A Deeper Reality / Natural Drinks To Calm Your Nerves / Friday: C.P.R. and First Aid Training at School

‘The intuitive mind is a Sacred Gift,
the rational mind its faithful servant.
We have created a society
that honors the servant
and has forgotten the Gift’.
– Albert Einstein


Deep within us,
the surface of our conscious mind,
is a place we do not know.
It is
a deeper mind

Most people are far, far away
from this level of awareness.
They live on the fast paced,
often violent surface of the Earth,
with all of its illusions, opportunities,
adventures and misadventures
and misfortunes.

But deep within
there is a burning desire,
a never ending yearning
to find the true
meaning of our


Someone must teach you that Life is lived for Love and Joy. I have my Mother to thank.  – – –  Thank You!

This longing
from a deeper place
we can only find
each of us.

It is
the very Human Heart
in which
our Creator lives.

When God created man
in His own image
He made Mankind
to share
Divine prerogatives.

are someone great, wonderful and different.
You are the most excellent
of all God’s beautiful creations.
You are a special expression
of Divine Nature,
created by God’s own personal activity.
God created you with Solemnity
and Dignity,
and with the Honor of an intimate
Divine deliberation.
branch-and-sun-bHe created you
with such Love
as you Love
your precious Child.
You are
deeply Loved,
Divine Child
of God.

“Then the Lord God
formed the man of dust from the ground
and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life,
and man became a living creature.”
Genesis 2:7

Only Mankind,
of all God’s creatures,
has a Spirit,
a God-consciousness,
the capacity for knowing God
and holding Spiritual Communion with Him
through Prayer.


       There is a deeper reality.

If this knowledge
can be realized,
if it can be accepted,
will be able to envision
a new reason
for Life
and for living.

How much
is a person responsible
for their own
Can knowledge
arise from within
to reassure someone
that Life is not
a singular, lonely journey,
leading to nowhere,
to nothing
but death?


That’s me! A few years back and very much in Love with Life.

  Or can Life be lived
with the Love
of God
to guide and comfort us?

 My Dear Friends,
everyone who Loves,
experiences a relationship
with God.
God dwells deeply within us,
within Infinite
layers of Love.

There is much speculation
about the creative
potential of the mind,
about the degree to which
we can truly have an impact
upon our own Human experience
here on Earth.


Love gives truth, direction and purpose.

the Human mind
creates its own reality.
But there is a
deeper reality,
a Mind
that created YOU,
the Mind of

The mind of man
is constantly striving to gain
privileges, possessions,
and become passionate
about Earthly things.
And the result is
immense suffering,
calamity and discord,
not only for ourselves,
but for the whole World.

“Someone’s lost the plan
For the brotherhood of man
And no one’s trying to find it anymore
And the winds become a sigh
For those who hate and those who die,
And the waves are black and slow along the shore.

“And will the grass be gone
from underneath the sky?
Will the golden flower wither soon and die?
Will the fire burn out the land,
And the sea fill up with sand,
Will the last word ever spoken be
Roger Whittaker


Beyond the pale of our understanding.

Our Human race,
in its quest to conquer and possess,
to digress into the illusion
of ownership,
has disrupted the Natural World
so much,
that now we are confronted
by challenges on a magnitude
that leave us to question
our own survival.

“There were plants and birds and rocks and things
there was sand and hills and rings.
The ocean is a desert with it’s life underground
And a perfect disguise above.
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no Love.
You see I’ve been through the desert
on a Horse with no name.

It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
‘Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain.”

Such illusory, illogical aberrations of thought
bring us out of conscious alignment
with the rhythms of Nature
and Natural Wisdom.
And now,
we find it almost impossible
to align with our deeper,
sense of self.

We cannot
even identify
our self.

“You think you own
whatever land you land on,

The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a Life,
Has a Spirit,
Has a Name.

Come run the hidden pine trails of the Forest.
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth.
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once, never wonder what they’re worth.

The rainstorm and the river are my brothers.
The Heron and the Otter are my friends.
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a hoop that never ends.

You can own the Earth and still
All you’ll own is Earth,

You can paint
With all the colors of the wind.
Stephen Schwartz

By altering our climate
we create new dimensions
of stress and uncertainty.
We are no longer
prepared for the future,
a future we cannot


But God,
My Friends,
dwells in the World
we live in.
And He
will prepare you
and strengthen you.
He will Love you.

“The Bible
is a love letter
from God.

George Norwood, Deepermind.com

is beyond the pale
of our understanding.
The future will require
a depth of understanding
and knowledge
and Compassion
that only
the Love of God
can provide.

God has placed within you
the strength
for you
to face the difficult times ahead
and deeper intelligence
in His Sacred Knowledge.

The answers lie
deep within.



           A Love Letter from God.

7 Natural Drinks That Help To Calm Your Nerves
By Urmet Seepter
read more

Relaxing has phenomenal health benefits including reducing stress, insomnia and also discouraging the development of cancer and heart diseases. This post discusses natural drinks that you can take to calm your nerves and relax.

7 Natural Calm-Down Drinks that Will Relax Your Nerves

  1. Pure Coconut Water

Although coconut water has been associated more with its energy-boosting capabilities, it can also help you sleep better. It is an excellent source of magnesium and potassium, the two ingredients that help muscles relax and regulate digestion and improve blood circulation. A small cup of coconut water is richer in potassium than 2 bananas. Also, coconut water is rich in B vitamins that help reduce stress and can also lessen the risks of lower blood pressure and heart attack. It is one of the best remedies you can drink to calm your nerves naturally.

  1. Warm Or Hot Milk

Hot or even warm milk is great for a person who feels that his nerves are shot and they want to fall asleep. Milk contains an amino acid known as tryptophan and this is what helps you calm your nerves. If you want sweet antioxidant boost, mix it with a little honey. Next time you are unable to calm your nerves, just drink warm or hot milk. It can work wonders.

  1. Tart Cherry Juice

According to studies, drinking tart cherry juice has overwhelming benefits to your body. Some of its advantages include reducing inflammation associated with arthritis and heart disease, encouraging normal levels of uric acid (this can ease gout), lowering blood cholesterol, encouraging healthy joints and improving muscle recovery.

It also has great sleep advantages in addition to promoting a lovely skin. It is common to see some of the best athletes take this drink in the middle of their performances.

  1. Herbal Teas

There are many herbal teas that can help your anxiety. However, it is important that whatever tea you choose to take, it should not contain caffeine.

Below are the common herbal teas that you can drink to calm your nerves.

    Kava. This is by far the best known herbal tea for dealing with anxiety. Many times, its effects are likened to those of Buspar, a common anxiety drug, and it appears to possess all the traits of a herbal remedy. This includes being non-addictive, completely natural as well as the fact that it can be consumed whenever needed. However, it is instructive to take note of a few things regarding kava tea. Firstly, the kava tea bought at your local grocery store is not good enough to relax you. While the basic teas provide only 30-50 kavalactones, you need up to 300 or more for you to see any calming effects. The trick is to find a purer herbal tea, such as those that are normally stocked in tea shops. Also, it is advisable to mix it with a drink that contains fats, like coconut milk or butter.Another thing is that kava is very strong and is likely to interact with certain medications. Also, never take it with alcohol. If you have liver disease, kava tea is not for you. NB! This drink must not be taken without a doctor’s nod.

Passionflower Tea. Passionflower tea works similar to kava. However, it is not strong the way kava is but has lots of benefits. It offers great calming effects the same way kava does but it does not have the side effects associated with kava.

   Valerian Root Tea. This type of herbal tea is not necessarily designed for anxiety. However, it still has the calming effects that can soothe anxiety symptoms. Traditionally, valerian tea was used to aid people in sleeping. Many people who suffer from insomnia use valerian root tea to help them catch a few winks of sleep.

  1. Oat Straw

Oat straw may be good for you if you want something to drink to calm your nerves. It is a well known remedy that has been used over the years to cure exhaustion and depression. However, this is not a magic drink that will relieve you of your anxiety in an instant. It must be taken for some time, like a month, for it to have calming effects on you. You can find it in stores that sell natural remedies and herbs.

  1. Green Tea

Green tea has many health benefits, and one of these is stress relief. The reason for its stress relief is mainly because of theanine it contains, an important calming agent. Like the herbal teas above, it is important that you drink decaffeinated green tea. Caffeine is in fact a stimulant and cannot produce the calming effects that you need.

  1. Honey-Infused Drinks

If, for some reason, you cannot use herbal teas, just take any of the drinks mentioned above and infuse them with honey for roughly two weeks. When you feel ready to drink a cup, just mix a table spoon of honey or tea mixture into hot water, hot milk or coconut water and drink it up. It will calm your nerves and help you relax.

Relaxing is important for a healthy person. However, the busy lifestyles that most of us find ourselves in today deprive us of time to relax. But the good news is that there are indeed natural drinks that you can take to calm your nerves.


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The Sheltered Arms Of Love / Multitasking Is Detrimental / Friday: Chandor Garden

Dedicated to
Always know

We Love You
And we miss you.
Our thoughts
And our Prayers
Are with you
Each and every
May God
Abide in your
Precious Heart.


“Your Heart
is where your inner light resides.

It is part of every Sacred journey
to reconnect with your inner light,
step into your Divinity,
spread the light of Love before you,
return to the essence of Love,
and inspire others to do the same.”
Molly Friedenfeld

pic 2

          Do not look with your eyes.

Can my Heart
Come Home?

Does my Sacred Journey

How we suffer
On this Earth,
So unknowing, unaware
That all the pain
May simply disappear,
That we may be healed,
Clothed in Forgiveness,
Gifted of recreation,
Made new,
Like the morning Sun,
And refreshed,
Like beautiful Flowers
Opening their blossoms,
Anointed with the morning dew,
Made ready
For another new day
In which to dance
With the wind
And play.


   Anointed with the morning dew.

Our pilgrimage
To such Joy
As we have never known,
Is not outward
Into the unknown.
It is to the center
Of the Human Heart.

Do not look
With your eyes,
My Friend,
They will never see
What you are
Looking for.

Be still
And Listen,
And you will hear
A Sacred call
To discover in yourself
What has been there all along:
God’s Abiding Love
That can keep you
Vibrantly alive,
Truly in Love with Life,
And strong.


God’s Truth will penetrate into your precious Heart.

The sorrows that confound you,
From the world all around you,
Can simply

For the Dreamscape
Your Being may bring,
Of Love and laughter and Prayer,
Can lead to a Landscape
Overflowing with God’s
Very Tender,
Loving Care.

“And I say unto you,
Ask, and it shall be given you;
seek, and ye shall find;
and it shall be opened unto you.”
Luke 11:9

As we pass through
The shadows of life’s illusions,
And enter into
The Eternal Light of Truth,
We wield
The Sword of the Spirit
Which is the powerful
Word of God,
In the Hot, Scorching Fire of
His Everlasting Love.

We must learn
How to use the Sword
Of the Holy Spirit.

“The Word of God
is living and active.
Sharper than any double-­edged sword,
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit,
joints and marrow;
it judges the thoughts
and attitudes of the Heart.”
– Hebrews 4:12

My Dear Friends,
Read the Word of the Lord
And you will be renewed
And strengthened
In body, mind and Spirit.
God’s Truth will penetrate
Into your precious Heart.
Then your Sacred Journey
Will begin.
And joy,
As you have never known,
Will enter your Life.

“Be Still and listen to your heart. 
It is the voice of God 
pulsating to the rhythm of the Universe
 transmitting a message 
through your soul to you.”
Carolyn Odom Burleson


You can deafen the silence we endure.

“I will be the gladdest thing
under the sun!
I will touch a hundred flowers
and not pick one.”
– Edna St. Vincent Millay

Your Heart
Is able
To truly sing.

And if you are still
And listen,
You can
Deafen the silence
We endure.

Yes, My Friends,
Dark days
Will come.
They must come.
“Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

With Faith and Hope
And the Treasured
Word of God,
Light and Beauty
Will also come.

“Consider the sweet, tender children
Who must suffer on this earth.
The pains of all of them
He carried from the day of His birth.

He clothes the lilies of the field,
He feeds the lambs in His fold,
And He will heal those who trust Him,
And make their hearts as gold.”
– Roger Hoffman

The great fear
For each of us,
Is that
We may not hear,
Never know,
The joy of Pure Love
God will show.
You need fear
No more.


Refreshed like beautiful Flowers.

Be still and listen.
Your song
He is singing
In the Sunlit sky
Of every morning.
With each new day
His Creation of the Dawn
Is a Sacred Call
To discover ourselves
In the Sheltered Arms
Of Love.

Don’t let the Love
Of Life
Pass you by,
Or the Life
Of Love
Will surely die.

“A flower blossoms
for its own joy.”

– Oscar Wilde

Dark clouds need never rise
As we cross over
Rivers deep
Of doubt,
And wide
Of deepening despair.

sunrise 2

    Dark clouds need never rise.

For God discloses
The joy of Human Love
As He abides
With us
In the Poetry
Of Prayer.



“All the flowers
of all the tomorrows
are in the seeds
of today.”

– Indian Proverb

From our friends at
Science proves
these seven herbs provide powerful protection
against liver cancer and liver damage:

More than 10 percent of the world’s population
currently suffers from some form of liver disease,
whether it be fibrosis, cirrhosis, a hepatocellular carcinoma,
alcoholic steatosis, or chronic hepatitis.
And a great number of these folks
use some kind of natural remedy as treatment
rather than pharmaceuticals,
according to a 2012 study published
in the European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

According to the paper,
the following herbs and herb-derived remedies
are among the top contenders
in this natural fight against liver disease:

1) Curcumin  (turmeric derivative)
2) Wogonin (Scutellaria radix). This monoflavonoid compound isolated from skullcap root shows incredible promise in the treatment of both Hepatitis B and C, as well as various forms of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
3) Glycyrrhizin (Glycyrrhiza glabra). This active constituent of licorice root has long been used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, and also possesses a host of natural anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
4) Resveratrol. This polyphenolic phytochemical derived from berries, grapes and wine, has gained itself a solid reputation as one of the most potent anti-aging compounds found in nature.
5) Silymarin (Silybum marianum). This compound derived from milk thistle is arguably the most well-studied in the natural treatment of liver disease.
6) Rhein. This anthraquinone derived from rhubarb is known to have powerful anti-cancer properties.
7) Geniposide (Gardenia jasminoides). This compound of the gardenia plant is particularly beneficial in treating hyperlipidemia and fatty liver disease.   read more

A study at the University Of London
found that subjects who multitask
experienced drops in their IQ
comparable to someone who missed a night of sleep.
Even if multitaskers feel like they’re getting more done,
they’re working at a much lower cognitive level.

Research repeatedly tells us
that multitasking is detrimental to our brain.

And the cognitive costs get worse.
If you’re a multitasker,
you might have done some
serious permanent damage,
as a study that ran MRI scans
on the brains of multitaskers
found they had less brain density
in areas that controlled empathy and emotions.
read more

Slow down.
Do one thing at a time
And do it well,
But NOT too well.


“Moderation in ALL things.
Including moderation.”
– Benjamin Franklin


On FRIDAY March 4, 2016, we will meet at school to depart at 9:00 a.m. to arrive at 10:00 a.m. at the CHANDOR GARDENS, at 711 West Lee Ave. in Weatherford – Telephone 817-613-1700.


Douglas Chandor

Our Self- guided tour starts at 10:00 a.m. We will spend approximately 1½ hours on our tour. Following the tour, we will travel to the Whistle Hill Café in Weatherford to enjoy lunch.

Following lunch, we will return to school to work on our Shakespeare Production, Hamlet, with our wonderful Director, George X Rodriguez. Pick-up is at the School at 3:15 p.m.chandor 2

Chandor Gardens is a unique world-class paradise featuring an enchanting array of creativity, color and beauty. The gardens were lovingly designed and created by renowned English portrait artist Douglas Chandor over 70 years ago yet remain a spectacular marvel. Douglas painted portraits of Edward, Duke of Windsor, the young Prince of Wales, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Queen Elizabeth among many others.

When Douglas Chandor married Weatherford native Ina Kuteman in 1935, she convinced him to build their home and garden in the heart of her hometown. Although his claim to fame was his talent as an artist, Douglas found his real passion as a gardener. He once told Ina that his talent for painting was merely a means that enabled him to fulfill his dreams of building a “living artwork”.

chandor 3Douglas Chandor’s destiny would be to turn these dreams into a reality. The gardens, originally called White Shadows, were carved from 4 acres of rock-hard terrain that was once a cow pasture. The project began in 1936 with the aid of picks, shovels, dynamite and mule-drawn plows. Truckloads of topsoil and tons of boulders were brought in to transform the barren cactus-dotted property into a peaceful haven enclosed by hedges and walls.

Chandor devised a series of garden rooms, each with individual character and stunning views, all connected by meandering walkways. His creation combines the styles and ambiance of Chinese and English gardens with such delights as fountains, grottos, and even a mountain waterfall.

The Chandors worked tirelessly together in the gardens until Douglas’ death in 1953, at which time Ina renamed them Chandor Gardens as a tribute to her husband. The gardens remained open to the public until shortly before her death in the late 1970s. Because there were no direct heirs, the property remained unattended, overgrown and deteriorating for 20 years.chandor 4

In 1994, local residents Charles and Melody Bradford purchased the estate and took on the enormous task of restoring the gardens and home. In what could only be described as a true labor of love, they painstakingly spent years clearing and cleaning away the debris of decades of neglect.

Many large old trees, Douglas’ original wisteria and boxwood plantings, and his magical hardscapes remained. Everything else was replanted by the Bradfords, and thanks to their efforts Chandor Gardens was once again transformed into a lush tranquil delight.

Please observe the POLICIES of the Garden. Uniform pants with a belt, polished shoes & red monogrammed school shirts are required.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS/NEIGHBORS/SIBLINGS/ are always invited to participate on our trips.

chandor 5Please do not disturb Dr. A. should he be found on the trail all alone and asleep or muttering incoherently to himself or some
passerby or a frog or a tree or a bug. You get the picture!

Students are NOT to leave any facility at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

FINANCIAL: Admission: children – $2.00 / Adults $3.00
Please pay at the Garden.

March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have several young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 15 (SUNDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 16-20 Adventure Trip to Little Rock, Ark.
May 20 Last Day of School
(See William’s Weblog at andersonschool.net for trip details (posted Wed. at 6:00 p.m.)

Miles From Tomorrow / Health Benefits of Coffee and Ginger Tea / Friday: F. W. Nature Center




“How sweet the morning air is!
See how that one little cloud floats
like a pink feather from some gigantic flamingo.
Now the red rim
of the sun pushes itself

over the London cloud-bank.
It shines on a good many folk,
but on none, I dare bet,
who are on a stranger errand
than you and I.

How small we feel
with our petty ambitions and strivings
in the presence
the great elemental forces
of Nature!”

–  Arthur Conan Doyle


               When breaks the dawn.

The Sun
Gives rise to the Morning.
And its loss
At end of day,
Manifests mourning,
As Flowers close
Their blossoms to Pray
For yet another brief encounter,
Another precious moment
To dance in the wind
And play,
While shadows
Of what we were
Refuse to stay,
And moonlight
Caresses our memory,
And kisses the Night


Such beauty abounds in precious Hearts all around.

When breaks the Dawn,
I feel the Warmth
Of God’s Love
In the Rays of His Sun.

Deep within,
I feel the Glow
Of such Splendor
And ravishing color
Rush into my waking Heart.

landscape 1

How Resplendent is God’s Promise.

When breaks your Dawn
Of awaking and awareness,
Such Beauty
As is in you,
Arises like the morning Sun
To meet
The promise of Tomorrow,
In the Glory of this Day.

And the waves of your Heart
Are pounding,
As the hands of time
And the sorrows of what is past
Fade gray into black,
For they need not last
When forward you look,
Not back.


Fade gray into black.

Then can your fragile Heart
Venture forth to
See through what is gone,
As now you dare ask,
“Is Love in the air?”
And your Heart
Turns pure, crystal clear,
For by Grace of God
Someone is near,
And here
To stay.

And in Thanksgiving,
Your Life
So many others,
Unknowing and unaware,
That such Beauty abounds
In precious Hearts
All around.

For one can never depart
From knowing and sharing
The Love of God,
Who answers our Prayer.
Your Heart
Will linger,
Your Heart
Will stay,
Your Heart
Will once again,


The promise of tomorrow in the Glory of this day.

“There’s a new world somewhere
they call the Promised Land,
And I’ll be there someday
if you will hold my hand.”
– Tom Springfield

And as you hold
Someone you Love,
The drum beat of your Heart
Pounds out the time,
Revealing God’s Love
Hidden deep inside.

Rapturous and Radiant,
You feel once again
The warmth
Of His Sun rising,
And the waves
Of your Heart crashing
Upon the very shores
You lost sight of,
That now are your

“All other things,john-donne
to their destruction draw,

Only our love hath, nor decay;
This, no tomorrow hath,
nor yesterday,

Running it never runs
from us away,

But truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day.”
– John Donne

And in the Morrow,
Are rejoicing
In the discovery
Of a new world
In each other.

The Warmth of God’s Love
Rushing through you,
Is always from another,
Another Heart,
One who needs you,
And belongs to the One
Who Loves


Miles from tomorrow are the tears of today.

And in celebratory motion,
The Sunrise
Begs of alluring Beauty
And Heralds such
A radiant new day,
That we cannot find
The words to say
How Resplendent
Is God’s Promise,
His Glorious Gift,
His Love Fulfilled,
To grant us
Each and every one,
Another chance,
Another precious moment,
Another stunningly beautiful day,
In which to say,
“Thank You”.

Miles from tomorrow
Are the tears of today.
They may be shed
In sorrow,
Or in steadfast Joy,
From all the Love
In such brief encounter,
A precious moment,
That was
This beautiful
The one
That took your breath,
And your precious, lonely Heart,


Splendor and ravishing color rush into my waking heart.

“Do you not know
that your bodies
are temples
of the Holy Spirit,

who is in you,
whom you have received from God?
You are not
your own.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-29

The Holy Spirit
Dwells within us.
Your precious being
Is the Temple of your Body,
Which can a Cathedral be,
Spiraling your Faith
And Hope and Love
To the Heavens
Affirming God’s Dignity.

Glorify Him in your Body,
In your mind
And in your Spirit,
Which are His.

violetAnd let the
Moonlight kiss the Violets
Of your Everlasting Love,
And put them to bed
With a Prayer
Of Thanksgiving
For all the Bountiful,
From Above.



I feel the glow of such Splendor.           

“I’ll catch the sun
And never give it back again
I’ll catch the sun
And keep it for my own.

And in a world where no one understands,
I’ll take my outstretched hand
And offer it to anyone
Who comes along and tells me
He’s in need of Love
In need of Hope
Or maybe just a Friend”
– Rod McKuen


   Rod McKuen        

                     Health Benefits of Coffee  (read more)

If you’re a confirmed coffee drinker, like me, especially if you’re a woman, you will be heartened by the recent finding that drinking coffee may stave off depression. A study of some 50,000 female nurses in the US over a period of ten years suggests that women who drank 2 or 3 cups of coffee a day reduced their risk of depression by 15%.

That’s not the only health benefit of drinking coffee. Various scientific research studies have shown that drinking coffee can help relieve asthma and headaches, can protect your teeth from cavities and can alleviate a whole lot of serious illnesses. Being a regular coffee drinker will cut your risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease or cirrhosis of the liver by an astounding 80%.

It can reduce your risk of developing dementia by up to 65%. Other risk reductions include diabetes (60%), gallstones (50%) and heart disease in women (25%).  More research is looking at the effects of coffee consumption on risk reduction for skin and other types of cancerCoffee mannans may one day soon help people lose weight.


Mike Adams

And, from our friends at NaturalNews.com:

Some of the most powerful medicine in the world is affordable, safe and readily found in common grocery items like ginger, garlic, onions and blueberries.

Today, we learn that ginger tea kills cancer cells and works better than chemotherapy in many cases (without all the toxic, deadly side effects of chemo).  read more

sun ri“If you want to be reminded
of the love of the Lord,
just watch the sunrise.”
–  Jeannette Walls

On Friday, Feb. 19, 2016
we will visit the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge, an Urban Wilderness with a mission to enhance the quality of life by enrolling and educating our community in the preservation & protection of natural areas.

The Nature Center is a hidden jewel, a wilderness comprised of forests, prairies, and wetlands reminiscent of how much of the Fort Worth once looked. Replete with native flora and fauna, the area beckons to those searching for a piece of nature to refresh their spirits and reintroduce a measure of tranquility.

Over 3600 acres, the center is one of the largest city-owned nature centers in the United States and offers residents and visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the natural history of north central Texas. Over 20 miles of hiking trails provide easy access to a myriad of natural wonders to be found on the Refuge.

The center is located on the northwest side of Fort Worth, four miles west of I-820 on the Jacksboro Hwy. (TX Hwy 199). We plan to hike the trails and get some sunshine and fresh air.


* * * We will need HELP with TRANSPORTATION from the Nature Center to Lunch and back to School. * * * Please let us know if you can help.

Drop off will be at the Nature Center at 10:00 a.m.
Pick up will be at the School at 3:15 p.m.

FINANCIAL: Admission: $5 Adults (13-64) $2 Children (3-12; under 3 FREE) $3 Seniors (65+) Please pay at the door.

LUNCH: We will dine at Ci Ci’s Pizza on the way back to school.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required.

Our Nature Center can be enjoyed by the entire family and your friends. All PARENTS / NEIGHBORS, SIBLINGS / FRIENDS, etc. are invited to participate on our trips. Your family is always welcome.

Students are NOT to leave the Nature Center or the presence of an adult chaperone at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride or use the restroom, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

Feb. 19 (Friday) Deposit for Adventure Trip due.
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have several young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 15 (SUNDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 16-20 Adventure Trip to Little Rock, Ark.
May 20 Last Day of School
(See William’s Weblog at andersonschool.net for trip details (posted Wed. at 6:00 p.m.)

Into the Dreams We Love / Prevent Food Poisoning / Friday: Main Event

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his world
serious harm.”
– Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy


                “Lend me an ear.”                   – William Shakespeare and Mama Bear

There are many stories.
But some
Are never read.
Others never written,
And can never be read.

A precious few are created
As your children
Are tucked in bed,
As you kiss them
On the top
Of their head.

And their stories are written
In dreams they have,
Where they lay
Their little head.


   What we mirror tells a story.

When Hearts speak
Louder than words,
Life drifts into
The dreams we Love,
When we close
Our tired eyes
And meet
Our very best friends,
The ones
Who opened the door
And let you in,
Into their Hearts
And into their lives.
The ones
Like Mom and Dad,
Who kissed you
On top of your head,
Who said without words
Spoken or read,
That Love
Is what we are,
Why we are alive,
And the only thing
That should
Ever be


Hearts speak louder than words.

And all that Love
Enters the fiber
Of their Being,
As they become
A person
Who lives for tomorrow
And Loves today.
Who tells a Love story
Written with a smile,
That sounds like a song,
A story they share
In waking dreams,
Over and over again.

bears 2

Love enters the fiber of your Being.

My Dear Friends,
The Nobility
Of the Spirit
Resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
– Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
In reflections
All around.
What we mirror
Tells a story
Not our own,
But it is there.
It is to be.
And it remains
For all to see,

And what appears
Speaks so loudly,
No one can hear
What voices say,
For this language
Is beyond the horizon
Of who we are,
What we see,
What we can even imagine
Shall ever be.


Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the language
Of God’s Love
For you
And for me.

And it lives
In the
Dreams we Love,
In reflections all around,
In the mirror
Of our lives,
In a story
That becomes
Our own.

Accept the Love of God.
Let your life be
A Love Story.
Let it be.
Let it be.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.

is now available to help
prevent food poisoning.

For your information:
is now available.

Over 200 diseases can be spread
through the food we eat.
In the U.S., there are over 200,000 cases
of food borne illness every day.*
Over 100 volatile organic compounds
are emitted by decomposing beef, poultry, and fish.
Bacteria that causes food borne illness
can make you sick
before food looks, smells or tastes bad.




By popular demand we will visit Main Event, 4801 City Lake Blvd. East (817-292-5555) at 10:45 a.m. on FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 2016. Pick-up will be at 2:30 p.m.

At 10:45 a.m. we will spend a few minutes getting our bowling shoes on and getting ready for one hour of bowling (starting at 11:00 a.m.) Our youth group special also includes lunch (2 slices of pizza and a medium soft drink), 1 hour of bowling, one hour of Video Games and $10.00 video game card & tax. Laser tag is NOT available at this time. Please pay $18.00 to Dr. A. Exact change is a Blessing.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts and polished shoes are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun trips. Students without shirts tucked in, polished shoes, and belts on will not be allowed to participate.

Pick-up will be at the Main Event at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive late, we will have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school. Please Do NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Please let us know if you will be late.


What we mirror tells a story.

                            Does Canola Oil Cause Cancer?

Not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil. Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists.”

A superior alternative to canola oil – and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking – is, and has always been, OLIVE OIL. Like canola oil, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol – without the toxic effects of canola. Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying. read more

Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

Students are NOT to leave MAIN EVENT at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. Anderson. Students are required to let Dr. Anderson know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving. DO NOT just disappear. Dr. A will faint and act up in order to get attention. Mrs. A will not be impressed.

Please ask your child if this has been done.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n



The space above left intentionally blank
– much like your future,
if you do not get a good education.

Beyond What We Will Ever Comprehend / How to Keep Your Children Safe / Websites for the Gifted / Friday Trip: Tour of F. W. Stockyards

“I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying,
I love you.”
What a Wonderful World


Far beyond what we will ever comprehend.

lets us rejoice
in the very few moments
we share together.
It alone truly makes us
happier human beings.

It is the one thing
that genuinely makes us
Everything else
creates the illusion
of joy.

And that illusion
does not last long,
does it?


Everything else creates the illusion of joy.

“If you can’t handle me
at my worst,

then you sure don’t
deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe

Love can inflame the entire world
confined within a heart filled soul.
It alone is the vibrant force
that breathes the will to be,
into our fragile, faintly beating


It is the one thing that genuinely makes us happy.

Love is
what we live for,
what we require,
what we dream of,
what we earn,
what we want
after all we have done
is over.


Love may cease to grow and wither on the Vine of Life.

Left to the devices
of mere mortals,
we fragile human beings,
filled to the brim with
acute innate limitations,
may find Love
devolve into the irrational.

evolves over time,
for nothing stays the same.

Inured to its own
fragrance of being,
Love may cease to grow,
and wither on the Vine of Life.
And the fruit of Love
blended with disbelief,
can easily evolve
into madness,
mayhem, misery.


We are the Loving Creations of a Loving Creator.

Its reason for being –
seemingly perplex,
a puzzlement, paradox,
beheld by our narrow, limited senses,
and viewed from one dimension over
from what we think it is,
like the sides of bell
from which the self-same song will ring,
like the poles of our home on Earth,
different sides
of the very same thing.

“A paradoxical truth we may conclude
is that sense in general is not only
life’s bridge to the world
but also its inexorable cloud
that veils and distorts reality.”
– Guy Murchie


    Love inflames the entire world.

The precious Love of
one person for another
can forfeit comprehension,
and with its own Mystified vision,
belie our poor power
to know,

The way to transcendence
of such Flowering Folly
lies in the evolution
of our acceptance
of the Spiritual Being,
of the Greater Love
that dwells within.


He gave us His Life. And more than Life, His Love.

American author, poet, and philosopher
Henry David Thoreau
became aware of forces
beyond his senses.
They whispered to him
of the abstract nature
of our world.

“I perceive that I am
dealt with by superior powers.
This is a pleasure, a joy,
an existence which I have not
procured myself.
I speak as a witness on the stand,
and tell what I have perceived.”
– Thoreau

We are the Loving Creations
of a Loving Creator.
And His Love
is also far beyond
what we will ever comprehend.


        Love is what we live for.

“Surely there is Mystery in this Universe
Not only somewhere and somewhen
but everywhere everywhen
And far beyond the scope of man’s feeble
Capacity to comprehend.
For man, puny, mortal and finite,
As he is in the nether phase,
Is permitted to visualize neither an end to space
Nor space without end;
Nor can he even grasp a start or a finish of time,
Nor any sort of beginning that has no beginning
Nor any end that has no end.”
– Guy Murchie


Ever will you be there for them, over and over again.

Such Love as God feels for us
shall never find an end,
for the end of that
which cannot end,
does not exist.
Even when the possibility
of human understanding exceeds its reach,
and reason feigns to align with description.
For there can never be
a way to transcend
the depth of God’s Love
for you and me,
or the Love
that abides in our
precious and fragile Hearts
for each other.


There are two pillars of happiness.

Love is God
in Name,
in His Design,
in His Desire
for your Life.
It is the essence of
“I am
that I am”.
(Exodus 3:14)

And your admission that
“You are
that you are”
is also
a statement of
God’s Love.

For you are


The vibrant force that breathes the will to be.

When God breathed breath
into Adam,
He gave us His Life.
And more than Life,
His Love.
Now it is
your Life,
your Love,
and your Sacred Time
be in Love
with Life.

“When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there, singing out my name.”
Who I Was Born To Be

And how much
does love
contribute to happiness?

Harvard University’s Grant Study
spent 75 years
trying to answer that
seemingly simplistic
but vexing question.

Psychiatrist George Vaillant,
conducted a study for years
to determine how much love,
or the lack of love,
contributes to our happiness.


In the morning light it scattered the Night and made the Day worth living.

His conclusion:
“Seventy-five years
and twenty million dollar$ later,
in an expensive (and priceless) realization,
the Grant Study came to a simple conclusion:

is Love

Isn’t it funny
how we keep searching
for the Great Truths,
that can so easily
be found in the
Word of God.

“It was only a sunny smile,
and little it cost
in the giving,
but in the morning light
it scattered the Night
and made the Day
worth living.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald


To lift them up when they fall.

Vaillant stated:
“There are two pillars of happiness:
“One is Love.

The other
is finding a way
of coping with life
that does not
push Love away.”

sun rise

To find Love is a simple thing.

Yes, my Friends,
research proves what we have suspected:
Love is the key to a
happy life.

You can be financially successful,
possess many, many things,
be in good physical health,
make astounding accomplishments,
but without a Loving relationship
to help you in life,
and celebrate life’s brief moments,
you simply will not find the happiness
you seek,
the happiness
you deserve.

“We are all happy,
IF but we knew it.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Without Love,
without discovering
the Infinite Love
that dwells within,
my dear Friends,
you shall surely
never have lived.


To light a path and open your precious Heart.

“The happiness you have
is in direct proportion
to the Love
you give.”
– Oprah Winfrey

To find Love
is a simple thing.
Close your eyes,
ask your Father
in the Heavens Above,
whose Heart is filled
with Love for you,
who dwells within,
to show you the way,
to light a path
and open your precious Heart
to be,
“I am”.


     And witness from afar . . .

He will not deny
His Child.


Ask your Father in the Heavens above.

And like your children
one day,
if you truly Love them,
you will set them


Open your precious Heart.

And witness
from afar,
and watch them
as they grow
farther away.


If you truly Love them, you will set them free.

And as they find
they still need you
and ask you,
as a Father, Mother, friend
to help them once again,
to lift them up when they fall,
to share your Love
one more time,
Ever will you be there
for them,
over and over again.
For the Love you feel within
grows until you think
it is the end,
when Love is really
being born

For God’s Love,
like yours,
never dies.
Love is reborn
over and over again.


Light a path and open your precious Heart.

                                   How to Keep Your Children Safe
click here for more
1. Teach your children that snakes, spiders and bees are not necessarily dangerous, but should be respected from a distance. In reality, animals such as cats and dogs are much more likely to harm your child, so respect for all animals must be taught.

2. Keep your children within sight while in public places.

3. Choose a babysitter carefully. Have a criminal background check conducted. Contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for information.

4. Explain and show your children how to Dial 911 in case of an emergency. This could save YOUR life.

5. Instruct your child to stay with a group.

6.Teach your children safety rules on play equipment, such as climbing on monkey bars and swimming pools. Although it can be fun for them, it can also be dangerous.

7. Teaching your children about right and wrong will also help to keep them safe, especially in their teen years.Teach them the complexities of the real world, though – few things are black & white.

           Recommended Websites for Parents of the Gifted & Talented:
Davidson Institute
Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
National Association for Gifted Children
PG Retreat

SENG (supporting the emotional needs of the gifted)
TAGFAM Project: Families of Talented and Gifted

For Friday Jan. 15, 2016

We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Fort Worth Stockyards Station, 130 E. Exchange Avenue in Fort Worth, –Telephone: 817-625-9715.

The history of the old west comes alive when we our Mule Alley, The Cowtown Coliseum and the historic Livestock Exchange Building. On the Cattlemen’s Catwalk we will see the original pens and a panoramic view of the area. Quanah Parker and Bill Picket are characters whose stories will come to life.

The cost for the walking tour is $4.50 each for students and $6.50 each for adults. Please pay Dr. Anderson, this is a group rate.

At approximately 11:30 a.m. we enjoy lunch at a nearby eatery and then return to school.

PICK UP will be at the Anderson School at 3:00 p.m.

Jan. 15 Tour of Fort Worth Stockyards
Jan. 18 (MONDAY) Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

My sincere gratitude to brother Bill Kincaid for the wonderful Parenting in the Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you!


Ask your Father in the Heavens above to show you the way.