The Curious Realization of Being / Whistle Hill Cafe Needs Our Help / Important Dates


To see into the reality of who I am.

This place
is merely space
that is flowing –
like a river
of dreams.
And down by the
river bank we sit,
and we wonder
about the water.

Dreams are
unreal spaces,
place-less places,
flowing through
the canyons of our minds,
until we wake,
reflect a deep
longing to be
and to see
into the reality
of who I am,

We have
a curious realization
of being.
The space
in which we think
we live,
mirrors what is secret,
a reflection of our real selves
in diverse shades
of dark and light,
momentary traces in time,
portraits drawn by imagination,
so parallel in their dimensions
they almost rhyme.


Objects we perceive are not the ultimate reality.

dances upon the waters
of our lives –
waters flowing so swiftly
we may never know
the direction for you and me
is toward
an Eternal Sea.


    And we wonder about the water.

And what is,
or is not,
is beautifully reflected
in the temporarity
of each moment
meant to be,
or not to be,
as Love,
only Love,
shows us the deeper meaning
of being.

Plato postulated in
The Republic
that the objects we perceive
are not the ultimate reality,
but more like a shadow of reality.


Our experience is as much a reflection.

And the philosopher Immanuel Kant
gave us insight into the realization
that all we ever know
are the structures generated in our mind.
“The thing-in-itself”,
remains forever unknowable.

The mind is barred
from a direct knowing
of the thing-in-itself.
And our experience is as much a
of the nature of our mind
as it is of the physical world.

Kant reached the conclusion
that time and space
are not inherent qualities of our physical world;
they are reflections in the mind,
a perceptual framework within which
our experience of the world is constructed.
But this does not mean
that WE can never understand it.


Enlightening avenues of thought.

We do not passively
experience the world;

we are the creators
of the world we experience.
And why
would we not be?
Are we not
Children of God?

Throughout the literature
of mankind are examples of Spiritual people
who have proclaimed that the whole world
is within them.
And current research provides
new and insightful perspectives
leading to this conclusion.

My Dear Friends,
Religion and science are rapidly merging,
as new philosophical insights,
garnered from scientific research,
are providing more enlightening
avenues of thought.


A reflection in diverse shades of dark and light.

What is found in the precious
Word of God
is becoming more and more
validated and valued.

We know so very, very little
about ourselves
and the world around us.

“We don’t know
a millionth

of one percent
about anything.”
– Thomas A. Edison

in this same moment in time,
we can discover
Ultimate Truths,
Lovingly placed
between the Covers
of a Beautiful Book,
The Holy Bible.
And these comforting
and enlightening words
are patiently waiting for


              Lovingly placed

My Precious Friends,
sometimes what we say
has little worth,
for words,
impregnated by Truth,
are not always
able to give birth.
And so it goes,
the distance we travel
is not always
to the number of steps
we take.

But Love
is the essence
of Truth.

“The spiritual journey
is the relinquishment, or unlearning,

of fear
and the acceptance of Love
back into our hearts.
Love is the essential existential fact.
It is our ultimate reality
and our purpose on earth.
To be consciously aware of it,
to experience Love in us and others,
is the meaning of life.
– Marianne Williamson


  We can also be Loving.

To the degree
we are violent
toward one another,
we can also be
And we are
a truly violent
The second greatest destroyer
of Precious Human Lives
are other Human beings.

And God spake
all these words, saying,
“Thou shalt not kill.”
Exodus 20:13

we can become
the most Loving Creation
of all.


         Toward an Eternal Sea.

The gossamer thread
of Life
is spent and spun
and very, very fine:
Life hanging
by a thread.
The tempest tossed
buffeted about by adversity,
lead me to this

And why
we of such prosperity,
do not grasp
the fragile thread
of Life
to pull those in such need
aboard this Ship of State,
is beyond my poor ability
to add or detract.

The hand you extend
to others is,
in the Ultimate Reality,
the Hand of God,
as He moves
through us,
through our Sacred Hearts.
we can give a new birth
of freedom
to a Life in need.
Hope in a heartbeat,
beyond all measure,
an ultimate realization of
our being.

We are all
in the water.
All of us!



So parallel in their dimensions they almost rhyme.

“I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand precious Lord,
lead me home.”
– Thomas E. Dorsey

To believe in yourself
is to believe
in That
which gave you

The Whistle Hill Cafe
Needs our Support.

The very Loving and dedicated family,
that has provided such a beautiful
and healthy service to our citizens
for very many years,
needs our help.

These wonderful people
need a new home
for their restaurant.
If you know of a building
located in Weatherford
or on the west side of Fort Worth,
that can be leased or purchased
and is reasonably priced
please let me know.

As with the beautiful family of
Atex Trash Service,
this family owned
and family operated business
is part of what has made America
truly Great.
Please let me hear from you.

“As we Love others,
we Love ourselves.”


Together we can give a new birth of freedom.

Brace yourselves.
And prepare your children.
The future is coming
faster than the speed of light.

Next Week we will explore:

Quantum Mechanics.
NASA scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two places at once. In fact, through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be manipulated; teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant material is now heralded for air transport, and virtual science has led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional existence.

And you thought,
all they really need to know
is how to read and write!

Important Dates
Sept. 6  First Day of Fall Semester
Oct. 10    Columbus Day Holiday
Nov. 19-25     Fall Break Holiday
Dec. 20 – Jan. 4  Christmas Holiday
Jan. 5    First Day of Spring Semester
February 20  Presidents Day Holiday
March 13-17   Spring Break Holiday
April 14 & 17   Good Friday & Easter Monday Holidays
May 22 – 26     Adventure Trip (All Aboard!)
May 26             Last Day of Spring Semester

The Fingerprints of God / Food Sources of Insanity / Friday: Museum of the Americas

Dedicated with my Love, tears and Prayers
to the treasured memory of Elizabeth Ann “Betty” Gaul
December 13, 1926 – January 28, 2016,
pictured below with her precious daughter
Judy Weis.

My Love for you is Eternal,
My tears ever flowing,
And my Prayers are of

Thank you Lord,
for such a beautiful
and Loving
She has been a treasured Blessing
in my Life
and so very many others.


Betty became a Light in the Heart of everyone, a beautiful Flower in the Garden of God’s Grace.

“We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and to know the place
for the first time.”

– T.S. Eliot

   You are given beautiful gifts from God.

We think
We pick Flowers,
The Flowers we gather
For someone we Love.

But no.
As real as our strange world
May appear to be,
We model the world we experience
In our mind.
OrbisonIllusionWhich has led some to think
That existence, as we know it,
May be an illusion,
And our reality
Isn’t really real.

This results from scientific investigations
Telling us
That everything we know
Is merely a construction
In our minds,
What we humans perceive
As reality in the world
Around us,
May be no more than
An illusion of thought.

It has far reaching

But these implications
Are far more reaching
Than we are capable
Of ever understanding.

Ontology is the philosophical study
Of the nature of being,
Becoming, existence, or reality.
It was called “first philosophy” by Aristotle
in Book IV of his Metaphysics.

My Precious Friends,
As we explore
The nature of being,
Let us choose JOY today,
By not leaning only upon
Our own understanding,
But by having childlike trust
In our Loving Creator’s omniscience.

Allow Him to direct your path,
Which will lead to ultimate joy,
And make your journey,
Even when laden with sorrow,

“As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;
as poor, yet making many rich;
as having nothing,
and yet possessing all things.”

(2 Corinthians 6:10).

We are, after all,
Of God.


Existence, as we know it, may be an illusion.

“One could sum up mind
as a universal aspect of Life and energy,
an aspect with a relationship to the body
mystically similar to the wave’s
relationship to the particle.
And according to modern religious sources,
mind also has a resonance relation
to brain cells,
which vibrate in response to
Spiritual Energy
under laws far beyond
the scope of science.”
– Guy Murchie

Let us explore,
In a philosophical perspective,
One very beautiful aspect
Of our Life.

My Friends,
The Flowers of the field
Pick us,
As surely
As someone,
Yet unknown,
Will choose you
To Love.

flowers 2

         Such sweet awareness.

“I am not my memories.
I am my dreams.”
– Terry Hostetler

Just as we take meaning
The symbols of communication,
And not from them,
We impose our reality
Upon what we think
Is in the world around us.

Everything we know, imagine,
Perceive as color, sensation, sound,
Our very thoughts and feelings,
Make a first appearance
In our mind.


The Flowers of the field pick us.

And the Flowers
Residing in the fertile
Soil of a lonely
A longing Heart,
Select one of us,
Who falls in Love
With their beauty,
Delights in their delicate aroma,
Absorbs all the colors
That take your breath

flowers 3

We look far beyond the beauty.

Flowers seemingly move
From a place on
This Earth.

And with your outstretched arms
And Lovingly Guided Hands,
They follow the pathway
Back to the Love
That breathed Life
Into their fragile being,
To the home
That first was their own,
To a place
In your mind,
To the Heart of their Creator,
The Heart of God,
Who resides within

“The most potent form of energy
is thought.

Thought-waves are cosmic waves
that penetrate all time and space.”
– Camillo Loken


Love breathed Life into their fragile being.

And we gaze
Far beyond their beauty,
Through the Flowers
Of our brief moment in time,
And back again.

We give them to someone,
Who also abides in our Heart.

The Flowers of our field
Pick the one
We come to

For they are planted
In the fertile soil
That is the mind
Of a hungry Soul,
By the Loving Hand
Of God.
william_shakespeare_quote_2And as we
Give away
A beautiful bouquet
Of such sweet awareness,
We are unaware
That Flowers
Growing in another person’s dream,
By the Grace of God,
Become real.


     Flowers seemingly move.

They are,
My Friends,
Always there,
Blowing in the wind
Of a longing
And lonely mind.

For we are searching,
Ever searching,
To find the courage
To move them
From the field
Of possibilities,
From never,
To Love

becomes a “wave” of potentials,
expressing itself in the form
of multiple possibilities”


Flowers by the Grace of God, become real.

Planted in the fertile fields
Of our longing to be,
With so much Beauty,
That was
From our awareness
Are like
God’s Divine Plan
Waiting in your Heart and mind
To be revealed.

“We do not see things
as they are.

We see them
as we are.”

– The Talmud


Move them from the field of possibilities, from never, to Love Forever.

The Majesty
Of God’s Love
Throughout His Universe,
Is beautifully displayed.

His Fingerprints
Are on every petal
Of every Flower,
In every field
Of every dream.

And my Soul sings
To think
They were planted
Just for you,
And me.

“There the flowers will be blooming
And the grass will be green
And the skies will be clear and serene,
Where the sun ever beams
In this valley of dreams
And no cloud will be seen.
There will be peace

in the valley
For me some day.”
– Thomas A. Dorsey

My Dear Friends,
If what is real
Is within,
And we now know
That to be,
Then our mind and our Heart
Are the only domains,
And nothing,
No, nothing else
As you will come
To see.


His Fingerprints are on every petal.

“There are no gloomy skies
When seen through the eyes
Of those who are blessed with love.”
– Mack Discant

What we receive
Is what we bring,
And in every moment
Of Prayerful quiet,
God is listening.

“Once I have known
the mind of God,

the rest are all

– Albert Einstein

The time will come
When what we know
Is what we
Have always known:
A clear, clarion call
To see the past,
Through our forgiveness,
Never existed
At all.

Is no pathway
To transcend
Only today
Births tomorrow.

What is past
Is not the road
Down which we travel
To a summer place,
Where people share
Hopes and dreams,
Where Love births
The courage
To care
For the morrow.

“Come, Lord, and tarry not; bonar
Bring the long looked for day;
O why these years of waiting here,
These ages of decay?”
– Horatius Bonar
Hymns of Faith and Hope

The palette of our Resplendent Spirit,
Through fervent Prayer,
Will beautifully blossom
Transcendent colors aware,
As heights we ascend,
And return our fragile being
To the soaring breadth
And sumptuous depths
Of such Splendor
As has no beginning,
And no end.

flowers 2

They were planted just for you and me.

“As the sun,
ere he has risen,
sometimes paints his image
in the firmament,
e’en so the shadows
of events
precede the events,
and in today
already walks tomorrow.”
– William Shakespeare

Always resides
In your precious Heart,
In your Life
And in the fertile fields
Of the beautiful flowers
Found in your Dreams.

May God Bless you
And keep you
In His Dreams.



Bella at the Spa. Yes, Mia’s truly American dog!

To get the latest updates on Technology read
The Kurzweil A I Newsletter
click below:

Americans are eating themselves INSANE.
Causes of mental insanity identified in factory foods
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
A leading consumer health advocate and health freedom activist.

Sources of mental insanity are now identified in factory foods. Mankind is concentrating brain-damaging heavy metals through foods, soils, contaminated water supplies and industrial pollution. People who are buying and consuming factory processed foods are eating themselves into insanity.

The real reason society is so incredibly insane at every level is rooted in the consumption of toxic heavy metals through food, water and other environmental sources. It’s exacerbated by the poisonous heavy metals being fed to factory farmed chickens (and other animals) whose poop is harvested and spread on soils that are used to grow foods for humans.

My Dear Friends, please select ORGANIC foods. Our food chain is now polluted. Yes, you are crazy to buy anything else. Or you may become so.

                                                    read more here

On Friday, February 5, 2016 our destination is: The Museum of the Americas, 216 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, (Telephone: 817-341-8668/817-599-0490) and the fabulous Whistle Hill Restaurant (next door). We will depart from the school at approximately 9:00 a.m. to arrive & begin our visit at 10:00 a.m.


Dr. A in an earlier life. Note the familiar gaze ever searching for any sign of misbehavior!

Our dear friend and Museum Director, Dr. Harold Lawrence, will provide a docent guided tour. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence have just returned from spending three weeks in Peru.

Following a morning of great stories, questions and answers, and Dr. Harold Lawrence’s cultural and philosophical perspectives, we will have time for a self-guided tour and shopping at the museum store and then enjoy lunch at the Whistle Hill Café (next door). Then we will return to school to work on our Shakespeare production, Hamlet, with Director George X Rodriguez while Dr. A works on a Ham Omelet. They are both dramatic events. Now pass the Ketchup so Dr. A can catch up.

museumThe Museum of the Americas is a jewel of Weatherford, where we can find the colorful and diverse heritage of native peoples of the Americas through a fabulous collection of 19th & 20th century artifacts, crafts and folk art. The rich cultural traditions of the people and tribes of north, central and South America are reflected in the intricate and distinctive designs of the objects they make for daily use for religious ceremonies and for trade.

FINANCIAL: Museum/Speaker Fee (Donation to the Museum) $5.00 Please pay Dr. A.
Lunch: Please provide funds for lunch today.
Gift Shop: Yes! There have wonderful gifts.

Note: Uniform pants, a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun/adventure trips.

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or the Restaurant at any time or for any reason, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.


This is Brix, Mia’s other child dog. He will keep an eye on you. Just pick a color!

Drop-off will be at The Anderson School at 8:30 a.m. OR  you may meet us at the Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick-up will be at the Anderson School at 3:15 p.m. Please let me know if you are meeting us at the Museum.

Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

modernClick below to view “This Month at the Modern” Art Museum

museum of the a

Simplicity is a State Of Saving Grace / Medicinal Stevia / Museum of the Americas

This tells you how incomprehensible the future is.

This tells you just how incomprehensible life is.

With drug and alcohol addiction and drop-out and suicide rates
high and climbing higher, we must ask ourselves,
what is wrong?

Over the past 60 years, the overall rate of suicide among adolescents has tripled, making it the third leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds and the second leading cause of death among college students. (read more) The unbelievable statistics seem to be in a race with our egos and our ignorance and our apathy. Where do we look for answers?
Perhaps, if we look intently into the mirror of our mind, our thoughtful reflections of the highly disturbing complexity of the world we created can lead us back in time, toward the simple solution we always knew, toward the simplicity of our youth. Perhaps we can come to understand what our children have always known, should we take the time to ask.

The greatest truths are the simplest:
so likewise are the greatest men.
~ Augustus William Hare

Beauty, Purity, Clarity, Love
A State of Grace

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Oliver Wendell Holmes

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.                                   – Oliver Wendell Holmes

Simplicity is not just without,
It is also within.
It is not just a straight line,
It’s a short line.
And not a dollar,
But a dime.

Not wanting something is as good as possessing it. - Donald Horban

Not wanting something is as good as possessing it.                                       Donald Horban

It lies not in the answer,
But in the question.
It is not a problem,
It lacks the reason
To have one.

my friend,
Is not a house,
But a tree.

When life is too busy,
We do not take time to Nourish Spirit and Soul.

Sunset A

The world surrounds us each day with its perfections.

Simplicity is not the stars in your eyes,
But the beautiful setting
Of the one star that is already our own.
It is not a stadium,
But a simple vacant lot.
It’s not about the future,
For it lies in the past.
It’s not about hate and getting even,
It’s about Love and forgiveness.

“God is infinitely simple.”
St. Thomas Aquinas

Folks, this world we created,
Our relationships, technology, schools, expectations,
Our thoughts about them,
Are too complex!
And dropping out with drugs, alcohol and suicide
Is simply – a way out.
They seemingly exist to help cope
With all the pain, the confusion
And the interminable suffering.
They evolve into
A “pull the plug to stop the pain”
Coping strategy.
And they become the ultimate

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. - Socrates

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.                 – Socrates

The cries
Can be heard and felt.
The world
Of our children
Is not our world.
It is different,
Much, much more complex And not comprehensible
To them or us.
But to help,
We must get a grip
On what it is
We are dealing with.
And no, it is not simple.
Or is it?

Simplicity is no, not always yes.
It is a lighter shade of serious.
It is laughter and humor.
It is seeing that life is really hilarious.
It is a simple Prayer of thanksgiving.

Though we think the world is imperfect, it surrounds us each day with its perfections. - Robert Brault

Though we think the world is imperfect, it surrounds us each day with its perfections. – Robert Brault

It is slow cooking,
Not fast food.
It is honesty,
Warmly blended
With compassion.
It is a smile with a chuckle, And not always an answer.

It’s interest in the little things – The setting sun, Nature, The little bug crawling out
Of your glass of tea,
The stupid thing I did
Last week,
The funny look on your face When I just stared at you, Remembering how happy You were as a small child.

It’s throwing your homework into the trash can,
Because you already spent all day in school,
And dad doesn’t remember anything about Algebra,
And doesn’t want to earn another grade.

It’s long walks in the park,
Singing a silly song,
Skipping a rock across the water
And having nothing, absolutely nothing to do.

Mary Alice & dog Trips Fall 2013 104

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.                                         ~Lin Yutang

It’s a new puppy,
Yes, a pound puppy,
Old sneakers and faded jeans No one else would want to wear. It’s a smile every time your seen And something funny to say, Never anything mean.

Simplicity drives an older car That once parked
At the drive-in movie.
Simple is thin, exhausted, Smiling and on a budget
So small that it doesn’t exist.
As Philip Wylie says,
“Material blessings, when they pay beyond the category of need, are weirdly fruitful of headache.”

Simplicity is a theme
In the Christian religion.
One aspect of simplicity
Is often referred to as elegance.

The goal of simplicity
Is not to make life free of problems,
But to give ordinary life
Depth and value that comes
From cultivating the Spirit.

Nothing lasts forever.
But simple things generally last
A long time,
Including a simple life.

Crafting a simple lifestyle helps people gain control over their life and is a recipe for good, long, quality living. Lifestyle simplicity offers a practicle down-to-earth philosophy of life that values caring for the soul or spirit. Lifestyle simplicity helps us achieve our goals and reach an inner harmony, peace and a state of grace.

A simple lifestyle helps people gain control over their life. It is a recipe for good, long, quality living. It offers a practical down-to-earth philosophy of life that values caring for the soul and the spirit. It enables us reach an inner harmony, peace of mind and a state of grace.

The simple life is easy, relaxed, Happy
And sounds like the laughter
Of children at play.
It’s black and white,
Not many shades of gray.
It’s a refusal to accept
What cannot be yours.

Tree politically correct

I like to walk about among the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions, because they would take away my liberty. ~  George Santayana

And the truth is also simple.
It admits when we are wrong
And are no longer in the game.
It tells me our children are at risk And it’s time for a change.

In its essence,
Simplicity is about knowing,
That someone loves you above all things on earth,
Beyond all measure
And without end,
And that nothing else matters.

Simplicity is knowing,
Bent to the will of understanding – That life is simply Love.
That the most complicated thing
A child should do
Is search for a smile on your face – And find one.
Knowing that when one wakes
From a dream,
Life will be complete.

It is knowing that you are one with the earth,
That the Love of God flows through you,
Through your thoughts,
Through your speech
And through your deeds
To all others.

Life is amazingly good when it's simple and amazingly simple when it's good. - Terri Guillemets

Life is amazingly good when it’s simple and amazingly simple when it’s good.                – Terri Guillemets

It is seeing that Love
Is within you,
All around you
And in every living thing.
It is knowing that Love
Can define you,
Make you complete,
That one day,
Life will astound you,
And all the world
Around you,
For the complexities of life No longer confound you, Because Love,
Simple Love,
Is your Belief.
And that is really all you need to know.

Now, go back into this world
And quit making a big deal
Out of everything,
Your seriousness is killing us.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. - Leonardo de Vinci

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.                                                  – Leonardo de Vinci

The concept of simplicity
has been related to in the field of epistemology.
According to Occam’s razor,
all other things being equal,
the simplest theory
is the most likely to be true.
In the context of human lifestyle,
simplicity can denote freedom from hardship,
effort or confusion.
Specifically, it can refer to
a simple living style.

—   —   —   —

Stevia is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent

From NaturalNews: The native Indian tribe in Paraguay calls stevia “Kaa he-he” which means “sweet herb”. This herb is believed to have been used for centuries by locals as a sweetener and for medicinal treatments. Stevia has been shown to not only contain a great flavor but also be a natural anti-hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer agent.
Stevia contains zero calories and is up to 300 times sweeter than sucrose which makes stevia an excellent sugar substitute. This “miraculous Paraguay herb” may be called such because of its therapeutic properties in controlling diet related diseases such as type-2 diabetes, cancer prevention, weight control and overall human health.
Some research has found that stevia acts as an anti-hyperglycemic agent or high blood sugar antagonist, because of its ability to lower glucose levels by up to 35% in healthy individuals and approximately 18% in patients with type-2 diabetes.

On Friday, March 20, 2015 Our destination is:

The Museum of the Americas, 216 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, (Telephone: 817-341-8668/817-599-0490) and the fabulous Whistle Hill Restaurant (next door).

We will depart from the school at approximately 9:00 a.m. to arrive & begin our visit at 10:00 a.m.Our dear friend and Museum Director, Dr. Harold Lawrence, will provide a docent guided tour.

Following a morning of great stories, questions and answers, and Dr. Harold Lawrence’s cultural and philosophical perspectives, we will have time for a self-guided tour and shopping at the museum store and then enjoy lunch at the Whistle Hill Café (next door). Then we will return to school to work on our Shakespeare production with Director George X Rodriguez.

The Museum of the Americas is a jewel of Weatherford, where we can find the colorful and diverse heritage of native peoples of the Americas through a fabulous collection of 19th & 20th century artifacts, crafts and folk art. The rich cultural traditions of the people and tribes of north, central and South America are reflected in the intricate and distinctive designs of the objects they make for daily use for religious ceremonies and for trade.

A special exhibit is now on display: Bison-Bison: The Magnificent Beast of the American Plains. 
Museum/Speaker Fee $5.00 Please pay Dr. A. Lunch: Please provide funds for lunch today.
 Gift Shop: Yes! There have wonderful gifts.
Note: Uniform pants, a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required.
. PARENTS/GUARDIANS are always invited to participate on our study/fun/adventure trips.
Students are NOT to leave the Museum or the Restaurant at any time or for any reason, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.
Drop-off will be at The Anderson School at 8:30 a.m. Pick-up will be at the Anderson School at 3:15 p.m. If you have easy questions please contact us at 817-448-8484.
Emergency Telephone No: 682-777-1908
Mar. 27 _________________________
April 3 & 6 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holidays
April 10    C.P.R. & First Aid Training for all students & staff at school
April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition is “Twelfth Night”)
May 1 Tuition Due for 2015-16
May 4 & 5 (Mon. & Tues.) Our Theatrical Production “Twelfth Night” At Stage West Theater
(See William’s Weblog at for trip details (posted each Wed. at 6:00 p.m.)

A. n . d . e . r . s . o . n
Where precocious children are nurtured and appreciated
and have puppies to play with.

Maybe a person’s time
would be as well spent raising food
as raising money to buy food.
~ Frank A. Clark

They Are But Three / If Good Men Do Nothing / Movie: Theory of Everything

 There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.
– George Sand

I Love You

Life has taught us that Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward, together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Expurey

“I Love You”
Are but three,
You, what you dream,
And what you see.

They say something much more
Than they say,
And harbor within
A world you cannot contain.


One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life:     that word is Love.                         – Sophocles

They are not words,
Oh, Keeper of the Keys.
They are the secrets
That unlock the doors
To hearts in every place,
In every space.

And they are but three.
And they are but yours.
Yours to share,
Yours in Prayer,
To climb three stairs,
To Love so sublime.
They are a poem
In life’s rhyme

All in rhythm
With Celestial Time.

Noah turns 13.

Congratulations to Noah    who turned 13.

Three simple sounds
To say what God feels
For you, and for me,
Today, not never,
Now and forever.

You cannot truly know
What you cannot feel.
And feeling not
Conveys less than you are.
And you are all the world
To someone in need,
Who, hearing nothing,
Feels not the beat
Of your heart,
Or his own.

020They are but three
Harbingers of freedom.
They open the wounds
Of a lonely heart,
To feeling,
To healing,
To Loving again.

You can share this love,
This moment.
You, and you alone
Can feel the way,
Convey your Love for another
On a special day,
This day,
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
Beloved of another.

We have two new friends.

We have two new friends.

Your life is a Prayer,
Your Love, always there,
To discover,
To give,
To share.

What in the name of All
That resides in
Heaven Above

Are you waiting for?

  More pain in life?

We enjoyed lunch at the Whistle Hill Cafe and a trip to

We enjoyed lunch at the Whistle Hill Cafe and a visit to the Mike Renner Energy Independent Home. Our special appreciation goes to Lauryl Blossom, Ian’s Mom for planning a great trip.


Keep it waiting
“I Love You”.

From: The Underground Health Reporter

According to the American Cancer Society, 41% of ALL adults will develop cancer in their lifetimes That’s 4 out of 10…or 2 out of 5 people. Read more:

Cole contemplates his next move with the only chess piece left on the table.

Cole contemplates his next move with the only chess piece on the table.

Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said:
There is nothing in the NATURAL environment that can cause cancer…so it has to be a man-made disease.

A recent study by University of Manchester scientists has strongly suggested that…cancer is a modern, man-made disease caused by environmental factors such as pollution and diet.

In the extensive study conducted at the University’s KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, scientists examined hundreds of mummies and found…no signs of cancer – with one exception.

The 17th Century Ushers Cancer In

It wasn’t until the 17th century that the first reports of cancer appeared in scientific literature—such as cancer of the scrotum (found in chimney sweeps in 1775, caused by soot particles); and nasal cancer found in users of snuff (finely ground tobacco) in 1761.

The University of Manchester study indicates that cancer-causing factors exist only in modern, industrialized societies –
and cancer is fueled by the excesses of modern life.

  1. The food you eat…
We enjoyed a Holiday lunch with David & Amy Smelley

We enjoyed a Holiday lunch with David & Amy Smelley. Thank you!

2. the air you breathe…
3. the clothes you wear…
4. the water you drink…
5. personal care products you use…
6. medications you take…
7. the water you bathe in
8. virtually everything you consume, and
9. everything you do –
10. or are exposed to –
causes cancer these days!

Here are Just a Few Factors Present in 
Modern Life That Cause Cancer:

      • Tobacco (including second-hand and third-hand smoke)
      • Genetically modified food
      • Most laundry detergents
      • Commercial hair dyes
Lunch 2

       It was delicious!

        • Air pollution (including carbon monoxide, methylene
chloride, and acrolein)
      • Granite counter-tops (which emit radon)
      • Rancid peanuts and seeds
      • Canola oil
      • Canned tomatoes
We were in the mood to celebrate.

We were in the mood to celebrate.

      • Food laced with pesticides
      • Chemicals from aerosol cans
      • Mammograms
      • X-Rays
        • Food microwaved in plastic containers (including plastic wrap, the plastic trays that come with frozen TV dinners, and even plastic baby bottles)
I think she is petting a Pig.

I think she is petting a Pig.

    •Environmental pollutants (such as asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde)

There is evidence that cancer is curable. I now believe that what prevents us from ending so much unnecessary suffering and death has less to do with science than with economics. We have research studies, medical reports and inspiring real-life healing success stories to prove it!

  • Unbelievably, what has been exposed is the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures they will undertake to discredit, imprison, and professionally destroy any physician who treats cancer patients naturally.
  • One million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and one person of every three will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; two of every three will die from their cancer within five years.
  • The average cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease, making the cancer industry a 50 billion dollar per year industry; the medical monopoly is not motivated to find a cure when treatment it is so lucrative.
  • Many natural treatments have been used successfully with cancer, but the treatments are hushed, buried, and kept out of public view with smear campaigns funded by the medical cartel.
  • Cancer prevention strategies include specific tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and managing stress. To reduce breast cancer risks from light pollution, Prevention magazine recommends nine hours of sleep nightly in a dark room devoid of both interior (computer screens) and exterior (street lamps) light sources. A study of 12,000 Finnish women found that those who slept nine hours nightly had less than one-third the risk of developing a breast tumor than those who slept only seven or eight hours. Even bright light from a trip to the bathroom can have an affect, so dim nightlights are recommended for night lighting.
    A great time was had by all.

    A great time was had by all.

    My friends, until we start electing people to represent us, we the people, and not corporate and financial interests, our deeply loved ones will continue to suffer indescribably horrible deaths. We must recruit courageous, independent thinking and, most importantly, deeply sensitive, caring and loving people to represent us.Frankly, these individuals need to love us more than they love themselves.

    It was a delightful time.

    It was a delightful time.

    These loving people exist. I have met a few of them. And you have met them too. At one time in our history we called them patriots. Reach deeply into their hearts and ask them to make a sacrifice to this Nation, to you and me, to our children. If we do not tap into the vibrant and courageous heart of this Nation, there is no hope. Yes, there is another cancer that dwells among us. And it is horrendously sad to recognize, but it resides within our body politic – within the fiber of our society.

    And yes, it is a cancer of the heart, our heart. My friends, our collective being is slowly being eaten alive by the evil that dwells within.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
    is that good men do nothing.”
    Edmund Burke

    Trip Information For Friday Dec. 19, 2014

    We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at Half-Price Books, located at 475 Sherry Lane, north of Ridgmar Mall –Telephone: 817-732-4111. At approximately 11:30 a.m. we will travel to the Rave Movie Theater in the Ridgmar Mall in  Ft. Worth, to enjoy lunch and a movie. Following lunch, we will enjoy the highly acclaimed new movie The Theory of Everything, starting at 1:40 p.m. Run time: 123 minutes, Rating: PG-13 for some thematic elements and suggestive material. PICK UP will be at the Theater at 3:40 p.m.

    “Education makes a people easy to lead,
    but difficult to drive;
    easy to govern
    but impossible to enslave.”
    – Henry P. Brougham 1828

    Movie Synopsis:
    During the 1960s, Cambridge University student and future physicist Stephen Hawking falls in love with arts student Jane Wilde. Their relationship leads him through personal and scientific challenges.

    The starting time may change, please be patient.
    Dr. A may become anxious but popcorn will help.
    Emergency Telephone 682-777-1908

    If you arrive late, we shall have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school.

    Students are NOT to leave the bookstore, food court or theater without the approval of Dr. A (wake him gently with the smell of warm popcorn if necessary. And remember to share!)

    FINANCIAL: Tickets are approximately $5.00, but this may be incorrect (I hate perfection) – please pay at the Box Office.
    Please provide funds for a good book (you can find one for $2.00) and for lunch.
    Refreshments: Hey, this is a movie theater. Yes!
    Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required.
    PARENTS / FRIENDS / SIBLINGS / NEIGHBORS, are invited to participate on our trips.

    Dec. 1 Final Tuition Payment Due for 2014-15
    (Not including monthly payment plans)
    Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
    Jan. 23 Fort Worth Stock Show
    April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition is “Twelfth Night”)

Living in the Past Means There is No Tomorrow / Visit to Energy Independent Home

George X Rodriguez

 George X Rodriguez

to our much loved
Friend, Teacher, Mentor
Director of Shakespeare Productions
George X Rodriguez.

You are an
treasured inspiration
to us all.

Thank You

2012-9-3 SUMMER PHOTOS 048

Beauty is a light in the heart.  – Kahlil Gibran                   (Photo by Wm. C. Anderson)   I was so Blessed to be brought into the moment by this stunningly beautiful creation. We loved each other for several days during the summer. This tiny creature teaches that God is the greatest artist you will ever come to know. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.”   – John Keats, Endymion

Awareness can bring us

To open the heart,
Requires a difficult journey
To accept and embrace the memory
Of all the joy,
And the sorrow.
Without sorrow, my friends,
The heart is truly empty,

But living in the past
Can become nothing more than
A tragic memory
You live again, over and over.
Living in the past means
There is no tomorrow.

Living in the bright sunlit gift of this day
Can reveal a beautiful expression
Of your true and deep love,
Of Life all around you.
And for those who remain,
When the rules do not match the game,

It can turn the tragedy in life
Into what God intended
– the clarity of love.

Your forgiveness of yourself,
And of others,

Is an expression of all the love
That God
Deep within your heart.

And that Eternal Love
Will pull you from the wreckage

Of silent, unbearable, suffering.

God blesses each of us
With precious moments
To feel Joy in our hearts.
And we do so
As we give of ourselves to others.
In doing so, Life radiates an inner Joy,
A Graceful Peace,
As it is abundantly shared
With everyone around you.

Your heart knows the way.
Your life feels the path.
Heaven, through the Love of God,
Resides within you.

Yes, your heart has always
Known the way.

May God abide with you
On the what remains
Of your journey Home.

Home is truly
Where the heart is.
Your Love is a beautiful song (Click here).

NOTES for Philosophy Class 12-11-14 Born Free (click here)

Marie 5

Marie Anderson

A personal note:

A few days ago I discovered, with the help of our son, Alexander, a poem my precious Mother, Marie, was writing on Oct. 17, 1978. This was just a few days before she suffered a massive stroke, which disabled her until her death, thirteen years and one month later. During her remaining years she could not speak or write. Can you imagine finding such a wonderful gift thirty six years after it was penned?

I share it with you today, my friends, with a fervent prayer that you take a few moments to express your love to your child. What you write today can become more precious to your children than the next breath they take. What you convey about your love can easily become the most valuable thing your child will ever possess. Such Love can sustain them in trying times to come.

Growing up, I acquired the nickname of Skippy or Skip, owing to the massive steel braces I wore, from my feet to my waist, to straighten by feet. Until I was six years of age, the only way for me to move my body was to “skip” across the ground or floor with the massive weight I had to carry with me. My older friends still call me Skip. During these difficult years, my Mother worked two 8 hours jobs each day to pay my medical bills and to survive.

I share this heartfelt expression with a very tearful Prayer of Thanksgiving, for the all the treasured Love she gave to me. She was always joyful, always caring and always loving. This child could not have been more Blessed. And this, my dear friends, is what she wrote so many years ago:

17 Oct. 1978
To Skip
(from) Marie

The days are short
since God gave loan
of a little boy.
I think of him
my guest to keep
my hope
my pride
my joy.

Grown surely he feels
gross roughness
in life’s road.
Oft’ hurt
by his side I stood.
My tears
how they have flowed.

Ever, he sings out
as though some voice
to join in a’claim,
Like angels lingering
near a God
from whom to me
he came.

Sunset 2

Our destination for FRIDAY, December 12, 2014 is: The Mike Renner Energy Independent Home, located at 325 Newsom Mound Rd, Weatherford, TX 76085 to enjoy touring his energy efficient home.

Our special appreciation goes to Lauryl, Ian’s Mother, for planning this wonderful opportunity.

We will meet at school at 8:30 a.m. From approximately 9:00 – 10:15 a.m. Dr. A will provide information on current research regarding solar cell and wind power (Dr. A is known to be full of hot air!) electrical generation. Then we will depart from school at 10:30 a.m. to arrive at approximately 11:00 a.m. for an early lunch at the fabulous Whistle Hill Café followed by a guided tour at 12:30 p.m. at the Renner energy efficient home. We will return to school around 3:30 p.m. Please be patient if we are late.

Friends, family and neighbors are always invited join us.

FINANCIAL: No fee required.

LUNCH: Please provide funds for lunch & snacks.


Emergency Telephone: 682-777-1908.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required. Tuck your shirt in & wear a belt, and you will be allowed to act normal and participate.

Students are NOT to leave the restaurant or home at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride or use the restroom, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson. QUESTIONS? 817-448-8484.

Dec. 1 Final Tuition Payment Due for 2014-15
(Not including monthly payment plans)
Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 20 – Jan 5 Christmas Break
Jan 6. (Tuesday) Second Semester Begins
Jan. 19 (Monday) The Rev. Dr. Martin L. King holiday

Jan. 23 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 16 (Monday) President’s Day Holiday
Mar. 9 – 13 Spring Break Holiday
April 3 & 6 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holidays
April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
(Drama Competition is “Twelfth Night”)

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n
Where precocious children are appreciated.
