William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

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William's Weblog – Anderson Private School for the Gifted, Talented and Creative

Let Love Be YOU / Cancer IS Preventable / No School for the next two weeks


Climb the Mountain.
To the high land
And take someone with you,
someone in need,
by your side.

My Dear Friends,
the Light of a Star
shines down upon us.
And when darkness falls,
with God by our side,
we will find
our way.
A Promise lives
within the Heart
that beats for
that night has
For when we
we will find
the Sun.

When shadows fall,
the Journey has just begun
to the Light of Day,
to the Time
when night is overcome,
and you rise to see
the Light
of our Beautiful Sun.

“May it be the shadow’s call
Will fly away.
May it be you journey on
To Light the day.
When the night is overcome
You rise to find the Sun.”
Ni B. Eith, Ryan Roma Shane

may pretend to die
in the winter
of discontent.

In blizzards
of emotions
fragile Hearts may feel
a killing frost.

       The shadow’s call will fly away.

But tears of
Joy and of pain
become like falling rain
to fill an
you sail
to bring Love
Home again.

Each breathless word
by the Sacred Song
of your Life
to help someone,
becomes Music
in each moment
are truly alive.

Gently close
your tired eyes
and Dream of Peace
and Pray,
for we
to live as

“We danced amongst the Stars that night,
When Joy had fallen far from sight.
We danced under the Sun so bright
And when all seemed lost,
we held on tight.
We danced to the music of Hummingbirds.
And we danced in the silence
when there were no words.
We danced in the shadows of fear and doubt.
And we danced when we questioned
what Life’s about.
We danced amongst the evergreens
That posed for painters Winter scenes.
We danced in the Winters bitter chill.
And when we danced
our World
stood still.

For that’s what Love was meant to be,
To find the dance when we cannot see.
To write a new song when the music stops,
With lyrics that caress every tear that drops.
For when the rhythm changes and tempo slowed,
We’re called to dance with the seeds we sowed.
For Life is hard,
there is no doubt.
But Dancing through it,
is what Life’s about.

 – Ernesto Cortazar

Your Immortal Love Song
always remains
in our World.
Absolutely Beautiful
and meaningful.

the gentle wind
of words whispered
in the Light of Love,
will be heard
from Above.
on a cold night
in the fragile Life
of someone in need.
“For the Beauty of the Earth,
For the Beauty of the skies
For the Love which from our Birth
Over and around us lies.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our joyful Hymn of Praise.
For the Beauty of the hour
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale and tree and flower,
Sun and moon and stars of Light.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our joyful Hymn of Praise.
For the joy of Human Love
Brother, sister, parent, child
Friends on Earth and friends Above.
For all gentle thoughts and mild.

Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our joyful hymn of Praise
For each perfect Gift of Thine.
To our race so freely given
Graces Human and Divine,
Flowers of Earth and Buds of Heaven.
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our joyful hymn,
our joyful hymn of Praise

John Rutter
click here to play this Beautiful Song

Love is a Song,
a serenade for you.
sing along,
and let Love
be YOU.


“There are no gloomy skies
When seen through the eyes
Of those who are Blessed with

Mack Discant

From: The Underground Health Reporter
click here to read more
According to the American Cancer Society, 41% of ALL adults will develop cancer in their lifetimes… That’s 4 out of 10…or 2 out of 5 people. Read more:

Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said:
There is nothing in the NATURAL environment that can cause cancer…so it has to be a man-made disease.

A study by University of Manchester scientists has strongly suggested that…cancer is a modern, man-made disease caused by environmental factors such as pollution and diet.

In the extensive study conducted at the University’s KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, scientists examined hundreds of mummies and found…no signs of cancer – with one exception.

The 17th Century Ushers Cancer In

It wasn’t until the 17th century that the first reports of cancer appeared in scientific literature—such as cancer of the scrotum (found in chimney sweeps in 1775, caused by soot particles); and nasal cancer found in users of snuff (finely ground tobacco) in 1761.

The University of Manchester study indicates that cancer – causing factors exist only in modern, industrialized societies – and cancer is fueled by the excesses of modern life.

  1. The food you eat…
    2. the air you breathe…
    3. the clothes you wear…
    4. the water you drink…
    5. personal care products you use…
    6. medications you take…
    7. the water you bathe in…
    8. virtually everything you consume, and
    9. everything you do – or are exposed to –
    causes cancer these days!

Here are Just a Few Factors Present in 
Modern Life That Cause Cancer:

  • Tobacco (including second-hand and third-hand smoke)
  • Genetically modified food
  • Most laundry detergents
  • Commercial hair dyes
  • Air pollution (including carbon monoxide, methylene
chloride, and acrolein) Hey, get an all electric car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Granite counter-tops (which emit radon) Yes, My Friend! Get rid of the granite counter tops.
  • Rancid peanuts and seeds
  • Canola oil
  • Canned tomatoes
  • Food laced with pesticides
  • Chemicals from aerosol cans
  • Mammograms
  • X-Rays
  • Food microwaved in plastic containers (including plastic wrap, the plastic trays that come with frozen TV dinners, and even plastic baby bottles)
  • Environmental pollutants (such as asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde)

There is evidence that cancer is curable. I now believe that what prevents us from ending so much unnecessary suffering and death has less to do with science than with economics. We have research studies, medical reports and inspiring real-life healing success stories to prove it!

  • Unbelievably, what has been exposed is the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures they will undertake to discredit, imprison, and professionally destroy any physician who treats cancer patients naturally.
  • One million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and one person of every three will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; two of every three will die from their cancer within five years.
  • The average cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease, making the cancer industry a 50 billion dollar per year industry; the medical monopoly is not motivated to find a cure when treatment it is so lucrative.      $   $   $   $   $   $   $   $
  • Many natural treatments have been used successfully with cancer, but the treatments are hushed, buried, and kept out of public view with smear campaigns funded by the medical cartel.
  • Cancer prevention strategies include specific tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and managing stress. To reduce breast cancer risks from light pollution, Prevention magazine recommends nine hours of sleep nightly in a dark room devoid of both interior (computer screens) and exterior (street lamps) light sources. A study of 12,000 Finnish women found that those who slept nine hours nightly had less than one-third the risk of developing a breast tumor than those who slept only seven or eight hours. Even bright light from a trip to the bathroom can have an affect, so dim nightlights are recommended for night lighting.

My friends, until we start electing people to represent US, we the people, and not corporate and financial interests, our deeply Loved ones will continue to suffer indescribably horrible deaths. We must recruit courageous, independent thinking and, most importantly, deeply sensitive, caring and Loving people to represent us. Frankly, these individuals need to Love us more than they Love themselves.

We MUST recruit good people to run for office.

These Loving people exist. I have met a few of them. And you have met them too. At one time in our history we called them patriots. Reach deeply into their Hearts and ask them to make a sacrifice to this Nation, to you and me, to our precious Children. If we do not tap into the vibrant and courageous Heart of this Nation, there is no hope.

Yes, there is another cancer that dwells among us. And it is horrendously sad to recognize, but it resides within our body politic – within the fiber of our society.

And yes, it is a cancer of the Heart, our Heart. My friends, our collective being is slowly being eaten alive by the evil that dwells within.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
is that good men do nothing.”
Edmund Burke

                                   Anderson Private School
                                            School Calendar


Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22
Until April 6                                No school by order of the Governor
April 10 & 13 (Friday & Mon.)    Good Friday and Easter (No school)
April 28 (Tuesday)                    Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 4 & 5 (Mon. & Tues.)         Shakespeare Play (at school)
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester

Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.



They Are But Three / If Good Men Do Nothing / Movie: Theory of Everything

 There is only one happiness in life,
to love and be loved.
– George Sand

I Love You

Life has taught us that Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward, together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Expurey

“I Love You”
Are but three,
You, what you dream,
And what you see.

They say something much more
Than they say,
And harbor within
A world you cannot contain.


One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life:     that word is Love.                         – Sophocles

They are not words,
Oh, Keeper of the Keys.
They are the secrets
That unlock the doors
To hearts in every place,
In every space.

And they are but three.
And they are but yours.
Yours to share,
Yours in Prayer,
To climb three stairs,
To Love so sublime.
They are a poem
In life’s rhyme

All in rhythm
With Celestial Time.

Noah turns 13.

Congratulations to Noah    who turned 13.

Three simple sounds
To say what God feels
For you, and for me,
Today, not never,
Now and forever.

You cannot truly know
What you cannot feel.
And feeling not
Conveys less than you are.
And you are all the world
To someone in need,
Who, hearing nothing,
Feels not the beat
Of your heart,
Or his own.

020They are but three
Harbingers of freedom.
They open the wounds
Of a lonely heart,
To feeling,
To healing,
To Loving again.

You can share this love,
This moment.
You, and you alone
Can feel the way,
Convey your Love for another
On a special day,
This day,
Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
Beloved of another.

We have two new friends.

We have two new friends.

Your life is a Prayer,
Your Love, always there,
To discover,
To give,
To share.

What in the name of All
That resides in
Heaven Above

Are you waiting for?

  More pain in life?

We enjoyed lunch at the Whistle Hill Cafe and a trip to

We enjoyed lunch at the Whistle Hill Cafe and a visit to the Mike Renner Energy Independent Home. Our special appreciation goes to Lauryl Blossom, Ian’s Mom for planning a great trip.


Keep it waiting
“I Love You”.

From: The Underground Health Reporter

According to the American Cancer Society, 41% of ALL adults will develop cancer in their lifetimes That’s 4 out of 10…or 2 out of 5 people. Read more:

Cole contemplates his next move with the only chess piece left on the table.

Cole contemplates his next move with the only chess piece on the table.

Professor Rosalie David, at the Faculty of Life Sciences, said:
There is nothing in the NATURAL environment that can cause cancer…so it has to be a man-made disease.

A recent study by University of Manchester scientists has strongly suggested that…cancer is a modern, man-made disease caused by environmental factors such as pollution and diet.

In the extensive study conducted at the University’s KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, scientists examined hundreds of mummies and found…no signs of cancer – with one exception.

The 17th Century Ushers Cancer In

It wasn’t until the 17th century that the first reports of cancer appeared in scientific literature—such as cancer of the scrotum (found in chimney sweeps in 1775, caused by soot particles); and nasal cancer found in users of snuff (finely ground tobacco) in 1761.

The University of Manchester study indicates that cancer-causing factors exist only in modern, industrialized societies –
and cancer is fueled by the excesses of modern life.

  1. The food you eat…

We enjoyed a Holiday lunch with David & Amy Smelley

We enjoyed a Holiday lunch with David & Amy Smelley. Thank you!

2. the air you breathe…
3. the clothes you wear…
4. the water you drink…
5. personal care products you use…
6. medications you take…
7. the water you bathe in
8. virtually everything you consume, and
9. everything you do –
10. or are exposed to –
causes cancer these days!

Here are Just a Few Factors Present in 
Modern Life That Cause Cancer:

      • Tobacco (including second-hand and third-hand smoke)
      • Genetically modified food
      • Most laundry detergents
      • Commercial hair dyes

Lunch 2

       It was delicious!

        • Air pollution (including carbon monoxide, methylene
chloride, and acrolein)
      • Granite counter-tops (which emit radon)
      • Rancid peanuts and seeds
      • Canola oil
      • Canned tomatoes

We were in the mood to celebrate.

We were in the mood to celebrate.

      • Food laced with pesticides
      • Chemicals from aerosol cans
      • Mammograms
      • X-Rays
        • Food microwaved in plastic containers (including plastic wrap, the plastic trays that come with frozen TV dinners, and even plastic baby bottles)

I think she is petting a Pig.

I think she is petting a Pig.

    •Environmental pollutants (such as asbestos, benzene, and formaldehyde)

There is evidence that cancer is curable. I now believe that what prevents us from ending so much unnecessary suffering and death has less to do with science than with economics. We have research studies, medical reports and inspiring real-life healing success stories to prove it!

  • Unbelievably, what has been exposed is the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures they will undertake to discredit, imprison, and professionally destroy any physician who treats cancer patients naturally.
  • One million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year, and one person of every three will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes; two of every three will die from their cancer within five years.
  • The average cancer patient spends $50,000 fighting the disease, making the cancer industry a 50 billion dollar per year industry; the medical monopoly is not motivated to find a cure when treatment it is so lucrative.
  • Many natural treatments have been used successfully with cancer, but the treatments are hushed, buried, and kept out of public view with smear campaigns funded by the medical cartel.
  • Cancer prevention strategies include specific tips for eating, sleeping, exercising and managing stress. To reduce breast cancer risks from light pollution, Prevention magazine recommends nine hours of sleep nightly in a dark room devoid of both interior (computer screens) and exterior (street lamps) light sources. A study of 12,000 Finnish women found that those who slept nine hours nightly had less than one-third the risk of developing a breast tumor than those who slept only seven or eight hours. Even bright light from a trip to the bathroom can have an affect, so dim nightlights are recommended for night lighting.

    A great time was had by all.

    A great time was had by all.

    My friends, until we start electing people to represent us, we the people, and not corporate and financial interests, our deeply loved ones will continue to suffer indescribably horrible deaths. We must recruit courageous, independent thinking and, most importantly, deeply sensitive, caring and loving people to represent us.Frankly, these individuals need to love us more than they love themselves.

    It was a delightful time.

    It was a delightful time.

    These loving people exist. I have met a few of them. And you have met them too. At one time in our history we called them patriots. Reach deeply into their hearts and ask them to make a sacrifice to this Nation, to you and me, to our children. If we do not tap into the vibrant and courageous heart of this Nation, there is no hope. Yes, there is another cancer that dwells among us. And it is horrendously sad to recognize, but it resides within our body politic – within the fiber of our society.

    And yes, it is a cancer of the heart, our heart. My friends, our collective being is slowly being eaten alive by the evil that dwells within.

    “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil
    is that good men do nothing.”
    Edmund Burke

    Trip Information For Friday Dec. 19, 2014

    We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at Half-Price Books, located at 475 Sherry Lane, north of Ridgmar Mall –Telephone: 817-732-4111. At approximately 11:30 a.m. we will travel to the Rave Movie Theater in the Ridgmar Mall in  Ft. Worth, to enjoy lunch and a movie. Following lunch, we will enjoy the highly acclaimed new movie The Theory of Everything, starting at 1:40 p.m. Run time: 123 minutes, Rating: PG-13 for some thematic elements and suggestive material. PICK UP will be at the Theater at 3:40 p.m.

    “Education makes a people easy to lead,
    but difficult to drive;
    easy to govern
    but impossible to enslave.”
    – Henry P. Brougham 1828

    Movie Synopsis:
    During the 1960s, Cambridge University student and future physicist Stephen Hawking falls in love with arts student Jane Wilde. Their relationship leads him through personal and scientific challenges.

    The starting time may change, please be patient.
    Dr. A may become anxious but popcorn will help.
    Emergency Telephone 682-777-1908

    If you arrive late, we shall have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school.

    Students are NOT to leave the bookstore, food court or theater without the approval of Dr. A (wake him gently with the smell of warm popcorn if necessary. And remember to share!)

    FINANCIAL: Tickets are approximately $5.00, but this may be incorrect (I hate perfection) – please pay at the Box Office.
    Please provide funds for a good book (you can find one for $2.00) and for lunch.
    Refreshments: Hey, this is a movie theater. Yes!
    Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts are required.
    PARENTS / FRIENDS / SIBLINGS / NEIGHBORS, are invited to participate on our trips.

    Dec. 1 Final Tuition Payment Due for 2014-15
    (Not including monthly payment plans)
    Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
    Jan. 23 Fort Worth Stock Show
    April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition is “Twelfth Night”)