Beyond What We Will Ever Comprehend / How to Keep Your Children Safe / Websites for the Gifted / Friday Trip: Tour of F. W. Stockyards

“I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying,
I love you.”
What a Wonderful World


Far beyond what we will ever comprehend.

lets us rejoice
in the very few moments
we share together.
It alone truly makes us
happier human beings.

It is the one thing
that genuinely makes us
Everything else
creates the illusion
of joy.

And that illusion
does not last long,
does it?


Everything else creates the illusion of joy.

“If you can’t handle me
at my worst,

then you sure don’t
deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe

Love can inflame the entire world
confined within a heart filled soul.
It alone is the vibrant force
that breathes the will to be,
into our fragile, faintly beating


It is the one thing that genuinely makes us happy.

Love is
what we live for,
what we require,
what we dream of,
what we earn,
what we want
after all we have done
is over.


Love may cease to grow and wither on the Vine of Life.

Left to the devices
of mere mortals,
we fragile human beings,
filled to the brim with
acute innate limitations,
may find Love
devolve into the irrational.

evolves over time,
for nothing stays the same.

Inured to its own
fragrance of being,
Love may cease to grow,
and wither on the Vine of Life.
And the fruit of Love
blended with disbelief,
can easily evolve
into madness,
mayhem, misery.


We are the Loving Creations of a Loving Creator.

Its reason for being –
seemingly perplex,
a puzzlement, paradox,
beheld by our narrow, limited senses,
and viewed from one dimension over
from what we think it is,
like the sides of bell
from which the self-same song will ring,
like the poles of our home on Earth,
different sides
of the very same thing.

“A paradoxical truth we may conclude
is that sense in general is not only
life’s bridge to the world
but also its inexorable cloud
that veils and distorts reality.”
– Guy Murchie


    Love inflames the entire world.

The precious Love of
one person for another
can forfeit comprehension,
and with its own Mystified vision,
belie our poor power
to know,

The way to transcendence
of such Flowering Folly
lies in the evolution
of our acceptance
of the Spiritual Being,
of the Greater Love
that dwells within.


He gave us His Life. And more than Life, His Love.

American author, poet, and philosopher
Henry David Thoreau
became aware of forces
beyond his senses.
They whispered to him
of the abstract nature
of our world.

“I perceive that I am
dealt with by superior powers.
This is a pleasure, a joy,
an existence which I have not
procured myself.
I speak as a witness on the stand,
and tell what I have perceived.”
– Thoreau

We are the Loving Creations
of a Loving Creator.
And His Love
is also far beyond
what we will ever comprehend.


        Love is what we live for.

“Surely there is Mystery in this Universe
Not only somewhere and somewhen
but everywhere everywhen
And far beyond the scope of man’s feeble
Capacity to comprehend.
For man, puny, mortal and finite,
As he is in the nether phase,
Is permitted to visualize neither an end to space
Nor space without end;
Nor can he even grasp a start or a finish of time,
Nor any sort of beginning that has no beginning
Nor any end that has no end.”
– Guy Murchie


Ever will you be there for them, over and over again.

Such Love as God feels for us
shall never find an end,
for the end of that
which cannot end,
does not exist.
Even when the possibility
of human understanding exceeds its reach,
and reason feigns to align with description.
For there can never be
a way to transcend
the depth of God’s Love
for you and me,
or the Love
that abides in our
precious and fragile Hearts
for each other.


There are two pillars of happiness.

Love is God
in Name,
in His Design,
in His Desire
for your Life.
It is the essence of
“I am
that I am”.
(Exodus 3:14)

And your admission that
“You are
that you are”
is also
a statement of
God’s Love.

For you are


The vibrant force that breathes the will to be.

When God breathed breath
into Adam,
He gave us His Life.
And more than Life,
His Love.
Now it is
your Life,
your Love,
and your Sacred Time
be in Love
with Life.

“When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there, singing out my name.”
Who I Was Born To Be

And how much
does love
contribute to happiness?

Harvard University’s Grant Study
spent 75 years
trying to answer that
seemingly simplistic
but vexing question.

Psychiatrist George Vaillant,
conducted a study for years
to determine how much love,
or the lack of love,
contributes to our happiness.


In the morning light it scattered the Night and made the Day worth living.

His conclusion:
“Seventy-five years
and twenty million dollar$ later,
in an expensive (and priceless) realization,
the Grant Study came to a simple conclusion:

is Love

Isn’t it funny
how we keep searching
for the Great Truths,
that can so easily
be found in the
Word of God.

“It was only a sunny smile,
and little it cost
in the giving,
but in the morning light
it scattered the Night
and made the Day
worth living.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald


To lift them up when they fall.

Vaillant stated:
“There are two pillars of happiness:
“One is Love.

The other
is finding a way
of coping with life
that does not
push Love away.”

sun rise

To find Love is a simple thing.

Yes, my Friends,
research proves what we have suspected:
Love is the key to a
happy life.

You can be financially successful,
possess many, many things,
be in good physical health,
make astounding accomplishments,
but without a Loving relationship
to help you in life,
and celebrate life’s brief moments,
you simply will not find the happiness
you seek,
the happiness
you deserve.

“We are all happy,
IF but we knew it.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Without Love,
without discovering
the Infinite Love
that dwells within,
my dear Friends,
you shall surely
never have lived.


To light a path and open your precious Heart.

“The happiness you have
is in direct proportion
to the Love
you give.”
– Oprah Winfrey

To find Love
is a simple thing.
Close your eyes,
ask your Father
in the Heavens Above,
whose Heart is filled
with Love for you,
who dwells within,
to show you the way,
to light a path
and open your precious Heart
to be,
“I am”.


     And witness from afar . . .

He will not deny
His Child.


Ask your Father in the Heavens above.

And like your children
one day,
if you truly Love them,
you will set them


Open your precious Heart.

And witness
from afar,
and watch them
as they grow
farther away.


If you truly Love them, you will set them free.

And as they find
they still need you
and ask you,
as a Father, Mother, friend
to help them once again,
to lift them up when they fall,
to share your Love
one more time,
Ever will you be there
for them,
over and over again.
For the Love you feel within
grows until you think
it is the end,
when Love is really
being born

For God’s Love,
like yours,
never dies.
Love is reborn
over and over again.


Light a path and open your precious Heart.

                                   How to Keep Your Children Safe
click here for more
1. Teach your children that snakes, spiders and bees are not necessarily dangerous, but should be respected from a distance. In reality, animals such as cats and dogs are much more likely to harm your child, so respect for all animals must be taught.

2. Keep your children within sight while in public places.

3. Choose a babysitter carefully. Have a criminal background check conducted. Contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services for information.

4. Explain and show your children how to Dial 911 in case of an emergency. This could save YOUR life.

5. Instruct your child to stay with a group.

6.Teach your children safety rules on play equipment, such as climbing on monkey bars and swimming pools. Although it can be fun for them, it can also be dangerous.

7. Teaching your children about right and wrong will also help to keep them safe, especially in their teen years.Teach them the complexities of the real world, though – few things are black & white.

           Recommended Websites for Parents of the Gifted & Talented:
Davidson Institute
Hoagies’ Gifted Education Page
National Association for Gifted Children
PG Retreat

SENG (supporting the emotional needs of the gifted)
TAGFAM Project: Families of Talented and Gifted

For Friday Jan. 15, 2016

We will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the Fort Worth Stockyards Station, 130 E. Exchange Avenue in Fort Worth, –Telephone: 817-625-9715.

The history of the old west comes alive when we our Mule Alley, The Cowtown Coliseum and the historic Livestock Exchange Building. On the Cattlemen’s Catwalk we will see the original pens and a panoramic view of the area. Quanah Parker and Bill Picket are characters whose stories will come to life.

The cost for the walking tour is $4.50 each for students and $6.50 each for adults. Please pay Dr. Anderson, this is a group rate.

At approximately 11:30 a.m. we enjoy lunch at a nearby eatery and then return to school.

PICK UP will be at the Anderson School at 3:00 p.m.

Jan. 15 Tour of Fort Worth Stockyards
Jan. 18 (MONDAY) Martin L. King Holiday
Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show
Feb. 1  Deposits Due for 2016-2017 school year
Feb. 15 (MONDAY) President’s Day Holiday
March 4  (1:00 PM) Stolen Shakespeare Guild Monologue and Scene Competition at the Fort Worth Community Arts Center (we have three young ladies competing in the finals)
March 14-18 Spring Break Holiday
March 25 & 28 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday)  Screening of Hamlet, starring Benedict Cumberbatch at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1  Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet)
May 16 (MONDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 17-20 Adventure Trip
May 20 Last Day of School

My sincere gratitude to brother Bill Kincaid for the wonderful Parenting in the Wilderness Photographs featured in this weblog. Thank you!


Ask your Father in the Heavens above to show you the way.

Love’s Never Ending Journey / Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies / Love’s Gentle Way / Trip – T.B.A.

“When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the light
Unashamed to have braved the dark.

Though I may not know the answers
I can finally say I am free.
And if the questions led me here
Then I am who I was born to be.”

In Momentary Sunlight.

We are all from the Garden Of God’s Bountiful Love.

I believe that the nature of our reality
leads us to a threshold of understanding.
That Love is all there is.
– T. S. Eliot

As we explore the nature of this existence,
Of our being,
We may find reality to be
Incomprehensible, perplexing, unbelievable.
In our minds,
And in this space,
We may think we have arrived,
Before we started.
Perhaps, we have.
Is this Love’s
Never ending journey?

Our timeless friend, poet and philosopher,
T. S. Eliot
Posits this poetically:

“We shall not cease from exploration,
and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started
and know the place for the first time.”


Have we arrived before we started? Or is this Love’s never ending journey?

In looking back,
We remember
The beautiful lives
We have been privileged
To discover
On this perilous
Journey of life.
And we may come
To understand
Why so many people
Along the way,
Loved us so much,
And why we came
To Love each other.

Poets and writers of song have always known why.
They have understood
The true nature of our reality.
They have felt, deep inside the fiber of their being,
That Love draws us together,
Enables us to survive,
Defines us,
Keeps us vibrant and alive,
Keeps the planets in their orbits
And the stars twinkling above.

“Humankind cannot bear very much reality.”
T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets


       This Love has no beginning. It has no end.

Such is the nature of the Love
We feel coming from us.
But in reality,
Love flows through us,
Unconditional, Pure in Spirit, Everlasting,
From Heaven Above.

It takes a lot of Love
To overcome the evil we meet along the way.
But Love, only Love, can prevail.
Somehow, I feel that we do as we should,
When we reach deep inside our hearts
To feel the pain of others,
And understand that a vision of Goodness
Is the only thing that will sustain us.
Now I know there is no greater Good,
Than to give Love from oneself to another,
To someone that Love
Seems to have abandoned.

God could have stayed outside your Heart. But in He came.

God could have stayed outside your Heart, but in He came.

There is enough Goodness in one heart
To fill another.
There is enough Love in every heart,
In your heart,
To give a flower of God’s Love
To everyone you meet.
Together, we form a Breathtakingly Beautiful,
Fragrant Bouquet,
From the Garden
Of God’s Bountiful Love.

These Flowers, from Heaven Above,
Are a Gift from God,
To everyone, everywhere
And everything below.


      The Story of God’s Love is very plain to read.

“Love is most nearly itself
When here and now cease to matter.”
T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Your heart is incredibly beautiful,
And the most fascinating part about you.
Share the beauty with everyone,
And every living thing around you.
For we are all one and the same,
Here and nowhere in the same moment.

“Before I formed you in the womb,
I knew you.
Before you were born,
I set you apart for my holy purpose.”
Jeremiah 1:5

The Story of God’s Love
Is very plain to read,
Each page begins with you,
And it will never end.

The Story tells the Truth.
Your Love was formed
In the Mind of God,
Love here, now and everlasting.
So close your eyes and feel the Warm Embrace.
Open your arms and feel your Heart race,
Let it beat wild and free.
For the Heart that beats within
Is a Heart not even yours.
It belongs,
And has always belonged,
To another.

Brief at best,
The lives we live
Are God’s Bequest.
And the story of our lives,
Is no story at all,
Without feeling and caring,
Without sharing
The Everlasting,
Stunningly Beautiful
Gift of Love
From God.

bird's eye

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.                                                                          – Socrates

“Driven by the forces of love,
the fragments of the world
are seeking each other,
so that the world may come into being.
Teilhard de Chardin

Physical Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies
from our friends at

No ordinary Turkey and I.

No ordinary Turkey am I.

Heart: Irregular heart beat may indicate a magnesium deficiency. High blood pressure can be remedied with lots of ascorbic acid and L-lysine daily. General heart health can be bolstered with CoQ10 or Ubiquinol.

Here‘s a comprehensive coverage of heart health herbs and supplements for heart health. And there’s of a breakdown of the herbs here.

Thyroid: A swollen throat, poor or slow digestion, and general sluggishness from hypothyroidism may be improved by adding iodine supplements or iodine-rich foods from seaweed.

Red scaly skin on face near nose: This may be a sign of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) deficiency. Supplement with B-complex vitamins or organic bee pollen granules. Make sure you’re eating enough whole grains, eggs and dairy. Plant-based foods include spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, avocados and nuts. B2 helps activate the other B vitamins.

Mouth and tongue: Pale fissured tongueiron deficiency; sore painful fissured tongue – vitamin B3 (niacin) deficiency; sore burning tongue and lips or lips peeling – vitamin B2 deficiency; painful sore tongue with a smooth appearance – folate (B-9) deficiency – avoid synthetic folic acid.

Nails: White spots or ridges usually indicate low zinc. Soft or brittle nails usually demonstrate a magnesium deficiency.

I think the Goat wants out.

I think the Goat wants out.

Low energy, anemia: Vitamin B12 is the vitamin for these signs. Make sure that you use methylcobalamin sublingual tablets or skin patches only and include the other B vitamins as well.

Skin: Cold hands doesn’t always indicate a “warm heart.” It can indicate hypothyroidism (iodine deficiency) or low magnesium levels. Excessive spontaneous bleeding can be from insufficient vitamin C and/or vitamin K.

There are different quality levels of vitamin and mineral supplements. But if you visit the orthomolecular website, you’ll see how the right supplements at the right amounts can replace pharmaceuticals. Sources for this include:
Learn more:

NaturalNews Press Release: A Texas patent inventor has launched a collection of 3D-printable objects that function as key components in a non-electric, home-based food grow system that can be operated for pennies. The story of the invention – as well as the 3D-printable parts – is available at the non-profit website.

The Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow Box grows enormous quantities of food without using electricity or soil. It requires no weeding and uses no pumps, motors or complex parts of any kind. It grows highly-nutritious, mineral-rich foods using about 1/20 the water of conventional agriculture and about half the space of soil gardening.

My hero, Mike Adams, also known as the “Health Ranger,” developed the system based on the work of Professor Kratky and gives away the 3D-printable parts via downloadable files at Adams is also distributing DIY videos that instruct people on how to build their own systems using inexpensive parts and common tools.

All the 3D-downloadable parts are available now at:…

Pre-built systems are offered for sale and the t-glase filament needed to print out the parts is also available at

“The Maker movement is about empowering people with innovative, grassroots solutions that can substantially improve the quality of their lives,” Adams explains. “This Food Rising Mini-Farm Grow System allows people to produce their own mineral-rich, better-than-organic foods for mere pennies.”

In The Garden of My Rosie’s Love

AROUND SCHOOL 005As I enter her garden,
I find myself all alone.
The place I gently lay her down to sleep,
I marked with my heart,
Shaped in stone.

The softness of her gentle eyes
I carry with me day by day,
Pressed against so many memories,
For that is Love’s
Gentle way.

The way goodbye reveals itself,
To be, to stay alive,
To give those left behind
The will to live,
To thrive.



Somewhere in time,
We will meet again.
For you are still alive
my Heart waits for you.
And Love, our Love, will survive.

Thank you.

We will be at school working on our Shakespeare production “Twelfth Night” with Director, George Rodriguez.
School starts at 8:30 a.m. and Pickup will be at 3:15 p.m. at the school.

Feb. 1 Tuition Deposits were Due for 2015-16
Mar. 6  C.P.R. & First Aid Training for all students & staff at school
Mar. 9 – 13 Spring Break Holidays
Mar. 20  Museum of the Americas (in Weatherford)
April 3 & 6 (Fri. & Mon.) Easter Holidays
April 28 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
(Drama Competition is “Twelfth Night”)
May 1 Tuition Due for 2015-16
May 4 & 5 (Mon. & Tues.) Anderson School Theatrical Production “Twelfth Night” At Stage West Theater – Come and join us.