Trapped Within The Truth / Liquid Crystal Shells / Prevent Heart Disease / Sept. 4: Classes Resume

We are Reborn each day,
as we rise with the Sun.
But a warmth
rises in our Hearts,
and it is
not from the Sun.

For the Meditations
of the Heart
be Thou the
of His Light
in us.

“Be thou my vision,
O Lord of my Heart;

naught be all else to me,
save that Thou art –

thou my best thought,
by day or by night;

waking or sleeping,
Thy presence my Light.”

Saint Dallan

When Love,
it seems,
is never enough,
it is time to

and not

Understanding and caring
for another,
enables and empowers
to navigate
the hills and valleys
of Life and Love.

                                   It is time to give.

Hearts beat
for one another,
it is the rhythm
we feel
the rhythm of Life.

is a Heartbeat away.
so is death.
Breathe deeply
the Beauty
that abounds
all around.

               The Beauty that abounds.

Click here
for an awakening
(Michel Pépé – Le Berceau de la Vie)
to remind you
of what Life
is really all about.
Erich Segal

“The pain of not knowing what to do
was exceeded only by that
of knowing what I had done.”
Erich Segal, Love Story

There are
theories of knowledge,
that permeate the very
of our Being.

Such is
the Mystery of

My Dear Friends,
is knowing.
Intuition is a knowing.
is a knowing that was,
what you now know
what you do not know
is knowing.
that you never knew
is knowing,
as is
knowing that you
will never know.

“In expanding the field of

we but increase
the horizon of ignorance”
Henry Miller

                 Breathe deeply the Beauty.

we can become
within the Truth.

Plato“I am the wisest man alive,
for I know one thing,
and that is
that I know nothing.”

Plato, The Republic

On one day,
I wanted to
I didn’t know how.
Little did I know,
I did not need
to know –
I did not need
to know

What I did need,
was to feel.
is truly knowing.
William Paul Young

“So many believe
that it is Love that grows,
but it is the knowing that grows
and Love expands to contain it.”

William Paul Young

Every person is connected
to the Eternal,
the Infinite.
Our deepest feelings
connect us to this source.
Seek the deepest part of your Heart,
and learn what it means
to manifest your true self
into this Beautiful

  Something truly Beautiful

As I gain something else
in Life,
something truly
and still in me,
I surrender.
And freedom is formed
from a new moment,
a new perspective,
and I access something more intense:
a new awareness.

I am reborn.

My Dear Friends,
can only be
It cannot be
or defined.
We may never
what Love is.
we come to know
is Love.
“Anyone who does not Love
does not know God,
because God is Love.

Whoever lives in Love
lives in God,
and God in him.”

(1 John 4:8 and 4:16b)

may one day
touch your
and only then,
will you


“When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the Light
Unashamed to have braved the dark.

Though I may not know
the answers,

I can finally say I am free.
And if the questions led me here,
Then I am who I was born to be.”
Tobias Lundgren, Tim Mikael Larsson,
Johan Fransson, Audra Mae

“Young and restless friend,
You’ll never pass this way again.
So drink the summer wine
Reach for the Stars
While you have time.
Your restless heart,
It will lead the way.
So dream your dreams
and live for each day

While you are young.”
David Hasselhoff

Frequent Technology Use
Linked to ADHD Symptoms in Teens

A new study of 2,500 teenagers
suggests that frequent use of digital media
can lead to higher risk
of developing ADHD-related symptoms.

The more teens use social-media networking sites,
video games and streaming services,
the higher their risk of developing symptoms
of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,
or ADHD, a new study found.

The study, published Tuesday
in the Journal of the American Medical Association,
tracked 2,500 teens over two years
and monitored their usage and symptoms.

Click here to read more.

Heart disease kills 2,200 people
in the United States
each DAY.

How to Prevent Heart Disease
read more

Eating Heart-Healthy Foods

  1. Be aware of emerging science.
  2. Boost your intake of foods that contain Omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables that you consume each day.
  4. Opt for whole grains and cut back on carbs.
  5. Keep your portion sizes under control.

Make Other Lifestyle Changes

  1. Lose weight
  2. Exercise for 30 minutes five days per week.

Liquid Crystal Shells

Research led by scientists in Europe has shown the potential of liquid crystal shells as enabling material for a vast array of future applications, ranging from autonomous driving to anti-counterfeiting technology and a new class of sensors.

Liquid Crystals, already widely used in flat-screen TVs, are materials that are in a state between solid and liquid.

Guiding autonomous vehicles

Liquid Crystal shells, only fractions of a millimeter in size so they can easily be applied to surfaces, have several unique properties that could be utilized in engineering: As they reflect light highly selectively, they can be arranged into patterns that are readable for machines, akin to a QR code, adding coded information to objects. “These patterns could be used to guide autonomous vehicles

Tactile feeling for Robots

Additionally, the shells can be manufactured in a way that they change their structure when they are exposed to certain external impacts, such as pressure, heat or specific chemicals. Together with computers to interpret these changes, the shells could be used as sensors, for example as pressure sensors in the fingertips of robots enabling tactile feeling which is currently hard to achieve in robotic engineering.

Get ready!
YOU can be replaced.

Preventing counterfeiting

liquid crystal shells could be used to prevent counterfeiting. The micro patterns that emerge when the shells are brought together are unique.

The very Horizon of our Being.

François Lelord “Knowing and feeling
are two different things,
and feeling is what counts.”

François Lelord,
Hector and the Search for Happiness

Lyrics/songs texts/paintings/articles

are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

© Copyright 1995-2018 The Anderson Private School.

All Rights Reserved

Into the Dreams We Love / Prevent Food Poisoning / Friday: Main Event

“If Life’s essence
is securely hidden,
it may be for a good reason:
should man uncover
many more of its secrets
while he is still Spiritually so immature,
it seems he could do himself
and his world
serious harm.”
– Guy Murchie
The Seven Mysteries of Life
An Exploration of Science and Philosophy


                “Lend me an ear.”                   – William Shakespeare and Mama Bear

There are many stories.
But some
Are never read.
Others never written,
And can never be read.

A precious few are created
As your children
Are tucked in bed,
As you kiss them
On the top
Of their head.

And their stories are written
In dreams they have,
Where they lay
Their little head.


   What we mirror tells a story.

When Hearts speak
Louder than words,
Life drifts into
The dreams we Love,
When we close
Our tired eyes
And meet
Our very best friends,
The ones
Who opened the door
And let you in,
Into their Hearts
And into their lives.
The ones
Like Mom and Dad,
Who kissed you
On top of your head,
Who said without words
Spoken or read,
That Love
Is what we are,
Why we are alive,
And the only thing
That should
Ever be


Hearts speak louder than words.

And all that Love
Enters the fiber
Of their Being,
As they become
A person
Who lives for tomorrow
And Loves today.
Who tells a Love story
Written with a smile,
That sounds like a song,
A story they share
In waking dreams,
Over and over again.

bears 2

Love enters the fiber of your Being.

My Dear Friends,
The Nobility
Of the Spirit
Resides within.

“And you shall Love
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.”
– Mark 12:30

We each are clothed
In reflections
All around.
What we mirror
Tells a story
Not our own,
But it is there.
It is to be.
And it remains
For all to see,

And what appears
Speaks so loudly,
No one can hear
What voices say,
For this language
Is beyond the horizon
Of who we are,
What we see,
What we can even imagine
Shall ever be.


Who kissed you on top of your head.

It is the language
Of God’s Love
For you
And for me.

And it lives
In the
Dreams we Love,
In reflections all around,
In the mirror
Of our lives,
In a story
That becomes
Our own.

Accept the Love of God.
Let your life be
A Love Story.
Let it be.
Let it be.


We each are clothed in reflections all around.

is now available to help
prevent food poisoning.

For your information:
is now available.

Over 200 diseases can be spread
through the food we eat.
In the U.S., there are over 200,000 cases
of food borne illness every day.*
Over 100 volatile organic compounds
are emitted by decomposing beef, poultry, and fish.
Bacteria that causes food borne illness
can make you sick
before food looks, smells or tastes bad.



By popular demand we will visit Main Event, 4801 City Lake Blvd. East (817-292-5555) at 10:45 a.m. on FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 2016. Pick-up will be at 2:30 p.m.

At 10:45 a.m. we will spend a few minutes getting our bowling shoes on and getting ready for one hour of bowling (starting at 11:00 a.m.) Our youth group special also includes lunch (2 slices of pizza and a medium soft drink), 1 hour of bowling, one hour of Video Games and $10.00 video game card & tax. Laser tag is NOT available at this time. Please pay $18.00 to Dr. A. Exact change is a Blessing.

Uniform pants with a belt & red monogrammed school shirts and polished shoes are required. PARENTS/GUARDIANS/FRIENDS are always invited to participate on our study/fun trips. Students without shirts tucked in, polished shoes, and belts on will not be allowed to participate.

Pick-up will be at the Main Event at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive late, we will have departed with your child(ren) and will return to school. Please Do NOT drop your child(ren) off early or without Dr. or Mrs. Anderson present. Please let us know if you will be late.


What we mirror tells a story.

                            Does Canola Oil Cause Cancer?

Not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil. Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists.”

A superior alternative to canola oil – and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking – is, and has always been, OLIVE OIL. Like canola oil, it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce “unhealthy” LDL cholesterol and boost “healthy” HDL cholesterol – without the toxic effects of canola. Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying. read more

Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

Students are NOT to leave MAIN EVENT at any time for any reason, including the need to secure a ride, without the knowledge and approval of Dr. Anderson. Students are required to let Dr. Anderson know when your ride has arrived and with whom you are leaving. DO NOT just disappear. Dr. A will faint and act up in order to get attention. Mrs. A will not be impressed.

Please ask your child if this has been done.

A . n . d . e . r . s . o . n



The space above left intentionally blank
– much like your future,
if you do not get a good education.