The Plural of Infinity / Spring Adventure Trip / Twelfth Night Photos


Unbridled Love

          Dedicated to the memory of
          Oskar and Emilie Schindler

Oskar and Emilie saved upwards of 1,200 Jewish men, women and children from the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Gross-Rosen during the Holocaust. Today there are more than 8,000 descendents – the precious children and grandchildren.

Emilie Schlindler

Pure Grace

The story of their lives bears witness to a rare purity of goodness, love and compassion. Together they were truly inspiring evidence of courage and human decency during the evil of the Holocaust.

They spent millions to feed, protect and save people. It was everything they possessed and Oskar died penniless. But their existence on this Earth became something of the Eternal. Their Love transcended space and time in ways we shall never understand. Today they are remembered for real courage and rare compassion in a world of unbelievable brutality and evil. And their legacy is simple and powerful and pure. It is Love. And only Love is real.

My Dear Friends,

You, too, are a Savior.
And you are more than One,
The many of One,
The Plural of Infinity,
The Divide of None.

“Whoever saves one life,
saves the world entire.”
– the Talmud

One is the Gift
God benevolently bestowed in you.
But silent and unseen,
The Gift of your being,
Is Infinite in Virtue.
Far, far more than you think you are,
Not apparent to eye or mind,
Your Love outshines the brightest Star.

“Silent and unseen God comes,
but with infinite power and love –
with a love for you
beyond your comprehension.”
– Mother Teresa

oskar grave

The Savior and the Saved

You are here and everywhere,
Now and Forever,
The Savior and the Saved,
Treasure more than precious,
Forgiver and Forgiven,
An Infinite Trace
In the Sacred space
Of Heart and Mind,
Creation of Pure Grace,
Child of Perfection,
Beloved, Embraced.

Your unbridled Love
Harbors the Fleet of all Nations,
When wide the gate is open,
And One Heart
That beats for another,
Goes forth with courage to save
One who is other,
And makes many of One,
Sister and Brother.

“To see a world in a grain of sand,
and heaven in a wild flower;
to hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.”
– William Blake


Sacred above all others

For you are
The Plural of Infinity,
The Divide of None,
Everlasting to Everlasting
In Love,
Sacred above all others,
Or Above.

You harbor the Fleet of all Nations,
In the Infinite Space
Of a Heart filled with Love,
And Abundant with Grace.


What a Paradise Love is

To Love and be so Loved
And never be let go,
Is to know
What a Paradise Love is,
Cradled by the warmth of Two hearts aglow.

In your heart so afraid of waking,
In Soulful yearnings yet undreamed of,
Reach for the warm Embrace of God
In the arms of One
You Love.


You harbor the fleet of all Nations.

And as two hearts beat as One,
In the Infinite endlessness You feel,
You will
Come to know,
Only Love
Is real.


“Learn to see,
and then you’ll know
there is no end
to the new worlds of our vision.”
– Carlos Castaneda

Hill Country, here we come!

Trip 1

It is time for our Spring Adventure Trip, and we are headed to the TAPATIO SPRINGS RESORT (read more) nestled in the heart of Hill Country on 220 acres. We will breathe in the fresh country air, get inspired by big skies, swim, ride horses and perfect our golf swing. It’s all about fun and making memories. Tapatio Springs has awe – inspiring views, and experiences we have been craving.

trip 2

The itinerary is susceptible to change. Lunch and dinner will be additional expenses, but we ask all students to order from the children’s menu, which is reasonably priced.

We will gather at the school on MONDAY, May 18, between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m., to load suitcases, backpacks, etc. into the vehicles making this trip (and confabulate, sign forms, reminisce about past adventures, tell jokes (please bring some good ones), etc.

Departure for the resort is at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 19, from the McDonald’s Restaurant, at the corner of White Settlement Road & Clifford Street. Those planning to have breakfast should arrive early.

trip 3

We plan to return between 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. on Friday. We will call parents/guardians approximately 1-2 hours prior to our anticipated arrival. Please check with Dr. Anderson to be sure he has ALL current telephone numbers to reach you. It is CRITICAL that we be able to contact you in case of an emergency.

Our sincere gratitude to Gina Moreland for planning this wonderful experience. Thank you!

Adventure trips are an integral part of the curriculum, and
ALL students are expected to participate and join in the fun.

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Photos from the Anderson School production of
Twelfth Night
by William Shakespeare
performed at
Stage West Theater
and Directed by George X Rodriguez
May 4 & 5

My sincere gratitude to Alexander Anderson for his kind assistance in filming and assisting with photographs and so many other needs. And my appreciation to Nick Meagher for video taping the play. Thanks to your efforts it will be made available for everyone to view soon. More still photos may be viewed next week on this weblog. And thank you Amy Oliver, kind as ever, for sharing the beautiful photos. We will continue to place these on this weblog.

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