We Are Alive Forever / The Power of Pure Consciousness / Obesity May Double Risk Of Cancer / Friday: T. B. A.

We hear of
And there are

My Dear Friend,
Miracles abound
with the simplicity
of knowing,
that everything
is a Miracle.

We are never fully
that every Life
is a Miracle,
every day
is a Miracle,
and every moment
is truly Miraculous.

William Wordsworth
wrote in a poem that begins,
“The World is too much with us;
late and soon,
getting and spending,
we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature
that is ours.”

It is very hard
to reflect upon what is going on,
because demands for our time
and our energy
don’t diminish.

The beauty of God’s creation is everywhere.

And so,
we are seldom
in the moment.

Slowing down
is essential
requires the recognition
that it is important
to do so.

Finding a tranquil location,
perched along the banks of a soothing River
makes it easy to slow your pace
and discover the art
of relaxation.
Since the Beauty of God’s creation
is everywhere,
it isn’t necessary to travel
many miles
to behold it.

The wonders of our Father
in Heaven
abound all around us,
surround us,
are us.
And these marvels
reveal much about our
His Beauty
is reflected
in His

it is reflected
in YOU.

To sense our consciousness,
just slow down
and take notice of the marvels
unfolding all around us.
To live in
focus your conscious thoughts,
your good intentions
and physical energy.

Get rid of the
negative emotion.
Our reality
is that everyone
is playing the game
of Life
at their own pace.

Escape to another Century,
with your intention of understanding
a totally other time
and place.
Slow your pace
and sustain your reading attention.
It is important that mom AND dad
model the slow reading
of truly great literature
for their children.
click here
for our recommended
reading list.

Our shadows are cast by the same Light.

My Dear Friends,
the brevity
of our Being
dictates many things.
our brevity is
Our constituent essence
exists lividly buried,
and forever alive,
within our DNA
and that of our inheritors,
our children,
and our children’s
more importantly,
we are alive forever
in the Spirit.

“For you have been born again,
but not to a Life that will quickly end.
Your new Life will last forever
because it comes from
the Eternal, Living Word
of God.”

1 Peter 1:23

The essence
of our Being
is truly designed,
Biologically and Spiritually,
to be alive

As every Flower
it soon fades away.
And Flowers teach us:
we each
have the capacity
to blossom,
and express
the Beauty of Love
to the whole World.

“Our Spiritual roots
are where our Life gets its nourishment.
It is our infinite source of the Love,
happiness, and serenity that we all deeply desire.
Through Spirituality we gain
an outlook that best benefits
our Life.
Randi G. Fine
(read more)

Our shadows
are cast
by the same Light.
our options
for Life and Living,
lie in many
Beautiful dimensions.


                               Flowers teach us.

The Power of Pure Consciousness
by Steve Taylor
read more

Experiencing ‘consciousness-in-itself’ can have a massively therapeutic effect. It brings a sense of being firmly rooted in ourselves, of being truly who we are. We also have a sense of being truly where we are, realizing that before we were only half-present, and everything we see around us seems intensely real and alive, as if our perceptions have become much more acute. But above all, we experience a profound sense of inner peace and natural happiness. As the Hindu and Buddhist traditions have always held, the nature of consciousness-in-itself (which means the consciousness inside us and the consciousness which pervades the whole universe) is bliss. Getting into contact with the pure consciousness inside us enables us, therefore, to experience this bliss. Indeed, it could be said that it’s only when we do this that we can experience true happiness.

Click here
to enjoy the beauty of this Earth
with Amour Divin by Michel Pépé.

Obesity May Double Risk Of Colorectal Cancer
click here to read more

Women who are overweight or obese have up to twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer before age 50. The study published in the journal JAMA Oncology, said that it was it is of utmost importance for women to maintain a healthy weight, beginning in early adulthood for prevention of early-onset colorectal cancer.

Compared with women with the lowest body mass index (BMIs), 18.5-22.9 kilograms per square meter, women with the highest BMIs, greater than 30, had almost twice the risk of early-onset of colorectal cancer, Xinhua news agency reported.

“We hypothesised that the obesity epidemic may partially contribute to this national and global concern in early-onset colorectal cancer rates, but we were surprised by the strength of the link and the contribution of obesity and weight change since early adulthood,” said Yin Cao, Assistant Professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University.

For the study, published in the journal JAMA Oncology, the team included data from 85,256 women aged 25 to 44.It must be understood that this is an association study, which does not establish that increasing weight is a cause of early-onset colorectal cancer. More studies are needed to uncover the causal relationship between the two and identify young people at high risk of colorectal cancer at younger ages.

The American Cancer Society recently lowered the recommended age at which most people should undergo a first screening colonoscopy. The new guidelines recommend screening beginning at age 45, down from the previous recommendation of age 50.

Obesity is a condition characterized by excessive body weight. Your diet can play a significant role in managing obesity. Here are some foods that are known for their fat burning abilities.

1. Tomato: Tomatoes encourage the production of the amino acid called Carnitine, which is an organic molecule that plays an important role in the regulation of fatty acid and energy metabolism. Tomatoes also have a compound known as 9-oxo-ODA that helps reduce lipids in blood, which further helps in preventing weight gain and belly fat.

2. Green Tea: Catechins are one of the antioxidants present in green tea which are believed to boost metabolism, further promoting weight loss.

3. Celery: Containing barely 16 calories per 100 grams (as per USDA), celery is ranked high among negative calorie foods. Packed with fiber, celery is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.

4. Broccoli: Plant-based foods are high in fiber and great calorie burners. Containing barely 34 calories per 100 grams. Broccoli is ranked high amongst superfoods. It is packed with fibers and antioxidants and studies have shown that they may also have certain anti-cancer properties.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

.“Our mind is like a cloudy sky:
in essence clear and pure,
but overcast by clouds of delusions.
Just as the thickest clouds can disperse,
so, too, even the heaviest delusions
can be removed from our mind.”
Kelsang Gyatso

2018-19 Anderson School Calendar
First Semester
September 4 – December 21   2018

Sept. 4 (Tuesday)                              First Day of First Semester

Oct. 8 (Monday)                                 Columbus Day Holiday

Nov. 19 – 23                                       Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                 Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                 Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                  Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)             Good Friday & Easter Holidays

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip (no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

                                          For Philosophy this week:

  Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

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are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

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The Anderson Private School.

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