Into the Dreams We Love / Prevent Food Poisoning / Friday: Main Event

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his world
serious harm.”
– Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy


                “Lend me an ear.”                   – William Shakespeare and Mama Bear

There are many stories.
But some
Are never read.
Others never written,
And can never be read.

A precious few are created
As your children
Are tucked in bed,
As you kiss them
On the top
Of their head.

And their stories are written
In dreams they have,
Where they lay
Their little head.


   What we mirror tells a story.

When Hearts speak
Louder than words,
Life drifts into
The dreams we Love,
When we close
Our tired eyes
And meet
Our very best friends,
The ones
Who opened the door
And let you in,
Into their Hearts
And into their lives.
The ones
Like Mom and Dad,
Who kissed you
On top of your head,
Who said without words
Spoken or read,
That Love
Is what we are,
Why we are alive,
And the only thing
That should
Ever be


Hearts speak louder than words.

And all that Love
Enters the fiber
Of their Being,
As they become
A person
Who lives for tomorrow
And Loves today.
Who tells a Love story
Written with a smile,
That sounds like a song,
A story they share
In waking dreams,
Over and over again.

bears 2

Love enters the fiber of your Being.

My Dear Friends,
The Nobility
Of the Spirit
Resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
– Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
In reflections
All around.
What we mirror
Tells a story
Not our own,
But it is there.
It is to be.
And it remains
For all to see,

And what appears
Speaks so loudly,
No one can hear
What voices say,
For this language
Is beyond the horizon
Of who we are,
What we see,
What we can even imagine
Shall ever be.


Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the language
Of God’s Love
For you
And for me.

And it lives
In the
Dreams we Love,
In reflections all around,
In the mirror
Of our lives,
In a story
That becomes
Our own.

Accept the Love of God.
Let your life be
A Love Story.
Let it be.
Let it be.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.

is now available to help
prevent food poisoning.

For your information:
is now available.

Over 200 diseases can be spread
through the food we eat.
In the U.S., there are over 200,000 cases
of food borne illness every day.*
Over 100 volatile organic compounds
are emitted by decomposing beef, poultry, and fish.
Bacteria that causes food borne illness
can make you sick
before food looks, smells or tastes bad.



By popular demand we will visit Main Event, 4801 City Lake Blvd. East (817-292-5555) at 10:45 a.m. on FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 2016. Pick-up will be at 2:30 p.m.

At 10:45 a.m. we will spend a few minutes getting our bowling shoes on and getting ready for one hour of bowling (starting at 11:00 a.m.) Our youth group special also includes lunch (2 slices of pizza and a medium soft drink), 1 hour of bowling, one hour of Video Games and $10.00 video game card & tax. Laser tag is NOT available at this time. Please pay $18.00 to Dr. A. Exact change is a Blessing.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts and polished shoes are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun trips. Students without shirts tucked in, polished shoes, and belts on will not be allowed to participate.

Pick-up will be at the Main Event at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive late, we will have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school. Please Do NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Please let us know if you will be late.


What we mirror tells a story.

                            Does Canola Oil Cause Cancer?

Not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil. Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists.”

A superior alternative to canola oil – and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking – is, and has always been, OLIVE OIL. Like canola oil, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol – without the toxic effects of canola. Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying. read more

Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

Students are NOT to leave MAIN EVENT at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. Anderson. Students are required to let Dr. Anderson know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving. DO NOT just disappear. Dr. A will faint and act up in order to get attention. Mrs. A will not be impressed.

Please ask your child if this has been done.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n



The space above left intentionally blank
– much like your future,
if you do not get a good education.

The story of your life will be read by someone’s heart / Words To Avoid / Civil War Museum / Shakespeare

“There is something otherworldly
about our existence here
– something more than matter,
more than the body and mind –
something fundamentally and profoundly abstract.

it is not at all obvious,
indeed scarcely noticed by the great majority of us
as we go about our daily lives.”
Guy Murchie,
The Seven Mysteries of Life


There is a reality that science cannot define.

I have discovered over the years that there are forces at work no one can imagine, and never comprehend. I found such an indescribable power in Love. I found it in the Love expressed through the life of my Mother. Her love abides with me every day. It is the single, most formidable and pervasive force I have ever encountered.

And now I understand that such Love is a universal constant, a Spirit that fills the darkness of the Heavens and the spaces in life. It lives within each of us and is in every living thing.

Marie Anderson

Marie Anderson

It is the reality that science cannot define and yet, is that which everyone seems, instinctively to need. The poets and songwriters know what the realm of physics will never comprehend, that, as Joe Henry so beautifully intones,

“Love is seeing all the universe in one,
in the brotherhood of creatures.
It lives within each part and is the whole.”

My, how my Mother loved her little boy! She taught me in life, and teaches me in death, that love is all that is left. And all that love you keep with you. Each morning I awake from a beautiful journey, as she touches me with the flower of her love in my hand. And, as she takes my hand, I remember her in beautiful dreams that never end. It is a vision of her goodness and it sustains me as I grow old.

My friends, your Love will be the only thing that will remain. Everything else will dissolve, just disappear. In the end, the Love felt by others is all that shall remain. Nothing, no, nothing else will matter. The story of your life will be read by someone’s heart. And that story can go on and on and on. Just as the Love of God is Infinite, your Love can remain.

The reflection of our being is on the other side of this existence. What you do today will be mirrored in other hearts tomorrow. In a very real way, the story of your life begins the day you leave. And only you are the author of this story.

Every day is a page. And every sentence can begin with a smile and end with a warm embrace. Your trace in time is written indelibly.

Let it be a Love story.

Now this is a comfy spot!

Now this is a comfy spot!

Decoding the restaurant menu:
Words to avoid for healthful eating
By Ronda Elsenbrook

Ronda is a registered dietitian at Kelsey-Seybold Clinic. With the Houston chapter of the American Diabetes Association they have partnered together to BEAT Diabetes. Click here to read article.


This is his favorite car, which provides a nice place for a nap.

What we eat at restaurants can cause health issues. Too many carbohydrates, too much fat and too much salt can lead to obesity, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol issues.

Restaurant menus are designed to entice your sense of taste, not tell you whether the foods they’re advertising are healthy.

The worst chain restaurant dishes are:

Fried foods
Calories in restaurant foods
Healthier fast food options

Carter explains his science experiment.

Carter explains his science project.

Restaurant Code Words: Crunchy, tempura, battered, crispy, breaded, crusted, golden, sizzling

If you’re making a healthy choice, you’re probably not purposely choosing a fried food item. Look for words like crunchy, battered, crispy, breaded, crusted, golden, tempura; some of these options are a double-whammy on your caloric intake because the item is fried with an additional carb-based coating.

Fried foods may taste great, but tend to be high in fat and calories – and deep frying robs food of nutrients. A grilled, baked or roasted 4-ounce chicken breast (the size of a deck of cards) will run you about 170 calories, whereas the deep fried selection can pack a whopping 370 calories.

I like this one!

        I like this one!

To make matters worse, many restaurants (usually of the fast food variety) use partially hydrogenated oil because it can be reheated and reused over and over again. Partially hydrogenated oil contains trans fats (the worst of the fats) which raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers your HDL (good cholesterol), leading to a higher incidence of heart disease.

High-sugar foods

We enjoyed our time at the bookstore.

We enjoyed our time at the bookstore.

Restaurant Code Words: Teriyaki, BBQ, glazed, sticky, honey-dipped

Powdered doughnuts may be self-explanatory on a menu, but options labeled as Teriyaki, BBQ, glazed, sticky or honey-dipped could also be high in added sugars. It is wise to ask if sauces of any kind are made with sugar, including salad dressings and vinaigrettes.

This was everyone's favorite sign.

This was everyone’s favorite sign.

Watch out also for meals that are high in carbohydrates. Carbs turn into sugar when they are broken down by your digestive system. The usual suspects are items like pasta, potatoes and rice, but even menu items like “healthy” couscous, quinoa and faro are high in carbs and should be eaten with the same moderation as traditional offerings.

How much sugar is in that drink?

High-calorie foods

Dining at McKinley's is always fun.

Dining at McKinley’s is always fun.

Restaurant Code Words: Loaded, stuffed, creamy, cheesy, gooey, smothered, melted, rich, velvety

It’s funny how adjectives describing foods can elicit Pavlov’s law in even the most rigorous health fanatic. That’s the point. Foods described as loaded, stuffed, creamy, cheesy, gooey, smothered, melted, rich and velvety are triggering a “feeling” that you get when you eat that particular menu item. Don’t fall into the trap!

These “comfort foods” may take you back in time to a simpler place where a gourmet grilled cheese sandwich on brioche could right all of the wrongs in the world, but the one wrong it won’t right is the number of calories packed into one bite.

The new car show was exciting.

The new car show was exciting.

Something described as “loaded” or “stuffed” is going to also be loaded or stuffed with calories — and no one wants to feel like a Thanksgiving turkey.

Eating out costs you 200 calories

Healthier options

Restaurant Code Words: roasted, baked, braised, broiled, poached, rubbed, seared, grilled, steamed, sautéed, spiced, seasoned

Chefs at local restaurants everywhere are catching on that Americans are looking for healthier options when dining out. Restaurants that specialize in foods that are “made-to-order” or that focus on locally sourced foods will likely have more options.

The cars were carefully inspected.

The cars were thoroughly inspected.

Words like roasted, poached, baked or grilled are your best options – just don’t order the grilled 26-ounce rib eye steak. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the menu, and if nutritional information is available, read through and choose the meal that will balance your health with your desire for something tasty.

Shakespeare Review (at school in the afternoon)

Mrs. A and Rylee looked at many new cars.

Mrs. A and Rylee looked at many new cars.

On Friday, 11-14-14 we will meet at the Texas Civil War Museum
(817-246-2323) 760 Jim Wright Freeway (Loop 820).

Drop-off will be at the Museum at 10:00 a.m. Pick up will be at the SCHOOL at 3:15 p.m.

FINANCIAL $8.50 for students & $10.50 adults. This fee funds our docent program, slush fund for confederates reenacting the war and not fully accepting of Robert E. Lee’s surrender, and entrance to the museum This is a group rate. Please pay Dr. Anderson.

 Emergency Tele: 682-777-1908

The BMW i3 was Dr. A's favorite.

The BMW i3 was Dr. A’s favorite.

LUNCH: We will dine at a nearby restaurant. Please provide funds.
GIFT SHOP: Yes! They have a GREAT gift shop with items related to the war we have not necessarily lost!

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirt are required. Polish your shoes, the rebels are recruiting this week. This fabulous museum can be enjoyed by the entire family,

Students are NOT to leave the Museum or restaurant at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, go off to war & whip the Yankees (which also requires a uniform, powder and gun) or use the restroom, without the approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

Sticker Shock.

         Sticker Shock.

MUSEUM RULES * No loud talking, running, or jumping or one of the Anderson school staff will get you. Stay with your chaperone at all times. If Dr. A seems jittery, he has had enough! Just offer him coffee with extra cream.

* Use clipboards for worksheets. Do not lean or write on exhibit display cases or walls or, you guessed it, Dr. A.
* No food, drink, candy, or gum is allowed inside. Give these items to Dr. A., he knows what to do with them (gulp).
* The museum has video surveillance & alarms so don’t be alarmed and please smile.
* They reserve the right to refuse service and rough up those who do not wish to follow the rules of conduct. Now, there are exceptions and one of them is Dr. A. He is a good guy and won’t remember the rules, and he already looks roughed up.


We will return to school following lunch to REVIEW  SHAKESPEARE PLAYS and prepare to vote to select one for performance in the Spring. We will spend the afternoon getting introduced to William Shakespeare and his plays, that we have not previously performed on stage. Our Director, George Rodriguez, will conduct the lesson. Pickup will be at the school at 3:15 p.m.

Nov. 24-28
(Mon.–Fri.) Thanksgiving / Fall Break (Yes, we give thanks for the break)
Dec. 3-5 (Wed.-Fri.) Texas A.G.T. Conference (NO school)
Dec. 12 Visit to a really “Green” off the grid house
Dec. 19 Last Day of Fall Semester
Jan. 23 Fort Worth Stock Show (It was called the FAT stock show. But, Dr. A lost a few pounds.)
April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival (Drama Competition play is “Twelfth Night”)
May 21 Last Day of School (visit Dr. A in the cardiac ward as he recovers from the school year)