How Fragile the Threads of Life / The Art of John D. Cogan / Spring Break This Week

Dedicated with my deep admiration
and appreciation
to Dr. John D. Cogan,

my Dear Friend of many years
and a truly gifted artist.
Our school is Graced
with his inspired paintings.
Thank you John,
for a life filled with Blessing
all those around you
in sharing your vision
of God’s
unbelievably beautiful World.

John earned a Ph.D.
in experimental physics
from Rice University.
He decided early in life to follow his heart
and has been an artist, painting landscapes
and wildlife and other subjects,
mostly in acrylic, since 1982.
He is listed in Who’s Who in American Art.

One man’s art
does what Man in another life
could never do.

See what happens
When you follow your

click here to view John’s beautiful work


“Break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein.” – Isaiah 44:23    Art by John D. Cogan

How fragile the thread of Life,
How delicate
The dance of the living,
How Beautiful
The Heart
Of the Loving.

Gossamer and fine,
The threads that bind
All things living,
While I,
In the Sheltered Arms
Of God,
Am sleeping.
We are bound to our bodies
with the fragile threads
Of this Earth.
And threads of Love
Connect us to each other.

“The strongest Love
is the Love
that can demonstrate
its fragility.”
― Paulo Coelho

Brightly shinning
As our Star,
Only God can make Life
Endless day
Of endless night,
Bringing near
What is afar.

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Only in the Loving Nurture Of God’s Nature.    – Art by John D. Cogan

In the whisper
Of raindrops
Falling ever so gently
Upon my window,
As the birds
In their trees
Are comfort seeking,
And dreaming
Of singing
In the bright morning light,
My Heart also hears
Comforting words,
Found only
In the Loving Nurture
Of God’s Nature,
From One
Who truly Blesses
This Life,
Who Anoints our Sacred Soil
With His tears of Love that fall,
To sustain the fragile threads of Life,
And birth the Dignity
Of us all.

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Feel His Spirit so strong, as your Soul takes flight.     – Art by John D. Cogan

I cannot imagine
A more Beautiful,
A more comforting way
For you to know
That God truly Loves you,
Than to listen
To the perfection of song
In the silence of the night,
And feel His Spirit so strong,
As your Soul
Takes flight.

“Remember what peace
there may be in silence.”
Max Ehrmann

My Precious Friends,
When Life has seemingly
Lost all meaning
To God’s thoughts be listening,
And free you shall become
By the Precious Words,
Kind and compassionate,
A Sacred Call
From the Voice of One
Who Loves us all.

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   To God’s thoughts be listening.            – Art by John D. Cogan

And as Hope
In a Heartbeat returns,
You are set free
By the One
Who shall not look
Through you,
But see within,
To find the Heart
In which He
For He is there,
Waiting patiently
For you
To discover
All the Love
Alive in you,
His Love,
To give
To someone else
In need.
For Love
Comes not from you,
Through you
From God above.

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A fragile dance of Hearts ever mending.     – Art by John D. Cogan

“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow.
Though they are red as crimson,
they shall be white like wool.”
Isaiah 1:18

In the moment
I feel
The Spirit of God
In me,
I glimpse Eternity.

 Gently close your tired eyes,
Dim the lights of this Life,
Forgo the moment,
The confusion
Of so much illusion,
And softly whisper
A simple prayer,
For He is there.


Only God makes Life endless day of endless night.    – Art by John D. Cogan

Holds you
In Warm Embrace.
Look no further
Than your precious
He is there,
And everywhere.

“Heavenly Father,
are you really there?
And do you hear and answer
Every child’s prayer?
Some say that heaven is far away,
But I feel it close around me
as I pray.”
– Janice Kapp Perry

Life is a fragile thread,
Like the light of a candle,
That can flicker away,
Like the reality of dreams
We remember not.
Any gust of wind,
Even a whisper,
Ill or no,
Can make the flame
Of Life sway
And go.

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Feel His Spirit so strong, as your Soul takes flight.      – Art by John D. Cogan

Who knows what lies
In tomorrow.
We have not the vision
To see,
Save the blending
Of joys and many a sorrow
In a fragile dance,
Of Hearts ever mending.

“God is light,
and in him
is no darkness
at all.”
– 1 John 1:5

A life of fulfillment
We find
In coming to know
That God is Light,
In Gracefully forgiving
What is wrong,
And humbly accepting
What is right.


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  God is Light.    – Art by John D. Cogan

“There’s a place for us,
somewhere a place for us
peace and quiet and open air,
wait for us SOMEWHERE.”

– Stephen Sondheim

March 25 & 28
(Friday & Monday) Easter Holiday
April 6 (Wednesday) Screening of Hamlet at The Modern Art Museum (11:00 am)
April 29 Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 1 Tuition Due for 2016-2017 school year
May 2 & 3 (MONDAY & TUESDAY) Annual Anderson School Shakespeare Production (Hamlet) at Stage West Theater
May 15 (SUNDAY) Preparation for Adventure Trip
May 16-20 Adventure Trip to Little Rock, Ark.
May 20 Last Day of School
(See William’s Weblog at for trip details (posted Wed. at 7:00 p.m.)

Here’s What 4.5 Thousand Years
of War Looks Like:

click here


“Consider the sheep of His fold,
How they follow where He leads.
Though the path may wind across the mountains,
He knows the meadows where they feed.”
– Roger Hoffman

michael jordan