeit restful REM sleep. They become cranky, find it tough to concentrate, and suffer from impaired memory and judgment. Not what any of you need on a Monday morning. Start to remedy this tonight. Then go and get some rest yourself  – you’ve had a busy day.

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

First Semester

September 4 – December 21   2018

Sept. 4 (Tuesday)                              First Day of First Semester

Oct 8 (Monday)                                 Columbus Day Holiday

Nov. 19 – 23                                       Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                              Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                 Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                  Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                 Good Friday & Easter Holidays

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip                                                                       (no    school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

  Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

              The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
              inclement weather.
Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18

Headed to the many shores of Love.

allow me to highly recommend:
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Nobody works harder for their customers and for our Community!
I cannot recommend anyone more highly than this hard working, beautiful family. I am truly proud to call them my friends and neighbors. And so will you!

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allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved


What Gives Us Hope / 7 Things Mentally Healthy People Tell Themselves / Sept. 4: Classes Resume

“You see it as YOU are.”

Scientists have discovered
the Mirror of their own minds
inside the tiny atom.
They found
that the existence and behavior of particles

depends on the intent of the scientist.

What science now tells us,
is that WE
define Reality itself,
and Mankind can tell a new story
about what it really means
to be Human.

“You do not see
the World
as it is.

You see it
as YOU are.”

Anais Nin

Our Consciousness
makes all of the things
that were,
and are
and will ever be.

“Many scientists
who are still part of the scientific mainstream
are no longer afraid to openly state
that consciousness/awareness could,
in addition to space, time, matter and energy,
be a fundamental element of the world –
perhaps even more fundamental than space and time.
It may be a mistake to ban the Spirit from Nature.
It is even questioned as to whether matter
should be considered a fundamental
element of the Universe.”

Jeremy Hayward (Nuclear physicist)

If we happen to be Immortal,
then it must be
a form of consciousness that,
in some way,
survives death.
read more

                   As YOU are.

My Dear Friends,
if consciousness is a non-physical entity,
then it
(“YOU and I”)
by the Grace of God
will survive death.

”Consciousness is a process
lying outside the laws that govern
the material World,
and it is just this immunity from the quantum rules
that allows the mind to turn possibility into actuality.”
That is,
consciousness emanates into the physical World
from the brain
and the Spiritual world interacts
with biological evolution.”
Nick Herbert (physicist)

Waiting just inside your Beautiful Heart.

You are,
like your Father,
the One you came from,
not through.
And as a Child of God,
YOU are a Creator,
and your Hopes and Dreams
can become your adventures,
and become real.

you are laced with doubt,
just look about!
This unreal World
was made very real,
by the likes and dislikes
of you and I.
everything in it
was preceded by
a conscious thought.

do not cry.

the mind of Mankind
can make
whatever it imagines.
And that gives us

What is painful
to remember,
we can choose
to forgive and
The past is of great importance,
but it no longer
defines the future.

we have the
to give and Love and live
and forgive.

                    WE define Reality.

Oh yes,
can end
from the start,
make even more
devastating weapons,
create more suffering and grief,
more, much more,
and deep regret.

We have
the power.

let us not forget,
we are both
Creator and Created,
and our Dreams and Imaginings
can be made more
than real.

And God said:
It is a five word description
of the mirror
we call Life.

My Dear Friends,

also empowers us,
enables us,
to turn our fascination
with the power to Create,
into Love.

Waiting just inside
your Beautiful Heart
is our Tomorrow,
a day we can share,
a Love
that can last
Forever and ever.

                          If we walk together.

we walk together
OUR Creator,

this World
will not fall down
upon us.

Here I am Lord
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord
If you lead me.
I will hold your people in my Heart.”
Daniel L. Schutte

is a World
without Love.
And beyond lonely
is none.
No one –
a savage discontent
with existence,
a mirror of reality
with no reflection.

My Dear Friends,
we can
Light up
the Day
with Laughter,
create Joy and Love
that lasts longer
than ever after.

“Your Love is always there.
No sea could ever divide
The Love we share.
It’s always there.
Clear as the morning air,
As sure as winds keep blowing,
Love will be always there.”
Marti Webb

Each fragment
of our Sacred Being
is on a voyage of Creation,
a journey
of its own.

The Truth,
the reality of our Being,
is in our hands,
living in our Hearts,
in a reflection
of God’s Love.

We are both Creator and Created.

When we look into that marvelous mirror
called Life,
what appears there
speaks most intimately
of you as Creator.
After all,
we are the Children
of God.

Which leads
to a profound revelation:
if you desire,
if you have Faith,

YOU may take
complete control of your thoughts,
your feelings, your desires,
and Reality itself.

Truly I tell you,
if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed,
you can say to this mountain,
‘Move from here to there,’
and it will move.”

Matthew 17:20

God beckons you
to emerge from the dark cave
of denial and ignorance

and become the Master
of your Life.

       Emerge from the dark cave.

The true Nature
of Reality
lies deeply embedded
our Dreams and Hopes,
our Music and Poetry and Prayers,
our works of fiction
called Life,

yours and ours.

are quietly Sacred.
Our Prayers
enable us
to feel the very Fabric
of our Being,
to connect with a Consciousness
we have never felt,
never seen.

is simply talking
with God.

Discover the Beautiful Nature
of your Reality.
It lies in the World
of the unseen,
deeply embedded
in a work of Divine Art
you know of
as the Human


 Our Prayers enable us.

7 Things Mentally Healthy People
Tell Themselves
read more


  1. “I am a lovable.” No child is born who is not Lovable. Look at any newborn. That button nose and those tiny fingers and toes are meant to engage adult’s protective and loving feelings. You were no different. The adults around you when you were small may have been too wounded, too ill or to overwhelmed to love you but that is on them. You were and are — just by the fact of your existence — a lovable person.
  2. “I am capable.” From the time they take their first breath, Humans are wired to learn, to adapt, and to grow. You have been learning and growing every minute. You may not have been taught all you need to know to manage your feelings or to take care of yourself. You may have learned unusual behaviors or in order to survive. But you are never too old to learn new skills. Anything you’ve learned that is not helpful or healthy can be unlearned.
  3. Most other people are Lovable and capable, too.” It’s crucial not to let negative or painful experiences with a few negative or toxic individuals color our opinion of everyone. The majority of people in the world do mean well and are doing the best they can. Once we’re adults, we can choose who we want to surround ourselves with. We can seek out the people who are living lives that are decent, warm and contributing good to the world.
  4. “Success comes from doing.”  It’s been proven over and over again by researchers: Feeling good comes from doing good things. Positive self-esteem is the outcome, not the prerequisite, for being successful in relationships, school, work, sports, hobbies —  just about anything. We all have a choice whether we wait to feel better or we do the things that we know will help us become better.
  5. “Challenges are opportunities.” Life isn’t always easy or fair. How we meet challenges and obstacles is a choice. Healthy people find ways to engage with a problem and look for ways to solve it. They refuse to let their fears keep them from trying something new, even if it is difficult. Stretching ourselves outside of our comfort zones is what helps us grow. Mentally healthy people also recognize that sometimes the opportunity hidden inside a challenge is the opportunity to say “no.” Not all problems are worth solving. Not all problems can be “solved” as they are defined.
  6. “It is only Human to make mistakes”  : Mentally healthy people know that a mistake is not the reason to give up. It is an opportunity to learn and try again. Willingness to acknowledge and fix our errors is a mark of strength. Cultivating the courage to be imperfect is central to being willing to try again.
  7. “I have what it takes to cope with change — and to make changes.” Change is inevitable in life. Mentally healthy people believe in their ability to cope and to adapt to changes. They aren’t unrealistic. They don’t deny the seriousness of a problem. They do acknowledge when a situation is very difficult. They don’t criticize themselves for not wanting to deal with whatever it is they have to deal with. But they have a deep seated belief that if they do tackle the problem, they will eventually find a solution or a way around it.

Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.

Marie Hartwell-WalkerDr. Marie Hartwell-Walker is licensed as both a psychologist and marriage and family counselor. She specializes in couples and family therapy and parent education. She writes regularly for Psych Central as well as Psych Central’s Ask the Therapist feature. She is author of the insightful parenting e-book, Tending the Family Heart. Check out her book, Unlocking the Secrets of Self-Esteem.

              Made more than real.

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.
All Rights Reserved


Trapped Within The Truth / Liquid Crystal Shells / Prevent Heart Disease / Sept. 4: Classes Resume

We are Reborn each day,
as we rise with the Sun.
But a warmth
rises in our Hearts,
and it is
not from the Sun.

For the Meditations
of the Heart
be Thou the
of His Light
in us.

“Be thou my vision,
O Lord of my Heart;

naught be all else to me,
save that Thou art –

thou my best thought,
by day or by night;

waking or sleeping,
Thy presence my Light.”

Saint Dallan

When Love,
it seems,
is never enough,
it is time to

and not

Understanding and caring
for another,
enables and empowers
to navigate
the hills and valleys
of Life and Love.

                                   It is time to give.

Hearts beat
for one another,
it is the rhythm
we feel
the rhythm of Life.

is a Heartbeat away.
so is death.
Breathe deeply
the Beauty
that abounds
all around.

               The Beauty that abounds.

Click here
for an awakening
(Michel Pépé – Le Berceau de la Vie)
to remind you
of what Life
is really all about.
Erich Segal

“The pain of not knowing what to do
was exceeded only by that
of knowing what I had done.”
Erich Segal, Love Story

There are
theories of knowledge,
that permeate the very
of our Being.

Such is
the Mystery of

My Dear Friends,
is knowing.
Intuition is a knowing.
is a knowing that was,
what you now know
what you do not know
is knowing.
that you never knew
is knowing,
as is
knowing that you
will never know.

“In expanding the field of

we but increase
the horizon of ignorance”
Henry Miller

                 Breathe deeply the Beauty.

we can become
within the Truth.

Plato“I am the wisest man alive,
for I know one thing,
and that is
that I know nothing.”

Plato, The Republic

On one day,
I wanted to
I didn’t know how.
Little did I know,
I did not need
to know –
I did not need
to know

What I did need,
was to feel.
is truly knowing.
William Paul Young

“So many believe
that it is Love that grows,
but it is the knowing that grows
and Love expands to contain it.”

William Paul Young

Every person is connected
to the Eternal,
the Infinite.
Our deepest feelings
connect us to this source.
Seek the deepest part of your Heart,
and learn what it means
to manifest your true self
into this Beautiful

  Something truly Beautiful

As I gain something else
in Life,
something truly
and still in me,
I surrender.
And freedom is formed
from a new moment,
a new perspective,
and I access something more intense:
a new awareness.

I am reborn.

My Dear Friends,
can only be
It cannot be
or defined.
We may never
what Love is.
we come to know
is Love.
“Anyone who does not Love
does not know God,
because God is Love.

Whoever lives in Love
lives in God,
and God in him.”

(1 John 4:8 and 4:16b)

may one day
touch your
and only then,
will you


“When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the Light
Unashamed to have braved the dark.

Though I may not know
the answers,

I can finally say I am free.
And if the questions led me here,
Then I am who I was born to be.”
Tobias Lundgren, Tim Mikael Larsson,
Johan Fransson, Audra Mae

“Young and restless friend,
You’ll never pass this way again.
So drink the summer wine
Reach for the Stars
While you have time.
Your restless heart,
It will lead the way.
So dream your dreams
and live for each day

While you are young.”
David Hasselhoff

Frequent Technology Use
Linked to ADHD Symptoms in Teens

A new study of 2,500 teenagers
suggests that frequent use of digital media
can lead to higher risk
of developing ADHD-related symptoms.

The more teens use social-media networking sites,
video games and streaming services,
the higher their risk of developing symptoms
of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,
or ADHD, a new study found.

The study, published Tuesday
in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
tracked 2,500 teens over two years
and monitored their usage and symptoms.

Click here to read more.

Heart disease kills 2,200 people
in the United States
each DAY.

How to Prevent Heart Disease
read more

Eating Heart-Healthy Foods

  1. Be aware of emerging science.
  2. Boost your intake of foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables that you consume each day.
  4. Opt for whole grains and cut back on carbs.
  5. Keep your portion sizes under control.

Make Other Lifestyle Changes

  1. Lose weight
  2. Exercise for 30 minutes five days per week.

Liquid Crystal Shells

Research led by scientists in Europe has shown the potential of liquid crystal shells as enabling material for a vast array of future applications, ranging from autonomous driving to anti-counterfeiting technology and a new class of sensors.

Liquid Crystals, already widely used in flat-screen TVs, are materials that are in a state between solid and liquid.

Guiding autonomous vehicles

Liquid Crystal shells, only fractions of a millimeter in size so they can easily be applied to surfaces, have several unique properties that could be utilized in engineering: As they reflect light highly selectively, they can be arranged into patterns that are readable for machines, akin to a QR code, adding coded information to objects. “These patterns could be used to guide autonomous vehicles

Tactile feeling for Robots

Additionally, the shells can be manufactured in a way that they change their structure when they are exposed to certain external impacts, such as pressure, heat or specific chemicals. Together with computers to interpret these changes, the shells could be used as sensors, for example as pressure sensors in the fingertips of robots enabling tactile feeling which is currently hard to achieve in robotic engineering.

Get ready!
YOU can be replaced.

Preventing counterfeiting

liquid crystal shells could be used to prevent counterfeiting. The micro patterns that emerge when the shells are brought together are unique.

The very Horizon of our Being.

François Lelord “Knowing and feeling
are two different things,
and feeling is what counts.”

François Lelord,
Hector and the Search for Happiness

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles

are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved

More Real Than You and I / Paying Attention to Cancer Prevention / Sept. 4: Classes Resume


                   The Beautiful Song

When the days
and nights
are long,
and listen.

to the Beautiful Song
that is Life,
the Song YOU are.
Look out the window
of this brief view of Living.
Gaze into the Infinite Beyond,
the Beautiful sky,
the Dreams gone by.
Look for the many memories,
the precious moments that passed by.
the Sacred emotions
that became more real
than you
and I.

“A man is not old
until regrets take the place
of Dreams.”
John Barrymore

in the precious moments
time cannot measure,
between the beats
of your Heart,
far beyond forever,
where there is
no end,
and no beginning.

“There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the infinite passion
of Life. ”
Federico Fellini

our fragile Hearts
beat so imperfectly.
But there is
so much more
to Life than living,
so much more to Love
than taking
and giving.
For we cannot give
and we cannot take
from that which
we are –
and we are

of the greatest verses
in the Holy Bible
is from 1 Corinthians 6:17.
It speaks to our
Organic Union with  the Lord:
“He who is joined to the Lord
is one Spirit

                 Saturate your mind with His Word.

The material
plane of Life’s illusions
only reflect
you and I.
As our Love drifts

from Life
into our Dreams,
the Human Spirit
is able to return
to the Love
from which it came.

How Blessed we are
to have such Beautiful things
as our Hopes
and Prayers
and Dreams
to share with every Child
of God.

can escape
the reality
you assume is

Saturate your mind
with His Word.
As Paul said to the Ephesians:
“Be filled with the

are not alone.
We never were.
The Song
of your Being
can help another
to stand
on their feet again.
We are all
cast upon the
barren sand.

As the Tide
of Love
rises in your Heart,
we all rise.
lets you see
the World
in ways
you never imagined.

Immerse another
in your Mercy,
and release the Power
of God’s Love
in your Heart.

The future
of all Life,
this fragile web of Life,
lies in our hands.

God is Love.
YOU are His
greatest Love.

“Father, O father!
What do we,
here i
n this land of unbelief and fear?
The Land of Dreams is better
far a
bove the Light of the morning Star.”

WILLIAM BLAKE, The Land of Dreams

  My Dear Friends,
there is a poverty
worse than destitution and hunger,
worse than illness
or ignorance,
social degradation,
or even death.

             The material plane of illusion.

We appear to be
by our common

Sacred Places
we can never leave –
they never left us.
The Human Heart
beats within.
God resides
in You and I.

You suffer not,
when you come
to Him.
to our Father,
in Prayer

He is there,
listening to His child,
as YOU
listen to your child.
His Love
surrounds you,
is all around you,
abides in you.

He hears your Prayer.
He is here.
He is there.
He is


The Christian Gospel has the most Humanizing influence than any other force on Earth.

“Do you not know
that YOU are the Temple
of God
and that the Spirit of God
dwells in

1 Corinthians 3:16

We’re not paying enough attention
when it comes to cancer prevention?
Let’s start with diet.
Dr. Margaret I. Cuomo,
author of  A World Without Cancer,
discusses the importance of cancer prevention
with Motley Fool health care analyst Max Macaluso.

It’s been more than 40 years – since 1971, when the war on cancer was declared by President Richard Nixon. In that time, we’ve spent over $90 billion on cancer research, and yet we are still seeing cancer incidence rates rise.

We haven’t come as far as you’d think we should have, for that amount of time and money spent, so I said to myself, with all the horrific effects of cancer on the lives of my patients, friends, and family, it was time to delve into the subject and give it a fresh perspective.

Macaluso: In your book you talk a lot about the misconceptions of cancer prevention. What do you think the top misconception is today?

Cuomo: I think most people, even people who are quite knowledgeable, think that cancer is an inevitability. “No matter what I do, I’m going to get cancer. Either I’ll inherit it, or I’ll grow old enough and I’ll get cancer just because I’ve grown old.”

That’s clearly not the case. We know that over 50% of all cancers are preventable. Attention to diet, exercise, limiting alcohol, ending smoking, protecting our skin from the sun, and taking vitamin D all contribute to a cancer-free life and the environmental toxins that are in our midst can be eliminated, or at least limited so that they don’t raise our risk of cancer.

Macaluso: What are some of the specific things we’re not paying enough attention to when it comes to prevention? Let’s start with diet.

Cuomo: OK, diet. You know the old expression, “You are what you eat.” To a large extent, that’s very true. A plant-based diet is what nearly all the experts say is not only the healthiest in terms of preventing heart disease and diabetes, but also reducing our risk for cancer.

If you look at your plate, your daily plate, two-thirds of it should be fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains like brown rice or quinoa, or even a whole grain pasta – and then a very small amount of lean protein like fish or chicken, and a minimal amount of red meat. That is the cancer prevention diet, but it also, as I say, decreases your risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Limiting alcohol – that means you really can’t afford to go out once a week and binge. They say no more than one drink a day of alcohol – that includes wine – for a woman and no more than two for a man, and it may be even less than that, but certainly you want to watch your alcohol intake.

Macaluso: I can tell you, after reading your book I definitely modified my diet. I’m drinking more green tea and a lot more vegetables.

Cuomo: Excellent. Green tea has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects.

Macaluso: Let’s shift the discussion from diet to environmental factors.

Cuomo: Yes, environment; very important. In fact, the United Nations just issued a report last week, that the World Health Organization was involved in as well, in which it said that there are so many of the so-called “endocrine disrupting chemicals,” such as BPA, which are in our plastic water bottles, other beverages, also food containers, the lining of the cans of food, soup — a can of soup, a can of beans — etc. Even a cashier receipt can have BPA.

Parabens – parabens are in everything from facial wash to shampoo, toothpaste – these are endocrine-disrupting chemicals. What does that mean?

That means they modify the development of hormones in our body. They affect our endocrine system, which has been linked to cancers of the breast, prostate, thyroid, and others. Also linked to obesity and diabetes, and they even drew a link to autism.

For all those reasons we want to rid our products, our personal care products at the very least, of these harmful chemicals, so there is good news on that note.

Macaluso: In your book, you talk a lot about BPAs and all the things in consumer packaging. I understand that Johnson & Johnson is leading the charge in making a commitment to rid their products of these chemicals. Can you speak a little bit about that?

Cuomo: Yes. I applaud Johnson & Johnson. They are the first major consumer products company in the United States to voluntarily commit to removing all harmful chemicals from their personal care products.

I would like to see other major companies, like Procter & Gamble and Colgate and L’Oreal follow the good example of Johnson & Johnson. Why should consumers be at risk for washing their face or brushing their teeth?

Macaluso: Excellent point. Going along with that, are there any other companies focused on organic products or specific foods,  that you might applaud?

Cuomo: Yes. I am happy to share with you, in terms of being BPA-free in all of their food packaging materials, the Hain Celestial Group. First of all, they’re the market leader in organic products, I’ve learned, and they include products such as Arrowhead Mills, Health Valley, Earth’s Best baby food, Walnut Acres juices, DeBoles pasta, Imagine sauces and soups.

They have made a commitment to BPA-free in all of their food packaging, cans, etc., and they also are very conscious in terms of sustainability for their packaging materials, so big applause for Hain Celestial Group.

Also, Whole Foods 365 brands, many of their brands are BPA-free, Trader Joe’s, and Eden Foods are some that come to mind.

Macaluso: Is there anything that consumers can do, or do we just have to wait for these companies to change their practices?

Cuomo: What you can do as an educated consumer is to read the labels. Certainly, if you don’t see “BPA free,” you have to question, “Does this packaging material contain BPA?”

In terms of your personal care products, read the labels. If you see anything with “paraben” in it – that means methylparaben, butylparaben – anything that has that phrase, “paraben,” avoid it completely. Also another word, difficult to pronounce, phthalates, another endocrine disruptor.

Basically, Max, anything you can’t pronounce you would be wise to stay away from it.

Macaluso: Yeah, I think that’s a good rule of thumb. Let’s talk a little bit about obesity. I think a lot of people might not realize that obesity is linked to certain types of cancers.

Cuomo: Yes. Obesity is linked to quite a few cancers. Scientists have pointed to the fact that breast cancer and colon cancer are definitely linked to obesity, but there are many other cancers that are as well.

What do we want to do? How do we avoid this epidemic? Do you realize, in the past 30 years the rate of obesity among children has tripled, and it has doubled for adults? Everyone agrees we have an epidemic. What do we do about it?

It’s all about education, isn’t it? We have to start with our very youngest children, teaching them what is a healthful diet. It’s not a bag of chips at every meal. It’s not a can of soda at every meal. If children don’t have the tools, the strategies, how can we expect them to eat healthfully?

Often times, what children learn in school in terms of vegetables and a plant-based diet, they will take home and they will be the teachers for their parents and caregivers. Isn’t that a wonderful thing?

I really feel education is the key here.

Macaluso: Once again, focused more on prevention than treatments.

Cuomo: Prevention is so important.

Macaluso: Let’s talk about tobacco products a little bit. Not all smokers get lung cancer, but it is a major risk factor.

Cuomo: Tobacco is a scourge and as you say, certainly we’ve proven that it causes lung cancer but it causes many other cancers as well; cancers of the digestive tract, even pancreas and bladder, have been linked to smoking.

What do we do? Well, years ago there was something called the Master Settlement Agreement, where all of the tobacco companies agreed to contribute billions of dollars to a fund that would later be given to the states with the intention that those funds be used for tobacco cessation programs and other tobacco elimination programs.

However, as I understand it the law is that the money goes to the states, but the states are not compelled to use it for that purpose. In these economically trying times, states are using it for infrastructure, they’re using it for a lot of other reasons.

We have to get back to preserving that money for tobacco cessation. Right now we have an increasing trend in smoking among adolescents, and among people of low education and low income.

Again, the burden of their illnesses is going to impact all of us. It doesn’t only impact the person who is going to be unfortunate enough to get lung cancer; it affects our health care costs, and we all absorb that, so it behooves all of us to make sure those funds are used properly.

Macaluso: Let’s shift the conversation from prevention to treatment. Your book does talk about some major successes in medicine, in the treatment of cancer. One in particular is Novartis’ Gleevec. This is a treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia.

What I was wondering, reading your book, was why haven’t we been able to replicate the success of Gleevec and chronic myeloid leukemia with other types of cancer, namely solid tumors?

Cuomo: That’s a very astute question. Chronic myeloid or myelogenous leukemia, CML, is based on a single genetic mutation. This terrible disease is actually a very simple disease, unlike breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer – these more common cancers – which are several orders of magnitude more complicated than that.

Therefore, Gleevec can attack CML and effectively cure it because it’s a very simple disease. Breast, prostate, lung cancer, are all much more complicated and it’s not as easy to treat them with a single chemotherapeutic agent or a monoclonal antibody, and that’s what Gleevec is.

Cuomo: prevention is the most effective strategy we have for ridding ourselves of cancer, and yet we devote so little time and attention to it.

My agenda is not to draw attention away from treatment. Again, there will always be patients who require treatment, and they should have it. What I am saying is that we have the intellectual resources and the financial capability to achieve both.

The National Cancer Prevention Institute would do just that. It would be based on a collaborative focused effort divided into teams, each team addressing a specific cancer type, and it would draw from many disciplines.

It would be a trans-disciplinary approach, including epidemiology, cancer biology, microbiology, immunology, engineering, pharmaceuticals, even urban planning; everything you need to decrease cancer incidence.

I don’t see that happening right now, and a lot of people that have been studying this for a long time feel it is time now to do this kind of approach, the way we did for the moonshot and for the Human Genome Project, both of which took a collaborative effort which had team science at its core. That’s what we should use for the prevention of cancer.

Macaluso: Dr. Cuomo, recently there was an Institute of Medicine report that addressed cancer care. Can you speak a little bit about that?

Cuomo: Yes. I was very pleased to see some experts in the country, such as Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Dr. Peter Bach, contribute to this workshop last October. They just issued a report from the Institute of Medicine addressing the question, “How do we contain cancer costs and what can we be doing better?”

Some of the key points were, what should a cancer therapy do? How do we assess its effectiveness and its value?

Well, it should increase our overall survival. It should increase the patient’s survival. It should increase the patient’s quality of life, while at the same time it should have very few side effects – certainly not life-threatening side effects or side effects that degrade that quality of life – and it should contain costs. It should not be an unsustainable cost.

I thought that was a very good way of focusing attention on the question of how do we end the spiral of cancer care cost in America.

Macaluso: Thank you very much. Once again, Dr. Margaret Cuomo, author of the book A World Without Cancer.

Max is the Technology, Biopharma & Health Care Bureau Chief at Fool.com. Prior to joining the Fool, he completed a PhD in chemistry at the University of Cambridge and an MBA at the College des Ingenieurs.

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All Rights Reserved

Stay in Motion / In-depth Depression Information / Sept. 4: Classes Resume

          My other Mother, Nature.

One thing
I am most grateful for,
is spending so many
of my Sacred Summers
and weekends
with my other Mother,
learning how good
Life can be.

                           Sacred Summers

I thank
my precious Mother,
each day in Prayer
for trusting in the Lord
and ME.

She placed me
in the care of the greatest man
I have ever met.
He was the Scoutmaster of Troop 17,
Werner Bendorf.
In him,
I found the Loving Father
I never met.
In his precious son,
I found a brother.

There are no words
to describe
the Beauty I discovered
in God’s Glorious and Magnificent
World of Nature,
or in truly Loving friendships
fostered over many years,
while camping under
the Stars at night,
and hiking through the woods
in the bright, beautiful Sunlight.

                         Under the Stars at night.

I had a GREAT time
and would not change
a single second
of my many, many adventures.

My Dear Friends,
please remember
one antidote for depression,
which we ALL are in sufferance of,
is movement – motion.

in motion
(physically, mentally, emotionally,
and you will NOT have
the time or wherewithal
to even think about
being depressed.

Stagnant water
becomes undrinkable,
a stagnant mind,
and a stagnant body –
highly breakable.

There is
a Beautiful Sunset
just on the horizon.

                                              Stay in motion.

Go outside.
Celebrate Life!
Show your child
just how good
Life can be.


From our friends at WEBMD:


An estimated 19 million American adults are living with major depression. At WebMD you’ll find in-depth depression information including symptoms, medications, and therapy.

Here are some of the things you can do:

Reach Out

Meet a close friend for a walk if you have one nearby. If they’re all too far away, make a call. Talking with someone you care about can help you feel supported and less stressed. Along with lifting your mood, research shows it can strengthen your immune system so your body is better at fighting illness, and it’s good for your heart, too.

Have a Little Dark Chocolate

It has chemicals called flavanols that can make more blood flow to your brain and may help you think more clearly. But don’t overdo it. Chocolate also has fat and calories and lots of caffeine, too. Just a small square of the dark stuff – 70% cocoa or more – 2 or 3 times a week may be all you need.

Play Some Tunes

Music can affect your brain in the same way chocolate does. And when you sing along – it doesn’t matter how well – your brain makes natural painkillers that can give your mood a boost.


This can help ease tension in your muscles, and when you breathe in quickly, your heart and lungs get a boost, too. Laughing also makes your brain release chemicals that help your body fight pain and infection. So hunt down some funny clips of your favorite TV show. It’s not goofing off – it’s good for you.

Do a Good Deed

When you do something nice for someone, your body makes hormones called endorphins. These are natural painkillers linked to trust, pleasure, and a connection with other people. Helping others also has been shown to raise your self-esteem.

Hug Your Dog

Just being around your pet can make you feel better. Your body releases a hormone called oxytocin that lifts your mood and bonds you to other living things.

Drink Water

When your body needs water, you can feel tired, cranky, or a little blah. It may even affect your mental sharpness. If you’re not excited about drinking a glass of water, you can get it from food: Fruits and vegetables are good sources.

Go Outside

Not only can it lift your mood, but it also can be good for your blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and stress level. You’ll get even more out of it if you take your dog with you and add in some exercise. At the office, a plant on your desk or a picture of the woods can make you feel less anxious or irritable.


You don’t have to sweat it out at the gym. A 10-minute walk seems to lift your spirits just as well as a 45-minute workout. And people who exercise often deal with stress better overall. Invite a friend and do something outside to boost the benefit.

Eat Something (Healthy)

If you don’t eat enough to fuel your day, you can get tired, hungry, and maybe even a little snippy – “hangry.” Just make sure to eat the good stuff: Whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean meats have nutrients to feed your brain and perk you up. They also take longer to digest, so you have energy throughout the day instead of all at once. Things like junk food may give you a boost, but a crash may follow.


Focus on your breath and try to keep your mind free of thoughts. When a worry enters your mind, try to let it go. It’s OK if you get distracted – the point of meditation is to continue to try. It can calm you down and lift your mood, especially if you make it a regular part of your day.


Sleep can ease anxiety and boost your mood and focus — try for 7 to 9 hours a night. If you have trouble going to sleep, keep your room cool, dark, and quiet and don’t watch TV or use the computer right before you turn in. It also helps to go to bed and get up at the same times every day.

Take a Vacation

If you just can’t shake out of it, you may need time to recharge, relax, and take stock. This can help you see all the good things in your life that get lost in the rush of daily routine. It also gets you away from the stress of work or home life and can help you bond with family and friends.

Click here for more information

                                 Hug Your Dog

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.
All Rights Reserved

God is constantly in motion showing us what a Great Artist He is.