God’s Love is Painted in the Sky / Five Positive Effects of Kindness / Friday Trip: F. W. ZOO

            God’s Love is painted in the Sky.

is what you contemplate,
when Pray you speak
and peer through Heaven’s Gate,
to find the Soul
filled with Love,
and your Spirit
set free
of all hate.

“You will seek me and find me
when you seek me
with all your Heart.”

– Jeremiah 29:13

When Home
we should have been
and tomorrow
is too late,
arrives just in time,
to be all
and celebrate.

is but a brief moment
in space,
only one
singular, very tiny speck
in Time,
but a mere trace.
But YOU,
by the Grace
of One Infinitely
in Love,
will find Time
never reaching an

     His Love sets in the evening of your Heart.

God’s Love
is painted in the Sky,
and in the teardrops of joy
in your eyes,
in the Greatest Story
ever told,
and in the arms
of those
you wanted to hold,
who will never
let you go.

God keeps
the Promise of Morning,
as the Glow of His Love
sets in the evening of your

There is nothing
more Beautiful
than when
His Work is done,
and celebration
is in the setting Sun.
To behold such Beauty
and bask in the Glory
when day is done,
is exactly
where you belong.

He signs
each Work of Art
that is our day.
His Signature in the Sky
is Beauty only equaled
by you or I.

Remember this day,
the Gift God gave to you,
and Pray.
And always know,
there is no longing
for the past,
when you live
in someone’s Heart

Who we are
and all we know,
we can choose to give away,
so that we may
forever live
in the Heart of another,
and begin our journey

through Eternity
to find a dream

come true.

Let you Heart
govern your head,
and bid farewell
to all the things
you do not

“Morning glory and midnight sun.
Time we’ve learned to sail above.
Time won’t change
the meaning of one Love

Ageless and ever,

– Barbra Streisand, Paul H. Williams

Many a graveyard
is filled
with thoughts
steeped in deep
But nary a one
passed on.


Immortality is born
  of the vision and the fire
and the memory of you
inside the Heart
of someone
you deeply Love.

“Would you believe me,
if I told you
my yesterday
is your tomorrow.”
Maurice Gibb, Robin Gibb, Barry Gibb

I make my own journey
through Eternity.

I keep the memory inside

To fulfill your destiny,
find the child within
and never, ever
say goodbye.


Five Positive Effects of Kindness
by David Hamilton, Ph.D.
read more

1. Kindness makes us happier. Dr. Hamilton found that when we do something kind for someone else, we not only feel good, we tap into something deep and profound inside of us that says, “This is who I am.” Biochemically, levels of the brain’s natural versions of morphine, which we know as endogenous opioids, are increased. They cause elevated levels of dopamine in the brain and so we get a natural high, often referred to as “Helper’s High.”

2. Kindness gives us healthier Hearts. Acts of kindness are often accompanied by emotional warmth, which produces the hormone oxytocin in the brain and throughout the body. It plays a significant role in cardiovascular health, causing the release of nitric oxide, which dilates (expands) the blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure.

3. Kindness slows aging. Two culprits that speed the aging process are free radicals and Inflammation – both of which can result from making unhealthy lifestyle choices. Remarkable research shows that oxytocin reduces levels of free radicals and inflammation and slows aging at the root level. Also free radicals and inflammation play a major role in heart disease, so this is another reason kindness is good for the Heart.

There have also been references in scientific journals regarding the strong link between compassion and the activity of the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve, as well as regulating heart rate, also controls inflammation levels in the body.

4. Kindness improves relationships. Kindness reduces the emotional distance between people causing us to feel more “bonded.” It’s something that is so strong in us that it affects us at the genetic level. We are wired for kindness. The stronger the emotional bonds within groups, the greater the chances of survival, and so ‘kindness genes’ were etched into the human genome. When we are kind to each other, we feel a connection and new relationships are forged, or existing ones are strengthened.

5. Kindness is contagious. When we’re kind, we inspire others to be kind. Studies show that it actually creates a ripple effect that spreads outward to our friends and beyond – to “3 degrees of separation.” Just as a pebble creates waves when it is dropped into a pond, so acts of kindness ripple outward touching others’ lives and inspiring kindness everywhere the wave goes.

An Amazing Story of Kindness
When A.J. Star met former University of Alabama quarterback A J McCarron, his life changed forever – from despair to belonging and purpose. Through one act of kindness by McCarron, a disabled young man’s life was forever changed.  We are indeed “our brother’s keeper.”  It may take us out of our way a bit or cost us a little time and effort,
but this is what Life is all about – Loving others.

Cherie Calbom, M.S., C.N., is the author of 24 books, including The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Allergies and Asthma, The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue, The Juice Lady’s Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies and Juicing, Fasting and Detoxing for Life. She has devoted her life to teaching people how to care for their bodies so they might complete their destiny. For more information, visit her at juiceladycherie.com.

For the original article, visit juiceladycherie.com.

In Philosophy this week:

The Living Matrix
A thought is an actual physical energy.
Our thoughts create our body moment by moment.
Belief is the body’s strongest medicine.
The field is the invisible energy force around us.
Matter is ultimately determined by the field.
The HEART is the Emperor.
The placebo effect
Neuro-Linguistic Programming


“The Biology of Belief”
by Bruce Lipton

“The Field
is the governing agency
of the particle.”
– Albert Einstein


Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

The Light You Shine / Creating a Sleeping Sanctuary / Atex Trash Service / Friday: Fort Worth Zoo


You are proof that God exists.

The light and the dark
of our brief time on Earth,
reflect the nature of existence.
One we cannot have,
or even recognize,
without the other.

emanates from knowing
the Blessings of both
find us
within their embrace.

are unified by truly
recognizing the Gifts
contained in both.
We come to appreciate
the protection and comfort
of darkness,
the safety and security
of Life –
starting in the womb,
continuing with the Peace
of restful sleep,
and ending
in the Warm Embrace
of God,
as we pass
through the darkness
and enter
into the Eternal Light
of His Love.

My Dear Friends,
our Blessings on Earth
are seldom recognized,
often never viewed.


When others
find themselves surrounded
by darkness,
know in your Heart,
you are the message of God,
are His Light.

“God is Light,
and it is His plan
that believers shine forth
His Light.”
– 1 John 1:5

Your Life
has purpose,
a much deeper meaning
than can prevail
in the understanding
of a mortal
Human being.

For the Light
of God’s Love
comes through


The Light also falls upon YOU.

We have nothing to fear,
if only we will look
into the precious lives
of each other
and discover the Sacred Light
they contain.
The Light born of
Eternal Love.

My Friends,
are gifted
of each other.

Every hardship,
every day in darkness,
every loss of courage and hope,
every movement
to the depths of despair,
can be a Blessing
for YOU
to become aware,
to become a friend,
to give what you can,
to share.

taylor-b“When you’re down and troubled
And you need some love and care
And nothing,
nothing is going right,

Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night.

If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you’ll hear me knocking at your door.”
James Taylor

in the absence
of Love,
we know Love
We come to see
what should be,
but does not


               YOU are His Light.

“Everything I have is yours.
I would gladly give the sun to you,
If the sun were only mine.
I would gladly give the Earth to you,
And the stars that shine.”
Harold Adamson & Burton Lane

are the greatest Blessing
that God can give
in the precious Life
of someone in need.
are proof
that God

Let the Love of God
flow through you.
YOU will feel
His Love.
You will come to know
that you
are His Child.

The Light
you shine upon others,
also falls
upon YOU.

and it shall be given unto YOU;
good measure, pressed down, and shaken together,
and running over,
shall men give into YOUR bosom.
For with the same measure
that ye mete withal
it shall be measured
to YOU

Luke 6:38 

will reign
no more
in the Life of
And your Life
will shine
forever more.

And Love –
Love will become



5 easy Steps to Creating a Sleeping Sanctuary:
from our friends at:
The International Institute for Building-Biology and Ecology

Subscribe to their free newsletter.

In the typical sleeping area, electrical exposure from external sources (live electrical wiring in ceilings, walls and floors) is thousands of times stronger than the body’s own electrical system. Long-term exposure to these high level electric fields can impair the body’s ability to communicate within itself and impact health. The average person spends approximately 1/3 of their life sleeping. Doesn’t it make sense to reduce exposure to electric fields in our sleeping areas?

Some people develop symptoms when they experience long-term exposure, especially at night, to elevated levels of electricity, such as: headaches, hyperactivity, nightmares, depression, fatigue, eyestrain, and muscle cramps.

Use battery-powered clocks near the bed: Research has shown exposure to high magnetic fields while sleeping can cause severe long-term illness.  Many electric clocks produce high magnetic fields.

Turn off bedroom-affecting circuits: A restful sleep is necessary for health and a strong immune system.  Electric fields affect you bio-communications, keeping you from sleeping soundly.

Eliminate, minimize, or shield from RF: Radio frequency (RF) signals from portable phones, cell phones, and wireless devices have been shown to interfere with the body’s immune system. (Friends, let’s keep these devices in a place other than the bedroom. Try placing them in a room you simply are not in for any appreciable amount of time.)

Use beds without metal: Metal frames and metal box springs can amplify and distort the earth’s natural magnetic field, which can lead to a non-restful sleep. Use natural materials.

Make sure there are no elevated magnetic fields: Magnetic fields from appliances and building wiring can penetrate walls into a bedroom and disrupt the body’s communication system.

For a more thorough understanding of issues and practices related to creating sleeping sanctuaries in your home, you are encouraged to view their free videos: Nursery Air Quality and Your Baby’s Nursery by clicking here.

The information and solutions contained therein apply crucially to newborns and children, whose skulls are thinner and immune systems are not yet fully developed, as well as to adults.

read more


Your Life will shine forever more.

Please allow me to highly recommend:
Atex Trash Service

This WONDERFUL Family Owned and Operated community service has an outstanding reputation. They truly take care of the community that we live in. They are locally owned and offer very dependable service. I can personally attest to that. There is no contract, no hidden fees (you know, for a dumpster, etc.) Nobody works harder for their customers and for our Community! I cannot recommend anyone more highly than this hard working, beautiful family. I am truly proud to call them my friends and neighbors. And so will you!

Thank you
Tim Green and family for all you do.
You are sincerely appreciated.

Atex Trash Service can be reached at 817-344-8464.
Please give them a call.

Let’s support our family owned, family operated businesses.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”. atex


What is the Meaning? / C. S. Lewis / Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking / Fall Break This Week


In the midnight quiet
of a railway station,
a little boy
sits quietly,
almost all alone,
waiting on
the Rock Island Line,
with just his precious
Mother’s voice
to soften the hard edges
of the hardwood bench,
the crisp night air,
the reflecting, echoing walls,

And I discover
with the Love
of a Mother,
nothing else
in Life
truly matters.

Marie 5

Marie Anderson

And her precious Life
echoes back:

“If I never
would have lived,
I could not
is proof of
And Life,
my Son,
is proof of Love.”


       Death is proof of Life.

“When I am down
and, oh my soul, so weary;

When troubles come
and my Heart burdened be;

Then, I am still
and wait here in the silence,

Until you come
and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up,
so I can stand on mountains;

You raise me up,
to walk on stormy seas;

I am strong,
when I am on your shoulders;

You raise me up
To more than I can be.”
Brendan Graham


        What is the meaning?

My Dear Friends,

Life is bittersweet
and can be filled
with despair.

Upon a razor’s edge
are we cast
onto the stage
of a Magnificent Day,
that can quickly become
a long night
to stay.

As our minds reflect
upon Human misery,
the mirror of our awareness
shows the World can be
a terrible place.
The History
of the Human race
depicts something far less
than Humanity.

And the fear of death,
not knowing where we go,
or what takes place
after we tell
the brief story of our Life,
can become worse
than death itself.


                  Be at Peace.

What is the meaning
of the songs our Lives sing,
the sad and Joyous lyrics
that surround and abound?
Did anyone hear them?
Where did they go?
Into the vast Void,
the unknown and empty space
all around

We become very reflective
of life wandering,

by the Grace of God,
one day we discover
that what lies within
becomes the only
journey we ever
really make.

is far beyond
what we can ever


            What is Existence?

My Friends,
simply cannot exist!

This metaphysical concept
about the structure and nature of Reality,
points to a fundamental question:

What is Existence?

Greek philosophers long ago addressed this question.
They observed that nothingness (non-existence)
is self-contradictory.
There must be something in reality
that necessarily exists.
Everything in existence cannot just be
or cease to be.
There was never a time in the past
in which there was nothing in existence at all.
Something cannot come from nothing.
There must be something that always existed.

“And the LORD God
formed man
of the dust of the ground.”
– Genesis 2:7

This fundamental Philosophical question
continues to be explored
and is known as Ontology
(the study of Reality or Being).


         All of Nature is good.

perfectly answers
this ontological prerogative.
He provides the Source of Being
necessary to existence.

The Laws of Thermodynamics
are simple and straight forward:
matter cannot be created or destroyed
There is a necessary structure
to the Universe.
Some aspect of it
is necessary to existence

Augustine explained
the Idea of God,
of Being.
The result is a Powerful
and truly Beautiful Conception of Reality.
Understanding his treatise,
alternatively titled,
“Faith, Hope, and Love”,
can provide insight and comfort
for our overly burdened, doubtful
and weary minds.


Something cannot come from nothing.

“All of nature, therefore, is good,
since the Creator of all nature
is Supremely Good.
But nature
is not supremely and immutably good

as is the Creator of it.
Thus the good in created things
can be diminished and augmented.”
– from the Enchiridion by Augustine


Augustine stands as the last Patristic

and the first medieval Father of Western Christianity.
He gathered together and conserved all the

main motifs of Latin Christianity
from Tertullian to Ambrose;
he appropriated the heritage of

Nicene orthodoxy;
he was a Chalcedonian before Chalcedon
– and he drew all this into an

unsystematic synthesis
which is still our best mirror
of the Heart and mind of the Christian
community in the Roman Empire.

His essentially conservative genius
recast the Patristic tradition
into the new pattern by which European Christianity
would be largely shaped and who,

wrought out the first comprehensive
“Philosophy of History.”

Professor of Theology
Perkins School of Theology
Southern Methodist University

read more


We become very reflective.

 There is no such thing as
Everything is something.
Nothing is nothing.
Man lives more by affirmation
than by bread.
Victor Hugo

One day,
we discover
in a singular precious moment,
We find the essence
of our Being
in the reflection
of someone’s eyes,
all the Love
we have known,
all the caring
we have shown,
all our Hopes,
all our Dreams.

We see the whole Universe
in a teardrop
of Joy,
from one who Loves us,
more than Life,
more than the moment.


The essence of our Being.

When it all goes wrong,
our lives
seek shelter.
And within the Loving Heart
of another,
the storms that rage
all around
cannot be heard,
can never even be felt,
beyond the Loving arms
of someone’s embrace.

“When blackness was a virtue, bobdylan-b
the road was full of mud.

I came in from the wilderness
a creature void of form

“Come in,” she said,
“I’ll give you
shelter from the storm.”

– Bob Dylan

C.S. Lewis left his childhood Christian faith
to spend years as a determined atheist.
After finally admitting God existed,
Lewis gave in and knelt in prayer
to become what he described later as
“the most dejected and reluctant convert
in all England.”

Lewis’s long journey away from, and back to,
began with his mother’s death from cancer
when he was a boy.
Disillusioned that God had not healed his mother,
Lewis set out on a path toward
full-bodied rationalism and atheism.

The road back to Faith
was cluttered with obstacles
Lewis once thought impossible to overcome.
His conversion to a robust Christianity
required years of intellectual struggle
and came only after being convinced
that faith was reasonable.

The journey of C.S. Lewis,
perhaps the greatest defender of the faith
of the twentieth century,
provides valuable lessons for Christians today
in sharing the Gospel
with an unbelieving generation.

Lewis spoke and wrote often of
a deep longing of the human heart
this world cannot satisfy,
and presented it as
evidence for God.

was a recurring experience for Lewis
as a child and adolescent
and came to him through
and music.

C. S. Lewis made a case for God
by arguing that every natural, innate desire
corresponds to some real object
that can fulfill that desire.
Since humans desire something
this world cannot satisfy,
something exists outside this earthly world
that can satisfy –

Lewis addressed this basic human desire
allegorically in The Pilgrim’s Regress,
autobiographically in Surprised by Joy,
reasonably in Mere Christianity,
and in sermon in The Weight of Glory.

“If I find in myself a desire
which no experience in this world can satisfy,
the most probable explanation
is that I was made for another world.
(Mere Christianity, 120)

“Christians must present the Faith
as fulfilling our deepest desires.
We too often present Christianity
as merely a Philosophical system,
or the conclusion to a string of inferences
made based upon Scripture,
but the Salvation promised us in Scripture
applies to the whole person.”
– C. S. Lewis

My Dear Friends,
I cannot recommend anyone
more highly
than C. S. Lewis
to provide shelter
from the raging storms of doubt.
Please click here to
read more


              C. S. Lewis

In the inner Core
of our Souls,
we find Faith.

You cannot doubt
you exist,
because you exist
to doubt.

Do not doubt
that God Loves you.
He Loves you
enough to liberate your mind
to doubt.
He Loves you enough
to let your precious Heart
show you the way
to His Heart.

Be at Peace
My Friend.
God is more real
than you are.

And so is
His Love.



Do not doubt that God Loves you.

   Zoo Careers Camp

Join the Fort Worth Zoo for Zoo Careers Camp!

Winter Careers Camp

The Fort Worth Zoo team is made up of hundreds of individuals who care for the animals. From zookeepers to conservationists to dietitians, there are several career opportunities available to those who’d like to work in a Zoo. Winter Zoo Careers Camp is designed for high school students in ninth through 12th grades who are interested in zoological sciences, wildlife conservation and animal-related careers.

During this three-day overnight camp, participants will learn about animal care, husbandry, maintenance and training and accompany animal staff on daily schedules, participate in animal care activities and attend presentations given by the Zoo staff.

click here for info

Date: Jan. 2 to 4, 2017

Cost: $625; Zoo members receive a 10 percent discount.


from Curezone.org
read more

Creation of a “binding effect” to radioactivity in the atmosphere, causes a marked increase in the amount of alpha and beta particle saturation in foods;

Creation of cancer causing agents within protein hydrolysate compounds* in milk and cereal grains [*these are natural proteins that are split into unnatural fragments by the addition of water];

Alteration of elemental food-substances, causing disorders in the digestive system by unstable catabolism* of foods subjected to microwaves [*the metabolic breakdown process];

Due to chemical alterations within food substances, malfunctions were observed within the lymphatic systems [absorbent vessels], causing a degeneration of the immune potentials of the body to protect against certain forms of neoplastics [abnormal growths of tissue];

Ingestion of microwaved foods caused a higher percentage of cancerous cells within the blood serum [cytomas – cell tumors such as sarcoma];

Microwave emissions caused alteration in the catabolic [metabolic breakdown] behavior of glucoside [hydrolyzed dextrose] and galactoside [oxidized alcohol] elements within frozen fruits when thawed in this manner;

Microwave emission caused alteration of the catabolic [metabolic breakdown] behavior of plant alkaloids [organic nitrogen based elements] when raw, cooked, or frozen vegetables were exposed for even extremely short durations;

Cancer causing free radicals [highly reactive incomplete molecules] were formed within certain trace mineral molecular formations in plant substances, and in particular, raw root-vegetables; and,

In a statistically high percentage of persons, microwaved foods caused stomach and intestinal cancerous growths, as well as a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissues, with a gradual breakdown of the function of the digestive and excretive systems.

Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritive value of all foods researched. The following are the most important findings:

1. A decrease in the bioavailability [capability of the body to utilize the nutriment] of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics in all foods;

2. A loss of 60-90% of the vital energy field content of all tested foods;

3. A reduction in the metabolic behavior and integration process capability of alkaloids [organic nitrogen based elements], glucosides and galactosides, and nitrilosides;

4. A destruction of the nutritive value of nucleoproteins in meats;

5. A marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.


Exposure to microwave emissions also had an unpredictably negative effect upon the general biological welfare of humans. This was not discovered until the Russians experimented with highly sophisticated equipment and discovered that a human did not even need to ingest the material substance of the microwaved food substances: that even exposure to the energy-field itself was sufficient to cause such adverse side effects that the use of any such microwave apparatus was forbidden in 1976 by Soviet state law.

The following are the enumerated effects:

1. A breakdown of the human “life-energy field” in those who were exposed to microwave ovens while in operation, with side-effects to the human energy field of increasingly longer duration;

2. A degeneration of the cellular voltage parallels during the process of using the apparatus, especially in the blood and lymphatic areas;

3. A degeneration and destabilization of the external energy activated potentials of food utilization within the processes of human metabolism;

4. A degeneration and destabilization of internal cellular membrane potentials while transferring catabolic [metabolic breakdown] processes into the blood serum from the digestive process;

5. Degeneration and circuit breakdowns of electrical nerve impulses within the junction potentials of the cerebrum [the front portion of the brain where thought and higher functions reside];

6. A degeneration and breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and loss of energy field symmetry in the neuroplexuses [nerve centers] both in the front and the rear of the central and autonomic nervous systems;

7. Loss of balance and circuiting of the bioelectric strengths within the ascending reticular activating system [the system which controls the function of consciousness];

8. A long term cumulative loss of vital energies within humans, animals and plants that were located within a 500-meter radius of the operational equipment;

9. Long lasting residual effects of magnetic “deposits” were located throughout the nervous system and lymphatic system;

10. A destabilization and interruption in the production of hormones and maintenance of hormonal balance in males and females;

11. Markedly higher levels of brainwave disturbance in the alpha, theta, and delta wave signal patterns of persons exposed to microwave emission fields, and;

12. Because of this brainwave disturbance, negative psychological effects were noted, including loss of memory, loss of ability to concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective processes, and interruptive sleep episodes in a statistically higher percentage of individuals subjected to continual range emissive field effects of microwave apparatus, either in cooking apparatus or in transmission stations.

                            Forensic Research Conclusions

From the above enumerated indications, the use of microwave apparatus is definitely not advisable; and, with the decision of the Soviet government in 1976, present scientific opinion in many countries concerning the use of such apparatus is clearly in evidence.

Due to the problem of random magnetic residulation and binding within the biological systems of the body, which can ultimately effect the neurological systems, primarily the brain and neuroplexuses (nerve centers), long term depolarization of tissue neuroelectric circuits can result. Because these effects can cause virtually irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various components of the nervous system (I. R. Luria, Novosibirsk 1975a), ingestion of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all respects. Their magnetic residual effect can render the pyschoneural receptor components of the brain more subject to influence psychologically by artificially induced microwave radio frequency fields from transmission stations and TV relay-networks.

The theoretical possibility of psycho telemetric influence (the capability of affecting human behavior by transmitted radio signals at controlled frequencies) has been suggested by Soviet neuropsychological investigations at Uralyera and Novosibirsk (Luria and Perov, 1974a, 1975c, 1976a), which can cause involuntary subliminal psychological energy field compliance to operative microwave apparatus.

Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A. R. E. C. Research Operations

                   Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven

From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:

1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term – permanent – brain damage by “shorting out” electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].

2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.

3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.

4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.

5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.

6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.

7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America.

8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.

9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.

10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal psychological control, a.k.a. “brainwashing”, has also been proven. We’re attempting to obtain copies of the 1970’s Russian research documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area.

Written by Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell


The Hidden Hazards of Microwave Cooking

Recent research shows that microwave oven-cooked food suffers severe molecular damage. When eaten, it causes abnormal changes in human blood and immune systems.
Not surprisingly, the public has been denied details on these significant health dangers.

MICROWAVE Radiation Leakage

What is it?

Microwave radiation is odorless and invisible and therefore hard to detect.

Microwave oven radiation is present whenever a microwave oven is turned on.

The microwave energy causes the water molecules in the food to vibrate rapidly. This rapid vibration produces heat which, in turn, cooks the food. It can also penetrate through living tissue which is why exposure is harmful to our health. Once you turn off the oven, the microwaves disappear but until then, you may be exposing yourself to dangerous levels of radiation leakage.

Do Microwaves Leak?

A survey conducted among the Professional Service Associates, a group of microwave repair servicemen, indicated that over 56% of microwave ovens two years or older leaked levels of radiation 10% higher than the safety standards set by the FDA. More often than not, a simple adjustment was all that was needed to stop the leakage.

What Causes Microwave Ovens To Leak?

Slamming the oven door, dirt or food particles caught in the door seals and hinges.

The Heart No One Knew / Friday: Fort Worth Stock Show / Zoo Spring Break Camp

“If you can feel your pain
then you are alive,
if you can feel the pain of others,
then you are

–  Priyanshu Joshi


Love can never return to the hand you never extend.

More than success,
Far, far more than victory
In Love and Life,
Is our belief
In ourselves,
To say
What is in our Hearts,
To do
What we know
To do,
And Love
Without condition
Everything and everyone
Around us.

For God’s Love
Is in every living thing.
And they love Life

“The bird, the weed and burrowing worm
are more than they seem
for, in truth,
they outline the invisible, crystalline
texture of the living planet.
Their bodies in space-time
are literally part
of the geometry of the Earth,
the track each one makes
throughout its life
defines a kind of
invisible fiber of Creation.”
– Guy Murchie


       God’s Love is in every living thing.

My Precious Friends,
Love can never return
To the voice
Never heard,
To the song
Never sung,
To the hand
You never extend,
To the Heart
No one knew
Was beating for them.


             They love Life too.

Every Human Heart
Is whispering
The name of someone
It Loves.

We see far, far beyond
What our eyes behold,
Envisioning reflections
That mirror
The longings
Of a lost
And lonely Soul.

“All the oceans in the world,
can never hold the tears cried.”
– unknown

There is a greater Good,
A cause unknown
To the feeble mind of mankind,
A Voice from Above,
From another Heart
That will never leave us
All alone.


    Love comes in many dimensions.

And where, oh where
Is Love?

Love is always
Coming home,
Always searching,
For the way back
To the Heart
That was its

“I don’t want the heavens
or the shooting stars.
I don’t want gemstones or gold.
I want a steady hand, a kind soul.
I want to fall asleep and wake,
knowing my heart is safe.
I want to love,
and be loved.”

– Shana Abe


   Love is always coming home.

Dear Friends,
The greatest adventure
Of the Human Spirit
Is discovering the way
To the Love
That gave it Life,
To the Heart
That never left it all alone,
The Heart
Never really seen,
Never truly known.

And the pathway back,
Will lead you
Through a valley unknown,
Past shadows of doubt,
And clouds of despair.
It needs to be shown.

“So we have come to know
and to believe
the love that God has for us.
God is love,
and whoever abides in love
abides in God,
and God abides in him.”
– 1 John 4:16


The Heart that never left it all alone.

Comes in many dimensions.
And True Love
Can be unrequited,
Never understood,
Never accepted
By the beloved,
Who may not be aware
Of such deep
And abiding
Or consciously reject it,
Never knowing,
Never beholding
The Sacred, deeply fulfilling
Glow of being
In the Flower of Life,
Never feeling
The Warmth of truly
Unconditional Love.
Never understanding
That this Love
A reason for being.

Such Love
As God
Feels for you.

Anne Frank

 No one
has ever become poor

by giving.
– Anne Frank

                              Enough with the toxic chemicals!

From our friends at NaturalNews.com:

Every time you shower and shampoo with a toxic commercial product, you are opening the pores of your scalp with hot water, then driving those toxic chemicals into your skin by scrubbing your scalp.

This is why it’s so important that your shampoo and shower soap be exceptionally clean and free from toxic, synthetic chemicals that we all know promote cancer, dementia, kidney disease and liver disorders.

Most commercial shampoos are made in chemical factories, using cheap, toxic ingredients that ultimately harm your hair, your skin and your health. Popular brands almost never use quality ingredients because it’s simply too expensive for them to do so.

Natural and organic ingredients derived from plants are far more expensive than cheap, factory-made chemicals. Because we are all bathed in synthetic chemicals every day, it is important to reduce your chemical load as much as possible. The new Health Ranger’s Shampoo delivers nourishing, plant-based ingredients that help you feel calm and comfortable, knowing that you’re doing much more than just washing your hair – you’re also keeping your body clean of unnecessary synthetic chemicals.

This shampoo feels fantastic and has a silky texture and viscosity. It’s made with the finest organic coconut, olive and sunflower oil so it’s great to use as often as needed because it contains no harsh chemicals. It can even be used as a full body wash on adults and children.

Click on this link to get some from the Natural News Store today.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 we will enjoy, weather permitting, the Fort Worth Stock Show at the Will Rogers Center (817- 877-2400) in the cultural district.

Drop off is at 10:00 a.m. & Pick up at 2:30 p.m. at the McDonald’s located on the corner of Montgomery Street and Camp Bowie Boulevard. It is a convenient place to gather, enjoy a cup of coffee and/or breakfast. After gathering, we will walk to the west entrance of the stock show. Please be on time.

Note: Uniform pants with a belt, & red monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / GUARDIANS / FRIENDS are always invited to participate on Friday trips. Comfortable shoes are highly recommended.

Tickets for admission to the Stock Show grounds can be purchased upon arrival. General admission tickets permit access to all livestock events, educational programs, commercial exhibits and the carnival/midway.
Adults: $10.00 / Children 6 – 16: $5.00 / Children 5 & Under: free / Please pay at the gate.

Dress for the Weather

Please DO NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Parking: $ 10.00 per vehicle daily, CASH ONLY

“More creatures live on a normal man
than all the men living on Earth.”

– Guy Murchie

Jan. 29  Main Event
Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School
Please see William’s Weblog at andersonschool.net for trip details (posted each Wed. at 6:00 p.m.) My gratitude again to Bill Kincaid for the beautiful Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you.

“If we’re constantly trying
to do the right things
and spend much of our time helping others,
then we’re having a conversation
with God
and we don’t even realize it.”
― Ron Baratono


Fort Worth Zoo Spring Break Camp

Spring Break Camp is for first through sixth grade students. Activities include crafts, games, animal presentations and a daily trip into the Zoo. Campers must pack a lunch each day and snacks will be provided.

Dates: March 14 to 18, 2016
Times: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Before- and after-care available
Ages: Students in grades first through sixth
Theme: Birds of a Feather
Fees: $225; Zoo members receive a 10 percent discount

Registration opens Feb. 5.

For more information, contact the Education Department:

Fort Worth Zoo
1989 Colonial Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76110
phone: 817-759-7200
fax: 817-759-7201
email: education@fortworthzoo.org


Yes, Love comes in many dimensions.

“There’s a love that’s Divine
And it’s yours and it’s mine
like the sun.
And at the end of the day
We should give thanks and pray
to the One, to the One”
– Rod Stewart

The Symphony of the Universe / Tutoring Relieves Anxiety / Friday: Museum of Science and History

“When the Gods are angry with a man
they give him what he asks for.”
– Greek Proverb


Open your eyes, and be you.

We are part of
A deeper Realm of Existence,
A Collective Conscience,
Everywhere and nowhere
In the same moment,
Unreachable with the mind,
Attainable through the Heart,
Observable with the eyes
Of Love.

The Symphony of the Universe,
All sounds in Oneness,
Exceeds understanding,
Concealing while revealing
The Better Angels
Of our Human Nature.

Entangled are we,
In quantum and ways unknowable,
Inseparable and Infinite,
Spirits placing Love
Into motion.

sky 2

You are the sum of all possibilities, and of One.

You are such a beautiful,
Unique Creation.
In all the world
No one like you
Shall ever exist.
Imaged of dust and dreams,
Imagined from Afar,
Only once
Will God’s Love
Be revealed
In who you are.

You are,
In the same breathtaking moment,
The sum of all possibilities,
And of One,
Sanctified, Revealed,
Singular and plural,

sky 3

  What lies within, wants out.

What a shame
That ignorance
Should be condensed
Into such sufferance as denial,
When the realization
Of the Love you are
Could set you free.

Such unknowing
Is reduced to injustice,
Disavows its Father,
Buries the One
Who gave it Birth,
Loved it into Being.

sky 4

Partake of the morning Sun in all its Glory.

If you think
That God has not told you lately
That He Loves you,
Partake of the Morning Sun
In all its Glory,
Drink in the frozen image
Of your precious likeness,
Reflected in the crying eyes
Of one who Loves you,
Who cannot survive
The thought of being
Without you.

Such is Love in Life,
That we cannot live
Without it.
And God,
In His Way,
Conveys this Love
In speaking to
Your precious Heart.

The Mirror of your Majestic Being
Reflects the Greater Truths
Of Existence:
Giving is receiving,
Loving is being Loved,
Forgiving, you will be forgiven
And find Love nevermore
Sings evermore,

In Faith and Trusting in God,
You will live again,

sky 5

The realization of the Love you are could set you free.

My Dear Friends,
Fill someone’s life with laughter
And you will laugh too,
Fill their heart with hope,
Their eyes with smiles,
Their sadness with compassion,
Their life with joy,
And these will be yours

What is without
Is within.
What lies within,
Wants out.

sky 5

Only once will God’s Love be revealed in who you are.

Hope is the birthright
Of everyone.
It lies in wait,
Steadfast in silent Vigil,
A Prayer for Resurrection,
Like a Flower
In the wind
Waits for its beauty
To be beheld
By you.

You are part
Of a Higher Consciousness,
And One.
From there you came
And to that Exalted Heart
You shall return.

The journey Home
Can become a Transcendent
Testament of the Human Spirit,
Through the Emancipation
Of all the Love
And all the Joy
That resides
In your precious Heart.


Placing Love into motion.

Stop looking for Love.
It is you.

You were formed
In its Image
On the day of your birth,
Life that is Love,
And Everlasting.

God is Love,
Pure Love.
And so, my friend,

Close your eyes.
Thank you.
Open your eyes,
And be


Stop looking for Love. It is you.

“There is a language, little known,
Lovers claim it as their own,
Its symbols smile upon the land,
Wrought by nature’s wondrous hand;
And in their silent beauty speak,
Of life and joy, to those who seek
For Love Divine and sunny hours
In the language of the flowers.”
– The Language of Flowers, London, 1875


A flower in the wind waits for its beauty to be beheld by you.

relieves math anxiety,
changes fear circuits in children.

Diana admires Dad's skill.

Diana admires Dad’s skill. And I admire your Dad too! He is one of the people I most admire and am truly grateful for in this world. Thank you! Your sacrifices for our Nation are deeply appreciated.


Kylee shows Mom around.

Anxiety about doing math problems can be relieved with a one-on-one math tutoring, according to a new study from the Stanford University School of Medicine. Tutoring fixed abnormal responses in the brain’s fear circuits.

The study, which was published Sept. 9 in The Journal of Neuroscience, is the first to document an effective treatment for math anxiety in children.

“The most exciting aspect of our findings is that cognitive tutoring not only improves performance, but is also anxiety-reducing,” said the study’s senior author, Vinod Menon, PhD, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences. “It was surprising that we could, in fact, get remediation of math anxiety.”


Fun and games at Main Event.

Even if they are good at math, many children feel anxious about doing math problems. For some, the anxiety persists throughout life, discouraging them from pursuing advanced math and science classes as well as careers that rely on mathematical expertise. Yet almost no attention has been paid to how to help alleviate this problem.

“Math anxiety has been under the radar,” said the study’s lead author, research associate Kaustubh Supekar, PhD. “People think it will just go away, but for many children and adults, it doesn’t.”

Measuring Math Anxiety

Sometimes we get the directions backward!

Sometimes we get the directions backward!

The new research was based on the idea that the principles of exposure-based therapy for treating phobias might also apply to alleviation of math anxiety. Phobias, such as the fear of spiders, can be relieved in affected individuals by repeatedly exposing them in a safe environment to the thing they fear.

“Tutoring has a standard protocol, but is also personalized,” said Menon. “If a child is stuck at a particular concept, the tutor tries to get the child beyond the bottleneck in a non-negative, encouraging way.” Because tutoring happens one-on-one, children do not have the opportunity to feel fearful about not performing as well as their peers.

laser tag

Laser Tag is always a favorite.

By the way, the Anderson School has utilized tutors in Math and other subjects since its beginning. You may wish to employ a Tutor for your college age child. It is much more cost effective than repeating a course and your children will be less likely to get discouraged and drop out. read more

A good time was had by all.

A good time was had by all.

Everything we do is just
a drop in the Ocean.

But if we don’t do it,
that drop
Will be missing
– Mother Teresa

HUMANS premieres Sunday June 28, 2015 at 8:00 PM on AMC.

This eight-part drama series takes place in a parallel present, featuring the Synth — a highly developed, artificially intelligent android servant.

From our friends at kurzweilai.net.:

University of Michigan engineers have developed an innovative array of solar cells that can capture up to 40 percent more energy than conventional fixed solar cells.

The trick: borrowing from kirigami (the ancient Japanese art of paper cutting), the solar cells are aimed at different angles, allowing for part of the array to be always perpendicular to the Sun’s rays.

Two recently published studies in the journals Age and the British Journal of Nutrition demonstrate that consuming cocoa flavanols improves cardiovascular function and lessens the burden on the heart that comes with the aging and stiffening of arteries, while reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

As we age, our blood vessels become less flexible and less able to expand to let blood flow and circulate normally,

A research team has found that Vitamin D insufficiency was associated with faster decline in cognitive functions among a group of ethnically diverse older adults, according to an open-access paper published in JAMA Neurology.* According to the researchers — Joshua W. Miller, Ph.D., of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., and coauthors from the University of California, Davis

On Friday, Sept. 18, 2015

We will meet at THE MUSEUM OF SCIENCE & HISTORY, 1501 Montgomery Street (817-255-9300) at 10:00 a. m. We will have lunch at the Stars Café prior to seeing the Omni Movie. Our itinerary includes:

10:00 a.m. Arrive at Museum entrance
10:00 – 12:00 p.m. – Visit the Exhibits & other Museums including the Fort Worth Children’s Museum, Energy Blast, Dino Labs & Dino Dig, and Cattle Raisers Museum and the fabulous gift shop.
12:00 p.m. – Lunch at the Stars Café.
1:30 p.m. Omni Movie: D DayWe MUST be in line at 1:15 p.m.

Rylee has her hands full.

Rylee has her hands full.

2:30 p.m. – Pick-up in the Stars Café (inside the Museum)

FINANCIAL: Fee $8.50 for students and $17.00 for adults Includes the Omni Movie & Exhibits. Memberships are not valid for study trips. Please pay Dr. A. This is a group rate. Bring LUNCH money.


I taught him everything I know!

Sept. 8 Tuition Due for 2015-16
Sept. 25 Fort Worth Zoo
Oct 12 Columbus Day Holiday
Oct 26 Fossil Mania in Glenrose
Nov. 23-27 (Monday-Friday) Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec. 2-4 Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented Conference (No school)
Dec. 18 Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 4 Winter Break

Students are NOT to leave the Museum, Cafe or Theater at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. Anderson. Students are required to let Dr. A know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving. Please ask your child if this has been done.

My gratitude to Wes
for sharing the following
(and may I say, Amen!):

new pic

The Embrace of Enduring Love / Light Pollution / Trip to the ZOO

The Embrace of Enduring Love
    – by Wm. C. Anderson

Among all the precious moments
Blended with the swirling stars,
When was there time,
Time to say goodbye?

Never, never in recorded time
That erases the pulsing sky.
Never, even in the moment
Chosen for us to die.

Never found in every sound
That asks where or why.
Never will there be time,
Time to say goodbye.

Farewell is not a pathway
Nor portal through this day,
One cannot bid goodbye to Love.
No parting stays today.

In the Embrace of Enduring Love
God does not forsake tomorrow.
He paves our solitary path with Love,
That leads me past my sorrow.

To places in my heart.
Forever alive, forever in Love,
Forever felt beyond farewell,
Forever in His Embrace from Above.

What is “light pollution?”
Is it really a factor in breast cancer?

Mary Alice, Caty, Rylee and Diana prepare for chess match.

Mary Alice, Caty, Rylee and Diana prepare for chess competition.

by Gudrun Smythe, Madison, Wisconsin
to read more click here

Recent studies have shown that “light pollution”—defined as excess or obtrusive light at night – can actually have serious health effects.

Researchers have found that exposure to bright nocturnal light can decrease the human body’s production of melatonin, a hormone secreted at night that regulates our sleep/wake cycles. And decreased melatonin production has in turn been linked to higher rates of breast cancer in women.

Cole and his associates examine results of science experiment.

Cole and associates examine results of his his science experiment.

Light at night is now clearly a risk factor for breast cancer,” says David Blask, a researcher at the Cooperstown, New York-based Mary Imogene Bassett Research Institute. “Breast tumors are awake during the day, and melatonin puts them to sleep at night.”

Light Pollution Leads to More Breast Cancer in Industrialized Countries.
Epidemiologist Richard Stevens of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory first discovered the link between breast cancer and light pollution in the late 1980s. Stevens found that breast cancer rates were significantly higher in industrialized countries, where nighttime lighting is prevalent.

Night Shift Workers Run Higher Risk of Breast Cancer from Light

Alden explains the intricacies of his experimentation.

Alden explains the intricacies of his experimentation.


Lending credence to Stevens’ research are the findings of another researcher, William Hrushesky of the South Carolina-based Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center, who discovered that female night shift workers have a 50 percent greater risk of developing breast cancer than other working women. He also found that blind women have high melatonin concentrations and unusually low rates of breast cancer.

Gavin shows us his science project.

Gavin shows us his science project.

How to Reduce Risks of Breast Cancer from Light Pollution

To reduce breast cancer risks from light pollution, Prevention magazine recommends nine hours of sleep nightly in a dark room devoid of both interior (computer screens) and exterior (street lamps) light sources. A study of 12,000 Finnish women found that those who slept nine hours nightly had less than one-third the risk of developing a breast tumor than those who slept only seven or eight hours. Even bright light from a trip to the bathroom can have an affect, so dim nightlights are recommended for night lighting.

“There is nothing as powerful as the truth

Noah demonstrates pride in the potatoe

Noah demonstrates pride in the potato.

and often nothing as strange.”
-Daniel Webster


“Your children need your presence, not your presents.”
– Kelly Consuelos

Riley's new friend.

Riley’s new friend. Yes, this is his pet. We have counseling to do. And we enjoyed the visit. Thanks.

On Friday, September 26, 2014, we will meet at 10:00 a.m at the EAST entrance of the ZOO, 1989 COLONIAL PARKWAY (817-759-7500).

Pick up will be at the EAST Entrance at 2:30 p.m.

Please Note: Uniform pants with a belt, & RED monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / GUARDIANS / FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our trips. Comfortable shoes are highly recommended. Please dress for the weather.

Now I know how the builders                                                                               of the Great Pyramids felt.

Now I know how the builders of the Great Pyramids felt. (Actually, the survivors had a different expression on their faces.)

Admission & Parking
Adults (13+) $12
Children (3-12) $9
Toddlers & Dr. A (when he acts 2 & under) Free
Seniors (65+) $9
Please pay at the ZOO.
(Dr. A may have discount Coupons – ask him!)

Parking $ 5.00 per vehicle, cash only.
Please be on time or the Baby Elephants will burp and Dr. A will pass
completely out (which is a another good reason to bring your camera).

Gift Shops: Yes.
Lunch: Yes (please provide funds)

Building a pyramid can get a little too exciting.

Building a pyramid can get a little too exciting.

Sept. 26 Fort Worth Zoo
Oct. 3 Roller Skating at Rollerland West
Oct 13 (Monday) Columbus Day Holiday
Oct. 17 Modern Art Museum
Oct. 24 Fossilmania sale show – in Glen Rose, Texas
Oct. 31 Ripley’s Believe It or Not / Palace of Wax
Nov. 7 DFW New Auto Show in Fort Worth
Nov. 24-28 Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec. 3-5 (Wed.- Fri.) Texas A.G.T. Conference (NO school)
Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 22 – Jan. 6 Winter Break Holidays

Look! It's Dr. A

Look! It’s Dr. A

Emergency Telephone No: 682-777-1908

TRAVIS & NOAH & patches

Now THIS is a patch collection.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n
Where precocious children are nurtured & appreciated

Don’t forget your camera.

Island of Dreams / Movie: Dolphin Tail 2 and Bookstore

who pours the gift of her life
into the Beautiful Vessels of God’s Creative Love
– Precious Children from Heaven Above.

And for

It is so very hard to shape how you feel,
to build a pathway home,

With the paving stones of words.
– Wm. C. Anderson

Island of Dreams
                            – Wm. C. Anderson

From the impossibility of coming
From nothing, it seems
We have risen to a vision
Of unbelievably beautiful dreams.

Spun from the Fabric
Of God’s Eternal Love,
Filled with His Very Own Breath,
Shaped by Desire from Above.

The Tapestry of what is
So radiantly beautiful to see,
Is the Glory of God’s Love,
Woven into you and me.

Now we dwell in the Shadow
Of Everlasting Grace,
And feel the warmth of His Sun,
Like the Breath of Life upon your face.

But when we are through being born,
When this life surrenders us to Love,
One Light shall pierce the darkest night,
A Light from Heaven Above.

And no time will there be for silence.
Someone sings for you and for me,

Sounds of Pure Joy that resonate
In Songs of Love and cherished memory.

And when we drift so very, very far from shore,
And chisel stones to throw at memory,

By countless acts of loving and forgiving,
We skip them over the sparkling waters to be.

Deftly they touch the surface of the past,
Pulsating like the beat of a new born heart,
As God’s Love is Birth Infinity,
Ever here to begin again, again to start.

Guided by such Love given you and me,
We shall not lie afraid in the dark,
For we are held in the Warm Embrace of God,
And alive in each others heart.

God fills the midnight of the Soul,
And in the endlessness of time it seems,
We will, one day, meet again,
On His beautiful Island of Dreams.




A new study – the biggest of its kind – is warning
that our love affair with sugary food and drink
is doubling our risk of heart related premature death.

I was proud of Gavin today. When informed of the risks, he changed his order from a sugary drink to sugar-free ice tea (an excellent source for antioxidant nutrition). Gavin increased his chances of not dying from heart disease by over 100%.

Parents, please give your child the information needed to avoid unbelievable suffering (sugar feeds cancer and causes numerous other serious health problems, like diabetes) and a premature death. Armed with knowledge, they will choose wisely.

Ignorance is a truly deadly commodity.

We have had a wonderful first week of school. Our trip to Main Event provided fun for everyone and a great end to the week. Students are now planning other adventures and helping to decided where we will go this coming semester.

On Friday Sept. 9, 2014

Noah and Travis

Noah and Travis enjoyed Main Event.

We will meet at 9:30 a.m. at Half-Price Books, located at 475 Sherry Lane, north of Ridgmar Mall –Telephone: 817-732-4111. At approximately 11:30 a.m. we will travel to the Movie Tavern Ridgmar, Tele: 817-377-9801, located at 6801 Ridgmar Meadow Road, Ft. Worth,

to enjoy lunch and a great movie. Following lunch, we will enjoy the highly acclaimed new movie Dolphin Tail 2, MPAA Rating PG. starting at 12:45 p.m. PICK UP will be at the Theater at 2:30 p.m.

“I have a theory that people who are addicted to reading
are trying to re-create the joy of being read to as a child by a parent. Being read to as a child is one of the great experiences in life.”
– Billy Collins, Poet in Paris Review

Alden and Joshua

Alden and Joshua are true believers in “The Games”.

Movie Synopsis:
A group of sympathetic humans help a dolphin with a damaged tail in this heartwarming sequel to the surprise 2011 hit. Inspired by actual events, Dolphin Tale 2 is written and directed by Charles Martin Smith.

students at games

Who were those masked men?

The starting time may change, please be patient.
Dr. A may become anxious but popcorn will help.
Emergency Telephone 682-777-1908

If you arrive late, we shall have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school.

students at lazer tag

Lazer Tag was a favorite.

Students are NOT to leave the bookstore, food court or theater without the approval of Dr. A (wake him gently with the smell of warm popcorn if necessary. And remember to share!)

FINANCIAL: Tickets are approximately $5.00, but this may be incorrect (I hate perfection) – just bring some money and please pay at the Box Office. Please provide funds for a good book (you can find one for $2.00) and for lunch. Refreshments: Hey, this is a movie theater. Yes!

Yes, we love bowling!

Yes, we love bowling!

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / FRIENDS / SIBLINGS / NEIGHBORS, are invited to participate on our trips.

Sept. 19        Museum of Science & History and Omni Theater
Sept. 2       Fort Worth Zoo (a favorite of Travis)
Oct. 3           Roller Skating at Rollerland West (a favorite of Mary Alice)
Oct. 24         Annual Fossilmania sale and trade show in Glen Rose       (requested by Natalie)
Oct. 3        Ripley’s Believe It or Not & Palace of Wax (Ian’s favorite)
Nov. 7           DFW New Auto Show in Fort Worth (Dr. A loves this)

And we love dining.

    And we love dining.

“Sufis (not surfers, silly) tell of TWO PATHS to transcendence:
One is to look out at the universe and see yourself,
the other is to look within yourself and see the universe.”
    – Mohsin Haid, Novelist

Alden attempts to scare Dr. A. (He was already scared!}

Alden attempts to scare Dr. A. (He was already scared!)


“First we build the tools, then they build us.” – Marshall McLulhan

is this SATURDAY

“MAGIC The Gathering”

 FROM 5:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M.

Join Us!

For our trip this week:
On Friday, September 27, 2013, we will meet at 10:00 a.m at the EAST entrance of the ZOO, 1989 COLONIAL PARKWAY (817-759-7500).

Pick up will be at the EAST Entrance at 2:30 p.m.

Please Note: Uniform pants with a belt, & RED monogrammed school shirts are required. PARENTS / GUARDIANS / FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our trips.

Comfortable shoes are highly recommended.
Please dress for the weather.

Admission & Parking:
Adults (13+) $12
Children (3-12) $9
Toddlers (2 & under) Free
Seniors (65+) $9
Please pay at the ZOO.
(Dr. A may have discount Cupons – ask him!)
Parking $ 5.00 per vehicle, cash only.

Please be on time or the Baby Elephants will burp and Dr. A will pass completely out (which is a another good reason to bring your camera).

Gift Shops: Yes.
Lunch: Yes (please provide funds)

Oct. 14 Columbus Day Holiday
Oct. 18 Ripley’s Believe It or Not and Wax Museum
Oct. 25 Fossilmania in Glenrose
Nov.25-29 Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec.5-6 Texas Assn. for the Gifted & Talented Conference (No school)
Dec.20 Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 23 – Jan.7 Winter Break Holidays

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n
Where precocious children are nurtured & appreciated

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