The Greatest Gift / Flowers Watered by Tears

“You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.”
Edgar Allan Poe

We do not know
if in Life
we dream,
or if our dreams
are real,
and they dream us.

But we do know
if Love is planted,
even in a shallow way,
its roots will deep entwine
and one day

Those in Love
are never apart.
What you feel
will never depart.

      Give them the lingering Sunsets.

If you have been
the only one
you are thinking of,
try to cast away
your mask of clay,
and come to realize
you were never
all there was
to be.

My Friends,
do not
just leave your children
in your will.
Leave them the will
to Love and Live.
Give them the lingering Sunsets
of your precious smiles,
the ability to walk
in your shoes
for many, many miles,
and the memories
of moments past,
that last
and last
and last.

Memories of moments past.

Children live
in a natural state of wonder.
They pay attention
to every detail of
Life and Living.

What fascinates you about life?
If nothing,
then you are living,
but not alive.

My Dear Friends,
truly fascinating things are constantly happening.
Every day,
every moment of every hour.
Pay attention
to everyone and everything
around you.
Your trip
to the grocery store
will only keep you alive.
It is not
The errand you are running,
is running you.
The time you waste,
is never wasted.

Put down the telephone.
Turn off the addictive
Turn your gaze away
from cold, unfeeling sights.
Go outside.
This is your HOME.

Wander aimlessly.
Listen intently.
in His Wisdom,
is calling your name.
A songbird
sings it,
over and over again.

Let a flower
pick you.
Give it
to someone
in need of Love.

            Let a flower pick you.

There are many,
walking barefoot by a lonely river
of tears,
near a grave
to be.

Human nature
is God’s Love
in you and me.

A fascinating mystery of Life
walked right by you.
Did you notice?
Did you look closely?

                       This is your home.

You cannot be Loved,
if you do
for someone to Love.
just gather in the wind,
until you worship them,
and kneel,
and bring them home,
and thank Almighty God
for saying

did not pass you by.
His Love was gently
waving in the

“Let your mind start a journey
through a strange new world.

Leave all thoughts
of the world you knew before.

Let your Soul take you
where you long to be.”
– Andrew Lloyd Webber

How can you turn your nature
into the Human nature
it longs to be?

Most of the things
we pay attention to
are illusions.
They do not teach us

                                   Did you notice?

Become as a Child again.
Be Fascinated with everyone
and every Living thing.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying,
“Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them,
and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Whoever humbles himself like this child,
he is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”
– Matthew 18:1-4

Thank God
for the fascinating mystery of Life
that is

Your Life
begins again,
every day you realize
you are alive,
you are Loved
and in Love
with everyone and living thing.

The greatest Gift


“Where love is planted
oh there it grows It grows
and blossoms like a rose.
It has a sweet and pleasant smell
No flower on Earth can it excel.”
– traditional Folk Music

“While on my lonely couch I lie,
I seldom feel myself alone,
For fancy fills my dreaming eye
With scenes and pleasures of its own.
Then I may cherish at my breast
An infant’s form beloved and fair,
May smile and soothe it into rest
With all a Mother’s fondest care.

How sweet to feel its helpless form
Depending thus on me alone!
And while I hold it safe and warm
What bliss to think it is my own!

And glances then may meet my eyes
That daylight never showed to me;
What raptures in my bosom rise,
Those earnest looks of Love to see,

To feel my hand so kindly prest,
To know myself beloved at last,
To think my heart has found a rest,
My life of solitude is past!

But then to wake and find it flown,
The dream of happiness destroyed,
To find myself unloved, alone,
What tongue can speak the dreary void?

A heart whence warm affections flow,
Creator, thou hast given to me,
And am I only thus to know
How sweet the joys of Love would be?”
– Anne Brontë

Flowers Watered by Tears
click here to read full story
The next time you lift a glass or a can filled with so much regret, so much unbearable pain, so much loss of life and precious love, say a prayer for the now nameless millions who have gone before you and left behind a landscape that resembles nothing but misery and death.

Please remember that as you wander further and further down into this valley of the shadow of death, you are taking your loved ones with you. Alcoholism is not a singular disease. It is always accompanied by other victims. It is a social disorder on a magnitude and scale that defies definition. It envelopes and destroys entire families, your other loved ones and friends, and frequently, many others that were simply going down the highway at the same time. Each year the number is in the millions. But the numbers do not matter as much as you do. They are insignificant to those who love you, if you drown in the sea of apathy and alcohol.

The consumption of alcohol frequently leads to a portrait drawn of the loneliest place on earth, a graveyard. And the flowers, yes, those flowers, are not what they seem. They are watered by the tears of the deeply loved and lost. They never blossom in the warm sunlight of tomorrow. They died. Their lives were stolen, along with all the precious dreams.
read more

Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research.
Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit,
educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.

Lyrics/song texts/paintings are property and copyright of their owners
and provided for educational purposes.

From This Moment On / Eat Your Way to a Longer Life / Friday: At School Today


Joyful Living,
you know that I am.
You were there in my time,
held me
by the hand.

And as seasons of living
moved across
the landscape of Life,
the persistence of memory
was keeper
of my flame.

define Life:
or together,
in joy
or in pain.


            Take in the Light of Love.

In this Garden
of what was Eden,
grow beautiful flowers.
Some we picked today,
to give
to tomorrow.
These were for
not sorrow.

And in the midnight hour
of all the time
dreamt into Life,
we stand joyfully
to take in the Light
of Love.

Discovering and claiming
something you Love to do

has an amazing susan_bialieffect on your entire life.
It’s like a tiny perfect raindrop landing on a previously smooth, unremarkable expanse of water. The instant the drop arrives, beautiful waves of ever-enlarging rings flow across the entire surface, spreading out virtually
to infinity.

– Dr. Susan Biali, M.D.

Being a child
is easy to do,
be you
twenty one,
or ninety two.
To suffer no more
agony or pain,
to be happy again,
steer the Ship toward
your childhood dreams,
and come Home
from whence you came.

“I tell you the truth,
unless you change
and become like little children,

you will never enter
the Kingdom of Heaven.

whoever humbles himself

like this Child
is the greatest in the Kingdom
of Heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4

girl-and-sunset-bHome is where
the Heart of a Child
down by
the Riverside,
by the Sacred Waters
of Life.

“Listen easy.
You can hear God calling,
walking barefoot
by a stream.”
– Neil Diamond

The Good Lord
dreamed you
in a far different way.
Loved you
into being.
The Thought of You
was in His Warm Embrace.


              God is light.

My Friends,
it never gets dark
in the Light
of God’s Love,
are never gray,
never stays.

“God is light,
and in Him
is no darkness
at all.”
1 John 1:5

We marvel
at the Light
filtering through the
on a beautiful Spring day,
like Love
filters through the Spring
of our lives.


          We marvel at the Light.

When you call
God’s Name,
it’s like going

Dear Friends,
we need to look after the welfare
of people all around us.
Jesus did.
He never took
the easy way out.
He did not avoid people
and the troubles they had.
He walked into
the direction of others
and He helped them out.


   In Him is no darkness at all.

is a mystery.
But the tyranny of tears
may be torn from pages
in the Book of Life.

begats forgetful,
not regretful.

Let a Prayer
take you there,
where time
does not exist,
where you
are never alone,
never in pain,
never ashamed,
where you stand
to Love
everyone and everything.

             Life is a Mystery.

Every Heart
beats imperfectly.
Every mind
cannot always clearly

But know,
that you are precious
beyond worth.

“You are precious in My Eyes …
and I Love

Isaiah 43:4a

Who you were born
to be
is a Sacred Child,
held momentarily
by Mother Earth,
and Forever
by the Father
of Infinity.



           Where time does not exist.

Eat Your Way to a Longer Life oo

By Krisha McCoy
Reviewed by Lindsey Marcellin, MD, MPH

Researchers have found that some foods in particular do have superior disease-fighting properties that can make you healthier. Regularly incorporate some of these healthy foods into your diet, and the health benefits they deliver may stick with you for a lifetime.

bb1. Salmon
2. Blueberries
3. Yogurt
4. Sweet Potatoes
5. Spinach
6. Green Tea
7. Tomato Pastesp
8. Dark Chocolate
9. Oatmeal
                                     read more


Copyright Disclaimer – Section 107 – Copyright Act 1976,
allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship,and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of “fair use”.


     He Loved you into Being.