We Are But One Moment in Time / Disease Prevention / Friday: Shakespeare Rehearsal at School

We are
but one moment
in Time.

In the Wilderness
of our fragile and Sacred Lives,
are Miraculous conditions that have
fostered Life
and protected us
on this Beautiful blue
Pearl in the

We live in a World
of very fragile and

And as we pause
to admire all the Wonder of
a Beautiful Sunset,
or the simplistic elegance
of the pale Moon in flight,
we can feel
our Souls expand
in the Worship of
our Creator,
and the Magnificence
of His Day
and Night.

“Beauty is Truth,
Truth Beauty,’
– that is all
Ye know on Earth,
and all ye need to know
John Keats

It is such Beauty
that can make one cry.  
The Music of the Spheres
can become Worlds of Knowledge
found in all things.
And in the eyes of those
that come to Truly know,
the Light of God’s Wisdom
will glow.

And what
do we leave behind,
if not the Wonder,
then not His way,
if not His Way,
then tears
and fears
and the ways
of wars.

“We live in a Wonderful World Jawaharlal Nehru
that is full of Beauty, charm
and adventure.
There is no end
to the adventures
we can have if only we seek them
with our eyes open.”
Jawaharlal Nehru

My Friends,

we are enabled to exist
with precisely what we need,
to give us what we must have
to support our Lives.

Let go of your worries and fears,
and Trust in the Lord,
who deeply Loves
much, much more
than you shall ever

Our Heavenly Father
has provided what we need.
Our Beautiful Home
spins in the vastness of an Ocean
of deep Space
that is our Universe.
all the Blessings
 of your precious Life
And give Thanks
to the One
to whom
we owe everything.

are Beautiful.
above all things
on Earth,
are an absolutely amazing
piece of Creation.
are a Child of God,
and God
is Love.
are Love.

My Dear Friends
is the only power
capable of spinning Worlds
into existence.

are Blessed
with the Supreme Love and Light
of God
and His Goddess.

I invite you
to read His Holy Word,
which will reveal itself
to YOU
as a precious Moment
in Truth.

Out of Love
He created us.
His Love
is ultimately for those
who have accepted His Truth –
Truth which alone
comes from God.


“To hear never-heard sounds,
To see never-seen colors and shapes,
To try to understand the imperceptible
power pervading the world;

To fly and find pure Ethereal Substances
That are not of matter
But of that invisible soul pervading reality.
To hear another Soul and to whisper to another Soul;
To be a lantern in the darkness
Or an umbrella in a stormy day;
To feel much more than know.

To be the eyes of an Eagle,
slope of a mountain;

To be a wave understanding
the influence of the Moon;

To be a Tree
and read the memory of the Leaves.

Dejan Stojanovic

Disease Prevention

click here for more

Female doctor checking blood pressure with stethoscope and sphygmomanometer

A monthly update filled with nutrition news and tips from Harvard experts – all designed to help you eat healthier.
Sign up here.

Chronic diseases —including heart disease,stroke, diabetes, and cancer – account for some of the most common health problems in the United States, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Yet many of these chronic diseases are preventable, as they’re linked to poor diet and lifestyle choices including tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and inadequate physical activity.

The CDC reports some sobering statistics about Americans:

  • Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability.
  • 70% of annual deaths are due to chronic diseases.
  • These preventable conditions not only compromise quality of life, they add to rising health care costs—75% of our health care dollars are devoted to treat these diseases.
  • Among adults ages 20 to 74, diabetes remains the leading cause of kidney failure, blindness, and non-traumatic lower-extremity amputations.

The good news is that you have the power to help prevent chronic disease, as making positive diet and lifestyle changes can help reduce risk.

Eating healthy foods, getting enough exercise, and refraining from tobacco and excessive alcohol use confer numerous health benefits – including possibly preventing the onset of chronic diseases.

Anderson Private School
School Calendar

Second Semester  Jan. 7 – May 22
Feb. 7 (Friday)                          Shakespeare Preparation at School
Feb. 17 (Monday)                     President’s Day Holiday
March 9 – 13                             Spring Break Holidays
April 10 & 13 (Fri. & Mon.)        Good Friday and Easter (No school)
April 28 (Tuesday)                    Trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival
May 18 (Monday)                      Preparation Day for Adventure Trip
May 19 – 22                              Adventure Trip
May 22                                      Last Day of Semester
Dr. & Mrs. Anderson may schedule 2-5 additional days
(to be announced later) for In-service Training.
Visit our website at
for updated information.


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