Deep Wells, Eternal Springs / Cancer and Milk Thistle / Truth About Cancer / Important Dates

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There are deep wells
of Wisdom,
Eternal Springs
of Knowledge
that can nourish
your mind,
bring Peace
to you fragile Heart
and heal your

These vast Reservoirs
of Wisdom
reside in poetry and song
that God provides in order that
you and I
may flourish and thrive
and become passionate
about the precious Gift of Life,
share it with others
and pass it on.


                   God provides.

Love may be found
in the symbols
of communication
we hear and read
and share.
But meaning,
my Friends,
is taken TO
these symbols,
Not FROM them.
emanates from within,
not from without.
This significant understanding
harbors a fundamental
The inspiring and beautiful
words and passages
we read and hear
can unlock
Hearts and minds
and truly reveal
what lies within.
And what may be found,
was placed there by God,
and it is truly Beautiful!


Shade them from the harshness of what lay ahead.

In every Religious and Spiritual Tradition
we find the same precept
– that life’s ultimate Truth,
its Treasure,
resides within us.

My Dear Parents,
such Treasure lies deep within
the Heart and mind of your child.
But a child on its own,
will never discover it,
never realize
the Sacred Beauty
that resides within –
Not without you.
Only you
can unlock the precious mind
and fragile Heart
of your child.
And the Key
may be found
in your Heart,
revealed in Loving words,
the gentle tone of your voice,
kind deeds
forgiving ways.


A child wants guidance.
Craves the knowledge
that YOU care enough
to provide the structure needed
for survival.
When children internalize our guidance
they become “self-disciplined.”
And the most effective “discipline”
for your child
is always
and gentle.

Yes, a child WANTS
Believe it or not,
when given in a Loving manner,
it says
in a LOUD, unmistakable
and Eternal way.


           It says “I LOVE YOU”.

The softer the voice,
the louder
the message.

“Speak softly
and hold me
in your Heart.
And as I hear these words,
truly Loving moments
– Wm. C. Anderson

Don’t just shout NO.
“No, my Love,
that soft drink
will KILL you.
And you will suffer immeasurably
along the pathway to death.
It’s called


Come to understand what Love really means.

your child,
more precious than
everything else in the Universe,
will get mad at you
for pouring that sugary soft drink
down the drain,
will live long enough
to forgive you,
and come to understand
what Love
really means.

“Do not provoke your children to anger.”
Ephesians 6:4

The greatest of the
Reservoirs of Love
and strength and knowledge
comes from
the Word of God.

“Train up a child
in the way he should go:
and when he is old,
he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6


       The horizon of our being.

I am asked
from precious time to time,
“What do think my child
needs from me,
wants of me?”

My Dear Friends,
your child, literally,
wants to fly with you
across the sunrise
of each shining day,
to walk with you
hand in hand,
to hear so very many stories
you have to share,
to sing a song of Life
with you,
to laugh out loud
so hard
they cannot breathe,
to sit beside you
and enjoy the graceful beauty
of God’s sun setting
on the horizon of our being,
to be close beside you
with a campfire warming
body and Spirit alike,
to live inside
the warmth of many smiles
that shade them
from the harshness
of what lay ahead,
what is so very dark


Healing within always comes from without.

your precious baby,
growing or grown,
wants YOU,
not all
the mind cluttering things,
objects to lose or lost,
the misplaced mayhem of
mind boggling and mischievous
moments lost in the nether world
of technologies bought for naught.

Within the Heart
and mind
of every child,
is an empty
space to fill,
as vast as the whole Universe,
as void
as any nothingness
you could possibly feel.


What may be found was placed there by God.

If the truth
be told,
your Heart can
be made
to never, ever hurt again.
And how is this done?
By Loving another
far, far more
than you ever Loved
Healing within,
always comes
from without,
from another
in need.

How can your thoughts
be of you,
if they are infinitely focused
upon someone you Love,
someone other than thee.
The Human mind
can think of ONLY one
at a time.
So stop thinking
about yourself,
and get some
Peace of Mind.


          Sidestep the illusion

And yes,
if Wisdom should,
perchance or by happenstance,
sidestep the illusion
of your ego,
Loving God
will provide a Blessed Gift
of healing from Above,
and the Dove
of Peace
will alight upon
your troubled Heart.

2 sun

“Only love can break a heart. Only love can mend it again.”  – Gene Pitney

We are not here
to change one another,
to bend each others will
to our way,
to steal away the fire,
share the night
without the day,

is a Flower,

you’ve got
to let it grow.”
– John Lennon

All your child’s world
will hear
as the sound of your voice
echoes soft and clear,
is Love,
no longer held by the fear
of unknowing if your Heart
is near.

Love blossoms evermore when
the thoughts of your child
are beside you.

The greatest wellspring
of inspiration
I have ever known in song
I wish to share with you.
I play this beautiful piece
almost daily,
to remind me
of what is truly significant
in Life.
I invite you to listen with me
to the inspired thoughts
and lyrics of Randy Sparks,
performed by John Denver.
I Pray
these beautiful words
will also Bless you.
click here.


        Get some Peace of Mind.

“Having a baby
redeems everything!”
– Garrison Keillor

We were not meant
to be lonely,
life is not merely
pleasure or pain,
or rain.
Each nurtures the other,
with night
comes the Morning,
Flowers follow
the rain.


   The colors of our vibrant Love.

Our tears of Thanksgiving
really are
that falls upon the soil
of Hearts,
no longer in pain.

“I Love You”
is the same
as a Flower
Loves the rain,
Loves the sunlight
of each new day,
Loves blossoming
to say
Life and Love
can both be born

“Even that which is broken
with Love can be mended again.
All the things that you fear,
at the most they mean nothing.
All the sorrow and sadness
can just disappear.”
– John Denver


Your child wants to discover
a new beginning with each shining day,
and give to each moment
without condition.

And when the end is here,
and it will surely come,
your child will thank you
in Prayers
to God Above,
for letting
“me be me”,
thank you
for being you.


More than this you cannot give.

The colors
of our vibrant Love
are as bright
as God’s Love
from Above.
And more than this
you cannot



“Parents who overemphasize
are more likely to have kids
with high levels of depression, anxiety,
and substance abuse
compared to other kids.”
– Eric Barker

Merrick Rosenberg
more clearly stated it:
“When our strengths
are exhibited at extremes,
they become our weakness.”

moderation in ALL things,
even moderation.”
– Benjamin Franklin

                                        Cancer and Milk Thistle
Encouraging studies are promoting the use of silybin as a way to alter the cell cycle of certain types of cancer. Silybin is the most potent ingredient in silymarin, the compound responsible for the health benefits of milk thistle. Although studies are ongoing, silymarin’s role is promising. Early reports show that silymarin affects cancer cells by disrupting the signals to multiply and invade healthy cells.

Silymarin may also:

Slow the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervical, and prostate cancer.
Reduce the toxic effects of chemotherapy drugs
Offer protection to the kidneys when using Cyclosporine, a drug diagnosed primarily to prevent transplant rejection. This medication is often used in the treatment of various types of cancer. (But, it may also affect cyclosporine’s effectiveness.)
Inhibit the formation of blood vessels that surround tissue in order to feed a malignant tumor, known as angiogenesis.

In addition, silymarin has been known to improve the efficiency of chemotherapy drugs such as cisplatin and doxorubicin in the fight against ovarian and breast cancer. This research is ongoing, but silymarin is beginning to garner respect from the scientific community as a potential weapon against cancer.

Since the process of extracting silymarin from milk thistle was developed in the 1980s, it has been easier to produce supplements that are more potent. Though milk thistle has not been evaluated and approved by the FDA, the most commonly recommended dosage is 200 mg to 400 mg twice per day. The herb can also be taken as a tea, but most people who take milk thistle prefer the supplement. If you prefer the tea, the dosage is 12 to 15 grams of the dried herb infused in warm water.

Check with your healthcare professional before adding milk thistle to your diet, since there is a risk of severe allergic reactions in people with an allergy to flowers such as ragweed, marigolds and artichokes. Pregnant women and children should avoid milk thistle since its effect on this population has not been confirmed as safe for this population.
– read more

And from my Dear Friend Gina:

Episode 1 of “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”

Click above and you’re going to find out “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” in this powerful first episode!

Just a couple things you can expect to discover:

– The true history of chemotherapy and how the original “chemos” were based on the mustard gases of the World Wars.

– Proof that corruption and fear are being used to enslave cancer patients

– Meet doctors who have been persecuted and destroyed for curing cancer

– And much more!

                                     THANK  YOU  Gina!

The information on this website is presented for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that we are practicing medicine. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of this material to any specific situation.

No statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. Any product mentioned or described on this website is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you purchase anything through a link in this email or website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything.


“As you continue
to send out Love,
the energy returns to you
in a regenerating spiral.
As Love accumulates,
it keeps your system in balance
and Harmony.
Love is the tool.
And more Love
is the end product.”
 Sara Paddison

Important Dates
Sept. 6  First Day of Fall Semester
Oct. 10    Columbus Day Holiday
Nov. 19-25     Fall Break Holiday
Dec. 20 – Jan. 4  Christmas Holiday
Jan. 5    First Day of Spring Semester
February 20  Presidents Day Holiday
March 13-17   Spring Break Holiday
April 14 & 17   Good Friday & Easter Monday Holidays
May 22 – 26     Adventure Trip (All Aboard!)
May 26             Last Day of Spring Semester