The Single Gift Of Tomorrow / Ginger Kills Cancer Cells / Friday: Butterflies in the Garden Exhibit


Dedicated with all my Love
to little Abigail Jones.
Abby’s story
brings tears to my eyes,
to those who are hopeless,
peace to those facing terminal illness
and encouragement to those
facing life’s uncertainties,
read Abby’s story here

is a Beautiful dance
of joy and grief.”
– Erika and Stephen Jones
(Abby’s precious Mother and Father)

Their story of Love and Courage and Faith
Has inspired me
To share the following
With you.

butterfly 1

Unimaginable Beauty abides within.

With each dawn
Of each new day,
Looks into the face

Of a newborn child,
Filled with Hope,
Blessed by Grace.

Each dawn
An infinity of possibilities,
An endless list
Of songs to sing,
A Universe of ideas
To explore
And a measureless landscape
Of Heartfelt emotions
To enjoy
Or endure.

Countless Blessings
God brings.
They are truly
Unbounded, enduring
Everlasting and undying.
Looking with only
Our lonely eyes,
We see so very, very

The signposts
Of our memories,
In dreams
Ne’er placed in bed,

Show us the ways
We have been.


Our lonely eyes see so very, very little.

And as all thought
Of sorrow
Seeps from your veins,
And sadness
Brings you
To your knees,
You need but remember

The Life God gave,
As He
The Dream You are,
Child of
Everlasting Love.

My Precious Friends,
Only the Fire of Faith
Lights the path

To lead you out
Of the darkness
Of doubt.

As the storms of Life
Scatter the dreams
Of the night,
Know that
Unimaginable Beauty
Abides within
The Sacred
Being you are.


Each dawn births an Infinity of possibilities.

The unfolding journey of Life
May seem at times
A hopelessly tragedy.
But moments of joy
Can far outnumber
Moments of sorrow.
By the Loving Grace of God
That you beseech and implore,
The choice becomes

“Happiness held
is the seed;

happiness shared
is the flower.”
– John Harrigan

You are, my Friend,
A Living Library.
You hold the history

Of the Universe
Within your Sacred body.
And in your mind,
Is the chapter
You write today.
But your Heart
Possesses a wealth untold

Of Beautiful emotions
Which connect you

To Tomorrow
In a Spiritual way.

sun 2

The storms of Life scatter the dreams.

 Realities merge,
When what we’ve done,

By the Grace of God,
We undo
In forgiving,
And being forgiven,

God looks into the face
Of a newborn child.
Every child of God
Is like the Golden Dawn
Of each new day.
He Graciously gives
What is given,
And is woven
Into the Fabric
Of our new awakening,

sun 3

                  Realities merge.

My Friend,

Are that child.
And God
Looks into your face
With each newborn day,
As the Promise
Of your Dawn
Begs of such Beauty
That may be found
In the Magnificent
Sunrise of your precious

Yours is the Sunlight,
  And the Morning.

With each dawning
Of each new day,
Are born again
Into a world
That can be filled
With all the Love
You are,
And all the Love
You will ever be.


Happiness shared is the flower.

Stretch out your arms.
Embrace everyone
You see.

Open wide your Heart.
A new world
Filled with all the Love
Of a Father
For His newborn

God is,
Above all things,
A Loving Parent.
And you,
His deeply Loved

All the Miracles
Of the Cosmos

Are poised
In Revelation
With each new day.

Your Life
Can be
Ever giving,
When your Love
Has found its meaning

I Pray
That you are guided

Life ever Loving,
And Love
Ever giving.


Or is it really,
Good Morning!


The Fire of Faith lights the path.

“The essence of God
Is so transcendent
it cannot be described,
except with reference
to what it is not.”
– The Kabbalah

                           is a powerful anti-cancer medicine
New research reveals that ginger is such a powerful anti-cancer medicine that it kills 10,000 as many cancer cells as chemotherapy. And unlike with chemo, ginger doesn’t kill you in the process.

Besides slowing down cancer, ginger was proven to be effective for over 100 other ailments, including diabetes, osteoarthritis and chemotherapy-induced nausea. Another good reason why you should definitely try it is the fact that it comes with virtually no side effects. Unlike chemo, ginger acts like as a remedy. Chinese medicine started using it to treat patients over 2,000 year ago.   read more here

On Friday, March 11, 2016 we will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Botanic Garden & Conservatory, 3220 Botanic Garden Boulevard – located in the Garden Center Building, (Telephone: 817-871-7686) for the BUTTERFLIES IN THE GARDEN EXHIBIT scheduled for 10:15 a.m.

Lunch will be at a nearby eatery at approximately 12:00 p.m. Following lunch, at 1:00 p.m. we will have a self-guided tour (you know, wander aimlessly) on the Nature Trail in the Rose Garden. Dress for the weather.

BUTTERFLIES IN THE GARDEN EXHIBIT is hosted by the Fort Worth Botanic Garden, Fort Worth Garden Club, Fort Worth Botanical Society and the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.

FINANCIAL: Admission will be free for children 2 and under; $6 for ages 3-12; $10 for ages 13-64; and $8 for seniors (65+). Please pay Dr. A.

Please provide funds for lunch today. Parents/Guardians/Friends, etc. are encouraged to join us for the tours and/or lunch.

Pick-up will be at the entrance to the Rose Garden at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive late for pickup, we will have departed with your child(ren) and we will return to school  Please Call if you will be late.

STUDENTS are NOT to leave the Conservatory, Restaurant or Rose Garden at any time or for any reason, without the knowledge & approval of Dr. or Mrs. Anderson.

March 11 Butterflies in the Garden Exhibit at Fort Worth Botanic Garden
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 15 (SUNDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 16-20 Adventure Trip to Little Rock, Ark. May 20 Last Day of School
(See William’s Weblog at for trip details (posted Wed. at 7:00 p.m.)

“Don’t cry because its over.
Smile because it happened.”
– Dr. Suess


Moments of joy far outnumber the moments of sorrow.