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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

God IS Loving You / 4 Essential Nutrients / School Calendar.

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The Beauty of
Mother Nature,
pulls you into Her
Loving Story.
are hypnotized and find ourselves
immersed in Her World,
our very own

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We find ourselves
on the sounds of Her Beautiful
Soft Voice.

It is Truly amazing
how Mother Nature can captivate us,
and remind us of the Beauty in Life
we so often overlook.
Such Beauty,
beyond imagination and description,
is a reminder to cherish and care for
our precious Planet

Nature Backgrounds HD Images - Wallpaper Cave.Immerse yourself
in God’s World
of Tranquility and Love,
as He Lights the Way
to Inner calm.
.God’s Beautifully crafted
is designed to enhance our awareness
of His Love,
and provide opportunities
for moments of relaxation.
Such moments
give us therapeutic effects,
and are perfect for relief
from stress.
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Let the gentle and inspiring 
Expressions of God’s Love
transport you to a place of Tranquility
in your Sacred Heart,
where problems of the day
fade away
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The memories
of when you were young
can be back again.
So calming and Beautiful.
in your Time.
And this
your Time.
those who suffer
and support those in need.
In this way
will you be Truly Free,
by making others Free,
giving them strength to face Life,
in a world made of
Values ​​
and not of money.
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“For the invisible things of Him (God)
from the Creation of the World are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His Eternal Power and Godhead;
so that they are without excuse.”

Romans 1:20
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How Beautiful
are the scenes of Nature.
How Beautiful
everything is,
as it Blesses us from His Universe.
Created everything
for us
to see and hear and feel.
He Created the Lovely Animals
for us all to Cherish.
are Truly Blessed.
 Let us be
very Grateful for the Universe
has Gifted to us
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The Love of God
resonates in the majestic Mountains
and deep in His Forests,
bringing Peace to the Soul.
Spiritual Power
resides in the rhythm of the Soul,
in the whispers of the wind,
which lead us to a state of Harmony
with His Universe.
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Let the Beautiful Sights and Sounds
of Nature
 take you on a Spiritual Journey.
Let the Natural World
introduce you to the Life of the Birds,
and all of God’s Creations.
Such Beauty
will fill your Sacred Soul
and help you to find Calm and Serenity

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Open your eyes,
open your Heart,
and see and feel how much
Loving you.
He is Sad
to see you suffering.
And He Hears
when you Pray to Him.

“But know that the Lord
has set apart the Godly man for Himself;
The Lord hears when I call to Him.”
Psalm 4:3

with an open Heart.
He has Told us,
there will be hardship in this World,
He will be with you
and He will Walk with you
until end of this World.
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Lo, I am with you

Matthew 28:20
Aspen trees
are joined by the same root,
all of them.
Just like we are joined
by the same Root of
Inner Peace.
And Thank the Lord
for this Wonderful Life. 
It is a bridge
to the Heavens
showing us the answers
are inside of us,
all along.
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The Feeling and the Story
your Love tells,
is the salt of tears,
the wetness of tears,
the wishing and hoping,
the Dreams of Love,
the hidden feelings of 
the Heart.
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is a pure and exquisite experience.
transcends boundaries,
effortlessly weaving intricate melodies
that reach deep within our Souls.
Our Love
tells a Story,
painted with vivid emotions.
 It speaks a Universal Language,
touching Hearts and soothing minds.
Your Love
creates a serene and captivating
that one can immerse themselves in,
and find solace and Beauty
in every precious moment.


4 essential nutrients — are you getting enough?

By , Executive Editor, Harvard Men’s Health Watch

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men’s Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio
View all posts by Matthew Solan
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is Beautiful.

The Sacred Gift of This Moment / Best Piece Of Advice / School Calendar.

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There is
so much Love and Truth
in this Life.
Close your eyes,
calm your mind.
Open your Heart.
in this Life.

The Love you feel in this World
is God’s Light,
God’s Love,
His Beauty.

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The Love of God
help you
escape the chaos of the day,
and find Inner Peace.
His Love
is like a warm Embrace
for the body, mind
and Soul.
Such Love takes away
worries and stress.

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To become aware
of His Deep and Abiding
is the most Beautiful and deeply Personal
experience in Life.
It transcends any notion of Soulfulness
we could ever imagine.
It will always move
your Heart and Soul.

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is so Beautiful because
it transports you internally
into another state of mind and Heart,
giving you
from worries and problems.
It helps you
to slow down, clear the mind,
and focus on the Sacred Gift
of this moment.

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soothes your Soul
to a quiet, Peaceful rest.
Take the Time
and look at the exhilarating Scenery
presented in God’s Natural

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Such Sacred Beauty
is Perfect
to Heal your troubled mind
and Bless your Heart.
have cried a River
of Healing.

Our Beautiful, Natural World
is so calming and soothing.
will come to Love
how your Heart seems to ebb and flow,
like the gentle waves of the Ocean.
can feel your worries and stress
melting away.

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A walk
among the Flowers and Trees
will inspire Creativity,
and provide an escape
from the everyday hectic pace
of Life.
Just Relax
and Love it.

God’s Love
is never lost to you,
only Hidden,
in the Forests
of your mind,
in the Forests
of His Beautiful World.

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Your Heartbeat
can slow down
to match the rhythm and the tempo
of our Natural World.
can feel serene, Peaceful,
and very much
“For the invisible things of God
from the Creation of the World are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His Eternal Power and Godhead.”
Romans 1:20

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It has become
a sad reality of this new World
where technology and instant gratification
The Train
is steaming full tilt
to the cliff’s edge
with no one seemingly at the controls,
except those manipulating Life
for their own greed.
Faith, Integrity and Honor
are given less respect

The Most Beautiful Things In The World | "If you stand in fr… | Flickr

It is not
the World we grew up in.
There is an aggressive and dark
to it now.

you are feeling all alone,
in the dark of this day,
with only a single candle Light of Hope
to brighten the darkness,

God is Listening

Quite possibly the most beautiful thing ever. : pics.A Song 
will be born
deep within your Heart.
I Pray
you will listen to this Song.
 With this Song
you will be carried
to a Peaceful Place,
with a Smile
on your Face.
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Remember God’s Promise
the Promise of Eternal Life,
the Promise of Eternal Joy.
 At the end 
of a storm,
one sees a Rainbow,
and remembers the Promise.
of Hope.

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45 People Share The Best Piece Of Advice

They’ve Ever Heard

Mt. Hood Territory

1. On giving excuses.

Don’t ruin a good apology with an excuse.

2. On comparing.

If you keep comparing your life to someone else’s you will never be happy.

3. On “hoping.”

“Hope is not a strategy.

My dad says this whenever someone says “I hope this works out” or something.

Pretty much it means you can’t rely on something working out, if you want it to work do something to make it happen!

4. On saving.

Always save 10% of what you earn.

5. On toilets.

Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.

6. On manners.

Make eye contact when shaking hands.

7. On college.

My dad gave me this piece of advice before I left for college: “Treat it like a job. Work 9 to 5, going to classes, then studying in a quiet spot in the library. Nothing to do? Work ahead on papers and assignments.” I did as he directed from the first day after orientation. I never pulled an all-nighter writing a paper or studying for exams. I never missed a class. College wasn’t a stressful experience for me, despite being in a competitive major. I graduated with a 3.83.

8. On priorities.

Don’t give up what you want most for what you want now.

9. On taking photos.

When you’re on vacation, take pictures of all the amazing places you see, sure, but make sure you or your friends are in the photos too. In 20 years when you look back at them, you’re not going to care about the Eiffel Tower, you’re going to care about the people you love standing in front of it.

10. Don’t brag.

Don’t boast about your abilities, if they are good enough, people will do the talking for you.

11. A simple maxim.

Do no harm.

12. Not everything is as it seems.

Once on a farm there was a bird. The bird would follow a cow around, and when the cow went, the bird would eat the seeds. One day the bird got too close and the cow did it all over him. An old barn cat saw this and came over and cleaned off the bird. As soon as the bird was nice and clean the cat ate him. Not everyone that craps on you is your enemy, not everything that cleans you off is your friend.

13. On vocabulary.

Your thoughts are limited by your vocabulary.

14. On worshipping.

I actually read this one on Reddit: “the moment you place someone on a pedestal they will look down upon you.

15. Always fact-check.

Trust, but verify.

16. Advice given on the day of his death.

“Don’t forget, your life is what you live it. Live it with no regret.” ~My grandpa the day he passed away.

17. Don’t overstep your boundaries.

If it’s wet and it’s not yours, don’t touch it.

18. Don’t give undue respect.

Never treat someone like a priority when that someone treats you like you’re an option.

Also, the grass is always greener where you water it.

19. On being critical of others.

In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I have been turning over in my mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.

20. On love.

Love is action. If you love someone you show them rather than only tell them. Learned from my interpersonal relationships professor in college.

21. Be patient.

Get it working first, then make enhancements.

22. On insecurities.

Stop being self-conscious. Nobody is paying any attention to you. Everyone is paying more attention to themselves.

23. On the importance of setting aspirations.

You need to have goals in your Life.

“If you live without dreams, without hope, you will move through life in a very hollow way” Richard Boyatzis.

24. On worrying.

If you spend today worrying about tomorrow, you’ll never be happy.

25. Advice from Tom Wolfe.

I saw Tom Wolfe speak once and he said this, which I will never forget: Everyone has one great novel in them it is the story of your life. The problem is that second one. No one wants to read about the author who wrote one great novel and is trying to figure out what to do next. Go out, experience the world, learn about new and interesting subjects.

26. On your past.

Draw from your past, don’t let your past draw from you.

27. On respect.

Respect is not a thing that comes through name, profession or money, respect is something earned through the things you do and the way you live.

28. On learning.

Surround yourself by people smarter than you and better at your job than you. It’s the best way to learn.

29. Relationship advice.

When it comes to your S/O, pick your battles. You can’t win them all.

30. Everything’s relative.

You may have it tough, but there’s always someone out there who has it worse. And they certainly don’t plan on giving up.

32. Don’t be too presumptuous.

Always treat a gun like it’s loaded.

It’s just so applicable to other parts of life.

33. On promises.

There is nothing more worthless than a promise. Never accept one.

34. On thinking ahead.

Don’t point out a problem unless you have a better solution.

35. On drinking.

Don’t drink when you’re upset, it’ll become a trend.

36. Be wary.

You’re only seeing everyone else’s highlight reel.

37. On forgiveness.

I’ve quoted this before and I’ll quote it again. It was given to me by a soccer coach at a summer camp I went to when I was a kid. I was super mad at this other kid and the coach pulls me aside, looks me in the eyes and says, “Forgiveness is Freedom”. I clearly remember it to this day.

38. On giving up.

Giving up is always easier than holding on. Funny how people have the courage to miss out the potential and start all over again. Usually repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

Don’t give up yet.

39. On maintaining health.

Take care of your health, it’s the best thing you own.

40. On time.

If you have time to do it wrong, you have time to do it again.

41. Always look where you’re going.

Don’t look down at your feet when you’re walking, look up instead. See the horizon. See the world.

42. On unneeded distractions.

“Don’t worry about what they’re doing, worry about what you’re doing” – My aunt, while teaching me how to drive. But I find it applicable pretty much everywhere.

43. On revenge.

Living well is the best revenge.

44. On taking responsibility.

My kindergarten teacher changed my mindset forever when she asked where my backpack was. I told her, “Mommy forgot my backpack.” To which she replied, “Whose backpack?” I didn’t even need to respond. Those two words gave me so much insight into what it means to take responsibility for your own actions. I also learned firsthand why you should never touch your eyes after handling chili peppers.

45. Never reveal too much.

Never write down anything you wouldn’t want read in court.








What is Life all about? / For All Who Need Comfort / Friday: Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

             Every animal has a purpose.

What is Life all about?
Why are we here?
What is our purpose for existence?

Our search for meaning
has resulted in much speculation,
philosophical dialog and theological introspection
throughout all of our
brief history.

We can never know
the purpose for which God
intended when He created us,
without the realization
that the purpose
is far
greater than


                    The purity of Truth.

Humans have very brief and finite Life spans.

Every Living thing fades in and out of existence
at a given time.
And the knowledge
of our circumstance of being,
may or may not ever
be attained.

the enormity of our need,
of our strong desire for Truth,
crashes over us
like a tidal wave,
and we become paralyzed
in thought and confusion
between our fragile Human emotions
and the Soulful Truth.

doubt and unknowing
leaves us vulnerable and separated
from our deeper selves.
We so desperately long
to stand on the purity
of Truth.
Depressive circumstances
may cause us to fall hard
from a state of Grace
and back into the delusion
of the moment.

                 The purpose is far greater.

My Precious Friends,
the Holy Bible

shows that our purpose in Life
is simple.
And it is to know and Love

The fundamental Truth
that the Word of God reveals
is that God is our Creator.
“It is God that has made us,
and not we ourselves.”
Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11

And God
makes everything with a purpose.
Every plant and every animal
has a purpose.
If you are alive,
God has a purpose for you
and for your precious Life.

“. . . for everything, absolutely everything,
above and below, visible and invisible,
everything got started in Him
and finds its purpose in Him.”
Colossians 1:16

                        Every plant has a purpose.

The meaning of our Life
can be derived from contemplation
of our consciousness,
and, most importantly,
our happiness.

Some scientists
have believed that our consciousness,
like space-time, permits our perceptions
to become as real as,
or even more real
than even the material World.
we create
our own reality.

And maybe,
this ability, or disability, of perception
emanates from a number of dimensions
we are not aware of.
Quantum theory,
in attempting to explain such properties of the mind,
puts forth the idea that our free will
is an alternative to

Scientists have now even proposed
the existence of a
Cosmic consciousness.

And so,
around and around
we go.
Unable to explain,
what the Bible tells us so,
about the Existence
of God,
the Cosmic Consciousness.

The Word of God
teaches that everyone knows God,
because God has revealed Himself to all
(Romans 1:19).
In fact,
the Bible tells us that God’s existence
is so obvious that anyone
who suppresses this Truth
is “without excuse”
(Romans 1:20).

Our Cosmic Consciousness,
our Beloved Lord our God,
is the
“Ground of all Being”.

to real World.


Cosmic Consciousness — Quantum Physics’ Missing Link

Does a greater form of consciousness exist? Quantum physics leads to a possibility where cosmic consciousness becomes a reality.

One of the most important questions of the 21st century: Is there such a thing as a higher form of consciousness?

For those who believe to have experienced God directly, the question is spiritual in nature, with a definitive answer. However, for the rest, it is a hypothetical question.

All religious or spiritual tradition teaches of a concealed reality that can be achieved through the transcendence of the five senses. They even give directions for accomplishing this feat, such as Faith, Prayer, meditation, etc.

For those whose belief has eroded, the question seems forgotten if not irrelevant.

Understanding Cosmic Consciousness

On a different note, quantum physics has radically changed the understanding of the Universe. Despite the incredible growth in our understanding, all of this is theoretical and hidden from the human senses.

So, according to our current understanding, the only obstacle in demystifying creations, Spirituality, and science is a missing dimension — at least one we don’t know about. Without this dimension, explaining human existence would be impossible.

People have always associated religion with Spirituality, which isn’t entirely true. One can leave organized religion behind and still remain Spiritual.

The reality that is still hidden from us is the higher consciousness itself. To be able to see it, higher consciousness must become an everyday experience.

Quantum Theory and Cosmology

Let’s take a brief look at Quantum theory. According to the theory, we live in a participatory universe. Even though we consider our everyday reality to be an external reality, it actually is variable based on our perception.

Moreover, the theory explains quantum vacuum, which is essentially an emptiness that exists beyond what we can see (i.e. atoms and molecules).

The theory of cosmology, which is based on Einstein’s general relativity states that the universe started some 12.5 billion years ago. The earliest period of time in the history of our universe is called the Planck era, which is the state where everything is so minuscule that it cannot be further broken down.

Then came the phase of general expansion through which matter, galaxies, planets, and biological life came into this existence that we are familiar with. Since then, everything has been constantly expanding and evolving.

With an understanding of space and time, we are forced to believe that even our brain operates in space and time. So, if the universe really is participatory, our consciousness must also be participating on the quantum level.

This is possible because the ever expanding source of every particle and the newly discovered anti-particle must also be the source of our brain. Since everything comes from the same origin but with different time frames, it is constantly involved in a participatory manner, hence the creations, maintenance, and re-absorption of virtual particles.

This is where the missing link makes sense. Physics need quantum vacuum for a lot of reasons that make theoretical sense.

However, in terms of how we perceive our physical reality, life goes on quite nicely even without the existence of quantum mechanics. So, since we understand that everything that exists depends upon quantum vacuum, our belief that we are exclusive to that rule must be incorrect.

Hence, transcending beyond the five senses — which previously applied only to mystics and sages — is now relevant to literally everyone. These mystics found the answers to so many questions even before the scientific community: cosmic consciousness is the missing link.

Now, at this point, we are faced with the strangeness of quantum physics and its implications on our understanding of the universe.

The thought that even we are a part of this inconceivable reality — where all consciousness becomes one — may sound a bit strange or even misguided, but please keep in mind that our understanding of the world is increasing at an exponential rate and this seems to be confusing us.

If you consider the quantum field theory to be correct, then you subscribe to the belief that spirituality may have been the hidden link all along. And such a belief will, literally, change the way we live our lives,
as Spirituality becomes a huge part of us.


Although, the causations made by Deepak Chopra may not have been proven empirically, the existence of a cosmic consciousness seems today like a possible reality, one that has started to appeal to a wider demographic.

But the concept is still in its infancy and, therefore, needs to be extensively implemented and practiced with before we can experience the latent power held within our spiritual side.

Rest In Peace

by Libera

For all who need comfort,

for all those who mourn.

All those whom we cherished will be reborn

All those whom we Love but see no more

They are not perished, but gone before

And lie in the tender arms of He

Who died for us all to set us free

From hatred and anger and cruel tyranny.

May they rest in peace, and rise in glory

All suffering and sorrow will be no more

They’ll vanish like shadows at Heaven’s Door.

All anguish and grieving will one day be healed

When all of God’s purpose will be revealed.

Though now for a season lost from sight

The innocent slain in the blindness of right

Are now in the warmth of God’s Glorious Light

Where they rest in peace, and rise in Glory.

Lord give me wisdom to comprehend

Why I survive and not my friend

And teach me compassion so I may live,

All my enemies to forgive.

For all who need comfort, for all who mourn

All those whom we cherished will be reborn.

All those whom we Love but see no more

They are not perished, but gone before

And Lord keep them safe in your Embrace

And fill their Souls with your good Grace.

For now they see you face to Face.

Where they rest in peace, and rise in glory.

The Embrace of Enduring Love
    – by Wm. C. Anderson

Among all the precious moments
Blended with the swirling stars,
When was there time,
Time to say goodbye?

Never, never in recorded time
That erases the pulsing sky.
Never, even in the moment
Chosen for us to die.

Never found in every sound
That asks where or why.
Never will there be time,
Time to say goodbye.

Farewell is not a pathway
Nor portal through this day,
One cannot bid goodbye to Love.
No parting stays today.

In the Embrace of Enduring Love
God does not forsake tomorrow.
He paves our solitary path with Love,
That leads me past my sorrow.

To places in my heart.
Forever alive, forever in Love,
Forever felt beyond farewell,
Forever in His Embrace from Above.

In Philosophy this week:

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Feb. 1                                               Tuition Deposit was due for 2019-2020

Mar. 8 (Friday)                                  Texas Storytelling Festival in Denton

Mar. 11 – 15                                       Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)                Good Friday & Easter Holidays

April 30, (Tuesday)                            Scarborough Renaissance Festival

May 1                                                 Tuition balance due for 2019-2020

May 20                                               Prep. Day for Adventure Trip        …………………………………………………….(no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles
are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

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allowance is made for “fair use”
for purposes such as criticism, comment,
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Fair use is permitted by copyright statute.
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The Anderson Private School.