The Curious Realization of Being / Whistle Hill Cafe Needs Our Help / Important Dates


To see into the reality of who I am.

This place
is merely space
that is flowing –
like a river
of dreams.
And down by the
river bank we sit,
and we wonder
about the water.

Dreams are
unreal spaces,
place-less places,
flowing through
the canyons of our minds,
until we wake,
reflect a deep
longing to be
and to see
into the reality
of who I am,

We have
a curious realization
of being.
The space
in which we think
we live,
mirrors what is secret,
a reflection of our real selves
in diverse shades
of dark and light,
momentary traces in time,
portraits drawn by imagination,
so parallel in their dimensions
they almost rhyme.


Objects we perceive are not the ultimate reality.

dances upon the waters
of our lives –
waters flowing so swiftly
we may never know
the direction for you and me
is toward
an Eternal Sea.


    And we wonder about the water.

And what is,
or is not,
is beautifully reflected
in the temporarity
of each moment
meant to be,
or not to be,
as Love,
only Love,
shows us the deeper meaning
of being.

Plato postulated in
The Republic
that the objects we perceive
are not the ultimate reality,
but more like a shadow of reality.


Our experience is as much a reflection.

And the philosopher Immanuel Kant
gave us insight into the realization
that all we ever know
are the structures generated in our mind.
“The thing-in-itself”,
remains forever unknowable.

The mind is barred
from a direct knowing
of the thing-in-itself.
And our experience is as much a
of the nature of our mind
as it is of the physical world.

Kant reached the conclusion
that time and space
are not inherent qualities of our physical world;
they are reflections in the mind,
a perceptual framework within which
our experience of the world is constructed.
But this does not mean
that WE can never understand it.


Enlightening avenues of thought.

We do not passively
experience the world;

we are the creators
of the world we experience.
And why
would we not be?
Are we not
Children of God?

Throughout the literature
of mankind are examples of Spiritual people
who have proclaimed that the whole world
is within them.
And current research provides
new and insightful perspectives
leading to this conclusion.

My Dear Friends,
Religion and science are rapidly merging,
as new philosophical insights,
garnered from scientific research,
are providing more enlightening
avenues of thought.


A reflection in diverse shades of dark and light.

What is found in the precious
Word of God
is becoming more and more
validated and valued.

We know so very, very little
about ourselves
and the world around us.

“We don’t know
a millionth

of one percent
about anything.”
– Thomas A. Edison

in this same moment in time,
we can discover
Ultimate Truths,
Lovingly placed
between the Covers
of a Beautiful Book,
The Holy Bible.
And these comforting
and enlightening words
are patiently waiting for


              Lovingly placed

My Precious Friends,
sometimes what we say
has little worth,
for words,
impregnated by Truth,
are not always
able to give birth.
And so it goes,
the distance we travel
is not always
to the number of steps
we take.

But Love
is the essence
of Truth.

“The spiritual journey
is the relinquishment, or unlearning,

of fear
and the acceptance of Love
back into our hearts.
Love is the essential existential fact.
It is our ultimate reality
and our purpose on earth.
To be consciously aware of it,
to experience Love in us and others,
is the meaning of life.
– Marianne Williamson


  We can also be Loving.

To the degree
we are violent
toward one another,
we can also be
And we are
a truly violent
The second greatest destroyer
of Precious Human Lives
are other Human beings.

And God spake
all these words, saying,
“Thou shalt not kill.”
Exodus 20:13

we can become
the most Loving Creation
of all.


         Toward an Eternal Sea.

The gossamer thread
of Life
is spent and spun
and very, very fine:
Life hanging
by a thread.
The tempest tossed
buffeted about by adversity,
lead me to this

And why
we of such prosperity,
do not grasp
the fragile thread
of Life
to pull those in such need
aboard this Ship of State,
is beyond my poor ability
to add or detract.

The hand you extend
to others is,
in the Ultimate Reality,
the Hand of God,
as He moves
through us,
through our Sacred Hearts.
we can give a new birth
of freedom
to a Life in need.
Hope in a heartbeat,
beyond all measure,
an ultimate realization of
our being.

We are all
in the water.
All of us!



So parallel in their dimensions they almost rhyme.

“I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Through the storm, through the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand precious Lord,
lead me home.”
– Thomas E. Dorsey

To believe in yourself
is to believe
in That
which gave you

The Whistle Hill Cafe
Needs our Support.

The very Loving and dedicated family,
that has provided such a beautiful
and healthy service to our citizens
for very many years,
needs our help.

These wonderful people
need a new home
for their restaurant.
If you know of a building
located in Weatherford
or on the west side of Fort Worth,
that can be leased or purchased
and is reasonably priced
please let me know.

As with the beautiful family of
Atex Trash Service,
this family owned
and family operated business
is part of what has made America
truly Great.
Please let me hear from you.

“As we Love others,
we Love ourselves.”


Together we can give a new birth of freedom.

Brace yourselves.
And prepare your children.
The future is coming
faster than the speed of light.

Next Week we will explore:

Quantum Mechanics.
NASA scientists have recently confirmed that matter can indeed be in two places at once. In fact, through quantum entanglement, particles millions of light-years apart can be connected without physical contact. Space-time can now be manipulated; teleportation is becoming a reality; gravity-resistant material is now heralded for air transport, and virtual science has led to a greater understanding of hyper-dimensional existence.

And you thought,
all they really need to know
is how to read and write!

Important Dates
Sept. 6  First Day of Fall Semester
Oct. 10    Columbus Day Holiday
Nov. 19-25     Fall Break Holiday
Dec. 20 – Jan. 4  Christmas Holiday
Jan. 5    First Day of Spring Semester
February 20  Presidents Day Holiday
March 13-17   Spring Break Holiday
April 14 & 17   Good Friday & Easter Monday Holidays
May 22 – 26     Adventure Trip (All Aboard!)
May 26             Last Day of Spring Semester