William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

The Lighter Side of Life / We Are ALL a Modern Work of Art / Sept. 1 We Begin Again

Dedicated to my Wonderful Friend
Rev. Donald Graves
Tucson Center for Spiritual Living

Don and I grew up together
and had so very many
wonderful adventures in
Boy Scout Troop 17.
a Truly Wonderful

Thank You
for the Beautiful memories.
You are deeply admired
and Loved.


“You are the Beloved.
Be sure to treat yourself that way.”
– Rev. Donald Graves

I was recently joking around
with one of our very young students,
something I am wont to do,
(do frequently)
“Well, you know,
because I”m lazy, fat and ugly.”
At which point he looked intently into my eyes
and quietly said,
“Your not fat.”

I laughed so hard
I lost two pounds.

My Dear Friends,
we need to laugh
at the confusion that prevails
in Life
and in living.
It is hilarious!

“Eventually all things fall into place. 
Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment,
and know everything happens for a reason.” 

Albert Schweitzer

The illogical, superficial,
and unbelievable things we do,
collectively and as individuals
of unbelievable perfunctory indifference
toward the nature of our reality,
can be truly funny.

So why not enjoy it?

“Do not take Life too seriously.
You will never get out of it alive.”
Elbert Hubbard

According to Alison Bonds Shapiro,
one kind of humor is based on Love
celebrating the general Joy and goofiness
that comes with being Human.
This is laughing with someone.
read more

.Patrick Allmond tells us
that Children laugh on average 200 times a day
and adults only 26 times a day.
And he states, “How many times a day
do you experience the rich joy of laughter?
If we want to be happier, healthier, and more productive
we seriously need to make time to laugh.”
click here to read more

“Unless you change
and become like little children,
you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
(Matthew 18:3)

sun light passing through green leafed tree

                       Where is the average person?

If we can laugh at our mistakes,
and I do mean,
out loud,
we can, in a more positive manner,
effectively take some credit for them,
(here is where you take a bow)
and allow for them to become acceptable
lessons learned on this all too difficult
path of Life.

And you get three guesses
as to who made it so difficult,
and the first two
don’t count!

We are so perfectly and Beautifully
that the result is:
there is simply no one
we can call normal
or average.
(Thank God!)

is a setting
on a washing machine.”
author obviously not normal and unknown

silhouette photography of person

I counsel with others,
especially children,
to make at least one mistake
on purpose,

This creates a highly controlled
learning opportunity.
It admits to our Humanity.
It opens the window
of our awareness.

Children, of all ages,
view it as time for a
great practical joke.

It causes one to
pause to reflect upon
what is really going on.
And ultimately
we learn over the years,
not to take Life so seriously.
Supercilious serious attitudes
lead to stress, strokes,
and striking out.

The lighter side of Life
is also a great adventure
and a broad avenue of opportunity
that may lead to
being on Comedy Central,
finding a new friend,
falling deeply in Love,
or stumbling up to the Altar
and muttering, “I did”
instead of, “I do”.

boat on body of water near rock mountains

Creating us
proves to some of us
that God
has a sense of humor.

Perhaps the best indication
is that He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27),
and people are able to perceive
and express humor.

When you think of someone
who has a great sense of humor,
you will usually find this person laughs a lot.
Laughter and a good sense of humor go hand in hand.
And our ability to laugh
comes from God.
It is a great

Abraham Lincoln
used to quip that God had to have a sense of humor
to make us all as we are.

Our God has an absolutely delightful
sense of humor.

“He who sits in the Heavens laughs;
He holds them in derision.”
(Psalm 2:4).

My Dear Friends,
we almost always act like
we are going to survive
this very brief existence.
And the Truth is:
we are precariously
and very briefly perched
upon this Beautiful planet.


              It opens the window of our awareness.

Live in the moment.

One of my very favorite expressions is:

“Now remember,
We are just a nice normal family”.

You know,
I am always wondering,
where is this normal family?
Where is the average person?

Is Also a Dryer Setting.

We go through Life thinking
I am too short,
Too tall,
Too fat? Too whatever?
Ever get stuck
in a comparison cycle,
pursuing the

Yes we have!

My Friends,
I have news for you:
A NORMAL child
simply does not exist.
That is an illusion.
If not,
please introduce to me to one.
One will be sufficient!
(Now, don’t drag your child up here!
He or she will embarrass you
in a highly abnormal manner.)

“Only ONE person in 6,500
could be credited with achieving true
averageness in every measurable respect.
That person having molded himself into
the nicest, dullest and most proper
freak of normalcy”
for miles around.”

Guy Murchie

Our exceptionality is but one
of one of the things
that make us,
and our lives,
so very interesting
and very, very Beautiful.

We are all a
Modern work of art,
you know,
museum quality
and something
no one understands.


But can you imagine how dull,
how terminally boring
would Life be
surrounded by a plethora
of normal, average Human beings.
What would we ever talk about?

My Dear Friends,
stop worrying, wondering, and doubting.
Have Faith
that things will work out.
And if they don’t,
well, my fellow Humanoid,
You now have something to talk about,
something to laugh at
and something to think about.

“No one knows enough
to be a pessimist.”
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer


                                 We all live for Love.

“A hundred years from now
it will not matter
what my bank account was,

the sort of house I lived in,
or the kind of car I drove,
but the world may be different
because I was important
in the Life of a child.”
Forest E. Witcraft

The past,
if left undenied,
can become a thief.
Don’t let the past steal Today.
Today is your property,
your beautiful Gift from God.

You’ve got to Love this life.
If not,
you are probably
going to hate it.

And how do you Love it?

it’s actually quite simple:
quit thinking so much about it.
And stop thinking about yourself.
Think about someone else!
That’s called Love.
And when you Love others,
they Love you back.
And Life, my friend,
is good to Live

We all live
for Love.

And if you think deeply about it,
Love is the only thing
worth living for.

it is that simple.

go to bed
in a really dark bedroom.
Your body needs to produce
to fight cancer!
read more

And tomorrow,
wake up and do more good
than you ever thought possible
for someone else.
And tomorrow night,
you will sleep well,
and wake up the next day
deeply Loved
by someone else,

“We know
that for those who Love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called
according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28

turn out all the lights,
It needs to totally dark
when you are asleep
to prevent cancer.

Sleeping while exposed to light at night
causes a dramatic drop
in blood melatonin levels,
setting the stage
for growth and proliferation
of breast cancer cells
and other cancer cells.

I Love You.



                                    Anderson Private School
                                            School Calendar

Sept. 1                         First Day of Semester
Other days to be scheduled.
Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.