The Dangerous Illusions We Perceive / The Longevity Diet / Sept. 4: Classes Resume

“It is because our own Human existence
is so dependent on the help of others
that our need for Love
lies at the very foundation
of our existence.”

Dalai Lama

                              Accept the Love of God.

are rarely
as they appear
to be.

what is hidden,
what is missing,
cannot be focused upon
by the
Human mind.

We often
what we cannot see,
when up is down,
what is
may not be.

As we journey
through the multiplicity
of Life’s illusions,
our sense of reality
can become distorted.
Some moments
can become mirrored in madness.
each year over one million
very precious Souls
are pushed
completely over the brink of sanity.
(click here and look deeply into the eyes of reality)

The illusions
packed into Life
are fomented by
perception and motion,
and a myriad of other
dimensions of improbability.

has led some to conclude that,
“Life, itself,
may be an

the Universe doesn’t exist
when we stop looking at it,
then it is
hung only on the walls
of our perceived

From our friends at
A famous theory in quantum mechanics
argues that a particle’s past behavior
based on what we see.

scientists have performed a new experiment
proving this theory to be true
on the scale of atoms.

‘It proves that measurement is
At the quantum level,
reality does not exist

if you are not looking at it,’
said Associate Professor Andrew Truscott.

Despite the apparent weirdness,
the results confirm the validity of
quantum theory.

Quantum theory governs the World of the very small,
and has enabled the development of many technologies
such as LEDs, lasers and computer chips.

read more

animates all conscious
It is not
That is another
very dangerous

It is LOVE!

The Love we seek
is reflect in Time.
If we open our eyes
to the illusions
of Life in living,
we may close them again,
and simply Love
in remembering.


Looking back,
we may forward see.
God’s Love
was always now,
and will forever be,
the Ever Ebbing Tide
of a deepening, endless Sea.

In each moment
the Love of God
will always be,
here and now,
the Mirror
of each moment to be.
For His Love
is Love,

                 The Love we seek is reflect in Time.

Our mentality is
very fragile and malleable,
much like
the reality
we think we see,
when we take the time
to look.

the illusions we perceive
and desperately try
to understand,
can shatter the Lives
of our very fragile
and ourselves.

As they and we
strive toward pleasing
so many others,
we can come to see
as the ultimate goal
of Life and living.

           Is that the Moon or ME?

The total focus
is then upon
what is now
And that
is a very dangerous
place to be.
My Dear Friends,

is illusory.
And there is MUCH evidence
in quantum mechanics
the Holy Bible:

All that is in the World
(the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes
and the arrogance produced by
material possessions)

is not from the Father,
but is from the world.”
1 John 2:16
Ultimate Reality
is God,
and God is not just the essence of

“God is Love;
and he that dwelleth in love

dwelleth in God,
and God in him”.
1 John 4:16


YOU, too, are beautiful beyond Belief.

If you desire
to guide your precious
toward sanity,
toward TRUTH,
and Life
and JOY,
Love your Child,
simply Love,
and ONLY Love.
you may come to see
everything else in Life
and on Earth
is an illusion.
Those who give up
on Life
have felt abandoned
by the one reality
of Love.
If your child
looks into your eyes
and does not see
it does not
Reality does not exist
if you are not looking at it.
is in
the Eye and Mind
of the Beholder.


our need for Love
lies at the very foundation
of our existence.
My Precious Friends,
the JOY
you find in sharing
all the Love hidden
in your precious Heart,
can become their reason
for living.
The great Truths
are simple.

the further we move
away from God
the more endangered
and our Children
Let us keep Life
the Love of God.
And let it flow
through YOU
to everyone you meet.

“Love is the fire
that warms our lives
with unparalleled Joy
and Divine Hope.”
– Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“God Is Love.”
John affirms that
“God is Love”
( 1 John 4:8 ).
God does not merely Love;
He Is Love.
Everything that God does
flows from his Love.


“The sun comes up,
it’s a new day dawning.
It’s time to sing
Your song again
Whatever may pass,
and whatever lies before me
Let me be singing
when the evening comes.”

Matt Redman – Ten Thousand Reasons

          Eating what nature intended.

From our Friends at:

The longevity diet
is simply eating what nature intended us to,
thus ensuring a healthier and longer life.

Animals in the wild, eating their natural diet, live an average of ten times the number of years it takes them to reach maturity (Chimpanzee’s reach maturity by the time they’re five, and live to about fifty years, for instance).

Meanwhile, most humans’ lifespan is barely five times the number of years it takes to reach maturity.

The Longevity Diet: How long should we be living?

Steve Charter, in Eat More Raw: A guide for health and sustainability, cites Dr Joel Wallach, who emphasises the scientifically accepted view that the genetic potential for longevity in humans suggests we should live to around 120 to 140 years old.

Dr Wallach lists a few more cases to further support this, including Russian Georgians who commonly live to 120 and the Armenians and Ebkanians, where living to 140 is not uncommon.

He cites one Armenian who, from his military records, is thought to have lived to 167 years old, and the Titicaca Indians of south-east Peru who lived to between 120-140 years old. There’s also the case of the Niger chief who died at 126 with all his teeth, and a Syrian in the Guinness Book of Records who fathered 9 children after 80 and went on to live to 133.

Put into context, the average age for Americans was 75.5 years old in 1994. For doctors it was 58. Dr Wallach suggest that these figures suggest that there is great value in treating yourself (through nutritional and lifestyle changes), rather than putting your health in the hands of doctors.

If you think about it logically, the reason there’s such a difference in our lifespan (compared to chimpanzees or those who manage to live to a ripe old age) is that we are not eating our natural diet.

In this article I’ll discuss some of the longest-living tribes and what the commonalities are in terms of their diet and lifestyle, what I term the longevity diet.

“Bad men live that they may eat and drink,
whereas good men eat and drink
that they may live.”


                The longevity diet: Diet of the longest-living cultures

John Robbins, in Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples, describes the lifestyles and dietary patterns of the long-lived cultures of the Abkhasia of Southern Russia, the Vicalbamba Indians of the Ecuadorian Andes and the Hunza of North Pakistan.

He found that the percentage of calories they obtained daily was between 69-73% carbohydrates, 15-18% from fat and 10-13% from protein.

Overall daily calories ranged between 1,700 -1,800, while the Abkhasia ate 90% plant foods and the Vilcabamba and Hunza ate 99% plant foods.

All three ate low amounts of salt, zero sugar or processed food, and had no incidence of obesity and other common diseases.

He also discussed the Okinawa, who, though eating a more animal-based diet, had a similar lifestyle.

I highly encourage you to read this book, or if you need a taste of what it’s about, read this review of Healthy at 100, which includes a preview of the fascinating first chapter.

The longevity diet includes some common denominators. These are:

  • Diet including whole mostly vegan, organic food with minimal animal products and fat.
  • Vitamin D and exercise
  • Strong community values
  • Spirituality and a sense of purpose

The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they’ll ease
Your will they’ll mend
And charge you not a shilling.

~Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990

Longevity Diet lesson 1: Whole, organic fresh food

Longevity Diet lesson 2: Vitamin D and exercise

Longevity Diet lesson 3: Strong community values

The Longevity Diet lesson 4: Spirituality and a sense of purpose
                                      CLICK HERE for more

LIFE can easily come to be out of focus.

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The Fingerprints of God / Food Sources of Insanity / Friday: Museum of the Americas

Dedicated with my Love, tears and Prayers
to the treasured memory of Elizabeth Ann “Betty” Gaul
December 13, 1926 – January 28, 2016,
pictured below with her precious daughter
Judy Weis.

My Love for you is Eternal,
My tears ever flowing,
And my Prayers are of

Thank you Lord,
for such a beautiful
and Loving
She has been a treasured Blessing
in my Life
and so very many others.


Betty became a Light in the Heart of everyone, a beautiful Flower in the Garden of God’s Grace.

“We shall not cease from exploration
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and to know the place
for the first time.”

– T.S. Eliot

   You are given beautiful gifts from God.

We think
We pick Flowers,
The Flowers we gather
For someone we Love.

But no.
As real as our strange world
May appear to be,
We model the world we experience
In our mind.
OrbisonIllusionWhich has led some to think
That existence, as we know it,
May be an illusion,
And our reality
Isn’t really real.

This results from scientific investigations
Telling us
That everything we know
Is merely a construction
In our minds,
What we humans perceive
As reality in the world
Around us,
May be no more than
An illusion of thought.

It has far reaching

But these implications
Are far more reaching
Than we are capable
Of ever understanding.

Ontology is the philosophical study
Of the nature of being,
Becoming, existence, or reality.
It was called “first philosophy” by Aristotle
in Book IV of his Metaphysics.

My Precious Friends,
As we explore
The nature of being,
Let us choose JOY today,
By not leaning only upon
Our own understanding,
But by having childlike trust
In our Loving Creator’s omniscience.

Allow Him to direct your path,
Which will lead to ultimate joy,
And make your journey,
Even when laden with sorrow,

“As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;
as poor, yet making many rich;
as having nothing,
and yet possessing all things.”

(2 Corinthians 6:10).

We are, after all,
Of God.


Existence, as we know it, may be an illusion.

“One could sum up mind
as a universal aspect of Life and energy,
an aspect with a relationship to the body
mystically similar to the wave’s
relationship to the particle.
And according to modern religious sources,
mind also has a resonance relation
to brain cells,
which vibrate in response to
Spiritual Energy
under laws far beyond
the scope of science.”
– Guy Murchie

Let us explore,
In a philosophical perspective,
One very beautiful aspect
Of our Life.

My Friends,
The Flowers of the field
Pick us,
As surely
As someone,
Yet unknown,
Will choose you
To Love.

flowers 2

         Such sweet awareness.

“I am not my memories.
I am my dreams.”
– Terry Hostetler

Just as we take meaning
The symbols of communication,
And not from them,
We impose our reality
Upon what we think
Is in the world around us.

Everything we know, imagine,
Perceive as color, sensation, sound,
Our very thoughts and feelings,
Make a first appearance
In our mind.


The Flowers of the field pick us.

And the Flowers
Residing in the fertile
Soil of a lonely
A longing Heart,
Select one of us,
Who falls in Love
With their beauty,
Delights in their delicate aroma,
Absorbs all the colors
That take your breath

flowers 3

We look far beyond the beauty.

Flowers seemingly move
From a place on
This Earth.

And with your outstretched arms
And Lovingly Guided Hands,
They follow the pathway
Back to the Love
That breathed Life
Into their fragile being,
To the home
That first was their own,
To a place
In your mind,
To the Heart of their Creator,
The Heart of God,
Who resides within

“The most potent form of energy
is thought.

Thought-waves are cosmic waves
that penetrate all time and space.”
– Camillo Loken


Love breathed Life into their fragile being.

And we gaze
Far beyond their beauty,
Through the Flowers
Of our brief moment in time,
And back again.

We give them to someone,
Who also abides in our Heart.

The Flowers of our field
Pick the one
We come to

For they are planted
In the fertile soil
That is the mind
Of a hungry Soul,
By the Loving Hand
Of God.
william_shakespeare_quote_2And as we
Give away
A beautiful bouquet
Of such sweet awareness,
We are unaware
That Flowers
Growing in another person’s dream,
By the Grace of God,
Become real.


     Flowers seemingly move.

They are,
My Friends,
Always there,
Blowing in the wind
Of a longing
And lonely mind.

For we are searching,
Ever searching,
To find the courage
To move them
From the field
Of possibilities,
From never,
To Love

becomes a “wave” of potentials,
expressing itself in the form
of multiple possibilities”


Flowers by the Grace of God, become real.

Planted in the fertile fields
Of our longing to be,
With so much Beauty,
That was
From our awareness
Are like
God’s Divine Plan
Waiting in your Heart and mind
To be revealed.

“We do not see things
as they are.

We see them
as we are.”

– The Talmud


Move them from the field of possibilities, from never, to Love Forever.

The Majesty
Of God’s Love
Throughout His Universe,
Is beautifully displayed.

His Fingerprints
Are on every petal
Of every Flower,
In every field
Of every dream.

And my Soul sings
To think
They were planted
Just for you,
And me.

“There the flowers will be blooming
And the grass will be green
And the skies will be clear and serene,
Where the sun ever beams
In this valley of dreams
And no cloud will be seen.
There will be peace

in the valley
For me some day.”
– Thomas A. Dorsey

My Dear Friends,
If what is real
Is within,
And we now know
That to be,
Then our mind and our Heart
Are the only domains,
And nothing,
No, nothing else
As you will come
To see.


His Fingerprints are on every petal.

“There are no gloomy skies
When seen through the eyes
Of those who are blessed with love.”
– Mack Discant

What we receive
Is what we bring,
And in every moment
Of Prayerful quiet,
God is listening.

“Once I have known
the mind of God,

the rest are all

– Albert Einstein

The time will come
When what we know
Is what we
Have always known:
A clear, clarion call
To see the past,
Through our forgiveness,
Never existed
At all.

Is no pathway
To transcend
Only today
Births tomorrow.

What is past
Is not the road
Down which we travel
To a summer place,
Where people share
Hopes and dreams,
Where Love births
The courage
To care
For the morrow.

“Come, Lord, and tarry not; bonar
Bring the long looked for day;
O why these years of waiting here,
These ages of decay?”
– Horatius Bonar
Hymns of Faith and Hope

The palette of our Resplendent Spirit,
Through fervent Prayer,
Will beautifully blossom
Transcendent colors aware,
As heights we ascend,
And return our fragile being
To the soaring breadth
And sumptuous depths
Of such Splendor
As has no beginning,
And no end.

flowers 2

They were planted just for you and me.

“As the sun,
ere he has risen,
sometimes paints his image
in the firmament,
e’en so the shadows
of events
precede the events,
and in today
already walks tomorrow.”
– William Shakespeare

Always resides
In your precious Heart,
In your Life
And in the fertile fields
Of the beautiful flowers
Found in your Dreams.

May God Bless you
And keep you
In His Dreams.



Bella at the Spa. Yes, Mia’s truly American dog!

To get the latest updates on Technology read
The Kurzweil A I Newsletter
click below:

Americans are eating themselves INSANE.
Causes of mental insanity identified in factory foods
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
A leading consumer health advocate and health freedom activist.

Sources of mental insanity are now identified in factory foods. Mankind is concentrating brain-damaging heavy metals through foods, soils, contaminated water supplies and industrial pollution. People who are buying and consuming factory processed foods are eating themselves into insanity.

The real reason society is so incredibly insane at every level is rooted in the consumption of toxic heavy metals through food, water and other environmental sources. It’s exacerbated by the poisonous heavy metals being fed to factory farmed chickens (and other animals) whose poop is harvested and spread on soils that are used to grow foods for humans.

My Dear Friends, please select ORGANIC foods. Our food chain is now polluted. Yes, you are crazy to buy anything else. Or you may become so.

                                                    read more here

On Friday, February 5, 2016 our destination is: The Museum of the Americas, 216 Fort Worth Highway, Weatherford, (Telephone: 817-341-8668/817-599-0490) and the fabulous Whistle Hill Restaurant (next door). We will depart from the school at approximately 9:00 a.m. to arrive & begin our visit at 10:00 a.m.


Dr. A in an earlier life. Note the familiar gaze ever searching for any sign of misbehavior!

Our dear friend and Museum Director, Dr. Harold Lawrence, will provide a docent guided tour. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence have just returned from spending three weeks in Peru.

Following a morning of great stories, questions and answers, and Dr. Harold Lawrence’s cultural and philosophical perspectives, we will have time for a self-guided tour and shopping at the museum store and then enjoy lunch at the Whistle Hill Café (next door). Then we will return to school to work on our Shakespeare production, Hamlet, with Director George X Rodriguez while Dr. A works on a Ham Omelet. They are both dramatic events. Now pass the Ketchup so Dr. A can catch up.

museumThe Museum of the Americas is a jewel of Weatherford, where we can find the colorful and diverse heritage of native peoples of the Americas through a fabulous collection of 19th & 20th century artifacts, crafts and folk art. The rich cultural traditions of the people and tribes of north, central and South America are reflected in the intricate and distinctive designs of the objects they make for daily use for religious ceremonies and for trade.

FINANCIAL: Museum/Speaker Fee (Donation to the Museum) $5.00 Please pay Dr. A.
Lunch: Please provide funds for lunch today.
Gift Shop: Yes! There have wonderful gifts.

Note: Uniform pants, a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun/adventure trips.

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or the Restaurant at any time or for any reason, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.


This is Brix, Mia’s other child dog. He will keep an eye on you. Just pick a color!

Drop-off will be at The Anderson School at 8:30 a.m. OR  you may meet us at the Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick-up will be at the Anderson School at 3:15 p.m. Please let me know if you are meeting us at the Museum.

Feb. 1 Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4 (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

modernClick below to view “This Month at the Modern” Art Museum

museum of the a