Hold Eternity in Your Hands / First Cancer ‘Living Drug’ / Friday: Monnig Meteorite Gallery

We often see
by the blind
of Light,
as day
appears in our dreams
at  Night.

another language
a vision
of our being.

From the Braille
battered into the walls
of victory or defeat,
became the History
of our race,
and less,
much less.
we discover
on our Horizon,
the Eternity of Night.
For without
Love emitting Light,
will exist.

…………… Such is the pathway.

It’s a long, long way
from here to there,
from War
to Peace.
And we
never get near.

never find the way
through the mists of doubt,
to the Light
of Day.

We never found
along the way.

it does exist.
is the only thing
that truly exists.

                       …….  It does exist.

A Child
caressed by the Human Hands
of a Mother’s Love,
is received of
from Above.
Such is
the pathway
to hold
in Your Hands.

is created from Love.
That is the only essence;
that is the only substance;
that is the only fiber there is.
So everything that takes form
comes from Love.”

read more

Like tears
we shed in the falling rain,
our reality
perfectly merges
with everything
that surrounds us,
confounds us,
astounds us,
is us.

My Dear Friends,
do not exist
apart from anything.
There is no
and you.

that which we call Life is impossible
without and inseparable from
what we regard as

Just as one can mold thousands
of practically identical grains of sand on a beach
into castles, mermaids or whatever one can imagine,
the innumerable atoms that make up everything on the Planet continually congregate and disassemble themselves,
creating a ceaselessly shifting kaleidoscope of matter.

Ferris Jabr is a contributing writer for
Scientific American.
“Why does the eye
see a thing more clearly in 
than the imagination
when awake?” 

– Leonardo da Vinci
Why is defining Life so difficult?
Why have scientists and philosophers
for centuries
to find a specific physical property or set of properties
that clearly separates the Living from the inanimate?
Because such a property
does not exist.
“That Love
is all there is,
is all we know of Love;
it is enough.”
Emily Dickinson
Life is an invented concept.
On a fundamental level,
everything that exists is an arrangement of atoms
that fall onto a very large spectrum of complexity,
from a single hydrogen atom
to something as complex as the Human brain.
In trying to define Life,
we draw a line at an arbitrary level of
and loudly proclaim that everything above that level
is alive and everything below it is not.
But this division only exists in our
very limited and Human mind.
There is no threshold of complexity
at which a collection of atoms
suddenly becomes alive,
no real distinction between the living
and that we call inanimate.
We fail to define Life
because there is never anything
to define.
“If I have the gift of prophecy
and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge,
and if I have a Faith that can move mountains,
but do not have
I am nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13:2

The only thing that truly exists.

In ancient philosophy,
the Greek philosopher

thought that nothing really exists at all
that if anything does exist,
then nothing can be known about it,
and that there is really no way this can be passed on
for others
to understand.
Gorgias was simply giving a philosophica:
proof to the fact that all material things
that exists in the World
are perceptions of the mind,
figments of imagination.
Quantum physics tells us that reality
is far beyond human perception and intuition.
In other words,
our rational mind and common sense
are not capable of understanding
the true nature of reality.

My Dear Friends,
the highest part of yourself
is a much higher Being,
where the best qualities, gifts, and capacities
of the Soul are found.

Your Humanity connects with the Divine.
Your Superior Being
does exist and is there
to seek the answers to your questions,
attend to your desires,
address your concerns.

We are connected to the Divine.
He is within us.
We are His Children.

what manner of Love
the Father hath bestowed upon us,
that we should be called
the sons of God.”
1 John 3:1
Go to your Father
in Prayer.
Let your Heart
speak with your Superior Being.
You will have

If your desires
are Beautiful,
your Blessings
will be the same.

“All of life
is a near-death experience.”

Alan Harris

Today’s idea holds the key
to what your real thoughts are.
They are nothing that you think you think,
just as nothing that you think you see
is related to vision in any way.

There is no relationship between what is real
and what you think is real.
Nothing that you think are your real thoughts
resemble your real thoughts in any respect.
Nothing that you think you see
bears any resemblance
to what vision will show you.

Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas
with which we have cluttered up our minds
are the thoughts that we thought with God
in the beginning.
They are there in our minds now,
completely unchanged.
They will always be in our minds,
exactly as they always were.
Everything we thought since then
will change,
but the Foundation on which it rests
is wholly changeless.

Yes, LOVE does exist.

Let us
go to our graves
without those we Love
peering into the vast space
of our unfathomable

The pathway
to inner Peace,
and World Peace,
lies through
the Human Heart.

Let us start
thinking –
with our


and how many deaths will it take
’til he knows,
that too many people
have died?
Bob Dylan

First cancer ‘living drug’ gets go-ahead

The US has approved the first treatment to redesign a patient’s own immune system so it attacks cancer.

The regulator – the US Food and Drug Administration – said its decision was a “historic” moment and medicine was now “entering a new frontier”.

The company Novartis is charging $475,000 (£367,000) for the “living drug” therapy, which leaves 83% of people free of a type of blood cancer.

Doctors in the UK said the announcement was an exciting step forward.

The living drug is tailor-made to each patient, unlike conventional therapies such as surgery or chemotherapy.

It is called CAR-T and is made by extracting white blood cells from the patient’s blood.

The cells are then genetically reprogrammed to seek out and kill cancer.

The cancer-killers are then put back inside the patient and once they find their target they multiply.

‘Enormously exciting

Dr Scott Gottlieb, from the FDA, said: “We’re entering a new frontier in medical innovation with the ability to reprogram a patient’s own cells to attack a deadly cancer.

“New technologies such as gene and cell therapies hold out the potential to transform medicine and create an inflection point in our ability to treat and even cure many intractable illnesses.”

The therapy, which will be marketed as Kymriah, works against acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.

Most patients respond to normal therapy and Kymriah has been approved for when those treatments fail.

Dr Stephan Grupp, who treated the first child with CAR-T at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, said the new approach was “enormously exciting”.

“We’ve never seen anything like this before,” he added.

That first patient had been near to death, but has now been cancer-free for more than five years.

Out of 63 patients treated with CAR-T therapy, 83% were in complete remission within three months and long-term data is still being collected.

However, the therapy is not without risks.

It can cause potentially life-threatening cytokine release syndrome from the rapid proliferation of the CAR-T cells in the body. This can be controlled with drugs.

New era

But the potential of CAR-T technology goes beyond one type of cancer.

Dr David Maloney, medical director of cellular immunotherapy at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, said the FDA’s decision was a “milestone”.

He added: “We believe this is just the first of what will soon be many new immunotherapy-based treatments for a variety of cancers.

CAR-T technology has shown most promise against different blood-based cancers.

However, it has struggled against “solid tumours” such as lung cancer or melanoma.

Dr Prakash Satwani, a paediatric oncologist at Columbia University Medical, said: “The results haven’t been that great when you compare it with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, but I’m sure the technology will get better in the near future.”

Boosting the immune system is already a cornerstone of modern cancer treatment.

A range of drugs that “take the brakes off” the immune system to allow it to attack cancer more freely have already been adopted around the world.

CAR-T technology, which goes a step further and redesigns the immune system, is at a much earlier stage.

Prof Peter Johnson, the chief clinician at the charity Cancer Research UK, said: “The first genetically modified cell therapy to be approved by the FDA is an exciting step forward.

“We still have a lot to learn about how to use it safely and who might benefit from it, so it is important to recognize this is just a first step.”

Follow James on Twitter.

For our class in Philosophy
this week:

For Friday, October 12:


2018-19 Anderson School Calendar

First Semester

September 4 – December 21   2018

Sept. 4 (Tuesday)                              First Day of First Semester

Oct. 8 (Monday)                                 Columbus Day Holiday

Nov. 19 – 23                                       Thanksgiving / Fall Break

T. B. A.                                                 Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)

Dec. 21 (Friday)                                 Last Day of Fall Semester

Dec. 24 – Jan. 7                                  Winter Break Holidays

Second Semester

January 8 – May 24   2019

Jan. 8 (Tuesday)                                 Second Semester begins

Jan. 21 (Monday)                               Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Holiday

Feb. 18 (Monday)                               President’s Day Holiday

Mar. 11 -15                                         Spring Break Holidays

April 19 & 22 (Fri. & Mon.)             Good Friday & Easter Holidays

May 20                                                Prep. Day for Adventure Trip (no school)

May 21 – 24                                        Adventure Trip

May 24                                                Last Day of Semester

  Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.

    The School Calendar is subject to change.
There are no make-up days
if school is closed due to
 inclement weather.

Inclement Weather Policy:
the school will close if Fort Worth I. S. D. is closed.

(Calendar 2018-2019 / approved 7-29-18)

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