Eternal in its Treasure / Plants to Purify the Air at Home

“There are children in the morning.
They are leaning out for Love
And they will lean that way

– Neil Diamond

Have you seen
the fabulous Moon
upon the darkly lit waters
that ripple in time,
much like
the beat of your Heart
undulating on the surface of Life,
as it turns
page after page?

To watch in awe and wonder,
is to say
to Life,
and suddenly
leave behind
the things
that kept your Heart

Precious Existence is before your eyes.

Harmonic dreams
emanate from many things,
as Life
becomes visible.
my Friends,
is waiting for your Dreams
to seep into
your veins,
until you suddenly realize
your precious Existence,
the magnificence of your splendor,
is suspended
before your eyes.

                 To watch in awe and wonder.

To be rescued
from yourself,
freed from within,
look carefully
at the Wonders
that surround you,
rid yourself
of sorrow and doubt,
say a Prayer
to God Above
and silently

             What is to be lived for.

To truly come
let some things
like anger and regret.
They deserve
an ignominious death.

The shadow
of your smile
will shelter you
from the raging storms
of so much sorrow,
when yesterday
becomes tomorrow.
What is to be lived for
is not the illusion
of Life,
but the
Reality of Love.

“You cannot do a kindness
too soon,

for you never know
how soon it will be
too late.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Each joyful moment
captured by your Heart
is Eternal in its Treasure.
The brush strokes
of your words and deeds
can become
Heartfelt colors,
expressions of timeless Beauty,
tints and shades
of Loving awareness,
to spread the Universal
Love of God in

                Eternal in its Treasure.

“Had I the Heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my Dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly
because you tread on my Dreams’.”
– W. B. Yeats

You are
My Dear Friend,
like so many other
Living Things,
a very fragile and precious
Gift from God.

Celebrate in gratitude
for all
the Blessings in Life.
As you see the unfolding Light,
you feel the Loving rhythm
of the Universe
creating ripples in the Human Heart
greater than
an ocean wave.
Let the Love of God
wash over

                          Say YES to Life.

Hours further
can become lost in time,
no longer yours
or mine.

The Beautiful Song of your Life
can be sung
to never fail
to make you smile
and laugh and cry.
And the words
you carve
into the fabric of space,
can breathe Life
into everyone
and become your

requires you to know who you really are,
what you really want,
and in which direction you are headed.”
Stephanie Tabor

 Plants that can purify the air in your home

By Chaffin Mitchell, AccuWeather staff writer

Harmful pollutants, which are not confined to outdoor spaces, can be found in homes and offices. However, plants can help to improve indoor air quality and clean the air that you and your family breathe.

As reported in a clean air study by NASA, plants can play a major role in removal of organic chemicals from indoor air.

Plants absorb particles from the air at the same time that they take in carbon dioxide, which is then processed into oxygen through photosynthesis.

Stephanie Huckestein, instructor of indoor plants at the Hahn Horticulture Garden of Virginia Tech, said plants remove pollutants from the air by absorbing gases through the pores on their leaves.

Many of the plants proven to clean the air
can be grown indoors, even with limited sunshine.
Huckestien said all plants need light to photosynthesize,
but many are tolerant of lower light levels.
Photosynthesis is the process through which plants
use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water
into food.

1. Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
2. Spider Plant
3. Garden Mum
4. Boston fern
5. Peace lily
read more from

“You are braver than you believe,
stronger than you seem
and smarter than you think.”

– A. A. Milne

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.



A Flame To Burn Through Eternity

touch my Soul with your cries
And the music
Will know what we’ve found.
I’ll hear a hundred goodbyes,
But today I hear only one sound.
The moment we’re living is now.”

– Neil Diamond

Somewhere in time,
the illusion of time,
time immeasurable,

time that
really does not exist,
YOU and I
are alive.

as we often struggle

for something to say,
we suddenly remember,
we already spoke,
with eyes looking past,
looking through
the looking glass,
no smiles sharing,

with keen mind
and Heart unaware,

with a look
that was nothing,
but a lonely stare.

The Truth
can be inglorious
or gloriously sublime,
like the resplendent and radiant sight
of the first Flower
after a long, cold, dark Winter.

“I listen and feel the winds,
the sun, the stars
and know that THE WAY
is ever before me.”
Rose Marie Raccioppi

The Love you find
in Life,
like the first Flower of Spring,
you alone
will find.
And you must
look for it,
for it
to look back.
is not the mirror
we are holding,
it is
the reflection
of your beautiful Heart.

                         Love’s bouquet

Love’s bouquet
was gathered just over there,
waiting just for
Did you pass it by,
with forlorn of all hope,
with a sigh,
not of relief,
but grief?

We seldom come
to know,
the Human Heart is our home.
And this home,
the most Beautiful Place to be,
is a living, vibrant thing,
alive and pulsating
and shouting,
sometimes silently,
with joy and laughter
and pain.

Our Heartfelt homes,
when at last
we come to see,
are forested by
the memory
of people washed of
tears of joy and sorrow,
as we
ever search for
in a new Tomorrow.

When millions of Angels
it is an amazing
And they are waiting
to bring
to your Heart.

“And I beheld,
and I heard the voice of many angels
round about the throne
and the beasts and the elders:
and the number of them was
ten thousand times ten thousand,
and thousands of thousands.”
Revelation 5:11

There is a
And it is filled with
pure Love.
When two hands
are as one,
two Hearts
beat as

Destiny’s Child
lives where we begin

not at journey’s

There are so very many
you can achieve,
when you but
in yourself.

When you don’t feel
strong enough
to carry on,
in your Heart
of Song,
is always breaking
on this Sacred Earth.

In the mind
there are many canyons
filled with walls,
surrounded by space.
curving into new

My Dear Friends,
is essential to rest.
Give yourself
and uncluttered,
  or you will always be hiding
in the shadow
of your smiles.

Our Love of Life
is a wondrous thing
and worth remembering.

A Life
filled with Love
was born with our first embrace.
This page was torn
from the Book of Life,
out of timeless space

Love is a wondrous thing.

Take the hand
of your Sacred Child,
and with fervent Prayer,
  Pray that you may truly live
and that you may
all the Love
you can give.

What you give,
your receive.

The Light
of your Love
will become
a Flame to burn
through Eternity.


Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

From This Moment On / Eat Your Way to a Longer Life / Friday: At School Today


Joyful Living,
you know that I am.
You were there in my time,
held me
by the hand.

And as seasons of living
moved across
the landscape of Life,
the persistence of memory
was keeper
of my flame.

define Life:
or together,
in joy
or in pain.


            Take in the Light of Love.

In this Garden
of what was Eden,
grow beautiful flowers.
Some we picked today,
to give
to tomorrow.
These were for
not sorrow.

And in the midnight hour
of all the time
dreamt into Life,
we stand joyfully
to take in the Light
of Love.

Discovering and claiming
something you Love to do

has an amazing susan_bialieffect on your entire life.
It’s like a tiny perfect raindrop landing on a previously smooth, unremarkable expanse of water. The instant the drop arrives, beautiful waves of ever-enlarging rings flow across the entire surface, spreading out virtually
to infinity.

– Dr. Susan Biali, M.D.

Being a child
is easy to do,
be you
twenty one,
or ninety two.
To suffer no more
agony or pain,
to be happy again,
steer the Ship toward
your childhood dreams,
and come Home
from whence you came.

“I tell you the truth,
unless you change
and become like little children,

you will never enter
the Kingdom of Heaven.

whoever humbles himself

like this Child
is the greatest in the Kingdom
of Heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4

girl-and-sunset-bHome is where
the Heart of a Child
down by
the Riverside,
by the Sacred Waters
of Life.

“Listen easy.
You can hear God calling,
walking barefoot
by a stream.”
– Neil Diamond

The Good Lord
dreamed you
in a far different way.
Loved you
into being.
The Thought of You
was in His Warm Embrace.


              God is light.

My Friends,
it never gets dark
in the Light
of God’s Love,
are never gray,
never stays.

“God is light,
and in Him
is no darkness
at all.”
1 John 1:5

We marvel
at the Light
filtering through the
on a beautiful Spring day,
like Love
filters through the Spring
of our lives.


          We marvel at the Light.

When you call
God’s Name,
it’s like going

Dear Friends,
we need to look after the welfare
of people all around us.
Jesus did.
He never took
the easy way out.
He did not avoid people
and the troubles they had.
He walked into
the direction of others
and He helped them out.


   In Him is no darkness at all.

is a mystery.
But the tyranny of tears
may be torn from pages
in the Book of Life.

begats forgetful,
not regretful.

Let a Prayer
take you there,
where time
does not exist,
where you
are never alone,
never in pain,
never ashamed,
where you stand
to Love
everyone and everything.

             Life is a Mystery.

Every Heart
beats imperfectly.
Every mind
cannot always clearly

But know,
that you are precious
beyond worth.

“You are precious in My Eyes …
and I Love

Isaiah 43:4a

Who you were born
to be
is a Sacred Child,
held momentarily
by Mother Earth,
and Forever
by the Father
of Infinity.



           Where time does not exist.

Eat Your Way to a Longer Life oo

By Krisha McCoy
Reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

Researchers have found that some foods in particular do have superior disease-fighting properties that can make you healthier. Regularly incorporate some of these healthy foods into your diet, and the health benefits they deliver may stick with you for a lifetime.

bb1. Salmon
2. Blueberries
3. Yogurt
4. Sweet Potatoes
5. Spinach
6. Green Tea
7. Tomato Pastesp
8. Dark Chocolate
9. Oatmeal
                                     read more


Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.


     He Loved you into Being.

The Shape of Things to Come / Cruciferous Vegetables and Curcumin / Friday: Rollerland West & La Madeleine French Cafe


Simple Gifts

“Its a gift to be simple.
Its a gift to be free.

It’s the gift to come down
where you ought to be.

And when we find ourselves
in the place just right,

We’ll be in the valley
of Love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
to bow and to bend,
we will not be ashamed.

To turn, turn, will be our delight,
till by turning, turning
we come round right.”
– Joseph Brackett


The shape of things
to come
is never what we think,
not what we dream,
not even
what we
are able to imagine.

For tomorrow
lies not
within the plane
of our reality,
the subtle state of our consciousness
that transcends the known physical Universe.
It lies not within dimensions
known today.

The dynamic force
of our awareness
is being sent forth,
like waves in a vast ocean,
through time as we know it,
manifesting all things
we imagine
and culminating in the Universe
we treasure and desire.

Such is Love
in you.

But we may not dwell
within any tomorrow,
if our humanity,
our Love for one another,
We will not be here
to be aware.


                  Look beyond

Of things unknowable
we cannot know.
we can become aware:

We can come to know
that we can never know.

And this
is an aspect of
For the Infinite
is far beyond
what we are capable
of ever comprehending.

We are finite
and very fragile,
enveloped within Infinite Love,
possibly impossible,
relative to the
and Beautiful beyond


Beyond illusions of Life and living.

if not most,
of what Mankind
has created,
is a feeble attempt
to fit a distorted reality
of our own making
into the shape
of what we envision
for tomorrow.

And tomorrow
may no longer be found
under the shade
of any tree
planted today
that worships
the winds
of such change.

picture of happy mother with baby over white

Only in the mysterious equations of Love.

The collective conscience
of Mankind
is accelerating in thought,
as it recklessly races
not just an uncertain future,
but what we cannot
envision or imagine.

My Dear Friends,
how do we
prepare our precious Children
for the unknown
and the unknowable?
To what end
do we strive?

What now
is our goal in Life
for them?


       Beautiful beyond belief.

we should foster
an acceptance
of our limitations.


I believe,
we should look
within ourselves,
beyond illusions
of Life
and living.

it’s not what we make of us
that takes us,
it’s what takes us
beyond us.

Can you see
the Universe
in a drop of rain?
Can you find
what outwardly you seek,
by not looking



“What lies behind us
and what lies before us
are tiny matters compared to
what lies within us.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson


     Look far beyond ourselves.

we should close our tired eyes
and look
far beyond ourselves.

My Dear Friends,
lay your weary head
upon your pillow.
Feel the warmth
of beautiful moments remembered.
Hear the whisper
of the raindrops
blowing soft
across the window.

Listen carefully,
and you will hear
echoes reflected off the walls
of your treasured memories
kept deeply hidden
in the Heart.

what only Hearts
can see.

Listenneil_diamond-b easy.
You can hear God calling
Walking barefoot by a stream.
. . .  Close your eyes
and hear
the flowers growing”

– Neil Diamond

What we may not
always comprehend
is part
of what is truly Beautiful.
The Mysterious
may always remain
within realms unknown
and unknowable,
as it takes our breath away
with its Beauty.

Such is
the Love of God,
so far beyond
what we will ever
truly know.

Such is the

Such is the Love
hidden deep
in your Heart.

“I ask nash
What truly is logic?
Who decides reason?
My quest has taken me
to the physical,
the metaphysical, the delusional,
and back.
I have made
the most important discovery
of my career –
the most important discovery of my life.
It is only in the mysterious equations
of Love
that any logic or reasons
can be found.”
– John Forbes Nash

The most mysterious thing
our minds can
is the Love of God.
for us.

The Beauty of Love
draws us in,
to lead us
toward ourselves.

It causes us
to reflect and to dream,
and for a few precious moments,
see with our Hearts
what lies
beyond even tomorrow,
to finally realize
the Divine Reality
that dwells

We are the Dream
too long
afraid of waking.


light-c“I’ll make you a day
Like no day has been or will be again
We’ll sail on the sun, we’ll ride on the rain
We’ll talk to the trees that worship the wind.
– Neil Diamond

My Dear Friends,
negative emotions are completely useless.
Resentment, bitterness, hate, and jealousy
have never improved
the quality of life
for even one single
human being.

terry-naturally-curamin-extra-strengthFrom :

Cruciferous Vegetables Promote Healthy DNA

Laboratory experiments offer evidence that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale – help preserve the integrity of DNA. As a vital cell component, DNA is highly vulnerable to damage.

Broccoli, watercress, and rosemary provide bioactive compounds, including glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, carnosic acid, and carnosol, that have a multitude of favorable effects on DNA and healthy cell division.

Curcumin: The Workhorse of Cellular Health

Curcumin’s benefits are so diverse that they affect virtually every system in the body. It’s no accident that the National Institutes of Health has funded numerous studies investigating curcumin as a treatment for diseases from cystic fibrosis to autoimmune diseases to various cancers.

“Curcumin has emerged as one of the most powerful chemopreventive and anticancer agents,” wrote researchers last year. “Its biological effects range from antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to inhibition of angiogenesis, and it is also shown to possess specific anti-tumor activity.”

read more


         Beyond illusions of Life.

   “We carry within us
the wonders we seek
around us.”
– Sir Thomas Brown

                                       For Friday Sept. 16, 2016

Due to popular demand,
we will meet at 10:00 a.m.
located at 7325 Calmont Avenue –
Telephone: 817-244-8290.

At approximately 11:15 a.m.
will we will travel to La Madeleine Country French Cafe,
6140 Camp Bowie Blvd. Fort Worth, (817) 654-0471­­­­­­­­­­­­­
to enjoy lunch.

Following lunch we will travel to the Anderson School.

Skating time is from 10:00 a.m-11:00 a.m.
If you arrive late you will not be able to skate for a full hour.

 Pickup will be at 3:15 p.m. at school.­­­­­

Students are NOT to leave Rollerland, or the restaurant
without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

FINANCIAL:   Rollerskating $10.00 (Please pay Dr. A.) & lunch. Refreshments are available,      
Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required.

PARENTS / FRIENDS / NEIGHBORS, are always invited to participate on our trips.


      What takes us beyond us.


Sept. 6                                             Tuition was Due for 2016-17
Oct 10                                              Columbus Day Holiday
Nov. 21-25  (Monday-Friday)          Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec. 1-2                                           Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)
Dec. 20 (Tuesday)                           Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 4                              Winter Break Holidays
Dec. 21                                            Dr. A admitted for therapy                    (overexposure to children)

(See William’s Weblog at for trip details
(posted Wed. at 6:00/7:00 p.m.)       

“The Supreme happiness of Life
is the conviction
that we are Loved.”
    – Victor Hugo     

Where precocious children are nurtured, appreciated
& from time to time, rollerskate!

Through Loving Eyes / Matter is NOT the Only Reality / The MIND Diet / School Begins on a Cooler Day: Tuesday, Sept. 8

Dedicated to the beautiful Mother of our wonderful children. No greater Love have I ever found.


Dedicated to the beautiful
of our wonderful children.
No greater Love
have I ever found.


Through Loving Eyes

A Mother will always see
Through her child’s eyes,
Always feel the vibrant Love,
Fast flowing like a raging torrent
To the Eternal Sea
Of God’s Love
In you
And me.

My Mother’s tears of pain and joy
I keep deep inside
This heart of mine,
As I find my tears
Do not belong to me.

It doesn't get much better than this.

They flow everlastingly
Through those that Love,

In Eternal Rivers
That nourish Life,
And wash away
Our sins,
Assuage our grief,
And transform,
In the mirror of our memory
Into tears of forgiveness,
Comforted by our Belief.

Clouds of disbelief
Only block the Sun,
Placed in the Firmament Above
By God on the second day

Of His Love.
Into this vast expanse,
He set the moon, the stars and the sun,
To shine down upon

sky heart

Some people never see the Light until the day they die. – Neil Diamond

Do not let the darkness
And doubt o
f others,
The fear that knows not Love,

Shield you
From His Comfort.
The shelter you seek
From the storms of living
Dwells not in the elements of life.
It lay in wait,
Sacred and Silent in patient Vigil,
Inside a heart
Filled with Love,
Devoid of hate.


You can travel for miles
In your child’s smiles.
Far beyond the borders
Of this moment,
Into a tomorrow
Which will never end.

Such is the Love of God
In you,
Eternal Love
Flowing everlastingly,
And in the very same moment,
Into and out of
A Vast Sacred Sea.


  The reason God is real.

In all the ways of the world,
The Blessed Love of every child

Is the Salvation
Of all Mankind,
The justification for being,
The Hope of tomorrow fulfilled,
The end of all doubt,
The reason
God is real.


Painting of Jesus by Akiane Kramarik       (read more)

God Loved us
Enough to share
The Love of a Child,
His Child.

And no greater Love
Could He feel.

His Child looked at Mankind
Through other children’s eyes,
And shared the vibrant Love,
The Eternal Warmth,
Hope everlasting,
From Above.


We pretend never and are Forever.

Every kind thought
Tells us who we are,
Every deed
Where we are,
Every Prayer
Why we are.

And what is Love?

Easy to ask,
So easy to see.
Love is the Mother
Who gives us life.
Love is the breath
Of her precious being.

Like the soft wind blowing,
As God formed man from
The dust of this Earth
And breathed into his nostrils
The breath of Love we call Life,
And child of clay
Became a living being.

A Mother whispers of this
Love Everlasting,
As she looks deeply into our eyes
Promising tomorrow,
With Love
That never dies.


  Such is the Love all around us.

What is Love?

Love is God in us.
Ask and He will reveal


The only thing
That is Real.

If we could but know
That every child is ours,
That every child is us,

And we are all Sacred Children
Of God.

Our children are of our Love,
Our lives of the far reaches of Forever,
And our sins made of
What is given,
To be forgiven.


My friends,
The Love of God is in us
And all around us,
In the
Leaves that flutter
Gently in the wind,

The Colors of evening shades,
Shadows of silver
Floating slowly over
The landscapes of our brief lives,
As we pretend never,
And are Forever.
Such is the Love all around us,
And ever after.

A Mother’s precious Love,
Is a Sacred Sacrifice
For those who come after.
The precious Love of a Mother,
Forever in Love,
And forever after.

12-9-20 TRIPS Dead Sea Scrolls - Main Event 001-c2

Every child is ours, every child is us.

“Children are mankind’s best and last hope.
Like the young of all creatures, they want to like,
they want to love, and they will love,
unless deliberately and carefully taught otherwise.
For this is the true education
– of the heart.”
Oskar Schindler

Oskar and Emilie Schlindler

Oskar and Emilie Schindler – With rare courage and deep compassion they saved hundreds of precious lives during World War II.

Matter is NOT the ONLY reality

Quantum mechanics has questioned

the material foundations of the world
by showing that atoms and subatomic particles
are not really solid objects,
they do not exist with certainty
at definite spatial locations and definite times.
Most importantly, Quantum Mechanics
explicitly introduced the mind
into its basic conceptual structure,
since it was found that particles being observed
and the observer, are linked.
This phenomenon implies
that the consciousness of the observer
is vital to the existence
of the physical events being observed,
and that mental events
affect the physical world.”

Matter is NOT the only reality.
In fact,
It may not be reality
at all.


“The day science begins
to study non-physical phenomena,

it will make more progress in one decade
than in all the previous centuries
of its existence.”
– Nikola Tesla

The MIND diet
may slow brain aging by 7.5 years

The MIND diet,
which is short for “Mediterranean-DASH Diet
Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay,”
was developed by Martha Clare Morris, ScD,
a nutritional epidemiologist, and her colleagues.

Everyone experiences decline with aging;
and Alzheimer’s disease is now
the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.

 As the name suggests,
the MIND diet is a hybrid of the Mediterranean
and DASH
(Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diets.
Both have been found to reduce the risk
of cardiovascular conditions,
like hypertension, heart attack and stroke. read more

The MIND diet
has 15 dietary components,
including 10 “brain-healthy food groups”

The study found that to avoid the devastating effects of
cognitive decline, you must limit intake
of the designated unhealthy foods,
especially butter (less than 1 tablespoon a day),
sweets and pastries, whole fat cheese,
and fried or fast food.

To adhere to and benefit from the MIND diet,
a person would need to eat
at least three servings of whole grains,
a green leafy vegetable
and one other vegetable every day,
along with a glass of red-grape juice,
snack most days on nuts,
have beans every other day or so,
eat poultry and berries at least twice a week
and fish at least once a week.

Berries are the only fruit specifically
to be included in the MIND diet.
Blueberries are one of the more potent foods
in terms of protecting the brain.

read more

Love is the Salt / We are Just Collateral Damage on the Way to Someone’s Wealth / Turmeric

“Me, me, me”
often results in
“Oh, my, my, my.”
– Wm. C. Anderson


     Listen easy. You can hear God calling, walking barefoot by a stream.                           – Neil Diamond

Love can conquer all,
including the most dangerous psychiatric disorder
in the world and the third most common
chronic disorder among adolescents:

According to Abigail Natenshon, MA, LCSW, GCFP,
There are 11 million victims of anorexia and bulimia
just in American today,
87 percent of whom
are below the age of twenty.

Children as young as age five
are now reported to suffer from anorexia.

My dear parents,
the ONLY way to truly
prevent and heal chronic disease
is to get to the ROOT of the problem.
And Love is a prevention,
and Love is a cure,
and the LACK of Love
is often the cause.

You choose the pathway of life.

You choose the path of life.

 Research has now proven that
Love can cure this serious disorder.
The Beatles, like so many other insightful artists,
were beautifully conveying an Eternal Truth
when they sang,
“Love is all we need”.

Love is a missing factor
in the treatment of many diseases,
according to Walter Last, author of The Love Cure
for Cancer and other Diseases.
With cancer psychological therapy has been shown
to have a far greater success rate
than any other properly evaluated therapy.

Everything in Nature is a Celebration of Life.

Everything in Nature is a Celebration of Life. You are part of Nature. Are you celebrating?

Love is the opposite of fear.

Fear has a major negative impact on cancer patients.
There is also a close relationship between fears
. . . and breathing problems as well as heart disease.

Walter’s insights posit that
the most important factors
in restoring health and well being
are the twins of Love and Joy.

To see the Light in your Life, Look UP.

To see the Light in your Life, Look UP!

Breathing into the Heart

He recommends that whenever you meet someone,
or think of someone, smile and silently say:
“God bless you” while feeling a wave
of love or compassion radiating
from your heart center.

Another source of inspired spiritual insights
are the teachings of Abraham-Hicks.
Here are a few to share with you:
(Interestingly, these insights are
con-substantial with recent discoveries
in the field of particle physics.)

Your Love can spread like a dandelion gone to seed.

Your Love can spread like a dandelion gone to seed.

·        You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
The basis of your life is Freedom;
the purpose of your life is Joy.
are a creator; you create with your every thought.
Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
You are a creator of thought ways on your unique path of joy.
You cannot die; you are Everlasting Life.

Fast food is like WAR:

millions of people suffer and die
because it is very profitable.
We are just collateral damage
on the way to someone’s wealth.


Miracles can happen.
I happen to know this
because I am a Miracle.
And so are you.
So let’s stop destroying
the Miraculous Blessing
that is Life.

Elanor“It takes courage to love,
but pain through love is the purifying fire
which those who love generously know.
We all know people who are so much afraid of pain
that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell
and, giving out nothing, receive nothing
and therefore shrink
until life is a mere living death.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt


“A pale dead moon In a sky streaked with gray. Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles with frozen smiles to chase love away.”    – Neil Diamond

According to Mark Hyman, M.D., author of,
“The One Diet That Can Cure Most Disease”
If you are putting in your body toxic, sick, and fat,
processed industrial junk food,
sugar, flour, chemicals, additives, MSG,
high fructose corn syrup, trans fats,
artificial sweeteners, inflammatory foods,
these anti-nutrients act like poison in the body.
They inflame your gastrointestinal system
and your cells
leading to inflammation that you experience
as pain, allergies, headaches, fatigue,
and depression and weight gain, diabetes,
and heart disease.

Getting rid of industrial food, alcohol
(which is the excrement of bacteria – WAKE UP!),
and sugar (the FAVORITE food of CANCER)
and adding whole, real foods will get rid of
most common food allergens and sensitivities.

sunlight 2

             There is Beauty all around.

the ONLY way to truly heal chronic disease
is to get to the ROOT of the problem.

And to tackle the toughest diseases
is a simple change in diet.

I admit that I am so PROUD
of our students.
I admonish them daily
to stop drinking sugary drinks
and eating poisonous fast foods.
And to my great delight
they are listening
and proudly show me the healthy
lunches they are bringing to school
and ordering delivered.

The Miraculous Blessing that is Life.

THANK YOU for your support!
Keep pouring those soft drinks
down the drain.
And when you see a fast food so called restaurant,
the solution is simple,
as Alex so pointedly mentioned –
Not the brake!

The moment we're living is now.

 The moment we’re living is now.              

 It seems that the great truths are simple.

My dear friends,
our children listen to us
because they know
we LOVE them.
is the only reason
should listen to us.

or pretending to listen,
out of fear or intimidation,
will only lead to rebellion
and, for the politically bent,

Thoughts of Love flow into the Eternal Sea.

you can lead a horse to water.
But you cannot make him drink!
you can salt his oats!
Love is the salt
(you thought it was the sugar)
of a child’s motivation.
Love makes a child
thirsty for more and more

Now, what have you got better to do,
than to Love someone?

read more

Why do I write about Love so much? Because I Love to. And, because I Love you. And remember, Love is the answer to every question.

Love is the answer to every question.

and Good, Healthy Food
will cure almost anything.
And, if that is not enough,
try Prayer.
That’s called
Pure Love.

night sky

is highly recommended to help
reduce occasional inflammation

stemming from over-use of joints.

Turmeric is on the list
from our friends at Natural News
of top-recommended supplements of all time.
Some of the essential vitamins and nutrients
naturally found in turmeric include:
Vitamin C, Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, Calcium,
Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc
and other nutrients.

The antioxidants in turmeric, such as vitamin C and others,
come from active compounds within the spice
called curcumin.
Amazingly, curcumin may deliver antioxidants
which are up to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C,
and 3 times more potent
than grape seed or pine bark extract!*

Like a Beautiful and Wild Flower / Fossil Mania

sunset 1

“Some people got to sing
Some people got to sigh
Some people never see the light
Until the day they die.”
Neil Diamond

Clouds up close
Revealing the love hidden deep within the heart
can become seemingly impossible. But it is not.

bird on ringI have helped small birds back into their nests. Later, as I heard  their joyful sounds, I realized such brief, precious moments can reveal the love of life deeply held in such tiny and trembling hearts. These hearts are weighed down, not so much by misfortune or circumstance, but by apathy, by noticing nothing but the self, by constantly looking ahead and not seeing into this moment, by losing control of consciousness and neglecting the precious life that is all around, by living only inside of your own body and mind and not in the lives of those all around you.

Our trip on Friday was to the Modern Art Museum.

Our trip on Friday was to the Modern Art Museum.

In just one moment, you can suddenly realize that your happiness and your joy truly reside only in the hearts of others. The most miserable people on earth have only ever met themselves. They have only met their own personal desires and needs.

These truly sad people never realized that the physical and spiritual nature of our own reality tells us that we are one. We are woven from Fabric that is not just the same, but made by the same Maker in the same Pattern. They never noticed that when we breathe in, the plants breathe out, that when we smile, someone smiles back, that when we give to someone on their knees in need, our deepest inner needs are met. They never knew that when we extend our love to others, we are truly loved. They never discovered the simplistic and vital truth that we are truly one, just one, and only one.

The Modern was filled with amazingly beautiful creatures.

The Modern was filled with amazingly beautiful creatures.

My friends, there are nests everywhere. The fallen are at your feet. Their cries for help may never be heard, but they are there. These people, and all of God’s beautiful creations in need, may not be seen. But if you search for them, they will reveal themselves. SEEK and you will FIND (Matthew 7:7). Knock, and the door of opportunity to help so many others, will be opened to you.

And as you open this door, you will discover that your inner joy, the peace

We found joy in amazing places.

We found joy in amazing places and with unusual puppets.

that your heart so fervently desires, the reason for your being, resides on the other side of you. It lives in the song of a bird, in the laughter of someone else, in the lives of so many in need.

Reflections 2

The reflection of your life is more real than you are.

The reflection of your life is more real that you are.

It will live on long past your time on earth. You can become philosophical and peel the image of yourself off the mirror of life, and then give it to others. The world around you is a mirror. Look into it. Find yourself. And envision just how beautiful you are, as you more clearly see through the loving and grateful eyes of others.

God made you in His Image. You are the reflection of His deep and abiding Love. And you are so beautiful.

Lunch at the Modern was a beautiful experience.

Lunch at the Modern was a beautiful experience.

I invite you to witness a few acts of kindness caught on camera. (click here)

My friends, bound away across the wide expanse of yesterday, you have arrived upon the shores of this day. And the essence of your being is a miraculous discovery. Treasure it. Share it. Your heart, like a beautiful and wild flower, is planted in the fertile soil of God’s Eternal Love. Let it blossom. Let it be.

2014 Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented
Annual Conference
December 3 – 5 in Fort Worth, TX

T.A.G.T. 2014 will join together nearly 2,000 educators and parents who share a passion for gifted education! The annual conference will be taken to new heights December 3-5 at the Fort Worth Convention Center.

This unique experience features over 150 training sessions in 15 strands of designated subjects. T.A.G.T. is an approved provider of C.E. credit for educators, counselors, psychologists and school board members.

* Additionally, a one-day Parent Conference
will be held Friday, Dec. 5.

 Trip to Fossil Mania

Riley shows us how.

Riley and his capable assistant, Cole,  show us how –

Our destination for FRIDAY, October 24, 2014 is: The SOMERVELL COUNTY EXPO CENTER HIGHWAY 67 in GLEN ROSE, TEXAS to enjoy Fossil Mania. We will depart from the school at 9:00 a.m. to arrive at approximately 10:30 a.m. for a self-guided tour and a LATE LUNCH in Granbury. We will return around 3:30 p.m. Please be patient if we are late.

PLEASE have breakfast today. We will have a very late lunch.


– to charge a cell phone with a banana!

Fossil Mania is a highly motivating science project that can be enjoyed by the entire family. Friends, family and neighbors are invited join us.

FINANCIAL: No fee required.

LUNCH: Please provide funds for lunch & snacks & fossils.

GIFT SHOP: Parents may want to provide jobs around the house to let child(ren) earn money to spend. They will want to purchase something slightly older than Dr. A.

We reflect upon life's reflections.

We reflect upon life’s reflections.

Emergency Telelphone: 682-777-1908. The telephone may be out of range. Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required. Tuck your shirt in & wear a belt, and you will be allowed to act normal and participate.

Please do not make references about Dr. Anderson being an old fossil during this trip. He is sensitive & definitely not for sale, so please do not put price tags on him (especially if they are below 1 dollar). And thank you, Natalie, for the truth in advertising price tag in times gone by: “Priceless”.

No. They never grow up.

No. They never grow up.

Students are NOT to leave the Exposition Center or eatery at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride or use the restroom, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson. QUESTIONS? 817-448-8484.

Oct. 31
Ripley’s Believe It or Not / Palace of Wax
Nov. 1 Tuition Due for 2014-15
(Not including monthly payment plans)
Nov. 7
DFW New Auto Show in Fort Worth
Nov. 14
Civil War Museum (Try to avoid wearing BLUE)
Nov. 24-28 (Monday – Friday)
Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec. 3-5 (Wed.-Fri.)
Texas A.G.T. Conference (NO school)
Dec. 19
Last Day of Fall Semester
Jan. 23  Fort Worth Stock Show (It was called the FAT stock show. But, Dr. A lost a few pounds.)
April 28
Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition play is “Twelfth Night”)


The many moustaches of Ian.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n
Where precocious children are appreciated.