How Far Do We Travel? / Eight Things Kids Need To Thrive / Friday: Montgomery Street Antique Mall 

with Love
and Admiration
to my wonderful Friend,
and the best Friend
to everyone he met:

Bob Puryear

Thank You

I know of no one
I admire more
than this Beautiful Soul.

You are truly admired.

You Life
is the Language
of God’s Love.

appreciates the Beautiful Life and Love
you have dedicated
to the precious Children
of this Earth.

We Love You.

Throughout our Journeys
of Life
and Love,
we wonder
as we wander,
how far
do we travel
to change the Life
we have lived?

May our errors
be quivered
like arrows?


With thoughts and deeds,
and words we weave
of nothing
but Love.

My Dear Friends,
our heavy heartaches
and pain,
may now be
blended into
precious cargo.

Our moments of
can be molded and shaped
into what it already is,
and what
it was always
meant to be.

of an Almighty God,
were created by Love,
to Love.

“Whoever does not Love
does not know God,
God is Love.”
1 John 4:8

There is nothing
to fear,
when your Heart
is near,
to Loving thoughts
and deeds
and dreams.
The Human Heart
is a vast and deep
of wants and desires
and dreams of needs.
your Heart truly wants
is the Love
that is

It is,
as it was to be,
in Love
with Life.

you are hoping
wounds heal,
but they do not,
it is because
you are at war
with Love.

And that
is a war
that will never
be won.

The web we weave
of traveled threads
can rend apart.
Hope is Home
to the Heart
set free,
by Love.

look to Love
as you voyage
and dream.
Give your Love
and Love will be
as it was meant
to be,
and fly you

When Hearts speak
louder than words,
Life drifts into
the Dreams we Love,
and Life
becomes our

.Once upon a Time
we closed
our tired eyes,
and met
our very best friends,
the ones
who opened the door
and let you in,
into their Hearts
and into their Lives.
The ones,
like Mom and Dad,
who kissed you
when you were very young,
on top of your head,
who said without words
spoken or read,
that Love
Is what we are,
why we are alive,
and the only thing
that should
ever be

                  Keep your eyes on the Sky above.

Under God’s Heavens above
we journey so very far
on the roads of Life.

Keep your eyes
on the Sky above.
Let Love rise,
like the Morning Sun,
and never
let Love depart.

“As I journey through the land, singing as I go,
Pointing Souls to Calvary – to the crimson flow,
Many arrows pierce my Soul from without, within;
But my Lord leads me on,
through Him I must win.

Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His Face,
There to sing forever of His Saving Grace;
On the streets of Glory let me lift my voice,
Cares all past, home at last,
ever to rejoice.

When in service for my Lord
dark may be the night,

But I’ll cling more close to Him,
He will give me Light;

Satan’s snares may vex my Soul,
turn my thoughts aside;

But my Lord goes ahead,
leads whate’er betide.”

                – Rufus H. Cornelius
               Oh, I Want to See Him

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his World
serious harm.”
Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy

There are many stories.
are never read.
Others never written,
and can never be read.

A precious few are created
as your Children
are tucked in bed,
as you kiss them
on the top
of their head.

And their stories are written
in dreams they have,
where they lay
their little head.


            Hearts speak louder than words.

My Dear Friends,
the Nobility
of the Spirit
resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your Heart,
with all your Soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
in reflections
all around.
And what we mirror,
tells a story
not our own.
But it is there,
it is to be,
and it remains
for all to see,

And what appears
speaks so loudly,
no one can hear
what voices say,
for this language
is beyond the horizon
of who we are,
what we see,
what we can even imagine
shall ever be.


           Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the Language
of God’s Love
for you
and for me.

And it lives
in the
Dreams we Love,
in reflections all around,
in the mirror
of our Lives,
in a story
that becomes
our own.

Open your Heart
and open your fragile mind.
Accept the Love of God.
Let your Life be
A Love Story.

Let it be.

Let it be.

              In reflections all around.

Children’s Hospital Colorado:

The eight things kids need to thrive
click here to read more

In an era of aggressive marketing toward kids and parents alike, many parents wonder what kids actually need. Turns out, there’s a pretty clear answer.

“Years of research in child development have identified eight essential requirements for kids to become happy, successful adults,” says Harley Rotbart, MD, a nationally-renowned parenting expert and vice chair emeritus of Pediatrics at Children’s Colorado. “And none of them involve high-tech gadgets, video games or fancy clothes.”

The eight things kids need to thrive

  1. Security

    Kids must feel safe and sound, with their basic survival needs met: shelter, food, clothing, medical care and protection from harm.

  2. Stability

    Stability comes from family and community. Ideally, a family remains together in a stable household, but when that’s not possible, it’s important to disrupt the child’s life as little as possible. Kids and families should be a part of larger units to give them a sense of belonging, tradition and cultural continuity.

  3. Consistency

    No “good cop, bad cop.” Parents should synchronize their parenting and make sure important values stay consistent.

  4. Emotional support

    Parents’ words and actions should encourage kids’ trust, respect, self-esteem and, ultimately, independence.

  5. Love

    Saying and showing you love your kids can overcome almost any parenting “mistakes” you might make. Even when your kids have disobeyed, angered, frustrated and rebelled against you, show them you love them and that you’ll always love them.

  6. Education

    Make sure your kids get the best possible education for their future. This includes school, of course, but it also includes the invaluable life lessons you provide during the time you spend together.

  7. Positive role models

    Parents are their kids’ first and most important role models. Instill your values and teach children empathy by being the kind of person you want them to become.

  8. Structure

    Rules, boundaries, and limits: Without them, kids are forced to be adults before they are ready, and they lose respect for you and other adults.

The “miracle solution”: kids need time

Perhaps the most important factor of all is time. Without enough time to spend with kids and be a parent, “You miss out on the wonderful privileges of parenting,” Dr. Rotbart says. “And kids miss out on some of their needs.”

The converse is also true.

“Time is the miracle solution for most dilemmas of parenthood,” says Dr. Rotbart. “Taken in minutes or hours, the time you spend with your kids gives you the opportunity to provide your kids all their essential needs — and much more.”

Learn Dr. Rotbart’s advice for creating quality time with your kids.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.