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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

Like Rivers of Mercy Never Ceasing / Is Your Electric Blanket Safe? / Friday: At School for Shakespeare Production

like a Lantern
in the Sky,
the Sun,
like the Light of Love,
does not deny
what is needed
to rise above the dark
of night,
and give us

My Dear Friends,
the Sun
never goes down.
It goes around and around.
The Light of the Sun
smile upon your Face,
again and again.

The Promise
made by the Sun,
is to shine a Light
you need to promise,
to shine a Light
upon another Life.
There is always
in need

With Faith
in the unbroken Circle
that only Time reveals,
can be Liberated,
by your

Each precious Day
you Live,
longs to be
far, far from unknown,
and so very far
from just me.
It longs to be
you and me,
It LOVES to be

streams down like Rivers of Mercy
never ceasing,

in Blessing the Human Heart,
as we read His Holy Word
and give Praise
to God,
and Worship in His Grace.

 By Flaming Words
from far above,
He speaks to the
of everyone,
in the Language
of Truth,
the Language
of Love.

The path
we follow
may wind through
the valleys
of many
Hearts set adrift.

Let us follow
where He leads.
He knows the meadows
and the mountains.
He knows
the where and the what
we need.

And our need
is simple,
like the Truths
from Above.
We need

To die
in the Arms of God,
is to be born
in the Warm Embrace
of Pure Love,
and Live
forever and ever.


I believe there are Angels Among Us,
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with a Light of
Demi Lovato
click to play song

Is Your Electric Blanket Safe?
– Mercola.com

click here to read more

Story at-a-glance

  • Although using an electric blanket during the winter season is a good idea, it can actually emit dangerous electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
  • According to the BioInitiative Report, EMFs can affect gene expression, have genotoxic effects, induce stress response, affect immune function and neurology, impact your melatonin production, and promote certain types of cancers.
  • Electric blankets cause a magnetic field that can penetrate about six to seven inches into your body for hours at a time. Studies have linked electric blanket use to increased cases of miscarriages and childhood leukemia.
  • Instead of using an electric blanket, safer alternatives are using flannel sheets or extra blankets, wearing socks or hats, or using a hot water bottle.

By Dr. Mercola

Winter is upon you if you live in the northern hemisphere, and with this challenging economy you are probably interested in lowering your thermostat and conserving energy while still staying warm

An electric blanket seems like a good idea. You can turn the thermostat down at bedtime and stay comfortable throughout the night.

But the central question is: Are they safe?

It’s true — electric blankets are convenient and cost-effective. But it is important to know that they may also be hazardous to your health.

In addition to the fire danger associated with a defective or an old, worn electric blanket, there is also another health risk to consider — the electromagnetic field you’ll be sleeping under for several hours every night..

What Is an Electromagnetic Field?

An electromagnetic field (EMF) is an invisible zone of energy that surrounds electric devices and wiring. EMFs are actually comprised of two fields:

  • An electric field,
  • A magnetic field

The electric field is created by voltage, which determines the force with which the electricity is pushed through wires. Most electric fields can be shielded by the design of the appliance, or physically, by walls or other barriers.

The magnetic field is created by the current, which is the amount of electricity being pushed. Magnetic fields, which are the main cause of health concerns, can travel through most barriers and for long distances, and are difficult to block.

All electromagnetic energy falls somewhere on the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation to microwaves, x-rays, and gamma rays.

ELF fields are generated by household appliances, including electric blankets, and overhead power lines, which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer, such as leukemia.

The Dangers of Electromagnetic Energy to Your Health

When electricity passes through a wire, it creates an electromagnetic field that exerts force on nearby objects, including animals and humans.

At one time, it was believed that low-level magnetic fields were not harmful, but scientists now agree that ELF fields are indeed hazardous to human health. They are now considered “probable carcinogens,” and have been linked to cases of childhood leukemia, lymphoma, and other health conditions. The exact mechanism by which exposure leads to cancer has not been established. But one potential mechanism may be due to ELFs ability to alter the expression of certain genes; turning them on and off at inappropriate times, which may cause them to initiate cell proliferation.

Additionally, the BioInitiative Report, published by an international working group of scientists, researchers, and public health policy professionals, documents serious scientific concerns about the radiation emitted from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of exposure to radio frequencies and electromagnetic fields in daily life.

It concludes that the existing standards for public safety are completely inadequate to protect your health. The report includes studies showing evidence that electromagnetic fields can:

  • Affect gene and protein expression (Transcriptomic and Proteomic Research)
  • Have genotoxic effects – RFR and ELF DNA damage
  • Induce stress response (Stress Proteins)
  • Affect immune function
  • Affect neurology and behavior
  • Cause childhood cancers (Leukemia)
  • Impact melatonin production; Alzheimer’s disease; breast cancer
  • Promote breast cancer (Melatonin links in laboratory and cell studies)

Why Electric Blankets Are a Bigger Threat Than Other Household Appliances

Researchers have concluded that you should not only be aware of the potential harm of low-level magnetic fields, you should also limit your exposure as much as possible. This is especially true for appliances held close to the body, as would be the case with electric blankets.

The magnetic fields given off by various household appliances diminish sharply the farther you are from the appliance. In the case of electric blankets, however, a study conducted by Dr. Nancy Wertheimer in the mid-1980s demonstrated that the reading at any power level (level 1 all the way up to level 9 or 10) was 10 to 20 mG (milliGauss) next to the blanket, and 5 to 10 mG six inches away from it.

These numbers represent the field strength to which you’re exposed when sleeping under an electric blanket. The current is balanced at the center of the blanket, but unbalanced at the outer edges. It is the imbalance that causes a significant magnetic field to be generated.

While there is heated debate as to what EMF level is considered safe, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a safety standard of 1 mG, but many experts believe even this level is too high. As you can see, electric blankets are capable of creating a magnetic field anywhere from five to 20 times higher than the EPA’s proposed safe level of exposure. Meanwhile, many scientists warn that the enforced standards for electromagnetic exposures are too lax, and that the safety standards need to be revised in order to protect human health.

Specific Risks Linked to Electric Blanket EMFs

Electric blankets create a magnetic field that penetrates about six to seven inches into your body — for hours at a time. This qualifies as chronic exposure.

Epidemiological studies have linked electric blankets with miscarriages and childhood leukemia.

Data reported in the American Journal of Epidemiologyii  suggests that regular use of an electric blanket may increase breast cancer risk in some women, and according to a 2007 report published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention, using electric blankets was associated with a 15 percent higher prevalence of endometrial cancer than never having used one. The same study also revealed that the use of electric blankets for 20 years or more was associated with 36 percent higher prevalence of endometrial cancer.

Other studies have shown that the EMFs generated by electric blankets suppress melatonin production. Melatonin is the most important detox agent for your brain and is also an anti-inflammatory. Electromagnetic radiation can make inflammation worse by creating more potent mycotoxins, so reducing inflammation is vital.

Research included in the BioInitiative Report mentioned above has also found links between melatonin disruption and the promotion of breast cancer.iii

Electric Blankets and Pregnancy

This clearly is not a good idea and something that is easily avoided. The unborn fetus is likely the most susceptible to this type of EMF radiation.

Additionally, if you use an electric blanket during early pregnancy, you may increase the risk of miscarriage.

Studies indicate that women who used an electric blanket around the time of conception and during early pregnancy were nearly twice as likely to have a miscarriage than women who did not.

Is There a ‘Risk Free’ Electric Blanket?

In response to EMF concerns, U.S. electric blanket manufacturers now sell blankets that claim to generate no harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Although these “zero magnetic field” blankets reduce or eliminate magnetic fields, they may still generate electric fields.

In my opinion, even minimal exposure poses an unnecessary risk, especially for children, pregnant women, people who are chronically exposed to EMFs from other sources, and those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS).

Safe Alternatives to Your Electric Blanket

    • Flannel sheets
    • An extra blanket
    • Wear socks, or even a hat, to bed
    • A hot water bottle

If you insist on using an electric blanket, turn it on before bedtime and leave the room while it warms your bed. Before you retire for the night, turn off the blanket and unplug it in order to eliminate EMF exposure.

 In Philosophy Class this week:

Royal Raymond Rife

Royal Raymond Rife, born in 1888, was one of the greatest scientific geniuses of the 20th century. He began researching a cure for cancer in 1920, and by 1932 he had isolated the cancer virus. He learned how to destroy it in laboratory cultures and went on to cure cancer in animals. In 1934, he opened a clinic which successfully cured 16 of 16 cases within three months time. Working with some of the most respected researchers in America along with leading doctors from Southern California, he electronically destroyed the cancer virus in patients, allowing their own immune systems to restore health.

In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a special medical research committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife’s San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients – if still alive – in 90 days.

After the 90 days of treatment, the committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured. The treatment was then adjusted and the remaining 13.5% of the patients also responded within the next four weeks. The total recovery rate using Rife’s technology was 100%.

Suppression and Ridicule

But by 1939, almost all of these distinguished doctors and scientists were denying that they had ever met Rife. What happened to make so many brilliant men have complete memory lapses? It seems that news of Rife’s miracles with terminal patients had reached other ears. Remember our hypothetical question at the beginning of this report: What would happen if you discovered a potential cure for everything?

Cancer picks us off quietly. By 1960 the casualties from this tiny virus exceeded the carnage of all the wars America ever fought. In 1989, it was estimated that 40% of us will experience cancer at some time in our lives. In Rife’s lifetime, he had witnessed the progress of civilization from horse-and-buggy travel to jet planes. In that same time, he saw the epidemic of cancer increase from 1 in 24 Americans in 1905 to 1 in 3 in 1971 when he died.

One day, the name of Royal Raymond Rife may ascend to its rightful place as a giant of modern medical science. Until that time, his fabulous technology remains available only to the people who have the interest to seek it out. While perfectly legal for veterinarians to use to save the lives of animals, Rife’s brilliant frequency therapy remains taboo to orthodox mainstream medicine because of the continuing threat it poses to the international pharmaceutical medical monopoly that controls the lives – and deaths – of the vast majority of the people on this planet.

More Information on Royal Rife, Cancer Cures, and Health Cover-up

http://www.rense.com/health/rife.htm Link to the above article on Jeff Rense’s website.

http://www.rense.com/general87/breast.htm – 2009 article by Lawrence Broxmeyer, MD, head of the New York Institute of Medical Research, revealing a concerted effort by the medical establishment to ignore and discredit serious research as to the causes of cancer.

https://www.WantToKnow.info/health/cancercures/cancer_cures_video Excellent essay and documentary showing how key cancer treatments were suppressed and what we can do about it.

http://www.rife.org – Excellent website compiling important information on Royal Rife’s life and on current developments of his technologies with discussion of cancer cures.

http://peswiki.com/index.php/PowerPedia:Royal_Raymond_Rife Excellent timeline and compilation of resources related Rife and his work.

http://www.rifevideos.com – Excellent documentary titled “The Royal Rife Story” available for viewing and purchase. To obtain another excellent documentary on Royal Rife, click here.

https://www.WantToKnow.info/cancercuresnewsarticles – Revealing one-paragraph summaries of major media articles discussing suppressed treatments and possible cures of cancer.

For more reliable, verifiable information on health cover-ups: see this webpage.

For the great work UCLA’s Dr. Valerie Hunt, which has similarities to that of Royal Rife, click here.

For what you can do to spread this important information: https://www.WantToKnow.info/healthemail


                                    Anderson Private School
School Calendar

Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22
Feb. 21 (Friday)                         AT SCHOOL for Shakespeare Production
March 9 – 13                             Spring Break Holidays
April 10 & 13 (Fri. & Mon.)        Good Friday and Easter (No school)
April 28 (Tuesday)                    Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.
