Love is the Salt / We are Just Collateral Damage on the Way to Someone’s Wealth / Turmeric

“Me, me, me”
often results in
“Oh, my, my, my.”
– Wm. C. Anderson


     Listen easy. You can hear God calling, walking barefoot by a stream.                           – Neil Diamond

Love can conquer all,
including the most dangerous psychiatric disorder
in the world and the third most common
chronic disorder among adolescents:

According to Abigail Natenshon, MA, LCSW, GCFP,
There are 11 million victims of anorexia and bulimia
just in American today,
87 percent of whom
are below the age of twenty.

Children as young as age five
are now reported to suffer from anorexia.

My dear parents,
the ONLY way to truly
prevent and heal chronic disease
is to get to the ROOT of the problem.
And Love is a prevention,
and Love is a cure,
and the LACK of Love
is often the cause.

You choose the pathway of life.

You choose the path of life.

 Research has now proven that
Love can cure this serious disorder.
The Beatles, like so many other insightful artists,
were beautifully conveying an Eternal Truth
when they sang,
“Love is all we need”.

Love is a missing factor
in the treatment of many diseases,
according to Walter Last, author of The Love Cure
for Cancer and other Diseases.
With cancer psychological therapy has been shown
to have a far greater success rate
than any other properly evaluated therapy.

Everything in Nature is a Celebration of Life.

Everything in Nature is a Celebration of Life. You are part of Nature. Are you celebrating?

Love is the opposite of fear.

Fear has a major negative impact on cancer patients.
There is also a close relationship between fears
. . . and breathing problems as well as heart disease.

Walter’s insights posit that
the most important factors
in restoring health and well being
are the twins of Love and Joy.

To see the Light in your Life, Look UP.

To see the Light in your Life, Look UP!

Breathing into the Heart

He recommends that whenever you meet someone,
or think of someone, smile and silently say:
“God bless you” while feeling a wave
of love or compassion radiating
from your heart center.

Another source of inspired spiritual insights
are the teachings of Abraham-Hicks.
Here are a few to share with you:
(Interestingly, these insights are
con-substantial with recent discoveries
in the field of particle physics.)

Your Love can spread like a dandelion gone to seed.

Your Love can spread like a dandelion gone to seed.

·        You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
The basis of your life is Freedom;
the purpose of your life is Joy.
are a creator; you create with your every thought.
Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
You are a creator of thought ways on your unique path of joy.
You cannot die; you are Everlasting Life.

Fast food is like WAR:

millions of people suffer and die
because it is very profitable.
We are just collateral damage
on the way to someone’s wealth.


Miracles can happen.
I happen to know this
because I am a Miracle.
And so are you.
So let’s stop destroying
the Miraculous Blessing
that is Life.

Elanor“It takes courage to love,
but pain through love is the purifying fire
which those who love generously know.
We all know people who are so much afraid of pain
that they shut themselves up like clams in a shell
and, giving out nothing, receive nothing
and therefore shrink
until life is a mere living death.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt


“A pale dead moon In a sky streaked with gray. Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles with frozen smiles to chase love away.”    – Neil Diamond

According to Mark Hyman, M.D., author of,
“The One Diet That Can Cure Most Disease”
If you are putting in your body toxic, sick, and fat,
processed industrial junk food,
sugar, flour, chemicals, additives, MSG,
high fructose corn syrup, trans fats,
artificial sweeteners, inflammatory foods,
these anti-nutrients act like poison in the body.
They inflame your gastrointestinal system
and your cells
leading to inflammation that you experience
as pain, allergies, headaches, fatigue,
and depression and weight gain, diabetes,
and heart disease.

Getting rid of industrial food, alcohol
(which is the excrement of bacteria – WAKE UP!),
and sugar (the FAVORITE food of CANCER)
and adding whole, real foods will get rid of
most common food allergens and sensitivities.

sunlight 2

             There is Beauty all around.

the ONLY way to truly heal chronic disease
is to get to the ROOT of the problem.

And to tackle the toughest diseases
is a simple change in diet.

I admit that I am so PROUD
of our students.
I admonish them daily
to stop drinking sugary drinks
and eating poisonous fast foods.
And to my great delight
they are listening
and proudly show me the healthy
lunches they are bringing to school
and ordering delivered.

The Miraculous Blessing that is Life.

THANK YOU for your support!
Keep pouring those soft drinks
down the drain.
And when you see a fast food so called restaurant,
the solution is simple,
as Alex so pointedly mentioned –
Not the brake!

The moment we're living is now.

 The moment we’re living is now.              

 It seems that the great truths are simple.

My dear friends,
our children listen to us
because they know
we LOVE them.
is the only reason
should listen to us.

or pretending to listen,
out of fear or intimidation,
will only lead to rebellion
and, for the politically bent,

Thoughts of Love flow into the Eternal Sea.

you can lead a horse to water.
But you cannot make him drink!
you can salt his oats!
Love is the salt
(you thought it was the sugar)
of a child’s motivation.
Love makes a child
thirsty for more and more

Now, what have you got better to do,
than to Love someone?

read more

Why do I write about Love so much? Because I Love to. And, because I Love you. And remember, Love is the answer to every question.

Love is the answer to every question.

and Good, Healthy Food
will cure almost anything.
And, if that is not enough,
try Prayer.
That’s called
Pure Love.

night sky

is highly recommended to help
reduce occasional inflammation

stemming from over-use of joints.

Turmeric is on the list
from our friends at Natural News
of top-recommended supplements of all time.
Some of the essential vitamins and nutrients
naturally found in turmeric include:
Vitamin C, Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, Calcium,
Manganese, Phosphorous, Potassium, Zinc
and other nutrients.

The antioxidants in turmeric, such as vitamin C and others,
come from active compounds within the spice
called curcumin.
Amazingly, curcumin may deliver antioxidants
which are up to 8 times stronger than vitamin E and vitamin C,
and 3 times more potent
than grape seed or pine bark extract!*