Your Prism, Not Your Prison / Coming to a War Zone / Classes Resume Tuesday Sept. 5

The colors of every
are left behind
in the canyons of the
for your Heart
to own.
Such colors add flavor
the favor of God,
of your Transcendent Being,
like the fragrance
of a Flower
that follows you
into a dream.

In the currency
of reality,
your dreams
can buy you

                               For your Heart to own.

Moments such as these
allow us to see
that God resides
in everything,
even in the pain
of loss
and suffering,
which guide us to see
that every Blessing
is truly
a Blessing,
that the shade
of a good tree
lets you know
you are worthy
of more
than just the heat
of the Sun.

      God resides in everything.

“Those who have seen
the darkest of nights

truly appreciate
the full Glory of Dawn.”

Lydia Dawn

To go
where Life leads you
and know
that you belong,
that you will
be strong,
that dreams
really do come true
and that sorrow
will not hurt
is not just
a dream.
It is
God’s Wish for

“I wish above all things
that thou may prosper
and be in health,
even as thy Soul prosper.”
3 John 2

Just as
the Dawn
of day
hides the dark of night
your sins
at the beginning
of every Prayer
to be forgiven.

“This then is the message
which we have heard of Him,
and declare unto you,
that God is Light,
and in Him is NO darkness
at all.”

1 John 1:5

   Each precious moment is a Lifetime.

My Dear Friends,
there is no such thing
as time,
a lifetime
can be lived
in a moment,
and each precious moment
is a Lifetime
in Song.

Your smiles
become a Sunrise
in the Hearts
they survey.
Miles and miles
of smiles
will take YOU Home,
to the place
where you
long to be,
to the Heart
of someone to

This planet
is not your prison.
It is your

Don’t look back
to what once
was a Heart.

of awareness
are waiting for this
moment to be,
waiting with eyes
that are always
longing to see.
They look
for the Love
in you
and me.

These Worlds
are the Children
all around
you see,
and the Child
in YOU
and me.

They look
for something to
Believe in.
They are weary
of the worry
of Worldly ways
and means.
They tire
of looking through eyes
raining tears,
and hearing

If the song
you’ve been singing,
through canyons
of doubt,
do not in silence
Close your eyes
and open your
and find
you are no longer
standing in the Light
of the Love
of God.

and hauntingly Beautiful
are YOU,
a Creation of God.

you Heart.
and let the World
see you.


I’m coming
to a war zone
hidden in the wind.

read more

53,000 early deaths per year attributed
to exhaust from the tailpipes
of cars and trucks.

buy an all Electric

I did.

It simplified my
And made me

Join me.
On the road
to Happiness!

Somewhere in Time We Stand Still / Drinking Water Purity / Friday: Half Price Books and Movie – Hidden Figures


    Remembering all the Beauty

A River
of Precious Memories
flows through our Hearts.
And we are kept adrift
by a gentle breeze
of Love,
that fills the Sails
of Time.

But somewhere
time will
stand still,
while waters
of the River of Life
continue to fill our days
and ebb and flow
reaching high tide
to renew our ways.

“He who believes in Me,
 ‘From his innermost Being
 will flow rivers
of living water.'”
John 7:38

Such beautiful memories,
lovely and peaceful
like the flowing melody
of Sacred trickling water,
express what words
cannot say,
as they lift our Spirits
toward the Heaven
of a new Day.


  The Heaven of a new Day.

“Blessed are those
who can give
without remembering

and take
without forgetting.”
– Elizabeth Bibesco

My Dear Friends,
in beholding
the Magnificence and Grandeur
of our Sacred Reflections,
our cherished moments
frozen in fragments of time,
we are awe-inspired
by what is left,
what, in our mind, survives,
in remembering all the Beauty
that has surrounded
our lives.


Lovely and peaceful, like a flowing melody.

How humble and thankful
we should be,
that we are so
deeply Loved,
we were never blinded
by what we
could not see.

The Light
of awareness
is the dawn
of rebirth.

Rebirth and Renewal
encompass us all the time.
It is in every aspect of our Being
and in everything that surrounds us.

In the Natural World,
it is the Natural Order
of things.
It reminds us
of our strength, our resilience,
our rebirth,
so that we can survive
the storms of our Life
Blossom once again.


“Those who have seen
the darkest of nights

truly appreciate
the full Glory of Dawn.”

Lydia Dawn

There comes a time
when reflective thought
leads us to know,
that the deep regrets of the past
become totally irrelevant
to Tomorrow –
when you allow
the Holy Spirit
to replace regret
with Reverence.

“Love will abide,
take things in stride.

Sounds like good advice
but there’s no one at my side.

And time washes clean
love’s wounds unseen.

That’s what someone told me,
but I don’t know what it means.”
– Gary B. White


         The Dawn of Life itself.

is not just the first day
of the rest of your Life,
it is the Dawn
of Life itself,
the Moment of Rebirth
and the death
of darkness.

My Friends,
we can never be found
in the darkness
we endure,
only in the Light
we search for.

“Ring the bells that still can ring. cohen-b
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack,
a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
– Leonard Cohen

Taker and giver,
accuser and transgressor,
now and not never,
or forever and ever,
the frailties of our Humanity,
can set us
adrift upon a violent sea
of a Life devoid of Love,
of even
the will to be.

But in the sweet
Love profuse enough
to fill the Heart’s Treasury,
can find us
adrift upon a lake
of Beautiful Memory.

Old plow horse

    In the Light we search for.

by the very Breath of God,
a gentle breeze fills the Sails
of our yearning,
as we cross over
the great divides of Life,
with the Compass
of His Compassion.

As we traverse
the Earth,
we fly in the sky
at times, it seems,
with unearthly Visions
and Dreams.


We fly in the sky of unearthly visions and dreams.

Our Earth
is a source of Life,
not a resource.
More than the firmament
beneath our feet,
it is the ground
of our Being,
a Gift from God,
to treasure
and to keep.

And Prayer
is the Pathway
of our own
Spiritual Journey,
leading to inner Peace
and timelessness.
The greatest Gift
Life itself.

And to be possessed
of Love,
to be possessed of Life,
and hear the lovely,
peaceful flowing melody
of everything
God wills for

You can feel the Power of Love
in the Hope
that God will hear you
when you turn to Him.


The music of your Life
is the Sunshine of your Soul
and expresses what words cannot.
It can lift the essence
of your Being
towards Heaven.

 Great is our Father.
Wonderful are His Creations.

When you look at Life and living
through the lens of Love,
you see astonishing and miraculous things
that reflect the Will of God in you,
in your Heart.

ALL the conditions for everything are just perfect.

We all travel through this Earthly Life
as pilgrims.
 May we have compassion
on all those who travel
with us.
Contemplate the deeper reality
that is all the Beauty
that surrounds you.

The fact that all the conditions
for everything are just perfect
for life to exist on our planet,
is nothing short of astounding.
It is
a Beautiful Miracle
of Creation.

And so are



        Perfect for life to exist.

Drinking Water Purity

from the International Institute
for Building Biology and Ecology
click here for more


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Is the water that you drink and bathe in healthy? If you are on a community water system the US government requires them to publish a CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) or Annual Water Report and make it available to the public. If you get water from a private or shared well, you will need to test your own water.  There are a broad range of solutions for filtering contaminants out of your water so that you and your family can receive the healthiest water possible. The first step is finding out what is in it.

Following is a list of common concerns and filtration strategies for each. Disease due to waterborne contaminants can be transmitted on foods that have been washed in tap water, by breathing in the spray such as in a shower or near a decorative fountain, or by direct consumption. Common contaminants found in the water supplied to indoor environments include but are not limited to: Microbial, Inorganic (includes lead, asbestos), Organic (other than microbial), and Pesticides and Herbicides.

Microbial contaminants include living organisms, such as bacteria, parasites, and algae, as well as viruses (viruses are not considered to be alive because they cannot reproduce without a host cell –your own cells, for example). While waterborne disease are most prevalent in developing countries, the United States and Canada are seeing an increase in the occurrence of waterborne disease associated with viruses and parasites, one prominent example being Legionella bacterium, which can cause a serious pneumonia-like infection. The only home filter systems capable of filtering down to the viral size range are the reverse osmosis or ultra filtration-type membranes, or ceramic filters. It should be noted that activated carbon filters can become a breeding ground for bacteria and hence should never be used on a source of water that is not bacteria free.

Inorganic contaminants are elements not bound to carbon and hydrogen. The term inorganic includes metals (and their alloys, like iron, copper, aluminum, brass, bronze), minerals (such as salt, asbestos, silicates, arsenic, fluoride) and mineral-based chemicals and non-metallic elements, like silicon, phosphorus, arsenic, lead, fluoride, and chlorine. Some metals are necessary trace nutrients for our metabolic biochemistry, but can become toxic in too high a dose, such as Chromium, Copper, and Selenium.  Other metals are toxic only, such as Lead, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Thallium, and Mercury, with no known safe level in the body. The best means known to remove inorganic contaminants from water is reverse osmosis.

Organic contaminants are those which have a bond between a carbon atom and a hydrogen atom (CH), and include microorganisms and manmade organic compounds. Many of them are naturally occurring organic chemicals, and innocuous. The organic chemicals we consider water contaminants are man-made, synthetic chemicals such as solvents, petroleum-based chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and PCBs.  Since the 1930’s, production of synthetic organic chemicals has increased almost exponentially, and only a relative handful of them are directly regulated via the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Organic chemicals have been dumped into our surface waters by industrial plants since manufacturing began. This dumping, coupled with the constant runoff of agricultural chemicals into surface waterways, has led to our present situation where almost all fresh water shows some signs of organic pollution. The sole answer for removal of most synthetic organic chemicals is activated charcoal. Probably the best overall scheme for protection is to have a large capacity activated charcoal filter at the point of water entry into the house, with an additional stage of reverse osmosis for drinking and cooking water.

Pesticides and Herbicides are a subset of synthetic organic chemicals that deserve special attention as water contaminants.  Mostly petroleum based, these chemicals started finding widespread use in the 1940’s, and the first warning signs were not evident until the early 1960’s when scientists began to realize that many of these chemicals are very long-lived in the environment, and cause harm to wildlife well beyond their intended targets.  Since these compounds can actually become concentrated in the fat cells of animals from their food sources, they ultimately end up in us too.  For example, even though DDT has been banned for decades, it can still be found in the breast milk of new mothers. These chemicals get into our water from agricultural runoff, spraying on private residential lawns and golf courses, aerial spraying for bug control, and countless other means. The most effective means of removal for pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic organic chemicals is reverse osmosis. Activated charcoal filters can also be very effective at removing pesticides, but they have limited capacity and need to be maintained diligently.

The World Health Organization states that 80% of infectious diseases worldwide are waterborne. If your tap water has not been filtered by the processes cited here above, you are likely drinking, cooking, washing your food, and bathing with contaminated water. It is worth noting that viruses and single-celled parasites are resistant to extermination by chlorine, itself a contaminant, which is usually the first line of defense in most parts of the United States against microbiological contaminants.

For a more thorough understanding of drinking water purity in homes, schools, and commercial buildings, we encourage you to download the syllabus for our annual 5-day seminar IBE 211 Indoor Air & Water Quality, by clicking here.


      In every aspect of our Being.





      Our Earth is a source of Life.

“A word of encouragement
during a failure
is worth more than
an hour of praise
after success.”

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