The Poignancy of This Beautiful Song Called Life / Worst Cancer-Causing Foods / School Calendar

“True Beauty
is the Reflection of the Glory of God
on our countenances, in our character,
and through our Lives,
as God transforms us through fellowship with Him
in His Word and in Prayer.”
II Corinthians 3:18

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True Beauty
cannot be put into mere words.
Such Beauty
can convey to us
that Divine Intervention
is real.
The deep poignancy
of God’s Love
for His Children
is expressed over and over
in the Beautiful, Haunting
that abound all around
our Sacred Planet.

Morning Glory Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images ...His Love
is in the fresh morning air,
in the Glory of Morning,
and in the Morning Glory,
and in all the Fruits of God’s Gifts
 beneath His Bountiful Sun

“For Flowers that bloom about our feet,
Father, we thank Thee.
For tender grass so fresh, so sweet,
Father, we thank Thee.
For the song of Bird and hum of Bee,
for all things fair we hear or see,
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee.

For blue of stream and blue of sky,
Father, we thank Thee.
For pleasant shade of branches high,
Father, we thank Thee.
For fragrant air and cooling breeze,
for beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee.

For this new morning with its Light,
Father, we thank Thee.
For rest and shelter of the night,
Father, we thank Thee
For health and food, for Love and friends,
for everything Thy Goodness sends,
Father in Heaven, we thank Thee.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The busier we become,
the less time we spend
upon what will draw us
closer to God.

Such reflection
is a Present from God
to Human Kind.
In Prayer
we are simply, amazingly Peaceful,
in a World filled with distractions
and sorrow.
Our Communion with God

is Beauty
on a level we have seldom

Few of us
have felt the fullness
of the Love
of God.
But each of us
have felt the desperate yearning
for the Joy and the Peace
that such Unconditional Love

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Such Love
is indescribable, powerful and Truly Beautiful,
it is waiting for you.
Close your eyes,
and open your Heart.

is so in Love
with you.

 “Beloved, let us Love one another,
for Love is from God,
and whoever Loves has been born of God
and knows God.

Anyone who does not Love
does not know God, because
God is Love.”

1 John 4:7-8

The Music
of your Prayer
blossoms into Song
that will make you
Truly Happy.

In Love,
there is
no measure of Time.
is ageless
and Evergreen.
It serves to deepen
the meaning of Life,
and let us walk
into our Dreams,

Unique Animals blogs: 8 Beautiful Birds Free Wallpapers ...Find Happiness.
Look for it
in your precious Heart.
Sail above
the Oceans Deep,
and find Love
that you can keep.
My Dear Friends,
all we have
is who we are.
But who we are
is far, far more
than we have ever
And we have
each other.
And yes,
we have Forever,
the Precious Love
of God.
Heavenly glory sunshine — Stock Photo © titoOnz #148559913 Our destiny
is in our hands,
in the Sacred Hands
of our Sisters and Brothers.
We belong
to each other.

Our destiny
depends upon whether we live in Harmony
with God,
following His Moral Teachings.
It is our responsibility to decide
our destiny.

“So is my word
that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11

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Our Lord
is looking for you,

like a Rose under the Spring snow.
Be certain
Love will grow,
ageless and Evergreen.
Never give up
on Love.
It is patiently waiting
for you.

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One Love
that is shared by two

 will make every day
warm and colorful
and exciting.

“The best remedy
for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy
is to go outside,
somewhere where they can be quiet,
alone with the Heavens, Nature and God.
Because only then does one feel
that all is as it should be
and that God wishes to see people Happy,
amidst the simple Beauty of

Anne Frank

Most Beautiful Nature Photos

We can live Life
with Love and care.
We can
touch the Heart, Mind, and Soul
of others.
What Beautiful Angelic Gifts
there are to see, and hear and feel
in the Fruits of God’s

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Let us
one another,
and let the Love
of God
flow through us.


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Worst Cancer-Causing Foods

Over the last several decades, certain foods have been vilified as being potentially carcinogenic, or capable of causing cancer. So which ones are the biggest culprits? And how can you eat to prevent cancer or reduce the chances of a recurrence if you’ve been diagnosed?

The list of potentially cancer-causing foods includes:

Red and processed meat.

— Sugar.

— Alcohol.

— Processed and packaged foods.

Red and Processed Meat

For the carnivores among us, it’s probably tough to hear the news that red meat and processed meat are associated with a higher risk of certain types of cancer. “Red meat is defined as beef, veal, pork, lamb and goat,” says Cathy Leman, a dietitian, personal trainer, nutrition therapist, speaker, writer and breast cancer survivor based in Chicago.

“Processed meat refers to meat that has been salted, cured, fermented, smoked or other processes that enhance flavor or improve preservation,” she adds. Examples include hot dogs, luncheon meats, ham and bacon.

Jeannette Schenk, senior staff scientist in the cancer prevention program at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, says “There have been many epidemiological studies that have reported an association with high intakes of processed meat and red meat with an increase in cancer incidence and mortality.”

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, a high intake of red meat is defined as more than three servings per week. A single serving of red meat is about 3 to 4 ounces — or one small hamburger, steak or a medium-sized pork chop. Your total weekly consumption, the AICR reports, should be under 350 to 500 grams (about 12 to 18 ounces cooked) each week.

The cancer risk associated with processed meat products is even higher. The International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, classifies processed meat as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning that like other Group 1 carcinogens — tobacco, UV radiation and alcohol — research has proven that processed meat can cause cancer in humans. Eating just 50 grams of processed meat each day, the IARC reports, can elevate cancer risk by 18%. Four strips of bacon or one hot dog contains about 50 grams of processed meat.

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Kailey Proctor, an oncology dietitian with the Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, California, emphasizes, though, that the observed connection between meat and cancer “is an association, not a causation,” meaning that we don’t know for sure whether consumption of red meat is causing the cancer directly. Nevertheless, she notes that processed meat products “are processed foods” that should be consumed in moderation, aiming for one serving per week or less.

Why these meats appear to elevate cancer risk, particularly colorectal cancer, is believed to be because red meats and processed meats contain mutagens and carcinogens. Mutagens change genetic information by altering DNA, and carcinogens are cancer-causing agents.

When meat is cooked at high temperatures or grilled, amino acids in the meat interact with the heat to form carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. “Those have been linked with cancer risk,” Schenk says.

With processed meats, the cancer risk appears to be related to the way the meat is preserved and cooked. Specifically, the addition of preservatives called nitrates and nitrites may elevate cancer risk. Similarly, smoking meats can also create carcinogenic compounds, Schenk says.

[See: The Best Plant-Based Diets.]


Sugar is also implicated in the development and progression of certain kinds of cancer. In the early 20th century, a German biochemist named Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells often rely on sugar to fuel their prolific growth. Called the Warburg effect, this process suggests that starving the body of sugar and carbohydrates that can be converted to sugar could theoretically starve cancer cells.

As a result, the ketogenic diet, which reduces carbohydrate intake to 10% or less of calories consumed and increases fat consumption to 70% or more, has been suggested as a way to slow the spread of cancer.

The effectiveness of the keto diet to prevent or slow cancer hasn’t been fully proven, but an association between sugar and cancer has been established. For this reason, “any food which has a very high glycemic index” can increase your risk of cancer and should be consumed in moderation, says Dr. Adil Akhtar, associate professor in the department of medical oncology and hematology at Oakland University-William Beaumont School of Medicine and director of Inpatient Clinical Operations at Karmanos-McLaren Oakland Cancer Center in Michigan.

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A food’s glycemic index is “defined by the rate at which a food when it’s digested will raise the level of sugar in the blood,” Akhtar explains. Sugary foods, such as soda and candy, have a high glycemic index.

Some experts say that if you’re concerned about cancer, you should eliminate all refined sugar from your diet because many types of cancer cells use sugar as their primary fuel. In fact, some diagnostic tests for cancer use radioactive glucose to pinpoint tumors on PET scans because most cancer cells have such an affinity for sugar that they suck up glucose molecules faster than noncancerous cells can, thus showing themselves on the scan.

[CLICK TO READ: Life Without Sugar: One Woman’s Success Story.]


Alcohol is actually a type of sugar, so it’s also on the list of foods that can increase your risk of cancer. “Alcohol is an established risk factor for mouth, pharynx, esophageal, liver, colorectal, breast and pancreatic cancer,” Schenk says.

Exactly how alcohol increases risk is not clearly understood, but “it’s possibly related to DNA damage” incurred by the cells after exposure to alcohol, Schenk says.

“In addition, it could be an indirect contributor because calories from alcohol contribute to weight gain.” Alcoholic beverages contribute a lot of excess calories that offer no nutritional benefits, so “it’s one of those added foods that we need to be limiting,” she says.

The federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025 states that if you don’t drink, don’t start. It also recommends that moderating intake is an important way to curb cancer risk in people who do choose to consume alcoholic beverages.

Moderate alcoholic drinking is defined as one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 8 to 9 ounces of malt liquor, 5 ounces of wine and 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.

In her opinion, Leman says that “for cancer prevention, it’s best not to drink alcohol.

[click to READ: Diet and Prostate Cancer Risk.]

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Processed and Packaged Foods

Akhtar says certain processed foods can also raise your risk of developing cancer. “Things like microwaved popcorn have compounds that are linked with cancer.” The environmental organization Environmental Working Group raised the alarm about a chemical called PFOA that was used to coat the inside of popcorn bags as a likely carcinogen, prompting the FDA to ban its use in food packaging in 2006.

However, a subsequent EWG investigation suggested that the replacement chemicals (needed to prevent oils in the bag from soaking through the paper) are also potentially carcinogenic and likely contain perfluorinated chemicals. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reports that these chemicals, known as PFCs, may increase the risk of cancer.

Other ultra-processed foods, such as packaged baked goods and snacks, fizzy drinks, sugary cereals, ready meals and reconstituted meat products, have also been linked with an increased risk of certain types of cancer, according to a 2018 study in the British Medical Journal.

The study, which included 104,980 healthy French adults, found that a 10% increase in the proportion of ultra-processed foods in the diet was associated with increases of 12% in the risk of overall cancer and 11% in the risk of breast cancer. No significant association was found for prostate and colorectal cancers.

Ultra-processed food products also tend to be higher in calories, salt, sugar and saturated fats, all of which may contribute to obesity, which is a known risk factor for cancer.

Even seemingly healthy foods, such as farmed salmon, may contain chemicals that might increase cancer risk. The Environmental Protection Agency has classified polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs as probably carcinogenic in humans. This class of chemicals were manufactured from 1929 until they were banned in 1979, but they linger still in the environment. Whether the levels of these chemicals, which enter the food chain from industrial and hazardous waste sites and become concentrated in the feed given to farmed fish, are high enough to cause cancer is still being debated.

If you’re concerned about this risk, Harvard Health suggests removing the skin of the salmon and the fat directly underneath it before cooking, as that’s where the chemicals are most concentrated. Allowing the fat to drain off by grilling, baking or broiling can also reduce risk. Studies have also suggested that lower levels of these chemicals have been identified in fish farmed in Chile and Washington State, so check where your fish is coming from.

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How Should I Eat to Avoid Cancer?

While some foods have been associated with an increased risk of certain kinds of cancer, other foods are believed to help reduce your risk. This is where Yael Vodovotz, director of the center for advanced functional foods and entrepreneurship at the Ohio State University in Columbus, is focusing her research efforts.

“Our lab is focusing on foods for prevention,” she says, and they’re investigating the bioactive compounds in food that “potentially can work together for cancer prevention.” (Bioactive means the compound has an effect on cells or a living organism and is used to describe vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other components of food.) In addition, they’re looking to formulate foods or food combinations that can offer a bioactive effect.

In that work, berries have been one brightly colored bright spot in terms of the benefits they can provide. “We’ve studied black raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. A lot of berries have combinations of bioactive properties.”

Soy is another food they’re studying, and while there has been some concern that soy might elevate risk of breast cancer in some people, some studies have shown it could be protective against other kinds of cancer. Look for soy to remain part of the food-and-cancer conversation for some time to come.

Vodovotz also says that green tea, tomatoes, grapefruit and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli have bioactive compounds that are under investigation for their cancer-fighting properties too.

“The idea is to incorporate the whole foods,” she says, instead of extracting a single compound. And finding the optimal combination of foods that give the full balance of cancer-fighting phytochemicals and nutrients is still a work in progress.

Vodovotz also notes that eating too much of any food can have negative consequences. “Foods are all made of chemicals, and if you take in way, way, way too much for a prolonged time, it’s going to be a problem.”

Eat a Balanced Diet

While her work continues determining which compounds can help and which may hurt in the quest to remain cancer-free, Vodovotz says, you can get a jump start by eating a balanced diet. “I’m very big on the USDA’s (U.S. Department of Agriculture) MyPlate plan,” which advocates incorporating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fiber and lean and plant-based proteins. “I do believe there’s an intimate link between cancer prevention and diet.”

Akhtar agrees, adding that there’s not one specific diet that will solve the cancer question, but he likes the Mediterranean diet for its balance of nutrients, low levels of sugar and focus on whole foods.

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“Eat a balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables and limits carbohydrates and sugars, he says. “Eat smaller portions of lean meat and healthy fats included in fish, nuts and olives. If you look at the list of different diets, all the healthy diets will have these basic components with a little bit of modifications.”

The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends a mostly plant-based diet for cancer prevention, Proctor says. “Their ‘New American Plate’ model suggests having two-thirds of your plate plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes. The remaining one-third of the plate should be a lean source of protein, such as chicken, turkey and seafood.”

To help curb cancer risk, seek to eat a whole, balanced diet that includes:

— Vegetables and fruits.

— Anti-inflammatory spices.

— Plant-based proteins.

— Fiber.

Vegetables and Fruits

These fresh, whole foods contain antioxidants and a host of other helpful nutrients that keep the body working the way it’s supposed to. In addition to the vitamins, minerals, fiber and “other bioactive components that may directly impact cancer risk,” vegetables and fruits may also “potentially have an indirect impact” on cancer risk, Schenk says. Plus, the more veggies and fruits you eat, the less you tend to weigh, which can also impact your risk of developing cancer given the connection between obesity and cancer.

Adding more plants to the diet is believed to confer some protective benefits against cancer, but it’s also important to note that cancer is about more than just diet. Your genetic make-up, environmental exposures, lifestyle and other risk factors can greatly influence your chances of developing the disease. “It’s important to stress that we don’t yet have 100% cancer prevention through diet,” Leman says. “But we do have strong evidence to use in developing dietary guidelines for reducing risk.”

Leman recommends eating at least five servings (2.5 to 3 cups total) of non-starchy vegetables and fruit daily.

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Anti-Inflammatory Spices

Adding turmeric — a bright orange spice found in many Indian dishes — to your diet may help reduce inflammation in the body. Cinnamon and ginger have also been shown to offer anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a hallmark feature of cancer and other chronic diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, and many doctors and researchers believe that decreasing inflammation can reduce the risk of cancer.

Plant-Based Proteins

Instead of relying heavily on animal products for protein intake, look to plants for protein. Legumes and beans are excellent sources of protein that also contain lots of fiber.

“While it’s not necessary to eat a vegetarian or vegan diet, it’s wise to limit intake of red meat to 18 ounces per week, and enjoy processed meats like ham, bacon and sausage on occasion,” Leman says.


Increasing your intake of fiber might also help reduce your risk of cancer, specifically colorectal and gastric cancers, Proctor says. “Fiber also gives us a sense of fullness so we’re less likely to snack between meals, which helps maintain a healthy body weight.”

Leman recommends striving to consume at least 30 grams of fiber daily.

Maintaining a healthy body weight is an important part of controlling cancer risk. “We do know maintaining a healthy body weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk for cancer. A healthy body weight is considered to be a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 kg/m2.” BMI, or body mass index, is a metabolic assessment based on height and weight.

You can calculate your own BMI using the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute’s online BMI calculator. Aim to stay in the healthy BMI range between 18.5 and 24.9 — being underweight can pose health risks, Proctor says.

Seek Individualized Advice and Support

For people who’ve been recently diagnosed with cancer or who are in survivorship, Leman urges you to seek out individualized nutritional guidance to support treatment outcomes and help manage side-effects of cancer treatments.

“While undergoing active treatment, people often have special nutritional requirements,” she says. “Working with an oncology dietitian for individualized nutritional care and guidance can help patients manage side-effects like nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue and changes in bowel habits.”

And while there’s no one “best diet” for cancer, think about everything you eat in context. Emphasize whole foods, and reduce intake of processed foods and sugars. “We have to consider the diet as a whole. We’re shifting at looking more at dietary patterns versus individual foods with respect to impact on cancer risk and cancer prevention,” Schenk says.

More from U.S. News
(click on topics below)

Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Colon Cancer Diet

Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Prostate Cancer

Worst Cancer-Causing Foods originally appeared on

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The school calendar is HIGHLY subject to change due to circumstances. Please contact the school to be aware of changes.

Thank you.

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Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.

There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

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Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.

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Anderson Private School.

“He who opens a school door,
closes a prison. “
Victor Hugo

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I wish you all


Our Children of the Holocaust / The Great Milkweed Grow Out / Spring Break This Week

Dedicated to the memory
of the precious Children
who died in the holocaust.

were OUR children.

    Our children are the sons and daughters of us all.

There are many stories to tell.
And our children love to hear them.
Some tell of hope, survival and salvation,
Some of Love everlasting.

My Dear Friends,
we need to share them.

As I stood at the grave
of a man I deeply admired and loved,
beyond belief,
I paused to reflect upon the meaning of his Life,
and mine.
He first appeared to me at the tender age of ten.
His name, Werner Bendorf,
and his Life is forever engraved in my memory
and vibrant and alive in my Heart.
He still lives
in my Life, day by day,
between every beat of my Heart,
he smiles, he laughs, he is vibrant
in my memory
still shares his Love.
My heart continues to beat
because of his deep and abiding Love,
because the depth of his compassion
was far greater than anything
I had ever known.

He became the Father I never knew.
He was a Father to many young Souls,
and a Savior to me.
And by the Grace of God,
a survivor of the Holocaust
and a Divine Gift
to everyone.

shared many private thoughts
with me during our years
I am in tears
as I share
the next moment.

How well I remember
beside a glowing campfire
one evening,
he told me in a calm
and very quiet voice,
that he sought
in his Heart
for those who had
caused so much pain,
so much misery.
And we Prayed
for Forgiveness.

What a remarkable

I still Pray
that all may be

I have heard My people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin,
My hand will save.
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear My light to them?
Whom shall I send?

Here I am Lord,
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go Lord,
if You lead me.
I will hold Your people in my Heart.

I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have born my peoples pain.
I have wept for Love of them,
They turn away.
I will break their Hearts of stone,
Give them Hearts for Love alone.
I will speak My word to them,

Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord,
Is it I Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night.
I will go Lord,
if You lead me.
I will hold Your people
in my Heart.
Dan Schutte
click to play the beautiful “Here I Am Lord”

We sculpt the future
with our imagination,
what we perceive to be.
And by our transgressions,
forget that I am

In the act of forgiving
the mind is Blessed,
as it forgets.
The Heart Divine
no longer remembers,
set free from deep regrets.

The Love of God
Is like a raging
River of Light,
carrying Salvation
into the dark
pit of Night.

So this Life,
this Dream,
from which we awake one day,
will find us forgiven,
should we ask to be,
and forever
in the Bright Morning Light
of God’s Eternal Love.

And breathless will we be,
in Love
with Love,

“Oh I believe there are,
Angels among us
Sent down to us,
From somewhere up Above.
They come to you and me,
In our darkest hours
To show us how to live,
To teach us how to give
To guide us with the
Light of Love.”
Steve Goodman, Becky Hobbs

To this day,
I consider the youngest son
of Werner Bendorf,

to be my Brother.
I remember
dozens of memorable camping trips with him
when his precious Father,
was our Scoutmaster of
Troop 17.

I was Honored
for our own son,
Alexander Allen Anderson,
to be named after him.
read more

         Werner Bendorf with Alex and Annie

to the United Nations:

“One and a half million Jewish children
perished in the Holocaust.

Tens of thousands
of other children were also

– girls and boys who faced sheer terror and evil.

Many were orphaned by the war,
or ripped away from their families.

Many died of starvation or disease
at the hands of their abusers.

We will never know
what these children might have contributed
to our

And among the survivors,
many were too shattered
to tell their stories.

            . . .  too shattered to tell their stories.

we seek to give voice to those accounts.

That is why the United Nations
continues to teach the Universal lessons of the Holocaust.

It is why we strive to promote children’s rights and aspirations
– every day and everywhere.

Raoul Wallenberg

And it is why we will continue to be inspired by the shining example of great humanitarians
such as
Raoul Wallenberg.
(read more)


as we remember all those lost
during the Holocaust – young and old alike –   I call on all nations to protect the most vulnerable, regardless of race, color, gender or religious beliefs.

Children are uniquely vulnerable
to the worst of Humankind.

We must show them the best
this World has to offer.”

General Ban Ki-moon
United Nations

The fate of Jewish and non-Jewish children
fell into the following categories:

(i) killed immediately upon arrival at the death camps — toddlers to 12 years old;
(ii) Killed immediately after birth — Babies in camps, particularly in Ravensbrück (the women’s camp) and in the women’s camp within Auschwitz-Birkenau;
(iii) selected for forced labor or for medical experiments — adolescents aged 12 to 18;
(iv) hidden by prisoners in concentration camps or by non-Jews in Nazi-occupied territories;
(v) escapees from ghettos who joined partisan groups in the forests of eastern Poland or became members of Polish or Jewish underground organizations; and
(vi) massacred in reprisals such as at Lidice in Czechoslovakia and Oradour-sur-Glane in France.    read more

“A child is precious,
a clean slate ready to absorb
the Breath of Life and Experience,
and a bundle of potential
waiting to
be unleashed upon the World.”

Over a million possessors of youth
were erased from our world,
killed because of their race,
and helpless victims of intense hatred.

We must look at their deaths as witness
of the cruelty hidden in Humans,
which may be released if a future Holocaust was to arise.
Only by understanding the potential of evil
in all of
us may we prevent another tragedy.

Youth is priceless,
and we must remember the children
who were sacrificed for an evil ideal,
and insure that this ideal stays
buried with time.
read more
– by Steven Ostrowski

To purchase this powerful
commemorative poster,
or the recently published book in association with
the Simon Wiesenthal Center
Museum of Tolerance Library and Archives,
Searching for Anne Frank: Letters from Amsterdam to Iowa,
or other items relating to Anne Frank,
for either yourself, your children, or a library,
click here.

 May God Bless you and your family
as we Pray for the precious
children lost in a haze of hatred.

My Dear Friends,
our children
are the sons and daughters
of us


“God will look to every Soul
like its first Love
because He is its first Love.”

C.S. Lewis

                         What is Great Milkweed Grow Out?

Great Milkweed Grow Out is an initiative at Desert Botanical Garden to grow milkweeds for monarch butterfly conservation. Monarch butterflies have declined as much as 90% over the last two decades. The good news is that you can help! In the United States, loss of milkweed habitat is a major factor in the decline of the monarchs. You can help by planting milkweed and nectar plants in your backyard.

Milkweed (genus Asclepias) is the only plant that monarch butterflies can lay their eggs on and that caterpillars can eat. Without milkweed, monarchs will not survive. Arizona has 30 species of milkweed native to the state, which means you can find the right milkweed for your backyard.

Great Milkweed Grow Out is increasing both the numbers and species of milkweed available. We are collecting seeds across the state and propagating them. We donate a percentage of our milkweeds to other non-profits and sell milkweeds to the general public through the Desert Botanical Garden’s bi-annual Plant Sale and the Garden Shop. We also plant pollinator gardens at 6-10 schools every year and present about monarchs and milkweed at local community centers.

What can you do for monarchs?Monarch Butterfly

You can plant a butterfly garden! Top 5 tips for planting a butterfly garden:

  1. Include host plants: Butterflies will only lay their eggs on particular plants, and it is the only food source for caterpillars. We call these hostplants. Just don’t be surprised when the plants are eaten by the caterpillars. Milkweeds are the hostplants for monarch butterflies.
  2. Nectar (flowering) plants: Nectar plants provide food for the adult butterflies.
  3. Don’t use insecticides: Insecticides will harm the adult butterflies and their caterpillars. They are harming YOU!
  4. Don’t use herbicides: Herbicides will kill the necessary host and nectar plants.
  5. Shelter: Medium to large-sized trees provide shelter for the butterflies in inclement weather and protected places for the caterpillars to form their chrysalises.

For desert-adapted butterfly plants, check out the butterfly plant guide. Find Desert Botanical Garden grown milkweeds and other plants at the bi-annual Plant Sale and Garden Shop.

Caring for Arizona native milkweeds

Did you buy a native milkweed from Desert Botanical Garden, and want to know how to care for it? Here are some general planting instructions:

  1. Seedlings (in a black cone) can be planted in the ground or in a larger pot. Milkweeds in a 1-gallon pot can be planted in the ground.
  2. Dig the hole only as deep as the roots but twice as wide. Set the soil aside.
  3. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, trying not to disturb the roots too much.
  4. Place the plant in the hole and carefully replace the soil you set aside around the roots. Maintain the soil line (make sure the soil is up to the same point on the plant that it was when the plant was in the pot).
  5. Gently tamp down the soil around the roots. Add more soil if needed to maintain the soil line.
  6. Lightly water the plant until the soil is saturated. Use drip irrigation or turn the hose on so the water just trickles.
  7. Water deeply every day for about 1 week so the roots can get established. Then water every 4-5 days after that. For Asclepias angustifolia, water every 2-3 days. In the summer you can water at the same frequency but for a longer period of time during each watering.

Information on native milkweeds:

White stem milkweed (Asclepias albicans)White Stem Milkweed

  • Grows to be 8-10 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide.
  • Makes a great screen plant once full size.
  • Can handle harsh summer heat.
  • Requires very little supplemental water once established.

Arizona milkweed (Asclepias angustifolia)Arizona Milkweed

  • Grows to be 2-3 feet tall by 2-3 feet wide.
  • Prefers some protection from the harsh summer sun.
  • This species does best on the east or north side of the house or in light shade/filtered sun.
  • This species does better with additional water.

Antelope horns milkweed (Asclepias asperula)Antelope Horns Milkweed

  • Grows to be 1-2 feet tall.
  • Can handle full sun.
  • Plant on south, east or west side.
  • This species does better with additional water.

Giant Sand milkweed (Asclepias erosa)Giant Sand Milkweed

  • Grows to be 4-6 feet tall.
  • Can handle full sun.
  • Plant on south, east or west side.
  • This species requires little water.

Desert milkweed (Asclepias subulata)Desert Milkweed

  • Grows to be 3-4 feet tall.
  • Can handle harsh summer heat.
  • Likes to be planted in full sun.
  • Requires very little supplemental water once established.
  • Great host plant for queen butterflies.

Pineneedle milkweed (Asclepias linaria)Pineneedle Milkweed

  • Grows to be 3-4 feet tall.
  • Plant in full sun or partial shade.
  • This species does better with additional water.

Visit our Garden Shop for more information on purchasing a milkweed plant.

Photo Credits:
Adam Rodriguez – Monarch butterfly
Barry Breckling – Asclepias albicans
Brent Miller – Asclepias erosa
Max Licher – Asclepias-asperula

Great Milkweed Grow Out activities are supported by the Bureau of Land Management.


The Illusion of the Finery of Time / Questions That Will Free Your Mind / Friday Trip: Fossilmania

As we dance
in the Hourglass
of our mirror,
in our own
there is much
we perceive,
and much more

deep within memories
and Dreams,
you may think,
you have found
Tomorrow comes,
dressed in the illusion
of the finery of

“You call yourself
a Wild Thing, a Free Spirit.
And your terrified
someone’s gonna stick you
in a cage.
Well, baby,
your already in that cage.
You built it yourself.
No matter where you run,
you just end up
running into
from Breakfast at Tiffanys

you want to know:
have you been alive,
or just living?
Were you
or giving?
Were you
or grave digging?

Did you only find a place
to be,
or were you becoming
what God wanted
you to be?
Were you
or forgiving?

      The illusion of the finery of Time.

Were you creating
Loving thoughts
in the Heart
of another,
or waves
that lap upon the distant shores
of islands
that never
really existed.

Without reflection, no one will dance with you.

In your search
for meaning,
were the tears
for you,
or someone else
in need?

“When you wish upon a Star,
Makes no difference who you are.
Anything your Heart desires
Will come to you.

If your Heart is in your Dream,
No request
is too extreme.”
– Ned Washington

Did you find a place to be?

We cannot live
to end of day,
with no hope
of Tomorrow.

Without deep reflection,
no one
will dance with you
until the end
of your


“The best remedy for those who are
afraid, lonely or unhappy
is to go outside,
somewhere where they can be quiet,
alone with the Heavens, Nature and God.
Because only then does one feel
that all is as it should be,
and that God wishes to see people happy,
amidst the simple beauty
of Nature.”
– Anne Frank

Questions That Will Free Your Mind

These questions have no right or wrong answers.
Because sometimes
asking the right question
is the answer.

How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
Which is worse, failing or never trying?
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
You’re having lunch with three people you respect and admire.  They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend.  The criticism is distasteful and unjustified.  What do you do?
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do?  What’s holding you back?
Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Why are you, you?
Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?
Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
What are you most grateful for?
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
Has your greatest fear ever come true?
Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset?  Does it really matter now?
What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
If not now, then when?
If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?
Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?
Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?
When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?
What do you love?  Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?
In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday?  What about the day before that?  Or the day before that?
Decisions are being made right now.  The question is:  Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

In Philosophy this week:

Were the tears for you, or someone else in need?

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Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
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Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

The Heart No One Knew / Friday: Fort Worth Stock Show / Zoo Spring Break Camp

“If you can feel your pain
then you are alive,
if you can feel the pain of others,
then you are

–  Priyanshu Joshi


Love can never return to the hand you never extend.

More than success,
Far, far more than victory
In Love and Life,
Is our belief
In ourselves,
To say
What is in our Hearts,
To do
What we know
To do,
And Love
Without condition
Everything and everyone
Around us.

For God’s Love
Is in every living thing.
And they love Life

“The bird, the weed and burrowing worm
are more than they seem
for, in truth,
they outline the invisible, crystalline
texture of the living planet.
Their bodies in space-time
are literally part
of the geometry of the Earth,
the track each one makes
throughout its life
defines a kind of
invisible fiber of Creation.”
– Guy Murchie


       God’s Love is in every living thing.

My Precious Friends,
Love can never return
To the voice
Never heard,
To the song
Never sung,
To the hand
You never extend,
To the Heart
No one knew
Was beating for them.


             They love Life too.

Every Human Heart
Is whispering
The name of someone
It Loves.

We see far, far beyond
What our eyes behold,
Envisioning reflections
That mirror
The longings
Of a lost
And lonely Soul.

“All the oceans in the world,
can never hold the tears cried.”
– unknown

There is a greater Good,
A cause unknown
To the feeble mind of mankind,
A Voice from Above,
From another Heart
That will never leave us
All alone.


    Love comes in many dimensions.

And where, oh where
Is Love?

Love is always
Coming home,
Always searching,
For the way back
To the Heart
That was its

“I don’t want the heavens
or the shooting stars.
I don’t want gemstones or gold.
I want a steady hand, a kind soul.
I want to fall asleep and wake,
knowing my heart is safe.
I want to love,
and be loved.”

– Shana Abe


   Love is always coming home.

Dear Friends,
The greatest adventure
Of the Human Spirit
Is discovering the way
To the Love
That gave it Life,
To the Heart
That never left it all alone,
The Heart
Never really seen,
Never truly known.

And the pathway back,
Will lead you
Through a valley unknown,
Past shadows of doubt,
And clouds of despair.
It needs to be shown.

“So we have come to know
and to believe
the love that God has for us.
God is love,
and whoever abides in love
abides in God,
and God abides in him.”
– 1 John 4:16


The Heart that never left it all alone.

Comes in many dimensions.
And True Love
Can be unrequited,
Never understood,
Never accepted
By the beloved,
Who may not be aware
Of such deep
And abiding
Or consciously reject it,
Never knowing,
Never beholding
The Sacred, deeply fulfilling
Glow of being
In the Flower of Life,
Never feeling
The Warmth of truly
Unconditional Love.
Never understanding
That this Love
A reason for being.

Such Love
As God
Feels for you.

Anne Frank

 No one
has ever become poor

by giving.
– Anne Frank

                              Enough with the toxic chemicals!

From our friends at

Every time you shower and shampoo with a toxic commercial product, you are opening the pores of your scalp with hot water, then driving those toxic chemicals into your skin by scrubbing your scalp.

This is why it’s so important that your shampoo and shower soap be exceptionally clean and free from toxic, synthetic chemicals that we all know promote cancer, dementia, kidney disease and liver disorders.

Most commercial shampoos are made in chemical factories, using cheap, toxic ingredients that ultimately harm your hair, your skin and your health. Popular brands almost never use quality ingredients because it’s simply too expensive for them to do so.

Natural and organic ingredients derived from plants are far more expensive than cheap, factory-made chemicals. Because we are all bathed in synthetic chemicals every day, it is important to reduce your chemical load as much as possible. The new Health Ranger’s Shampoo delivers nourishing, plant-based ingredients that help you feel calm and comfortable, knowing that you’re doing much more than just washing your hair – you’re also keeping your body clean of unnecessary synthetic chemicals.

This shampoo feels fantastic and has a silky texture and viscosity. It’s made with the finest organic coconut, olive and sunflower oil so it’s great to use as often as needed because it contains no harsh chemicals. It can even be used as a full body wash on adults and children.

Click on this link to get some from the Natural News Store today.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 we will enjoy, weather permitting, the Fort Worth Stock Show at the Will Rogers Center (817- 877-2400) in the cultural district.

Drop off is at 10:00 a.m. & Pick up at 2:30 p.m. at the McDonald’s located on the corner of Montgomery Street and Camp Bowie Boulevard. It is a convenient place to gather, enjoy a cup of coffee and/or breakfast. After gathering, we will walk to the west entrance of the stock show. Please be on time.

Note: Uniform pants with a belt, & red monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / GUARDIANS / FRIENDS are always invited to participate on Friday trips. Comfortable shoes are highly recommended.

Tickets for admission to the Stock Show grounds can be purchased upon arrival. General admission tickets permit access to all livestock events, educational programs, commercial exhibits and the carnival/midway.
Adults: $10.00 / Children 6 – 16: $5.00 / Children 5 & Under: free / Please pay at the gate.

Dress for the Weather

Please DO NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Parking: $ 10.00 per vehicle daily, CASH ONLY

“More creatures live on a normal man
than all the men living on Earth.”

– Guy Murchie

Jan. 29  Main Event
Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School
Please see William’s Weblog at for trip details (posted each Wed. at 6:00 p.m.) My gratitude again to Bill Kincaid for the beautiful Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you.

“If we’re constantly trying
to do the right things
and spend much of our time helping others,
then we’re having a conversation
with God
and we don’t even realize it.”
― Ron Baratono


Fort Worth Zoo Spring Break Camp

Spring Break Camp is for first through sixth grade students. Activities include crafts, games, animal presentations and a daily trip into the Zoo. Campers must pack a lunch each day and snacks will be provided.

Dates: March 14 to 18, 2016
Times: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Before- and after-care available
Ages: Students in grades first through sixth
Theme: Birds of a Feather
Fees: $225; Zoo members receive a 10 percent discount

Registration opens Feb. 5.

For more information, contact the Education Department:

Fort Worth Zoo
1989 Colonial Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76110
phone: 817-759-7200
fax: 817-759-7201


Yes, Love comes in many dimensions.

“There’s a love that’s Divine
And it’s yours and it’s mine
like the sun.
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
to the One, to the One”
– Rod Stewart

Nothing But Love / Super foods for Coping with Stress / School Starts on Tuesday Sept. 8

“Only your Heart
Knows the way,
It is t
he Way.”
                    – Wm. C. Anderson

Around School 5-5-14 001 - Prof. Lacey

Dedicated to our very own Professor of Epic Literature, Latin and Greek, Mr. Lacey. Among the greatest Blessings in my life, and the lives of so many others, is knowing this gentle Heart, this Loving Soul. What an Honor to know Mr. Harry H. Lacey. Human kindness is overflowing in the life of this truly remarkable man.  Thank you for all you do.                                We Love you too.

“Ninety-nine percent
of who you are
is invisible
and untouchable.”

R. Buckminster Fuller

Yes, we are almost nonexistent.

Now combine that knowledge
With this observation from
from another of the
most powerful minds
to ever exist:

“Its obvious that we don’t know
one millionth of one percent
about anything.”

bird in rabbit

Unbelievable. A bird raised her young inside our cast iron Rabbit welded to the railing. “Uh, what’s up Doc?”

And it becomes apparent that we,
who are almost
know next to nothing
about anything.

But we keep
about everything,
not realizing
that the things
we think about,
may not even
exist at all.
read more

It may be time,
which really doesn’t exist,
read more
to realize that we need to
truly enjoy
what little there is
to this life.

No wonder life is so short.

Our birds have been bathing, feeding and protecting us as Natural pesticides.

Our birds have been bathing, feeding and protecting us as Natural pesticides. Thank you! Please do NOT poison your precious children with pesticides. Replace these toxins with knowledge, compassion and new, happy feathered friends. They love Life too.

There is so very little
to reality,
and it is so fragile
and so filled with illusion.
Yes, it may indeed
possess the qualities
of a dream.

So, let’s either wake up or go back to sleep,
we dream either way.

But what ever you choose to do,
give thanks to your Loving Creator.

He made you out of
virtually nothing,
nothing but Love.

love quote

Which leads me to believe
that Love
is all there really is.
And if you think about it,
that is a truly powerful
and unbelievably beautiful Gift.
You are Love.
And you are deeply Loved.

Perhaps saying
“I Love you”
has a much deeper meaning
than we will ever
be able
to fully realize.

Tree house Masters move over! Dr. A through imagination and a lazy streak simply let the tree grow under the ham shack and gently lift it into the air. - Genius!

Tree House Masters move over! Dr. A through imagination (and a lazy streak) simply let this tree grow under the ham shack. He thinks it will gently lift it into the air.                                – Genius!       OK.  Just lazy.

“I Love you”,
may truly mean
“I am you.”

we are one.

And such awareness
can open the door
to all the loving
that dwells in your

Great truths are simple.
Perhaps, they are so simple
that we shall never
comprehend them.
After all,
they come from


        Nothing but Love

“The nature of ‘reality’
is not only stranger than you imagine,
it’s stranger than you can imagine!

There is a saying that
“truth is stranger than fiction”
and this certainly applies to the nature of reality,
because in the light of increasing evidence,
what we have accepted to be the ‘truth’
about our everyday reality
is much more like the ‘fiction’
of our everyday reality.”
– Dawn Lester  read more


Our students honor the Loving memory of Anne Frank and over a million precious Jewish children lost to the evil of the holocaust. No. We shall never forget. Never. And we shall never stop Loving you.

The precious winds of time
Sometimes blow
Only one way,
Sometimes, we feel,
Not at all.

Such a gentle flowing breeze
At dawn of day,
Reminds us of our brief stay,
Whispering your name,
Beckoning you to stay
In Love
With this Precious Gift of Life
One more day.


“The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.”     – Victor Hugo

“Kindness in words creates confidence;
kindness in thinking creates profoundness;
kindness in giving creates Love.”
Lao Tzu

Should you pause
And close your eyes,
Your heart
May see again,
Past the darkening nights
Of transgression,
Into the Light
Of forgiveness,
Into the soft, glowing
Of your precious Heart.

And as you feel
The passing gentle breeze,
Across the beauty
Of the morning sky,
You cannot deny,
The very Breath of God.

“Looking back,
I have this to regret,
that too often when I loved,
I did not say so.”
– David Grayson

Dr. A with Annie and Alex (a few years ago)

Dr. A with Annie and Alex (a few years ago. OK. Maybe a few more than a few.)

My Dear Friends,
Reach beyond who you are.
Live in the lives of those around you.
Move your mind, body, and spirit.
Step out of your comfort zone,
Open up the vast,
Unexplored space
Inside your Heart.

It too
Has no horizon,
No boundary,
No limit.

Your Love
Is Infinite.
It flows through you
From the Infinite Love
Of God.

red sky

“We cannot really love anybody
with whom we never laugh.”
– Agnes Repplier

photo from 4 miles away

Highly magnified photo (80x) taken of light from a street lamp on I-20 from the back deck of the school, a distance of over four miles. Perhaps the nature of reality is stranger than we can imagine.

2015 Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented
Annual Conference 
December 2 – 4 in San Antonio

 TAGT 2015 will bring together nearly 2,000 educators
who share a passion for gifted education!
Attendees will have the chance to create vital connections,
engage in and lead important conversations,
and become empowered to continue
to make a difference in the gifted community.

This unique experience features
over 150 training sessions in 15 strands
of designated subjects.
Remember December 2-4
at the San Antonio Convention Center
and the Grand Hyatt San Antonio!

for Coping with Stress

When it comes to combating stress levels,
what you eat may help relieve your tension.
Some foods may help stabilize blood sugar
or your emotional response.
Here are12 foods to reach for

Green leafy vegetables

Like spinach they contain folate, which produces dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical, helping you keep calm,” says Heather Mangieri, RDN, of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. A 2012 study in the Journal of Affective Disorders of 2,800 middle-aged and elderly people and found those who consumed the most folate had a lower risk of depression. A 2013 study from the University of Otago found that college students tended to feel calmer, happier, and more energetic on days they ate more fruits and veggies.

Turkey breast

 Tryptophan in turkey is to blame for that food coma on Thanksgiving.  The amino acid, found in protein-containing foods, helps produce serotonin, “the chemical that regulates hunger and feelings of happiness and well-being,” In a 2006 study published in the Journal of Psychiatry Neuroscience, men and women who were argumentative (based on personality tests) who took tryptophan were perceived as more agreeable compared with when they didn’t take it. (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) Other foods high in tryptophan include nuts, seeds, tofu, fish, lentils, oats, beans, and eggs.


According to MIT research, carbohydrates can help the brain make serotonin, the same substance regulated by antidepressants. A complex carb like oatmeal won’t contribute to your already potential spike in blood glucose.”


A 2013 UCLA study revealed that consuming probiotics in yogurt reduced brain activity in areas that handle emotion, including stress. You really can’t go wrong by adding more of it to your diet.


Ratchet up anxiety hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help counteract the negative effects of stress hormones,” according to Lisa Cimperman, RD, of the University Hospitals Case Medical Center. In a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, Oregon State University medical students who took omega-3 supplements had a 20% reduction in anxiety. One 3-ounce serving of cooked wild salmon can have more than 2,000 milligrams of omega-3s, double the daily intake recommended by the American Heart Association for people with heart disease.

Blueberries blueberries

The antioxidants and phytonutrients found in berries help improve your body’s response to stress and fight stress-related free radicals.” Research has also shown that blueberry eaters experience a boost in natural killer cells, “a type of white blood cell that plays a vital role in immunity according to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, Health’s contributing nutrition editor.


When you have an ongoing loop of negative thoughts playing in your mind, doing something repetitive with your hands may help silence your inner monologue. Think knitting or kneading bread—or even shelling nuts like pistachios or peanuts. The rhythmic moves will help you relax. Pistachios have heart-health benefits. Eating pistachios reduce acute stress by lowering blood pressure and heart rate. They contain key phytonutrients that provide antioxidant support for cardiovascular health.

Dark chocolate

Just a bite, not a whole bar, of dark chocolate can help to regulate your stress levels. Research has shown that it can reduce your stress hormones, including cortisol. The antioxidants in cocoa trigger the walls of your blood vessels to relax, lowering blood pressure and improving circulation. Dark chocolate contains unique natural substances that create a sense of euphoria similar to the feeling of being in love!” Go for varieties that contain at least 70% cocoa.


Fortified milk is an excellent source of vitamin D, a nutrient to boost happiness. A 50-year-long study by London’s UCL Institute of Child Health found an association between reduced levels of vitamin D and an increased risk of panic and depression. People whith sufficient vitamin D levels had a reduced risk of panic disorders. Other foods high in vitamin D include salmon, egg yolks, and fortified cereal.


Flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are great sources of magnesium (as are leafy greens, yogurt, nuts, and fish). Loading up on the mineral helps regulate emotions. Magnesium has been shown to help alleviate depression, fatigue, and irritability.


This superfruit helps shut down stress-eating by filling your belly and making you feel more satisfied. In a 2014 study by Loma Linda University (which we MUST note was sponsored by the Hass Avocado Board), reduced desire to eat more by 40% for the three hours.


Researchers gave zinc supplements to people who were diagnosed with anxiety symptoms (irritability, lack of ability to concentrate) and patients saw a 31% decrease in anxiety, according to Nutrition and Metabolic Insights. Zinc affects the levels of a nerve chemical that influences mood. Other zinc-rich foods are oysters, beef, chicken, and yogurt. Cashews are also rich in omega-3s and protein, so they’re a smart snack.

read more

sunset 1

            Your Love Is Infinite. Your Love is Beautiful. Your Love is You.