What We Hold in Our Hearts / Habits That Are Aging You / MUSEUM of SCIENCE and HISTORY


Layered richness and truly beautiful aspects.

It is hard to imagine
a more joyful way
to inaugurate a beautiful day
than to have
great works of art
created by God
for you and me
hung on the walls
of our awareness.

the layered richness
and truly beautiful aspects
of what is in Nature,
offers not only
time well spent,
but a Spiritual Link.

For we are a part
of everything in Nature.
We are one
with what we so admire.
are truly


       Unbelievable beauty.

We need look
no further than
Genesis 3:19
to see just how much
we were, will be and are a part
of everything and everyone
around us:

“By the sweat of your brow
you will eat food
until you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
for you are dust,
and to dust you will return.
– Genesis 3:19


 We are a part of everything.

As I observe
the unbelievable beauty
found in God’s Natural World,
I become even more
by the way everything
is made even more beautiful
by the the harsh, defining
elements of Nature,
by Life and Living.

The effects
of time and wear speak
and tell a story.
They are as much
a part of being,
of existence,
as anything else.


Great works of art created by God.

including you and me,
is transformed
by what we endure,
by our trials and sufferance,
and is a carrier of memory
containing a vestige of the past,
a relic of what was Life.

“I close my eyes.
Only for a moment
and the moment’s gone.

All my dreams
Pass before my eyes
with curiosity.

Dust in the wind.
All they are is
dust in the wind.

Same old song.
Just a drop of water
in an endless sea.

All we do
crumbles to the ground,
though we refuse to see.

Nothing lasts forever
but the earth and sky,

it slips away.
And all your money
won’t another minute buy.”

– Kerry Livgren


“Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light.”                                – Norman B. Rice

The narrative aspects
of Loving
all the Natural beauty
that surrounds us,
that dwells within us,
offers not only an awareness,
but a truly Spiritual connection.

An unexpected relationship,
a feeling of old familiarity,
breaks the long silence
of our ignorance,
as we acquire a quality of
very dynamic Human Love.
what makes us
truly Human,
is Love.


The connection to ALL things beautiful.

Without Love,
the Love of God
and our Love
for each other,
there is absolutely nothing left
when this Life is ended,
nothing but the destiny
of dust.

“And the dust returneth
to the earth as it was,
and the Spirit
returneth unto God

who gave it.”
Ecclesiastes 12:7

There is indeed
a Sacred value
to sense the connection
to ALL things beautiful.
we recognize
how everything is beautiful,
and how beautiful
we are.

We possess
our own Internal Light.
The Artist
who made us
has put Light
into us,
and into the Landscape
of our Being.

Someday, perhaps.
the inner light will shine forth from us,
and then we’ll need no other light.” 
– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


    Love’s labors are never lost.

The feeling you have
looking at His beautiful work,
is a work of art
unto itself.
This feeling
is called

meditative time
releases you into
another dimension of awareness –
another World.
And then Today
its own internal Light.

In a profound sense
every man has two halves
to his being;
he is not one person
so much as two persons
trying to act in unison.
I believe that in the heart
of each human being
there is something which I can only describe
as a “child of darkness”
who is equal and complementary
to the more obvious
“child of Light.” 

– Laurens van der Post

We hold
in our Hearts
an expression of what lies
the boundaries of Love’s


Without being aware of thinking and feeling.

Love’s labors
are never lost
when we come Home
to our Heart.

“A smile
is the light in the window
of your face
that tells people
you’re at home.

– Author Unknown

When in Love,
we think and feel
without being aware
of thinking and feeling.
We dream
and messages from our subconscious
are revealed
by our dreams.
And at these times
we glimpse the Eternal
and aspire
to see the Perfection
of our own Creation,
of who WE
truly are.


         The beauty in every day.

The Beautifully
and Perfectly Imperfect
becomes a Fire of Passion
that cannot be

“Your time has come
to shine.
All your dreams
are on their way.”
– Simon & Garfunkel

Life and living
are the Gifts
of Love and Loving.
And no greater Gift
can ever be given.

My Dear Friends,
the purest form
of shape and color,
is the Love you feel.
The beauty
in every day
can bring about
a dynamic shift
in your consciousness.

“People are like
stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine
when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in
their true beauty is revealed
only if there is light from within.”

– Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

takes us into
the dawn
of a new day.
And that day,
My Dear Friend,
is Today.

close your tired eyes
and open your precious



“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.” – Blaise Pascal

 From our friends at Health.Com:
Everyday Habits That Are Aging You

Are you aging faster than your years? If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, it may be time to evaluate some of your daily routines. The foods you eat and even the way you sleep can add years to your face and may shorten your lifespan.

“People think multitasking is good, but you don’t actually get anything done – you just create more stress,” says Raymond Casciari, MD, chief medical officer of St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif. Several studies show that chronic stress triggers the release of free radicals, the unstable molecules that damage cells and are responsible for aging. Instead of trying to do it all, Dr. Casciari suggests concentrating on one task at a time and only moving on once you finish it.

Your sweet tooth may also be adding years to your face. “Internally, sugar molecules attach themselves to protein fibers in each of our cells,” says Susan Stuart, MD, a San Diego, Calif. board-certified dermatologist. This damaging process, known as glycation, can result in a loss of radiance, dark circles under the eyes, loss of tone, puffiness, an increase in fine lines and wrinkles and a loss of facial contours and increased pore size. Pass on the sugary treats if you want to preserve your youthful glow.

Skimping on sleep not only results in dark bags under the eyes – it has also been linked to a shorter lifespan, says Dr. Casciari, who founded a sleep laboratory at St. Joseph’s Hospital. “Sleeping within the seven-hour range is optimal,” he says. Get to bed earlier if you have the symptoms of sleep deprivation, which include a lack of daytime energy, mental sluggishness, attention problems, or weight gain, Dr. Casciari says.

Regularly gluing yourself to the TV is another. In a British Journal of Sports Medicine study of about 11,000 Australians ages 25 and older, researchers found that for every hour of television watched, adults cut their life expectancy by 22 minutes. What’s more, people who spent an average of six hours a day watching TV lived five years less than their non-viewing counterparts. “This effect is more about sitting and being inactive than the TV watching,” says Dr. Casciari. “When you sit for more than 30 minutes your body begins to deposit sugar into your cells, which makes it much more likely you’ll be overweight as well.” Whether you’re watching TV or at your desk, get up every 30 minutes to walk around, says Dr. Casciari.

People who spend most of their days parked in a chair are at increased risk for kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, not to mention obesity. Exercising regularly helps to prevent these health issues and keeps you living longer, according to a study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine. Study participants who exercised 150 minutes or more a week lived 10 to 13 years longer than the inactive bunch.

Sleeping on your stomach or on your side with your face smashed into the pillow can create wrinkles and accelerate aging. “The connective tissue and collagen in your face becomes weaker and less supportive with age,” says James C. Marotta, MD, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and skincare expert. “So when you sleep on the same side of your face night after night, your skin won’t smooth out or spring back as quickly as it did when you were young.” Those crease lines from your pillow can become permanent. Sleep on your back or invest in a satin pillowcase to keep skin smooth.

It’s tempting to crank up the heat indoors. But whether you light up the fireplace or turn up the thermostat, both suck moisture out of the air, says Dr. Marotta. “This can lead to dry, inflamed skin, which over time has aging effects.” Investing in a humidifier helps counteract the dry air (40 to 60% humidity is optimal) and can free your skin from itching, scratching, and flaking. Alternatively, Dr. Marotta recommends placing a wet towel over a radiator or a bowl of cold water in the room as a way to add back some of the lost moisture.

Drinking dark-colored beverages through a straw can prevent stains on your teeth, but just as squinting can eventually cause wrinkles to form around your eyes, pursing your lips can also bring about premature wrinkles around the mouth. “This also occurs when smoking cigarettes,” says Janet Prystowsky, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York. Pour your bottled beverages into a drinking glass to avoid puckering up.

Some fat is necessary for maintaining a youthful feeling and appearance, says Franci Cohen, a certified nutritionist and exercise physiologist from Brooklyn, NY. “Heart – healthy omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) and certain nuts (such as walnuts and flax seeds) keep skin supple and plump, thereby preventing wrinkles, and they boost both heart and brain health as well,” she says. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends including fish in your meals at least twice a week.


“They may as well have called the sun a ball of flaming joy.”                                                – Terri Guillemets

                                     On Friday, Sept. 23, 2016

1501 Montgomery Street (817-255-9300) at 10:00 a. m.

We will have lunch at the Stars Café
prior to the Omni Movie. Our itinerary includes:

10:00 a.m. Arrive at Museum entrance
10:00 – 12:00 p.m. – Visit the Exhibits & other Museums. Self-guided tour of Fort Worth Children’s Museum, Energy Blast, Dino Labs & Dino Dig, Cattle Raisers Museum and the fabulous gift shop.
12:00 p.m. – Lunch at the Stars Café.
1:30 p.m.     Omni Movie: National Parks Adventure” – Hey, we MUST be on time & in line at 1:15 p.m.
2:30 p.m.Pick-up  in the Stars Café (inside the Museum)

FINANCIAL: Fee $8.50 for students which includes the Omni Movie & Access to the permanent exhibits which open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 5:00 p.m. Adults can purchase admission for the day and tickets for the Omni Movie at the Museum ticket office.

Museum Memberships (for children) are not valid for study trips. Please pay Dr. A. This is a group rate. You will need funds for LUNCH.    I worship those with EXACT change!


Sept. 6                                              Tuition was Due for 2016-17
Sept. 30                                             Museum of the Americas/Weatherford
Oct 10                                               Columbus Day Holiday
Oct 28                                               Fossilmania (Glenrose)
Nov. 21-25  (Monday-Friday)          Thanksgiving / Fall Break
Dec. 1-2                                            Texas A.G.T. Conference (no school)
Dec. 20 (Tuesday)                            Last Day of Fall Semester
Dec. 21 – Jan. 4                               Winter Break Holidays

Students are NOT to leave the Museum, Cafe or Theater at any time for any reason, including the need to use the restroom or secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson. Students are required to wake Dr. Anderson up & let him know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving.

Please ask your child if this has been done.

A .  n . d . e . r . s . o . n

“When the Gods are angry with a man they give him what he asks for.”
                                                    – Greek Proverb